The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For the various forms of fruit that appear in the Fallout series of games, see fruit.
Fresh apple
FO3 fresh apple
Icon apple
+10 Hit points
Base ID00015196

The fresh apple is a consumable item in Fallout 3.


A fresh apple can restore some Hit Points, without irradiating the consumer. It is one of the few edible food items that doesn't give you any radiation, besides other fresh fruits or vegetables, and food found in a non-compromised vault.


  • Fresh apples, as with most other fresh items, are mostly found in Rivet City Science Lab. There is a total of four apples there.
  • One can be found in the ladies' room of Arlington Library, at the base of the garbage can.


  • Fresh apples and other fresh vegetables available in the Rivet City Science Lab are the direct result of the current Rivet City science project. There is a random bit of speech that may be told to the player from Janice Kaplinski that explains that they are the result of the work that is being undertaken in the lab.
  • The scientists at Rivet City have a large stock of fresh fruit and vegetables, and will say, "Be careful, that stuff is worth more than you" or "Don't touch the vegetables, they're fragile."
  • If dropped on the ground in Rivet City, some of the scientists will pick them up.
  • If you stand around long enough, Janice Kaplinski will eat the ones in the lab.

