The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon severed finger
Base ID000604de

A Finger is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.


Fallout 3[]

They have no weight, and while they have a value of 1, Sonora Cruz will reward you with 5 caps (10 if your karma is very good) and +10 karma for each finger.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Fingers seem to have no purpose beyond decoration for a home. "Bounty" items in New Vegas are replaced with Legion ears and NCR Dogtags.



Fallout 3[]

  • Fingers are found on evil characters (such as raiders, slavers, smugglers, Enclave soldiers, and Talon Company mercs) when the Lone Wanderer has the Lawbringer perk.
    • You must deliver the killing blow to the evil character for a finger to spawn. If any other damage source kills the enemy, be it another non-player character, including one of your followers, or even environmental damage, no finger will appear on the corpse.
    • Any corpse of an evil character killed before you get this perk will not have a finger on it.
  • Fingers also appear in the inventory of the patients who are unconscious lying on a bed in both Rivet City and Megaton's clinic, if they are killed and searched.
  • A single finger may be found at an Enclave camp southwest of Vault 92, on a table, near many dead corpses in a truck. Without Lawbringer, this finger can do nothing.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

  • A finger can be found in Gibson's Shack on the wall near the skeleton. A machete is holding it to the wall.


  • In Fallout 3, Sonora Cruz can’t take more than 999 fingers at a time. If you have more than that in your inventory when delivering, she only takes 999 but still rewards you for all of the fingers (12,800 caps for 1,280 fingers with very good karma, for instance). You can deliver the remaining fingers for more karma and caps.