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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For an overview of Molotov cocktails throughout the Fallout series, see Molotov cocktail.
Fire bomb
Fire bomb
Icon fire bomb
SkillExplosives 50
Strength Req.2
Attack statistics
1 (1.7) + 20 (50.8) ExplosionIcon explosion + 4 (6.4) for 8s EffectIcon effect
Crit Dmg
Crit % Mult
0.4 (0.8)AP24
Item HP5
Editor ID?
Base IDxx00bcb4
Perk Effects
Perks (dam.)
Demolition Expert
( +12 ExplosionIcon explosion)
( +5 ExplosionIcon explosion)
(+0.5 +10 ExplosionIcon explosion +2 EffectIcon effect)
Lord Death
(+0 +0.8 ExplosionIcon explosion +0.2 EffectIcon effect)
Bloody Mess
(+0.1 +1 ExplosionIcon explosion +0.2 EffectIcon effect)
Thought You Died
(+0.1 +2 ExplosionIcon explosion)
Perks (Att.)
Heave Ho!
Gametitle-FNV HH
Gametitle-FNV HH

The fire bomb is an explosive weapon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


A simple, inexpensive explosive, the fire bomb is simply a Molotov cocktail crafted out of an empty Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle, liquid flamethrower fuel, with a makeshift cloth fuse inserted into the neck of the bottle.


A low yield incendiary weapon, the fire bomb has a small blast radius (3 yards or 2.74 meters) and deals a small amount of explosive damage, while also setting the target on fire.

Notably, the fire bomb has a 1.5 second fuse, rather than exploding on impact.


Non-player characters

Behind the scenes[]

  • As the fire bomb uses the dynamite animation set, the model of the weapon isn't an exact match for the world model of Sarsaparilla bottles, including the dimensions and texture.
  • The fire bomb will work for assassinating characters by planting it in their pocket, except instead of exploding, it will set them on fire.
  • JSawyer.esp by Joshua Sawyer properly sets up the fire bomb to detonate on impact and adds a crafting recipe for them (1 Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottle and 175 flamer fuel).


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The fire bomb's damage is affected by energy resistance instead of fire resistance.
  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Critical kills with the fire bomb will cause plasma gooification deaths.