The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Goodbye from H2-22
Fo4 Holotape
QuestsMemory Interrupted
Editor IDRRM02_H22GoodbyeHolotape
Base ID000a8c1e

Goodbye from H2-22 is a holotape in Fallout 4. The holotape involves a synth's goodbyes to the few friends that he had made since escaping the Institute, knowing that his memories are about to be replaced, and that he will soon forget them.


It can be found at Memory Den after progressing through The Railroad quest line.



H2-22: The doctor said I could say goodbye. I've decided... to have the operation. I know I'll lose all my memories. I don't want you to be sad. I... I have nightmares. And this world, the SRB, being hunted. I just can't handle it. Everyone says I'll be safer if I start a new life. I know I'll be happier. My only regret is I'll forget... Old Man Stockton. High Rise. And you. Looking back, there's only fear. Worse than fear. But I will miss my new... friends.

Doctor Amari: It's time, H2.

H2-22: I... uh... Thanks.

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