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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Follower's outpost
22380 20180921215050 1
22380 20180921215152 1
Icon settlement medium
Followers Outpost loc
Map MarkerFollower's Outpost
FactionsFollowers of the Apocalypse
QuestsI Could Make You Care
Cell NameFollowersOutpost (exterior)
FollowersOutpostInterior (interior)
ref id000ddef7 (exterior)
0015a822 (interior)

Follower's outpost is a location in Fallout: New Vegas, located northwest of the 188 trading post and southeast of the Grub n' Gulp Rest Stop.


An old train junction and signal box is the location for a Followers of the Apocalypse outpost. It's a where prospectors can come and get treated for their ailments,[1] and where local Followers to pick up assignments and check in. As such their main priorities are taking care of logistics and coordinating with other checkpoints over the radio.[2]


This two-room watchtower is a field post of the Followers, staffed by Followers and their guards. It contains little in the way of loot, serving primarily as an endpoint for I Could Make You Care, where four Brotherhood Paladins massacre the Followers and attempt to kill Veronica for suspected treason.

For collectors of rocks, there's a hollowed-out one right at the base of the outpost.


Related quests[]


The Follower's outpost appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.365: "[3.21] Follower's Outpost
    An old train junction and signal box is the location for the Followers' outpost, where Prospector can come and get treated for their ailments. Note the Hollowed-Out Rock at the base of the signal box. Climb up to the balcony above, and enter the wooden tower. Sitting behind her desk is Doctor Alvarez, who runs the place Doctor Schiller (who is out making the rounds) as well as her fellow practitioners and guards."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  2. The Courier: "What do you do here?"
    Alvarez: "This is just a site for local Followers to pick up assignments and check in. So most of the time we're just taking care of logistics and coordinating with other checkpoints over the radio."
    (Alvarez's dialogue)