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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fujiniya Intelligence Base
F76 Fujiniya 1
Part ofThe Forest, Mama Dolce's Food Processing, Morgantown
FactionsPeople's Liberation Army
  • Robots
  • Technical
    TerminalsFujiniya Intelligence Base terminals

    Fujiniya Intelligence Base is a location in Fallout 76. Fujiniya (弗吉尼亚) is a Chinese transliteration of the word Virginia.


    Established beneath Mama Dolce's Food Processing the Fujiniya Intelligence Base was part of Operation Trinitite: An attempt to infiltrate and destroy American nuclear silos and factory cities found in West Virginia.[1] To maintain secrecy, strict security protocols were implemented, mandating ID badges on all personnel and zero tolerance for unauthorized or unscheduled access to and from the facility. Every operative was subject to random searches, with contraband warranting capital punishment. Any suspects were detained and interrogated to obtain counterintelligence, then eliminated after a maximum of 12 hours.[2]

    Initial recon conducted by Chinese operatives revealed that the intelligence was faulty. The party's maps were off a fair bit on the actual location of the sites. The operatives identified them correctly as nuclear silos and were could not locate the rumored massive factories. If anything, these sites were far less advanced than the ones on the west coast.[3] Further direct surveillance revealed that visitors are infrequent to the point that the operatives started to believe these sites were either mothballed or set up as decoys. They requested clearance to begin making contact with members of the local community to confirm our suspicions that the silos are non-functioning.[4]

    Subsequent evaluation revealed that Operation Trinitite should be adjusted. Local informants revealed that the rumors were false. "Appalachian factory cities" were revealed to be the heavily automated Watoga, which did appear rife with useful technology. Station chief Xi decided to shift its resources over to focus on the exploration of this place for advances that might be able to serve the party's ends.[5] Although the operatives did recover a copy of nuclear launch code encryption from Sugar Grove, even making headway in decrypting parts of the code, but the mechanized army guarding the silos complete with the limited arsenal at his disposal forced Xi to mothball the project.[6] Weapons continued to be stockpiled at Fujiniya, with as many as 75 Type 93 rifles, 1200 units of 5.56mm ammunition, and 30 officer's swords shipped out in the last months before the war.[7]

    The facility's mission shifted. Fujiniya was expanded with laboratories, the most important of which was the stealth R&D center under Chief Scienist Quao established circa 2076. His team focused on developing new cloaking and stealth based technologies, as well as techniques to support covert field operatives deployed across Appalachia. Major obstacles included the fact that advanced components necessary for their work were limited in supply in the United States, while logistical difficulties made it impossible to secure a functioning stealth armor or the suit schematics due to demand from Anchorage and other various war efforts. Furthermore, they did not have access to the best and brightest minds of the Republic down there or regular reinforcements. The last gap before the facility was effectively deactivated lasted three months, and half their number was killed by the security team because they didn't have the proper credentials. Additionally, the constraints of working in a covert capacity dramatically limited the type of testing that could be done, as well as the hours when testing could occur undetected. Although Quao requested reassignment, none took place.[8]

    The other laboratory added to the facility focused on robotics, and it achieved far greater success than Quao. The researchers focused on revamping the notorious Liberators. The new robot line was provided with an intimidating paint job, propaganda speaker, a high powered laser at range and spinning blades at short distances, and were planned to be able to deploy as a stationary turret. The new design was submitted as a proposal for a vanguard force in the hypothetical invasion of contiguous United States, with the researchers hoping to secure funding for our next round of covert field testing in the Appalachia region.[9] The request was granted and the facility was expanded with a factory mass-producing the new and improved drones. Although they've earned a shoddy reputation over the years, the Mk 0-V proved to be a success: Capable of actually hitting their target with built-in lasers, equipped with a spinning blade that goes right for the ankles, and the speakers provided a steady stream of propaganda. In fact, after Fujiniya was expanded, the facility was designed around two giant launch tubes disguised as smoke stacks on the exterior. The automated production lines proved to be reliable and effective, producing the new version at a steady pace.[10]

    The Great War came as a surprise, as the facility staff was not informed of the launches and left to fend for themselves. A nuclear strike two kilometers south of Mama Dolce's took the facility's personnel by surprise. Cut off from command, the station chief made an executive decision, ordering all agents to abandon their posts and attempt to blend in with the local population.[11] Xi figured that the Party leaders were dead, leaving all operatives functioning independently. While he had little sympathy for defeatists, he did not stop them from abandoning their posts. His orders simply reflected what he believed was the best chance of survival the operatives had, trapped thousands of miles behind enemy lines with no guarantee that they could ever reconnect with the homeland.[12]

    Unfortunately for them, it was not the end of their woes. Enclave operatives under Agent Grey revealed the presence of Fujiniya and stormed the facility. The Chinese holdouts were executed after they refused to surrender. After they were disposed of, Liberator schematics, accumulated stealth research, and communications have been transferred to external servers for analysis, with local servers wiped clean giving the Enclave full control of the facility. Before moving out, Gray left a small detachment behind to try and deny the location to any overly curious locals.[13] The new station chief had his operatives learn how to operate and maintain the food processing capabilities of the factory, in a bid to gain the trust of the local population. Secrecy served the infiltrators and it would serve them, allowing the Enclave to learn the capabilities of the facility and see if it's a match for the primary objective.[14]

    However, the machinery was too far gone to keep running and constant repairs attracted too much attention. Instead, the Enclave concocted a cover story involving the factory being haunted. The security team has been stealthily killing locals and placing the bodies around the factory, using the resources in the stealth research lab to give a mystical backstory to the deaths. This is in addition to spreading rumors with the local populace made people too scared to even cross the river in Morgantown.[15]

    The attempt to harness the facility to the Enclave's ends failed, however. The Liberators proved to be a constant threat, starting with when one of them literally jumped on the Enclave site commander while he was in the middle of a bowel movement, and continuing with a pattern of constant attacks from the robots. Coupled with increased interest and attacks topside at the factory, countless machinery failures, and rolling power outages, the site commander recommended scrapping the mission entirely.[16]

    Points of interest[]

    • The bunker is accessed through a fake intake pipe on the outside of Mama Dolce's Food Processing and requires the factory manager's key card (found in the office on the upper floor, on the desk) to open. The pipe leads into the facility entrance and security checkpoint. It's defended by a pair of leveled turrets, so caution is advised. The doors at the checkpoint lead to the security booth (right), which contain a terminal that can be used to deactivate the turrets and a pre-placed Chinese officer sword together with minor loot. The left door leads to a small technical area, with an opening that can be used to take a shortcut to the lower floor.
    • Down the staircase lies the main underground floor, with derelict machines. Behind the far wall (from the staircase) is the facility's barracks, which contain a Bobblehead spawn point near the door. The barracks connect to the toilets and showers, both in deep disrepair. Note that Liberators are dime a dozen here and will constantly attack.
    • The real bounty lies on the second floor of the bunker, accessible through staircases deeper in the facility. These lead either to a derelict intelligence analysis room, where the Chinese operatives attempted to crack the mystery of Appalachian silos, or down to the Liberator launch bay.
    • The intel room is derelict and contains little in the way of interest beyond minor food items and other assorted loot. The mess hall opposite doesn't contain much of interest either, however, there are several points worth noting down the corridor. These include the generator room just off the main hall, with a fusion core that can be looted from the machines, and the stealth research laboratory at the end, with several leveled robots that may include a Mr Handy and Protectrons.
    • Near the lab is the infirmary, still holding remains of prisoners taken by Grey's men and tortured. Note a locked safe near the entrance from the laboratory and the abundance of potential loot.
    • Finally, there is the Liberator launch bay with more robots! It contains a locked weapons enclosure that can be opened from the locked level 1 terminal on the table overlooking the Liberator manufacturing center and the launch bays at the base of the smoke stacks.

    Notable loot[]

    Potential bobbleheads
    • On a small wooden side cabinet shelf, by the door in the northeast corner of the dormitory.
    • On a metal shelf against the interior wall of the laboratory chamber (between a ladder and Protectron pod).
    • On or below one of the linked computer and phone terminals in the southwest corner near an orange tool box and fallen Chinese flag.
    • On top of a mainframe computer, in the sunken southwestern corner of the main processing chamber, near the huge cylinder.
    Potential magazines
    • On the shelf of the metal shelving trolley, on the raised area near the dead potted plant, in the laboratory (southern end).
    • On top of the metal shelf trolley between two stretchers, along the south wall of the infirmary and laboratory room.
    • On the southwest lower bunk with the skeleton on it, right of the Chinese flagpole, inside the dormitory.
    • On the square lab table along the window shutter wall of the kitchen, north side of the base.
    Potential power armor
    • Locked (ID) Armory Closet, in the Liberator launch bay.
    Plans and Recipes
    • On table inside Stealth Lab.
    • Inside cooler by the two protectron cages across from the Armory.
    • On table inside Medical Lab.


    Dynamic spawns

    No location theme keyword variable specified - check the infobox!


    Fujiniya Intelligence Base appears in Fallout 76.


    1. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals
    2. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "Facility Security Procedures
      1) All personnel should openly display a facility ID badge at all times. Failure to do so will be met with deadly force.2) No unauthorized entry / exit from this facility without direct written consent from the director. Any unscheduled access to the facility entrance will be met with deadly force. This includes base personnel without explicit permission to exit or enter the facility.3) All personnel are subject to search of their person and personal effects at all times. Possession of any unauthorized contraband will result in application of deadly force.4) If possible, detain and interrogate subjects before applying deadly force in order to obtain any relevant counterintelligence. Interrogation should last no more than 12 hours before subject termination."
    3. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "
      Operation Report
      Base established, director. The other agents are off working on their little toys, so I can begin the real work.
      My initial surveys show that the party's maps are off a fair bit on the actual location of the silos. I'll make sure to get you all more accurate coordinates. And the rumors of them being massive factories appears to be unfounded thus far. If anything, these sites are far less advanced than the ones on the west coast. I'll report back more as I gather information."
    4. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "
      Operation Report
      Checking in, but with little to report. Our direct surveillance of the sites has yet to bear fruit. Visitors are infrequent to the point that we believe these sites may have been mothballed or set up as decoys. We believe a new approach may be needed, and request clearance to begin making contact with members of the local community to confirm our suspicions that the silos are non-functioning."
    5. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "
      Operation Report
      After finishing up our initial evaluations, it is our personal conclusion that the direction of Operation Trinitite should be adjusted.A contact we established among the local populace seems to indicate that the rumors we heard were false. The whispers of "Appalachian factory cities" must have been referring to nearby Watoga, which does appear rife with useful technology. It is my personal suggestion that Trinitite shift its resources over to focus on the exploration of this place for advances that might be able to serve the party's ends.But there was one item of interest that we turned up - a possible encryption method of the American launch codes. It seems they'd begun a pilot program to break them up into multiple parts, with a letter paired to each number of the launch code. Spelling the English word will tell you the order of the numbers in the code, but the letters were encrypted using a technique called a "keyword cipher" where the letters are transposed for others in a variant alphabet.How this keyword is determined or where it's acquired, we're still unsure, but it seemed too valuable a find not to share."
    6. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "<FILE RECOVERED. DISPLAYING.
      <TO: Director<FROM: Xi (Station Chief, Fujiniya Intelligence Base)<RE: Nuclear Silo Access_____________________________Director,After finishing our initial assessment we've got good news and bad news.The good news is that our mole managed to acquire the documentation for the nuclear launch code encryption from the Sugar Grove archives. It seems the code word we couldn't figure out is encoded by a simple keyword cipher using a long English keyword.If we can determine the keyword, we can figure out the ciphered alphabet used to encrypt the code word. Once we know that, it's as easy as spelling the code word in the correct alphabet to determine the code.The bad news is that even if we were able to get inside a silo, they're guarded by a mechanized army. We've begun developing contacts among some of the more desperate locals in hopes we might be able to find a contact who could get us clearance inside.
      Until then, the project will be on indefinite hold."
    7. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "Shipment Status (Arsenal Resupply)
      Item: Type 93 Assault RifleQuantity: 75Status: Delayed (indefinitely)Item: 5.56mm ammunition, 24-round magazinesQuantity: 1200Status: Delayed (indefinitely)Item: Stealth ArmorQuantity: 1Status: Delayed (indefinitely)Item: Officer's SwordQuantity: 30Status: Arrived (3), excess (27) delayed indefinitely"
    8. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "Director Summary
      Stealth Research & Development Laboratory Progress Report
      As you know, our efforts over the past year have been focused on developing new cloaking and stealth based technologies, as well as techniques to support covert field operatives deployed across Appalachia.It goes without saying that cloaking technology is very advanced, and components are limited in supply in this primitive part of the world. We were unable to secure a stealth armor suit due to demand from Anchorage and other various war efforts. We also have yet to receive the suit schematics we requested to advance our research.Furthermore, we do not exactly have access to the best and brightest minds of the Republic down here. Our last reinforcements came over three months ago, and half of them were killed by the security team because they didn't have the proper credentials.While we have technically failed our yearly targets, it could be suggested that the targets were unrealistic due to lack of support and technological barriers. Additionally, the constraints of working in a covert capacity dramatically limit the type of testing that can be done, as well as the hours they can be done in order to remain undetected.Regardless, Chief Scientist Quao will accept full responsibility for this failure and any and all repercussions due for his actions. He and he alone is responsible for failing to thrive in the aforementioned circumstances. Myself and the rest of the team are ready to move past this shameful leadership and excel on all future assignments.
      Hail the People's Republic!"
    9. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "Director Summary
      Liberator Production Roadmap
      Over the past year, the staffs of this facility have been dedicated to revamping the inferior Liberator prototype military infiltration and attack robot. The focus of this effort has been to address the following issues with the previous iteration:- The small profile of the prototype model led to combatants not taking the deadly capacity of the attack robot seriously. We have offset this shortcoming with an intimidating paint job as well as implementing an inspirational dialogue protocol. This will strike fear in the hearts of enemy combatants and be an effective motivational tool for our forces as well.- The prototype model had issues with spontaneous detonation of its capture avoidance systems. These issues have been resolved with the Mark 0 - V models.- The prototype also had questionable combat effectiveness, mainly due to the low-level laser output that had a tendency to maim instead of kill. We have outfitted the current model range with a high-powered ranged laser as well as a spinning blade for melee altercations that should address these shortcomings.- Finally, we had planned for the current model range to deploy as a stationary turret on any surface as a direct response to the reports of inaccurate laser fire from the prototype. This has proved to be challenging, however, and will be put on hold until we begin working on the Mark VI.Regardless, we strongly feel that this new Liberator product line will serve as a successful vanguard force in the impending invasion. Our hope is that this summary will provide visibility into our operations and secure funding for our next round of covert field testing in the Appalachia region.
      Hail the People's Republic!"
    10. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "To: *encrypted*
      Subject: Liberator bots
      In addition to stealth and cloaking research, it appears that this facilities main purpose was to mass-produce a new iteration of the prototype Liberator attack robots we've seen around. Though we're not sure why, considering the reputation they've developed over the years.Surprisingly, they were successful with their latest attempts. The new models are the Mk 0-V, and they're annoying as hell. They can actually hit their target this time around, and have a spinning blade that goes right for your ankles. They also appear to have speakers now, and don't seem to ever shut the hell up.The facility is designed around two giant launch tubes disguised as smoke stacks on the exterior. We're not sure about exact production capability but we're too occupied with the primary mission to try. We've done our best to sabotage the production but these little things are everywhere.
      If I can be candid - one of them lept on me while I was trying to take a shit. That was as fun as it sounds."
    11. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "<FILE RECOVERED. DISPLAYING.
      <TO: Director<FROM: Xi (Station Chief, Fujiniya Intelligence Base)<RE: Evacuation Plans_____________________________Director!We were in the midst of operating on the Liberator launch tubes when a bomb struck not two kilometers to our south! Why were we not informed of this launch?!... unless, you're all dead already. In the off chance you're reading this, I've given orders for all agents to abandon their posts and attempt to blend in with the local population.
      Our mission does not end today. Hail the People's Republic!"
    12. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "TO ALL PERSONNEL:
      We have been placed in an unenviable situation. As you all know, we were given no warning prior to the bombs touching down. We can only presume that this means one thing: the Party leaders are all dead and we are now functioning independently. Some of you have suggested these means we can now abandon our posts; that the fight is over, and we have lost. For those of you that feel this way, we pity your lack of belief in our purpose, but we will not attempt to stop you from fleeing.Instead, let us say simply this: we are far behind enemy lines. If our party leadership is truly dead, any attempt to return home would be an utterly futile exercise. If they're not, and they do reach out to us, you will be long gone, trying to cross thousands of miles of hostile territory. Your best chance of survival is to remain here, where we can work together, and be prepared should the time come that we can evacuate properly.
    13. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "Remote team op documentation. Grey reporting.
      We've established control of the facility, removing what appear to be the last holdouts of a Chinese research team. We attempted capture but they resisted and had to be put down. World's a better place with a few less Reds anyway.We've combed the location for intel and schematics, and while we hit on a few interesting leads (plus a couple dead ends), this Liberator bot system appears to be the most promising for what command wants. Relevant system documentation has been removed from the site and will be turned over to command.I'll be moving out with the intelligence shortly. A couple of men will be staying behind to try and make the location less attractive to the curious.End report."
    14. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "To: *encrypted*
      Subject: Comm server wipe complete
      After eliminating remaining facility personnel and taking control of base security, I started with breaking into the comm server. I obtained access without incident.Contents of this facilities communications have been transferred to external servers for analysis, and local servers have been wiped clean. This facility is now completely under our control. We are free to proceed with orders from Command.First up - we need to secure the facility from outside influence. We have operatives learning how to operate and maintain the food processing capabilities of the factory above us. People are less likely to snoop around if we've gained the trust of the local population. Secrecy is our first and best defense here.Then, we learn the capabilities of this facility and see if it's a match for the primary objective.
      I'll continue to use these servers to provide regular updates on our progress."
    15. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "To: *encrypted*
      Subject: Change of plans
      The plan to maintain the production capabilities of Mama Dolce's has fallen through. The machinery is too far gone to keep running for any meaningful period of time, and the constant repairs attracted too much attention.Because of rampant superstition in the local population, we've landed on a cover story involving the factory being haunted. Our security team has been stealthily killing locals and placing the bodies around the factory. We've used the resources in the stealth research lab to give a mystical backstory to the deaths. This is in addition to spreading rumors with the local populace.
      I was skeptical at first but we pulled this plan off without a hitch. People are too scared to even cross the river in Morgantown. We're now free to see what this place is capable of."
    16. Fujiniya Intelligence Base terminals: "To: *encrypted*
      Subject: Primary mission failed
      I regret to report that our team was unable to find any capability of this facility to bypass the U.S. nuclear arsenal safeguards. We have also been faced with increased interest and attacks topside at the factory, countless machinery failures, rolling power outages, and constant attacks inside the facility from Liberator robots. I submit my official recommendation for my team to abandon this facility completely. Awaiting response from Command on how to proceed."