Talking to some of the members of the Lyons' Pride in the Great Hall reveals that there is a betting pool to try and guess Knight Captain Gallows' real name. You can ask Gallows about it after hearing about the bet. With a very difficult Speech check, you can convince Gallows to tell you his real name. After you find out his name you should speak to Paladin Glade, who is running the betting pool. Glade can be found near Gallows in the Great Hall in the A Ring area. Gallows tells you his real name is 'Irving' and asks that he just be left alone. The reward is the current betting pool, which has risen to 1000 Caps.
This mini-quest can be done up until Liberty Prime is launched during the quest Take it Back!. With Broken Steel, it can still remain active after the quest.
Glade may die during the assault on Project Purity; if this happens the quest cannot be completed and you will not get the 1000 caps.
Convincing Gallows to tell you his name is one of the most difficult speech checks in the game. Even with 100 Speech, you may not have a 100% chance of passing the speech check. With all expansion packs and latest updates added, the player needs 100 Speech and 10 Charisma to get the speech check success chance to 100%.
Behind the scenes[]
Gallows humor is a type of humor that arises from stressful, traumatic, or life-threatening situations; often in circumstances such that death is perceived as impending and unavoidable. It is similar to dark comedy but differs in that it is made by the person affected.