The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For an overview of mine models used throughout the Fallout series, see Mine.
Gas bomb
Gas bomb
Gas bomb icon
SkillExplosives 50
Strength Req.1
Attack statistics
1 (1.2) + 80 (143.2) ExplosionIcon explosion + 2 for 5s EffectIcon effect
Crit Dmg
Crit % Mult
0.3 (0.6)AP24
Item HP50
Editor ID?
Base IDxx00c45d
Perk Effects
Perks (dam.)
Demolition Expert
( +48 ExplosionIcon explosion)
Lord Death
(+0 +3.2 ExplosionIcon explosion)
Bloody Mess
(+0.1 +4 ExplosionIcon explosion)
Thought You Died
(+0.1 +8 ExplosionIcon explosion)
Perks (Att.)
Heave Ho!
Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

The gas bomb is an explosive weapon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


The gas bomb is constructed from a sensor module rigged to a pilot light that, when strapped to a fire extinguisher, creates an improvised explosive incendiary device. It is thrown a short distance when placed, instead of being dropped nearby like other mines. Like all other placed explosives, it cannot be used in V.A.T.S.

The weapon functions like other proximity mines when placed by the player, and will burst into a ball of fire and shrapnel, setting the target ablaze and causing explosive and fire damage. The explosive activates when a land-based target approaches within 4.6 feet[1] and detonates in a 28-foot[2] radius after a three second timer. The target's explosive skill (or lack thereof) can determine how long the countdown actually lasts.

The ghost people seekers that walk the villa use these explosive device frequently. Internally, ghost people use a separate version of the gas bomb that functions as a large, short ranged grenade; it detonates on a 2.5 second timer and does not require a target to enter any sort of proximity to the bomb.


1 Gas bomb
Note: this item is also craftable via a dialogue option with Veronica, or with ED-E (with at least 1 rank of the Camarader-E perk).



  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The gas bomb is not affected by Pyromaniac.
  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Gas bombs use energy resistance instead of fire resistance.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Gas bombs do not ignite leaking gas pipes or other flammable sources.


  1. 100 unit proximity, 128 units = 6 feet.
  2. 600 unit radius.