Attacks on sight Aggression: Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight. Assistance: Helps nobody: Will not help anyone. Confidence: Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.
Salamanders native to Maine that found themselves drastically altered by both the nuclear fallout of the Great War, as well as the persistent radiation of the fog, these creatures have not only grown exponentially, easily towering over most humans.[1]
One of the rare creatures found on the islands of Maine, the gulpers are analogous to deathclaws. Like their reptilian cousins, they keep the natives constantly in fear, as they are shown as having no issue with assaulting the local homesteads and towns. They share their special attacks and animation set with the deathclaws, making them foes not to be taken lightly under any circumstances.
The glowing gulper is made more dangerous by the fact that it has a rad field, constantly irradiating the player in close quarters.
↑Far Harbor loading screen hints: "Mutated from a species of salamander, the Gulper continues to grow throughout its life. The largest are also the oldest and deadliest..."