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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Goodsprings general store
FNV Goodspr Chet Ext
FNV Goodspr Chet Int
Icon building
Part ofGoodsprings
QuestsGhost Town Gunfight
Cell NameGSGeneralStore
ref id001057f1
GS general store loc

The Goodsprings general store is the general supply shop for Goodsprings in 2281.


As a general store the place – obviously – sells anything people are willing to purchase.[1] Chet – who owns and operates the business – will obviously sell guns, armor, weapon mods, and other basic items.

However, the main reason the general store manages to stay in business is the Goodsprings' production of Bighorner meat and hide and its sale to traders. As most travelers heading south on in the I-15 just push on towards Primm unless they're in desperate need of supplies.[2]


Outside the front entrance is a Mojave Express dropbox. When you enter the building, there will be two small pillar like bookshelves in the main room, along with some shelves, and a small back room. An armor chest can be found by the bottom of the counter.

Notably, there is a Nuka-Cola Quantum banner hung up in the store. Just where Chet got it or how is never elaborated upon.

Notable loot[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The store is one of the few locations in the game to use the ticking clock ambient sound effect.
  • Goodsprings General Store is a real world location, existing within the town of Goodsprings in Clark County, Nevada. The location was renamed Ghost Town Cafe in 2017, although the welcome sign still reads "Goodsprings General Store".


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The lone toolbox inside of the general store is actually flagged as belonging to Miguel in Westside, not Chet. As such, the player can steal from it with impunity.


Goodsprings general store appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. General store on Wikipedia
  2. The Courier: "Does Goodsprings get many visitors?"
    Trudy: "Mostly traders looking to buy Bighorner meat and hides. The traders are the main reason the general store manages to stay in business. Most travelers heading south on in the I-15 just push on towards Primm unless they're in desperate need of supplies."
    (Trudy's dialogue)