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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Falls Church
Fo3 Falls Church Central
Icon metro
Falls Church Metro
Map MarkerFalls Church North
Falls Church Metro
Falls Church East
Part ofWashington, D.C.
metro exitsMarigold Station
Falls Church station
Franklin Station
Other ExitsL.O.B. Enterprises
Department of Research Subsidies office building
Office building
QuestsThe Lost Initiate
Cell NameEastFallsChurch (LOB Enterprises)
FallsChurchOrigin (FC Mason D. e.)
FallsChurchParkingLot (off. b. Pek)
ref id00022103 (LOB Enterprises)
00021107 (FC Mason D. e.)
000210fb (off. bld. Pek)
Falls Church streets

Falls Church is a city (or rather, remains thereof) in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, south of Grayditch.


The Falls Church, from which the City takes its name, was first called "William Gunnell's Church," built of wood in 1733 to serve Truro Parish, which had been formed two years earlier from a larger parish centered in Quantico. By 1757, the building was referred to as "The Falls Church", as it was located along the main tobacco rolling road from the Little Falls of the Potomac River.

The city itself began as a neighborhood of large land grant plantations anchored by an Anglican Church. As Washington, D.C. became the nation's capitol, so did the city grow. During the American Civil War, it saw an influx of Northerners seeking better weather and land, and changed hands several times during the early phases of the war. When the town was taken by the Confederate Army, it became a landmark in military technology: a target of artillery bombardment guided by the air force (in the form of Union Army Balloon Corps).

By the 21st century, it became a densely urbanized, integral part of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Its beautiful metro station was just one of many sights to be found there.


Falls Church is next to Grayditch, Arlington Cemetery and Mason District, but can only be reached through the Metro. The most common way is to travel through the Marigold Station, reachable from Grayditch where you will be fighting off fire ants during the quest Those!. It can be accessed from Mason District via Franklin Station. You can also access it from Arlington Cemetery via Falls Church station

Basile Avenue (blue)[]

This avenue is oriented east to west, and intersects Mizin Street and Fairford Drive. Major landmarks on this avenue are the Falls Church station, L.O.B. Enterprises, and a super mutant camp. The avenue also features two mail dropboxes.

The super mutant camp is located in a heavily destroyed school. Most of the first floor, and portions of the second floor, are patrolled by four or five of the mutants. They are able to walk the second floor by means of plank bridges which close the gaps between support pillars. These abominations have nearly unlimited views of the surrounding terrain, and can easily spot any intruders from a distance. There is also a Nuka-Cola vending machine. Lying outside, and to the west of the school, there is a children's playground.

Fairford Drive (red)[]

This drive is oriented north to south, and intersects Basile Avenue. Major landmarks on the drive are L.O.B. Enterprises, at 18527 Fairford Drive, and the super mutant camp. Most of the drive past this building has been destroyed. A bus stop for the City Liner service and a fire hydrant are located adjacent to the camp.

Mizin Street (green)[]

This street is oriented north to south, and intersects Basile Avenue. This street ends abruptly at a children's playground. Two major landmarks on this street are the Falls Church station, one of the few Metro stations to be built above the ground, and the super mutant camp. Adjacent to the camp, there is a mail dropbox.

Washington Boulevard (yellow)[]

This boulevard starts north of a courtyard, and curves to the west under a pedestrian bridge. Major landmarks on this boulevard are the Franklin Station and an office building.

Notable loot[]

  • There's a Tumblers Today in the office building with Pek. Its located in the first room to the north of the entrance on a desk that has a safe below it.
  • Duck and Cover! underground in Franklin Station, in a ticket booth hidden behind a barricade. This booth is immediately to the right of the lit kiosk at the top of the left stairway.
  • There is a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine in the men's bathroom in the Franklin Station near the exit to Mason District on top of a first aid box.
  • A pre-War book can be found in the diner in the barricaded area (the diner is on the upper platform of Franklin Station).
  • There is also a Stealth Boy on top of the stove behind the counter.

Related quests[]



Falls Church appears only in Fallout 3.


  • PCIcon pc The game may freeze when you go through the door from Falls Church station to the Marigold Station.
  • PCIcon pc Paladin Hoss is subject to numerous bugs. See the characters page for further details.