For a full list of all commands, see Gamebryo console commands (all). |
The console in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas (both use the Gamebryo engine) and Fallout 4 (using the Creation Engine) is a debugging tool left by the developers in the PC release of the game. Its main purpose is for developer testing and quality assurance, but can also be used to access cheats. However, using the console on the Steam version of the game will disable all Steam achievements until the game is restarted or loaded from a save prior to opening the console, even if no commands are entered.
Using the console[]
Enabling the console[]
To enable the console, bAllowConsole
must be set to 1
in the required .ini
(initialization) file.
- Note: make a back up of any game files before modifying them, as incorrectly modified game files can corrupt the game.
- Note: Fallout: New Vegas ships in most cases with the console enabled by default.
- Locating the
On Windows Vista and Windows 7, it should be located in the following location; assuming C:\ as your installation drive.
C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Fallout3 C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV
On Windows XP, it should be located in the following location; assuming C:\ as your installation drive.
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Fallout3 C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\FalloutNV
This folder will contain two .ini
files. FalloutPrefs.ini
, which contains the settings from the Options Menu of the game launcher, plus in-game saved preferences and edits to the other .ini
files. This is the best .ini
file to start with, as far as changing things is concerned. Fallout.ini
is also located here, which is set as read-only by default. Windows may require administrative privileges to make it writeable before editing it.
- Note: if at any time you wish to return your
files to their default settings, simply delete them and the next time you launch Fallout 3 it will automatically recreate them with the default settings from theFallout default.ini
file, located in the main game directory. - Note: Editing these files in Fallout: New Vegas will have no effect. This is due to the game automatically recreating these files - when it is launched - based on the settings in the
Fallout default.ini
and the launcher settings, regardless of whether the above files already exist or not.
- Locating the
Fallout default.ini
For Steam users, it should be located in the following location; assuming C:\ as your installation drive.
C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Fallout 3 C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Fallout New Vegas
For non-Steam users with a 64 bit version of Windows, it should be located in the following location; assuming C:\ as your installation drive.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout New Vegas
For non-Steam users with a 32 bit version of Windows, it should be located in the following location; assuming C:\ as your installation drive.
C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3 C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout New Vegas
- Note: if the
Fallout default.ini
file can not be found in these locations, consult the documentation that came with your version to ascertain the installation folder for the main game.
This folder contains the Fallout default.ini
. The folder's contents are non-modifiable by default if you have User Account Control (UAC) turned on in Windows. The contents of the Fallout default.ini
sets the default settings for the previous .ini
files mentioned above. There should be very few reasons to change this file, unless you're playing Fallout: New Vegas.
- Editing the
The .ini
files are text based files simply labelled with a .ini
file extension, instead of the standard .txt
file extension. Therefore, these files can be edited and saved by using a standard text editor, such as Windows notepad.
To enable the console the fallout.ini
(for Fallout 3) and Fallout default.ini
(for Fallout: New Vegas) need to be modified and saved before starting the game. If modifying fallout.ini
is not enabling the console on Fallout 3, try editing and saving both fallout.ini
and FalloutPrefs.ini
with the correct setting before starting the game. If that fails to enable the console then all three .ini
files should be modified with the correct setting.
To set the console to on in the .ini
files, bAllowConsole
needs to be changed from 0
to 1
as seen below. bAllowConsole
can be found under the [Interface]
section of the settings file.
- Additional information
Furthermore, the console can be altered via these .ini
files to modify the text displayed on-screen.
Assuming a minimum of 768 pixels of vertical display resolution (720p monitor), you can change the following values under the [Menu] heading:
Replace XX with a number of 25 or greater, depending on your resolution to controls the maximum number of text lines shown on screen at any one time in the console.
Accessing the console in game[]
To access the console, use the backquote key (`
) while in-game. The backquote key shifts to tilde (~
) on US keyboards, and the not symbol (¬
) on UK keyboards. Other keyboards will differ, but the key is usually the top left key next to the one key (1
), and just below the Escape key (Esc
). Example; §
, ½
or |
on Scandinavian (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian etc.) keyboards, circumflex (^
) on German keyboards, ²
on French keyboards, \
or |
on Italian keyboards, '
on Brazilian keyboards, and "
on Turkish keyboards.
When the console has been accessed, game play will freeze, a mouse cursor will be displayed and controlled by the mouse (replacing movement control and left clicking will select visible objects), and the HUD will disappear and you will get a prompt (|
) in the lower left corner of the screen where you can type-in the console command(s).
- Troubleshooting
- The left side of the console might not be visible if you are not using a widescreen display. In this case, type several tabs to move the cursor in before entering your commands to make typed commands visible. Commands either typed off-screen or tabbed into view will still work equally.
- Some XP, Vista or Windows 7 users may need to disable or un-install "infrared devices" to access the tilde key.[1]
Console History[]
You can scroll through the console's history with your keyboard's Page Up key, and scroll back down with the Page Down key, assuming you are using a standard QWERTY keyboard.
This is an extremely helpful function if you've extended the console's history in the .INI files, and especially useful with the console command help, which will display a list of all possible console commands (requires a good deal of reading). You can only see the entire list if you've increased the iConsoleHistory value to higher than the factory settings.
Presentation screenshots[]
- tfc - toggle free camera; lets you move around the camera at will. To take pictures of your character, make sure you go into third person mode first. Typing tfc 1 will pause the game, while still allowing you to move the camera around in the game.
- tm - toggle menus; removes the HUD for even nicer pictures. It will also hide the notification you normally get when the screenshot has been successfully captured, but it will take the shot. If you use tm soon enough after taking the screenshot, you can see the notification.
- sucsm 10, fast, sucsm 1, slow moving camera in tfc.
- fov 40, narrow, fov 90, wide angle lens. fov 75, default lens.
- tlb - toggle lightbrite mode makes everything well lit, great for dark spots.
- Note! Toggle Lightbrite will hide your weapons unless in stealth, although you will still be able to use it.
Inventory manipulation[]
- player.additem <base_id> <amount> - add item to your inventory, at full health.
- player.additemhealthpercent <base_id> <amount> <quality> - add item to your inventory, with a specified condition. Quality should be given in decimal form.
- Example: player.additemhealthpercent 432E 1 .50 will add 1 Gatling Laser at 50% to the player's inventory.
- player.removeitem <base_id> <amount> - remove item from your inventory; useful to get rid of useless quest items.
- player.srm - Show Repair Menu for the player. This allows items to be repaired using the player's Repair skill as though the player were a merchant. Caps are required to repair items as for merchant repair, but they are paid to the player, resulting in no net transfer of caps. Using srm on NPCs that don't normally repair goods will typically cause the game to crash.
- player.showinventory - Lists Inventory with object IDs. Suitable for use with player.removeitem
- player.equipitem <object_id> equip item from your inventory; useful for equipping items that don't appear in pip-boy inventory.
- player.setweaponhealthperc - Changes the currently held weapon's health.
- Example: player.setweaponhealthperc 80 Will change the current weapon's health to 80%.
NPC manipulation[]
- prid <ref_id> - set an id target. Same as left-clicking, but will work even if the target isn't visible. Required with most of the following commands. In order for the commands to work you must simply type out the ref_id without the <>.
List of base_ids and ref_ids to the major named characters.
- player.moveto <ref_id>, moveto player - move player to NPC / move NPC to player.
- additem <base_id>, removeitem <base_id> - add /remove item in NPCs inventory.
- equipitem <base_id>, unequipitem <base_id> - equip /unequip item in NPCs inventory.
- ShowInventory - display items in NPCs inventory (including those you cannot see in the trading window).
- sbm - show barter menu with the NPC (useful for inaccessible traders, but could lead to crash if used with non-traders).
- OpenTeammateContainer 1 - opens the selected NPC's inventory (as if they were a companion, or knocked down) and allows you to transfer items to or from your own.
- gbo - FOSE required - gives the base object id of the NPC, useful for setessential command
- resethealth - restore NPC's health.
- kill - make NPC die.
- resurrect - resurrect NPC (will also "reroll" the inventory, meaning you could get different items).
- resurrect 1 - resurrect NPC as if he/she was unconscious (this can give you some silly animation).
- setally <faction1> <faction2> (0/1 optional) (0/1 optional) - sets a faction as an ally with another specified faction. 0=Ally 1=Friend. List of Fallout 3 Faction IDs
- setenemy <faction1> <faction2> (0/1 optional) (0/1 optional) - sets a faction as an enemy with another specified faction. 0=Enemy 1=Neutral. List of Fallout 3 Faction IDs
- setessential <base_id> 0, setessential <base_id> 1 - make NPC mortal / immortal.
- disable, enable - delete NPC from the game / make NPC reappear.
- startcombat, stopcombat - start / stop combat with selected NPC ("stopcombat" will not make an NPC unhostile).
- player.placeleveledactoratme <base_id> - create/clone an NPC and place it at the player.
- resetquest <quest_id> - reset a companions hire quest (if resetting your companion results in him or her giving generic responses to dialogue prompts). List of quest_ids (Fallout 3).
- rdf - reset all dialogue flags.
- Multiple followers: By resurrecting and killing Dogmeat (prid 6a775) you will free a companion slot. Repeat process after hiring someone.
- Cloning a friend: You may clone companions, but they will lack the ability to trade with you. The base_id "7" will clone yourself.
- Note the difference: <base_id> marks the "character sheet" and <ref_id> marks an instance of the character with location.
Example (commands in order)[]
- prid 3a77 - target Sydney
- moveto player - move Sydney to the player
- additem cb547 1 - add Vengeance
- additem 6b53e 1000 - add ammunition to Sydney
- equipitem cb547 - equip Vengeance
- unequipitem 20420 - unequip Combat Armor
- setessential 3a22 1 - make Sydney unkillable
- placeleveledactoratme 94ecc - place a new Super Mutant Master at Sydney. Can be repeated for more.
NPC reset example (in order)[]
- prid 3a77 - target Sydney
- disable followed by enable - disable and enable, make sure the NPC is active
- kill followed by resurrect - kill and resurrect, reset the NPC
- moveto player - move NPC to player (or player.moveto 3a77 to move the player to Sydney.)
Stats and character manipulation[]
character variables |
any skill (without space!)
- player.setscale <scale> - set player scale; 1.0 is default; 0.95 is small, 1.1 is big, 10.0 is huge (not recommended to use indoors). The higher your scale is, the faster you run and the stronger you hit. Smaller scales do the opposite.
- player.getav <variable> - read out a character value, for instance karma, intelligence or smallguns.
- player.setav <variable> - set a character value to a specific amount, for instance karma, intelligence or smallguns.
- player.modav <variable> <amount> - modify a value; the value will max out at its normal maximum value (100 for skills, 85 for resistances, 10 for S.P.E.C.I.A.L., etc.). A negative number lowers the variable.
- Note: modav adjusts the value up or down by the specified amount, and changes are relative to the current value. For example, if your carryweight is 500, player.modav carryweight 150 will result in a carryweight of 650 (500+150), while player.modav carryweight -150 will set your carryweight to 350 (500-150).
- player.forceav <variable> <amount> - set a value
- player.addperk <variable> - add a perk or trait
- player.removeperk <variable> - remove a perk/trait
- player.sexchange - toggle male/female.
- shownamemenu - open a menu to change the name of the player
- showracemenu - open a menu to change the race and face of the player
- Changing race will cause the perks to be disabled, requiring you to remove and add them again.
- showtraitmenu - Open a menu to change traits
- showbarbermenu - open a menu to change the player's hairstyle
- showplasticsurgeonmenu - open a menu to change the appearance of the player's face
- player.advlevel - advance one level
- player.setlevel <level> - set level
- setgs iMaxCharacterLevel <#> - set level cap (has to be set every time the game is started)
- player.agerace <increment> - A total agerace of -1 results in being a child, 1 an adult, and 2 an elderly person. (ex: player.agerace -3 makes you a child no matter what agerace you currently are)
- player.rewardkarma <amount>, player.rewardxp <amount> - give player karma or xp
- player.addperk 00058fdf - add Power Armor Training
- player.forceav guns 100 - set Guns ,Energyweapons, Meleeweapons, (ect.) to 100, the maximum
- player.modav intelligence -5 - lower Intelligence by 5 (minimum 1)
- player.rewardkarma -1000 - Loses 1,000 Karma
- player.forceav carryweight 5000 Sets player's max carry weight to 5000
- Be extremely careful when using setscale to large numbers like 10. You may seem big and powerful, but a very small drop-off (in comparison to your size) will be fatal. Cliffs look very tiny from 50 feet up, but still kill you as if you were normal size. Additionally cells will still only load as if you were normal size, and moving through un-spawned cells can cause the game to crash. It is suggested to use the no-clip command 'tcl' so that the player won't fall.
- Refrain from using ForceAV instead of ModAV, especially if you want to revert the change later. ForceAV overrides the automatic calculation of actor values, and nothing will affect that actor value again aside from another ForceAV or a ModAV. For example, with a carryweight of 200, a ForceAV carryweight 5000 will cause the player to have a carrying capacity of 5000. Getting an extra point of strength will not change that capacity, even if you ForceAV the carryweight back to 200 before getting the additional point of strength. On the other hand, a ModAV 5000 will result in a carrying capacity of 5200, getting an additional point of strength will cause that to increase appropriately, and a subsequent ModAV carryweight -5000 will place the value back where it should be based on Strength.
Items & world manipulation[]
This is easiest if you first click on something in the world with the console open, to target it.
zap- Deletes the specified object ref. Useful for getting rid of objects that can't be added to your inventory.
setScale- Set the scale of an item in game. Usually requires a save/reload for the new scaling to take place.
setname "Name"- Allows you to change item, character, or world object name.(works until you restart the game. Also note that if you change the name of a non-unique object, such as a Tin can or a Knife, all of the other objects like it will be changed)
getScale- Prints out the scale of the item in the console.
unlock- unlock doors, safes, terminals or any other locked container; you can of course also lock. Adding a number after lock sets the difficulty. For example lock 1 would create an easy lock, lock 0 a very easy, and so on.
activate - activate an item, say a door, that is normally operated by a switch
setownership - make the item yours. (for instance a cabinet or a bed, but if you try to make a safe or cash register and things like that yours, you will still lose Karma and there's almost no point.)
player.placeatme <base_id> <stack amount> <quality> - place an item next to the player; for many items only a stack amount of 1 is valid
set timescale to <scale> - sets the timescale, the ratio determining how fast game time moves relative to real time; the default setting is 30. For example, setting the timescale to 1 would cause one second to pass in game time for every second in real time.
- Warning: Altering the timescale will cause the game to crash if NPCs spawned using placeleveledactoratme or movetoplayer enter into combat.
It is also possible to change the current weather.
- fw <ID> - forces weather. Replace <ID> with a Form ID from one of these:
EditorID | FormID | EditorID | FormID |
DefaultWeather | 0000015E | GNRRoofOvercast01 | 0001E3F0 |
gUrbanCloudy01 | 00059869 | gWastelandClear01 | 0005CF9C |
gWastelandCloudy | 0005C88D | InvertedDaylightWeather | 000B362D |
InvertedDaylightWeatherTenPenny | 00052928 | InvertedDaylightWeatherWarm | 000BC39B |
MegatonCloudy01 | 0001D776 | MegatonFalloutDecay | 0006A076 |
SuburbanCloudy | 00017906 | TranquilityClear | 0002BF97 |
UrbanDeep | 00065952 | UrbanDeepInner | 0006CA4E |
UrbanDeepInnerCitadel | 000BE1FF | UrbanDeepInnerDCMall | 000BE1FE |
UrbanDeeplnnerDCMONtop | 0003A236 | UrbanDeeplnnerMamaDC | 000BE3E2 |
UrbanOvercast | 000154E5 | UrbanOvercast01Intro01 | 00022BD5 |
WastelandClear | 00064609 | WastelandClearMegaton | 00054E12 |
WastelandClearNoLighting | 000B419E | WastelandDecay | 0005A728 |
WastelandEast | 0003D438 | WastelandEastOasis | 00054E1D |
WastelandNorth | 00027DF3 |
Some of the Oblivion weather types work in Fallout 3, to be determined by another:
EditorID | FormID | EditorID | FormID |
thunderstorm (Kvatch) | 08BBC | Paradise | 370CE |
overcast | 38EEC | snowing | 38EED |
clear | 38EEE | foggy | 38EEF |
cloudy | 38EF0 | thunderstorm | 38EF1 |
raining | 38EF2 | oblivion default | 32e15 |
oblivion electrical | 67198 | oblivion storm (Oblivion) | 67199 |
oblivion mountain fog | 671A1 | oblivion storm (MQ16) | 6bC8B |
oblivion storm (Tamriel) | 836D5 | oblivion sigil | C0999 |
Sigil Whiteout | C42DE | SE32 Gloom Storm | 15883 |
SI Test Bliss Clear | 41775 | SI Clear Blue | 44F58 |
SI Cloudy | 44F59 | SI Fog | 44F5A |
SI Rain | 44F5C | SI Thunderstorm | 44F5D |
SE09 Summoning Weather | 452B5 | SI Clear 01 | 6D221 |
SI Clear 03 | 6D222 | SI Test Ash | 71D2F |
SI Overcast | 77B28 | SI Waiting Room | 77B56 |
SI Ordered Fringe | 77C0A | SI Clear | 78801 |
SI Mania Fog | 79D76 | SE13 Jiggy Weather | 825A6 |
SI Clear Trans | 8EF42 |
- movetoqt - move player to current quest target
- showquestlog - show the quest log, everything the player has encountered and done
- getqc <base id> - checks if the current quest is complete. if true = 1 false = 0
- resetquest <base id> - reset quest
- sqs <base id> - list all quest objective levels (stages). Use with setstage.
- getstage <base id> - gets the objective level of a quest.
- setstage <base id> <Quest Objective> - sets a quest to an objective level useful for resetting bugged scripts
- CompleteAllObjectives <base id> - sets all currently obtained objectives for the quest to a completed status. However, setstage must be used to obtain the next objective level (if any) in order to proceed normally, useful for bypassing a bugged or broken objective
- sqt - list current quest targets
- sqv <base id> - list quest variables
- set <"base id".variable> to <value> - change quest variable to value NOTE: Requires quotes around the base id of the quest
- Example: In New Vegas, set "000E61A5".MetRangerAndy to 1 will fix Raul's quest if you've already spoken to Ranger Andy before you recruit him.
- saq - start all quests
- SetQuestObject - setquestobject <baseid> <1> will set the NPC or item to quest object or not (1 is, 0 not)
- save <save name> - save current game with description
- save <save name> 1 - save current game with description and output a .txt file with game information.
- load <save name> - load a game from a previous named save
- savegame <"new save name"> - name your save whatever you like. For example, "Primm Sheriff"
- exit - exits the current game, displays some credits, then goes to the starting menu.
- quitgame or qqq - exits Fallout 3 without going through any menus.
Reputations (Fallout: New Vegas Only)[]
Player Faction and Reputation[]
Name | ID |
Factions | |
Boomers | 000ffae8 |
Brotherhood of Steel | 0011e662 |
Caesar's Legion | 000f43dd |
Followers (of the Apocalypse) | 00124ad1 |
Great Khans | 0011989b |
Powder Gangers | 001558e6 |
NCR | 000f43de |
White Glove Society | 00116f16 |
Towns | |
Freeside | 00129a7a |
Goodsprings | 00104c22 |
Novac | 00129a79 |
Primm | 000f2406 |
The Strip | 00118f61 |
- addreputation <base_id> <variable> <amount> - adds player reputation with a faction, the value will max out at its normal maximum value of 100. The variable will determine if the amount is added to the faction's fame or infamy, 0=infamy, 1=fame.
- removereputation <base_id> <variable> <amount> - removes player reputation with a faction, the value will max out at its normal minimum value of 0. The variable will determine if the amount is added to the faction's fame or infamy, 0=infamy, 1=fame.
- setreputation <base_id> <variable> <amount> - sets player reputation with a faction, the value will max out at its normal minimum and maximum values of 0 and 100. The variable will determine if the amount is added to the faction's fame or infamy, 0=infamy, 1=fame.
- Examples:
- addreputation 000ffae8 1 50 - adds 50 fame to the Boomers faction.
- removereputation 000ffae8 1 50 - removes 50 fame from the Boomers faction.
- setreputation 000ffae8 1 50 - sets fame for the Boomers faction to 50.
- Note: If a player wishes to obtain a idolized reputation with any faction, they must both increase fame value to above 80 and reduce infamy value to below 13.
Name | ID |
Black Mountain (Mutant) | 000e9480 |
Black Mountain (Nightkin) | 000e9481 |
Boomers | 000fed3f |
Brotherhood of Steel | 00154307 |
Caesar's Legion | 000ee68a |
Followers (of the Apocalypse) | 00117e12 |
Freeside Locals | 0011640a |
Goodsprings | 00104c6e |
Great Khans | 000e78c5 |
NCR | 000a46e7 |
Novac | 000bb9e8 |
Player | 0001b2a4 |
Powder Gangers | 00101f42 |
Primm Residents | 000d7f56 |
The Strip | 00000000 |
Tops Casino (Chairmen) | 00117508 |
White Glove Society | 00116f10 |
Van Graffs | 00118368 |
Creature Factions | |
Creature Faction | 00000013 |
Deathclaw Faction | 00021474 |
Feral Ghoul Faction | 0001c6d3 |
Fire Gecko Faction | 0014f3f5 |
Nightkin Faction | 0013f893 |
- removefromallfactions - removes player from all factions, including the "Player" faction. (This may be problematic; if so, entering
player.AddToFaction 0001b2a4 1
will fix the problem.) - setally <base_id_1> <base_id_2> <variable_1> <variable_2> - sets factions' allied status with each other. The variable will determine the status of each faction to the other, 0=friend, 1=ally.
- setenemy <base_id_1> <base_id_2> <variable_1> <variable_2> - sets factions' enemy status with each other. The variable will determine the status of each faction to the other, 0=enemy, 1=neutral.
- Example:
- setally 000fed3f 00154307 1 0 - will set Boomers' allied status for BoS to allies, and BoS allied status for Boomers to friends.
Debugging and mapping[]
- tmm 1 - Fully activates all Pip-Boy map markers, making them both visible on the map and available as fast travel destinations. Note, however, that it does not update the "locations discovered" statistic in the Pip-Boy 3000.
- tfow - Toggles fog-of-war in the Pip-Boy local map.
- tgm - Toggles "god mode" which gives the player invincibility to damage, radiation and oxygen underwater. It also gives unlimited ammo, carrying capacity and AP (reloading does use AP with some weapons) and stops item degradation.
- tdm -Toggles "demi-god" mode which gives invincibility to damage but not unlimited ammo, almost like god mode
- tcl - Toggles clipping, which enables the player to move in any direction, including through solid objects and/or empty space. (A.K.A. "noclip"). It allows you to "fly" over an area and view it or get unstuck from a location.
- killall - Kills all NPCs in the area.
- coc <cell edid> - Teleports the player to the specified cell.
- scof <filename> - Writes console output to the specified file.
- bat <filename> - Executes specified list of commands as defined by a text file (.txt)
Batch Examples[]
To create a batch file all you need to do is place a plain text file with the commands you wish to execute in the root directory of the game - the same folder that contains falloutlauncher.exe.
- This example file allows you to experience the game as if you were a very powerful Super Hero (or Villain). By executing this list you will (in this order) Save the game, Toggle God Mode, Toggle Clipping Mode, Increase Running Speed (though not to an insane amount), Increase Speech skill to max, Show all map markers, Toggle fog-of-war, Add fun weapons and ammo (Alien Blaster, Fat Man, Experimental MIRV, Lincoln's Repeater and Frag Grenades). To execute these commands, you would type bat futureplayer
- ---FuturePlayer.txt---
savegame pre_futureplayer tgm tcl setgs fmoverunmult 10 player.setav speech 100 tmm 1 tfow player.additem 00004322 5 player.additem 0000432c 5 player.additem 0003422B 5 player.additem 0003C07A 5 player.additem 00029364 100 player.additem 00004330 100 player.additem 00020799 100 player.additem 0002937E 100
- This prevents traders Doc Hoff, Crow, Lucky Harith and Crazy Wolfgang from dying, and if they are already dead, this will resurrect them - the caravan guards and brahmin will still be vulnerable. Using forceav repair 100 allows the traders to fully repair armor and weapons. To execute the command, you would type Bat Traders
- ---Traders.txt---
PRID 63C05 Resurrect forceav repair 100 PRID 63C06 Resurrect forceav repair 100 PRID 63C07 Resurrect forceav repair 100 PRID 63C08 Resurrect forceav repair 100 setessential 63BF7 1 setessential 63BF8 1 setessential 63BF9 1 setessential 63BFA 1
Some users can't see the left-most columns of text in the console; they can only see the end of statements, and can't see what they're typing, unless it's very long. This is known to impact some users without widescreens. Fortunately, this can be easily fixed by increasing the iConsoleTextXPos figure in the Fallout.ini file to about 200, using a text editor like Notepad. More details can be found on the Discussion page.
- You can use a command like help to see if the console works. Even though you can't see the editing line or the cursor, it will flood the console with text.
- Alternatively you can repeatedly press TAB before entering a command, this way the text gets pushed to the right and will be readable without affecting the entered text.
- If you press the caps lock key while in console, it could leave you only able to type in caps lock even after turning caps lock off. (Confirmed in Windows 7 and various older models of Windows Vista)
This can be fixed by turning off caps lock and then tapping the shift key.
See also[]
External links[]
- ↑ Quote from Bethesda Softworks Technical Support: "If you have a new system with the Microsoft eHome devices, these will conflict with the program being able to read the scan code for the tilde key from the keyboard. Those Microsoft eHome devices or drivers need to be disabled in order to allow the game to "see" the tilde key being pressed. The MIRC (Microsoft Infrared Remote Control) seems to disable the tilde (~) key in both Oblivion and Morrowind. Simply disconnecting the MIRC from the USB port will fix this issue."