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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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General Jingwei's uniform
General Jingwei's Uniform
Icon Chinese officer jumpsuit
General Jingwei's uniform
DR25Item HP999,100
(Dirty) Chinese jumpsuit
base idxx00c1ca
Chinese general hat
DR6Item HP99,915
Chinese commando hat
base idxx00c1c8
Gametitle-FO3 OA
Gametitle-FO3 OA

General Jingwei's uniform and the Chinese general hat are worn by General Jingwei inside the Anchorage Reclamation simulation in the Fallout 3 add-on Operation: Anchorage.


The uniform is a reskinned version of the dirty Chinese jumpsuit from the main game and offers a damage resistance of 25, significantly higher than both the Winterized or standard Chinese jumpsuits. It additionally only weights 2 pounds.

Like the Winterized jumpsuit, it lacks any kind of bonus and has abnormally high durability. Likewise, the Chinese General hat sports a higher damage resistance and item health than the Chinese commando hat.



  • It is found on General Jingwei; however, since the Anchorage Reclamation simulation doesn't allow one to loot bodies, the uniform cannot be obtain without console commands or exploits.

Related quests[]


  • If obtained via the glitch on the discussion page, it will be named "Chinese jumpsuit."
  • It has a better damage reduction-to-weight ratio than Maple's garb, giving it the best in the game.
  • It will appear as a normal winterized Chinese jumpsuit for female characters, as it was only intended to be worn by male characters (Jingwei).

