The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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For other characters in the Fallout universe named Gary, see Gary.
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Fallout 3 locations project
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Gary's Galley
Fo3 Rivet City Gary's Galley
Icon section
Part ofRivet City
OwnersGary Staley
QuestsA Nice Day for a Right Wedding
Cell NameRCHangar
ref id0002107f

Gary's Galley is a diner located in the Rivet City market. Owned and operated by Gary Staley and his daughter, Angela Staley, it serves the merchants and their clientele, as well as other inhabitants of the Rivet City carrier.


The galley is located inside the last stall in the hangar, just after Rivet City Supply, with a counter and tables for serving food. The kitchen, along with the refrigerators for keeping food fresh, are located towards the back of the galley. The specialite de la maison are mirelurk cakes.

The player can sit on the stool or at the tables and either Gary or Angela will automatically approach and offer food and drink for sale. Note that there is no practical difference between mirelurk cakes bought here and found elsewhere in the wasteland.


Barter The Galley sells food and drinks The stock resets every four in-game days and is subject to a degree of randomization.


Gary's Galley appears only in Fallout 3.
