The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Goodsprings gas station
22380 20180720141147 1
22380 20180723160637 1
Icon building
Part ofGoodsprings
Cell NameGSGasStation
ref id00109038
GS gas station loc

The Goodsprings gas station is a location in the Mojave Wasteland. It's all that remains of the Goodsprings franchise stop of Poseidon Energy.


The gas station is much like any other in the wasteland, thoroughly scavenged by Goodsprings prospectors. All that remains of the stop is a googie overhang, store, and Poseidon sign outside. The coolant distribution machines are long gone, and the last customer, a pick-up truck, rusts patiently in the garage. A barely-functional Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machine outside is the only sign of life.

The store is a mess, filled with overturned shelves and whatever goods Ringo salvaged from the caravan and hid away inside. His bed is hidden behind the counter, near an Easy-locked floor safe underneath. The interior cannot be accessed until Ghost Town Gunfight or Run Goodsprings Run is started, as Ringo has been hidden away inside by the townsfolk, to protect him from Joe Cobb.

The gas station is effective player housing, as the floor safe does not respawn, and the location contains a bed for that Well Rested bonus.

Notable loot[]

  • Boxing Times: Left of the middle shelves in the back.
  • Doctor's bag: On the floor between the shelves. on floor in between left and middle shelfs.
  • Floor safe: Behind the counter, under the mattress.
  • Duffle bag: Next to the safe.
  • 40 9mm rounds: Under the cash register. This is the only owned item and will cause Ringo to go hostile if collected.


Goodsprings Gas Station appears in Fallout: New Vegas.
