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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Freeside's north gate
Freesides North Gate
Icon settlement large
Freesides North Gate loc
Map MarkerFreeside's North Gate
Cell NameFreesideExtNorthGate (entrance)
FreesideNorthGate (exit )
ref id000dabea (entrance)
0012da5c (exit)

The Freeside's North gate is a location in the Mojave Wasteland. This location is one of the two gates that lead into Freeside, the other being Freeside's East gate.


Freeside's North gate is run-down like most of the Mojave Wasteland. The roads leading out are cracked and broken; and chunks or portions of the road are missing.

To the west lies Westside, and to the northwest is a mountain range. To the north is somewhat barren farmland, with mountains in the distance and a few houses scattered across the wasteland. To the north-east there is a run-down bridge, many of its pieces broken or shattered, adding to the discordant ambiance of the post-apocalyptic landscape.

The location is a high-traffic area for barter and commerce, and it's not surprising to see many Traveling merchants around the area selling their supplies. Both the Gun Runners and Crimson Caravan reside in the vicinity, boasting a large selection of guns, ammunition, and armor of various kinds, making the loop a lucrative trade circuit for the traveling merchants.

Freeside's North gate is the closest location to the Old Mormon Fort, where the Followers of the Apocalypse perform their humanitarian functions safely behind the walls of the Fort.


Freeside's North Gate appears in Fallout: New Vegas.
