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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
This page lists all skill books in Fallout Tactics.
  • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • For skill books in other Fallout games, please see "Skill book".
  • For an overview of Fallout Tactics content, please refer to "Portal:Fallout Tactics".

General information[]

Skill books in Fallout Tactics can be used to increase a character's skill in specific areas of study. After a book is used, it is removed from your inventory.

When reading a book, you get up to 15 skill points, depending on your current skill level, and whether it is a tagged skill. Number of gained skill points decreases by one point every three skill levels, starting from 107 (for tagged skills) or 72 (for non-tagged). For example: if you read a skill book for a tagged skill while already having 106 or 107 points in it, you will end up with that skill at level 121 (gaining 15 or 14 skill points).


The following section is transcluded from the respective item articles. To modify, please edit the source pages.
NameClosest map markerLocation description
Big Book of ScienceRock FallsOne in a locked chest, another carried by Diesoon
Big Book of SciencePreoriaOne in a locked safe, another in desk
Big Book of ScienceJeffersonIn fridge
Big Book of ScienceKansas CityIn two shelves
Big Book of ScienceJunction CityIn bookshelf
Big Book of ScienceGreat BendIn a chest in Mike's house
Big Book of ScienceCold WaterSold by a civilian
Big Book of ScienceNewtonHeld by Tobias Peste
Big Book of ScienceScott CityOn a bookshelf
Big Book of ScienceSpecial encounter: MerchantTwo books for sale
Big Book of ScienceSpecial encounter: Brothers GrimmCarried by Joe Grimm
Dean's ElectronicsBunker BetaSold by mechanics after Mardin
Dean's ElectronicsBunker GammaSold by mechanics after Osceolla
Dean's ElectronicsSt. LouisOn workbench
Dean's ElectronicsJunction CityIn shelf
Dean's ElectronicsVault 0In locker
Dean's ElectronicsSpecial encounter: Brothers GrimmCarried by Joe Grimm
First Aid BookPreoriaIn medical bay
First Aid BookKansas CityIn shelf
First Aid BookGreat BendOn two corpses
First Aid BookColdwaterIn footlocker
First Aid BookScott CityIn shelf and on desk
First Aid BookVault 0In locker
Guns and BulletsBunker AlphaSold by Shauri, after Freeport
Guns and BulletsPreoriaIn desk
Guns and BulletsMardinOn ghoul corpse
Guns and BulletsGreat BendOn two corpses
Guns and BulletsColdwaterFor sale
Guns and BulletsScott CityIn metal shelf
Guns and BulletsSpecial encounter: FarmerFor sale
Maddock's Tricks & TrapsRock FallsIn safe in headquarters
Maddock's Tricks & TrapsMacombRewarded by the librarian
Maddock's Tricks & TrapsPreoriaIn trapped shelf
Maddock's Tricks & TrapsGreat BendOn Ripley's corpse
Maddock's Tricks & TrapsScott CityOn floor
Maddock's Tricks & TrapsSpecial encounter: MerchantFor sale
Scout HandbookFreeportIn bookshelf
Scout HandbookPreoriaOn corpse
Scout HandbookMardinOn beastlord
Scout HandbookJeffersonIn chest
Scout HandbookScott CityOn a bookshelf
Scout HandbookSpecial encounter: Canadian InvasionOn tribal
Scout HandbookSpecial encounter: FarmerFor sale
Scout HandbookSpecial encounter: HermitFor sale
Zen & Art of PilotingBunker AlphaSold by mechanic Rock Falls
Zen & Art of PilotingBunker BetaSold by mechanic after Mardin
Zen & Art of PilotingPreoriain desk
Zen & Art of PilotingSt. Louisin workbench
Zen & Art of PilotingGreat Bendon Ripley's corpse
Zen & Art of PilotingSpecial encounter: MerchantFor sale
Skill books in Fallout Tactics