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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Giant rat
Fo Render Rat
LocationNew California
VariantsCave Rat
Tough Rat
Radiated Rat
Tough Radiated Rat
Mutated Rat

Gaint rats are mutated creatures in Fallout and Fallout 2.


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Belonging to the superfamily Muroidea, giant rats are the result of Forced Evolutionary Virus.[1] They vary greatly in size, from ones the size of a cat to ones larger that the average human, like their mole rat cousins. Their greatest asset is their agility, which they use to quickly get the better of their prey and attack with their large incisors.

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Fallout 2
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Cave Rat[]

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Name (Proto ID)StatisticsDT/DRAbilities
Cave Rat FalloutGametitle-FO1
Experience pointsIcon XP
Health pointsIcon heart
Healing rateIcon healing
Armor classIcon shield bronze
SequenceIcon sequence
Action pointsIcon action
MeleeIcon melee
ChanceIcon chance
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: NormalIcon damage
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: LaserIcon laser
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: FireIcon fire
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: PlasmaIcon plasma
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ElectricalIcon electrical
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ExplosiveIcon explosion
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: EMPIcon EMP

Tough Rat[]

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Name (Proto ID)StatisticsDT/DRAbilities
Tough Rat FalloutGametitle-FO1
Experience pointsIcon XP
Health pointsIcon heart
Healing rateIcon healing
Armor classIcon shield bronze
SequenceIcon sequence
Action pointsIcon action
MeleeIcon melee
ChanceIcon chance
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: NormalIcon damage
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: LaserIcon laser
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: FireIcon fire
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: PlasmaIcon plasma
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ElectricalIcon electrical
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ExplosiveIcon explosion
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: EMPIcon EMP

Radiated Rat[]

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Name (Proto ID)StatisticsDT/DRAbilities
Radiated Rat FalloutGametitle-FO1
Experience pointsIcon XP
Health pointsIcon heart
Healing rateIcon healing
Armor classIcon shield bronze
SequenceIcon sequence
Action pointsIcon action
MeleeIcon melee
ChanceIcon chance
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: NormalIcon damage
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: LaserIcon laser
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: FireIcon fire
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: PlasmaIcon plasma
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ElectricalIcon electrical
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ExplosiveIcon explosion
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: EMPIcon EMP

Tough Radiated Rat[]

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Name (Proto ID)StatisticsDT/DRAbilities
Tough Radiated Rat FalloutGametitle-FO1
Experience pointsIcon XP
Health pointsIcon heart
Healing rateIcon healing
Armor classIcon shield bronze
SequenceIcon sequence
Action pointsIcon action
MeleeIcon melee
ChanceIcon chance
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: NormalIcon damage
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: LaserIcon laser
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: FireIcon fire
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: PlasmaIcon plasma
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ElectricalIcon electrical
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ExplosiveIcon explosion
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: EMPIcon EMP


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Name (Proto ID)StatisticsDT/DRAbilities
Rat Fallout 2Gametitle-FO2
Experience pointsIcon XP
Health pointsIcon heart
Healing rateIcon healing
Armor classIcon shield bronze
SequenceIcon sequence
Action pointsIcon action
MeleeIcon melee
ChanceIcon chance
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: NormalIcon damage
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: LaserIcon laser
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: FireIcon fire
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: PlasmaIcon plasma
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ElectricalIcon electrical
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ExplosiveIcon explosion
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: EMPIcon EMP

Mutated Rat[]

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Name (Proto ID)StatisticsDT/DRAbilities
Mutated Rat Fallout 2Gametitle-FO2
Experience pointsIcon XP
Health pointsIcon heart
Healing rateIcon healing
Armor classIcon shield bronze
SequenceIcon sequence
Action pointsIcon action
MeleeIcon melee
ChanceIcon chance
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: NormalIcon damage
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: LaserIcon laser
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: FireIcon fire
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: PlasmaIcon plasma
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ElectricalIcon electrical
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: ExplosiveIcon explosion
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: EMPIcon EMP


These giant rats appear in Fallout and Fallout 2.


  1. Fallout Bible 1
    Fallout Bible 0: "3. Are the radscorpions a product of the FEV virus? When you talk to the doctor, Razlo, in Shady Sands, he tells you that they were once American Emperor Scorpions but that he has no idea how they mutated because radiation alone couldn't have done it. For that matter, what about all of the other creatures of the wasteland? Which ones have been mutated by FEV and which ones haven't? Maybe in the bestiary each creature could have a stat that shows it's level of FEV infection."
    • The radscorpions are a result of a combination of radiation and the FEV virus, and Razlo in Shady Sands is correct - they were originally Emperor Scorpions that have grown... big.
    • FEV-Infected Critters in the wasteland include almost all the ones you've seen in F1 and F2:
      Most species of rats.
      Gecko lizards.
      Various varieties of plants, including the Venus Flytrap.
      Rumor has it some dogs were affected, but no one's seen any, so for now that's just rumor. Of course, the centaurs are a mash of human, dog, and various other parts... but hey, who knows how that mutation came about. Grey was probably messing around in one of his labs.
    • Creatures not mutated by FEV probably did not survive the aftermath of the Great War, with the possible exception of cockroaches... and perhaps normal ants, though there are FEV-infected versions of these species.
    • No one knows where those bird noises in Vault City came from.
    • I'll try to include a chart of FEV-infected creatures in future additions as well as other critters that you may not have seen in F1 and F2. Most likely a great majority of insects were affected (they tend to breed much faster, and their mutations tend to become evident pretty quickly as the generations advance), possibly beetles, some spiders, cockroaches, and other creatures."