Fire Breathers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Fire Breathers were a faction in Fallout 76.
The Fire Breathers were initially founded by the Responders as an elite, high-risk fire fighting team to reach out to towns trapped beyond the toxic Ash Heap: Bramwell, Beckley, Welch, and others. Although Larkin wasn't thrilled by the idea, she warmed up to it quickly and helped establish a completely new division, capable of fighting through the hostile environment and surviving there for days on end. The name was her idea, meant to imbue the division with a prestige similar to other elite units: Green Berets, Navy SEALs, and especially smokejumpers.[1]
The origin was less glamorous: Fire Breathers was a term used by her grandfather's neighbors to refer to him and his sons, courtesy of the insanely strong moonshine they brewed that kept people at a quarter-mile distance. Although Maria Chavez wanted to brainstorm the name more, it stuck, and the Fire Breathers were formed. After agreeing with survivors of the Charleston flood who still lived in the city, the Breathers used the ruins as an obstacle course in preparation for the challenge of operating in the Ash Heap.[2]
For the next several years, the Fire Breathers distinguished themselves and were supercharged with the arrival of Hank Madigan, a Marine Force Recon and Brotherhood veteran. With the scorched threat looming on the horizon, they were reformed into a fighting force capable of confronting the scorched in The Ash Heap and prevent them from taking over. The steep selection criteria focused on people who can both fight and survive in the polluted expanse of the burning Ash Heap.[3] In return for handling the toughest missions, all members of the Fire Breathers had top priority for rations and ammunition, as well as additional ad hoc benefits for those willing to put their lives on the line.[4]
The unit was immediately thrown into the fire, trying to contain the influx of scorched into the area after the fall of the Brotherhood of Steel and the Big Bend Tunnel. While the strategic importance of the tunnel was known, the Breathers gave it a wide berth in order to come up with a proper attack plan.[5] Preparing for the plan involved making a run at the Atomic Mining Headquarters in Watoga, cutting over the mountains. Lieutenant Madigan believed that the headquarters could provide information on how to combat the scorched more effectively, owing to AMS' monopoly on the ore.[6]
Madigan and his team not only succeeded in infiltrating Watoga, but also brought back plans for weapons firing depleted ultracite (potent against the scorched) and leads for the Excavator power armor developed by the Garrahan Mining Company. The power armor was considered a target of opportunity while the Fire Breathers figured out how to seal the tunnel off and stem the influx of scorched into the Heap.[7] Eventually, they settled on blowing the tunnel up using mining explosives recovered from the Heap.[8]
After the fall of the Brotherhood in 2095, Madigan ventured beyond the mountains into The Mire and made contact with the Free States, after deliberately disturbing their scorchbeast lure. Impressed by the fact the Staters were luring the monsters down to kill them, he decided to aid them in setting up the Scorched Detection System, so that once the Big Bend Tunnel was locked down, they could focus on eliminating the scorched in the Divide and the Mire together. He left Charleston to set up the crucial uplink at the Top of the World, to finalize the SDS. He was, unfortunately, captured by the raiders under David Thorpe and tortured to death. His loss forced the Breathers to move out from The Rusty Pick on their own.[9]
To make matters worse, the Breathers did not have the protection of a Scorched vaccine worked on at the AVR Medical Center, due to shortages of necessary materials and data.[10]
Unsurprisingly, the Big Bend became the Fire Breathers' grave, with the unit wiped out by the scorched, despite desperate efforts to fulfill the mission in spite of standing orders to retreat.[11]
- The player can join the Fire Breathers by completing Into the Fire, at the Charleston Fire Department.
Notable characters[]
- Captain Melody Larkin
- Lieutenant Hank Madigan
Fire Breathers appears in Fallout 76.
- ↑ The Fire Breathers: Maria Chavez: "All right. We're recording. Melody Larkin: "Good, 'cause now we can get on record that I think this idea's god-damned looney. Maria Chavez: "I'm not thrilled about sending our people into a place that's actively toxic either... ... but there are whole towns down there we still haven't reached out to: Welch, Beckley, Bramwell." Melody Larkin: "Bramwell? Come on, now! You really think the Hornwrights or the Garrahans didn't fly off to some private island the moment the air raid sirens turned on?" Maria Chavez: "Most likely they did. But right now we don't know and don't have a safe way of finding out. And that's why I wanted your help, Melody, on how we can get there." Melody Larkin: "... fine. We got a couple folks from the Charleston Fire Department. I can talk to them, see what they have to say about gettin' set up for those sorts of operations." Maria Chavez: "Thank you." Melody Larkin: "Anyone you send into all that smoke is going to need training, though. Need to be whip smart if they're gonna survive someplace that hostile. And breathing equipment's finicky as hell. Whole lot of care and maintenance if they're gonna be out there for hours, let alone days. You're talking about a whole new division here." Maria Chavez: "I understand what I'm asking." Melody Larkin: "Tell you what you ought to do... you ought to give 'em a name." Maria Chavez: "A name?" Melody Larkin: "Green Berets. Smokejumpers. Navy Seals. You want someone to sign up for dangerous duty, needs to be some prestige behind it. You give 'em a name, a new designation, extra rations, maybe, I'll guarantee you'll get the volunteers you're looking for." Maria Chavez: "Hmm. Any suggestions?" Melody Larkin: "Huh... well, gramps was a moonshiner. Made hooch so strong, normal folk couldn't come within a quarter-mile of it. Everyone called him and his boys the "Fire Breathers." Resilient sons-a-guns. What about that?" Maria Chavez: "... I suppose we don't need to go with the first idea we come up with. But for now, I'd like you to reach out to those firemen. Convince them to get onboard with the... Fire Breathers. Let them know it's important. Prestigious." Melody Larkin: "Oh lordy, I think she likes it." Maria Chavez: "I'll work on getting them a place to train. Charleston Fire Department seems like the natural spot." Melody Larkin: "Certainly won't have to travel far to get yourselves into trouble."
- ↑ Charleston terminals: "Woman named Melody stopped by. Said she was with the Responders. Wanted to know if it was all right if some of her trainees used my street for an obstacle course. Like it was some sort of friendly neighbor meet-and-greet. They're crazy, still trying to operate in Charleston after the flood, but I guess they're in good company, seeing as I'm still here too. At least my turrets will keep the critters off their backs while they're... proving whatever it is they need to prove."
- ↑ Charleston Fire Department terminals: "Welcome to the Fire Breathers Training Program. You're here because we believe you have the stones to survive in the Ash Heap and, more importantly, to help us stop these "Scorched" things from taking it over.
This system will walk you through three exams designed to prepare you for what's to come, starting with the "Knowledge" exam below.
Be sure to review your unit-issued study materials before starting. Good luck.
|| Melody Larkin ||" - ↑ Morgantown Airport terminals: "All,
I just wanted to remind everyone that the Fire Breathers unit is always looking for more manpower.
If you think you've got what it takes to handle our toughest missions and take on the Scorched, then Melody and Madigan would love to meet you.
Don't forget, it's a dangerous assignment, but it comes with benefits. You'll have top priority for both rations and ammunition. We ask the Fire Breathers to put their lives on the line, but we reward their bravery where we can.
The job's not for everyone, but if you think you can handle the recruitment process and training, then I ask you to consider signing up.
- Chavez" - ↑ Charleston Fire Department terminals: "{{
ATTN: All Active Fire Breathers
{{ SUBJ: Big Bend Off Limits
As many of you've heard by now, we've traced the influx of Scorched to a single source - Big Bend Tunnel. Initial reports suggest the parties we've run across so far are only the beginning. Now, we're not going to sit on our thumbs while these things make their way into the Heap, but we're not about to waste lives by rushing in without a plan.
So until further notice, all patrols and scouting parties should steer clear of Big Bend Tunnel and the surrounding area. And no one leaves the station without a firearm.
|| Melody ||" - ↑ Charleston Fire Department terminals: "
{{ ATTN: All Active Fire Breathers
{{ SUBJ: Scouts for AMS HQ
We've got a good lead on some tech that should make blowing holes in the Scorched easier, and we're looking for volunteers to go collect.
The crew will be cutting a route across the mountains to get there, since Big Bend's still in the hands of the freaks, then heading into the heart of Watoga, which has apparently gone haywire without proper adult supervision.
For this reason, any volunteers will be outfitted with only the finest in firepower. All interested, please speak to Lieutenant Madigan.
|| Melody ||" - ↑ Charleston Fire Department terminals: "
{{ ATTN: All Active Fire Breathers
{{ SUBJ: Excavator Power Armor
Check-in from Madigan's latest "field trip" yielded a tip on some new gear.
Rumor is that Garrahan Mining's "Excavator Armor," while maybe not the mining method of the future, was actually a seriously rugged hunk of machinery. Smoke/fire/gas-resistant. And apparently the Garrahans kept all the tech to make them in their very own basement.
Any Fire Breathers that find themselves in the vicinity of Bramwell should pop into the old Garrahan HQ, see if they can find any old suits lying around.
|| Melody ||" - ↑ Charleston Fire Department terminals: "{{ ATTN: All Active Fire Breathers
{{ SUBJ: Muster Point - The Rusty Pick
All right, ladies and gents. Word has come down from on high - we've got exactly no more time to wait for Madigan to show. So we're going to have to do this without him.
We move on Big Bend tomorrow. Muster point is The Rusty Pick. You're to be in gear and ready to move by 0700.
Sleep well, tonight. Because tomorrow, we're saving Appalachia.
|| Melody ||" - ↑ Charleston Fire Department terminals: "{{ ATTN: All Active Fire Breathers {{ SUBJ: Muster Point - The Rusty Pick ___________________________ All right, ladies and gents. Word has come down from on high - we've got exactly no more time to wait for Madigan to show. So we're going to have to do this without him. We move on Big Bend tomorrow. Muster point is The Rusty Pick. You're to be in gear and ready to move by 0700. Sleep well, tonight. Because tomorrow, we're saving Appalachia. || Melody ||"
- ↑ AVR Medical Center terminals
- ↑ Orders from Melody