The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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The following article contains the transcript of a text file containing localized strings used by the game's characters, items, scripts, or interface.

{100}{}{Not scared.}
{101}{}{I'm scared.}
{102}{}{I'm on duty. Go away.}
{103}{}{Be good in this town or you'll answer to me.}
{104}{}{Got any donuts?}
{105}{}{Ever get the feeling you're being watched? Like you're being controlled by some distant being? I do.}
{106}{}{Did you hear what the Rad Scorpion did to Bill? They're still trying to locate his legs.}
{107}{}{So you think you can handle a Rad Scorpion, huh?}
{108}{}{You don't look very tough to me.}


Mbox stub
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Shady Sands guards
