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Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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General store
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Map MarkerGeneral Store
QuestsTourist Trap
Cell NameNVDLC02ZionStore (enterior)
NVDLC02SecZGStore (exterior)
ref idxx009425 (interior)
xx006d2d (exterior)
TerminalsGeneral store terminals
Gametitle-FNV HH
Gametitle-FNV HH

The general store is a location in the Zion Canyon.


This long time general store has been serving the Zion Canyon since, at latest, the 2280s. Once open Monday through Saturday, 7AM until nightfall, this store took orders from tourists for gear and supplies. Most notably the Lil' scout lunchboxes for the a scout unit.[1]

It was prosperous venture, however, but not without its mishaps. In 2057, Horace Applebaum, the proprietor, wrote to his shipping company about the—three weeks late—shipment of De-Luxe Mountain Man All-In-One Survival Kits that the store was out of.[2] Despite the E-Mail to Mandy (in all probability the receptionist), the survival kits weren't delivered. Instead, one month later, receiving crates of Dinky the Dinosaur(TM) Officially-Licensed Dino-Action Dolls. Having no other alternative he filed off the trademarking so he could turn them around as kiddie souvenirs and make a few bucks, taking a major loss in capital.[3] Especially since the store was still selling those toys two decades later. It's safe to assume that he ceased using that company for his products.


As soon as you enter the store, you will be confronted by three random low level animals, i.e. mole rats or Zion mantises. Immediately in front of you is a cash register with the general store desk key, which unlocks the average locked desk in the back office. There is a silenced .22 pistol (which is in perfect condition) on the counter, along with two of the five Li'l Scout lunchboxes needed for the quest Tourist Trap.

Behind the counter is the Zion National Park snow globe, which, as with all add-on snowglobes, will automatically give you 2000 caps. Out from the counter is a vending machine with some Sunset Sarsaparilla. In front of that is a shelf with many crafting items, and then an aisle with many food items. Heading back towards the entrance are many toys (none can be used). In the crates past the shelf next to the toys, is another Li'l Scout lunchbox. There is also some Nuka-Cola and whiskey on the shelf behind.

In the office out back, there is another Li'l Scout lunchbox behind a broom in the locker. On the top of the same locker is an ammunition box. In the average locked desk (can be unlocked, however, with the key in the cash register) is the final Li'l Scout lunchbox, which should complete one half of Tourist Trap. On the desk is a very easy terminal with articles on a shipping error, a bus tour, and more shipping troubles.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


  • Humorously, the store manager continues to complain on the terminal about a missing shipment of survival packages, complete with everything you need to bring to Joshua Graham in a selection of quest, including a compass, two walkie-talkies, and a first aid box.
  • The toy cars in the box near the door are much larger than normal.
  • There is a chance of a giant cazador spawning when you exit the building.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Megan Parks handled asset creation and implementation for the location.[4]


The general store appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.

