The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
This page lists all quests in Fallout 4.
  • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • For quests in other Fallout games, please see "Quest".
  • For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to "Fallout 4".

General information[]

All quests are represented on the Pip-Boy 3000 Mk IV by a brief animation. Due to the Creation Engine, multiple quests can be marked active at the same time.

Base game[]

Act I[]

Act II[]

Act III[]

Due to the structure of the game, progressing far enough into a faction quest line will result in turning other factions hostile.

The Institute quests[]

Main Side Repeatable

Brotherhood of Steel quests[]

Main Side Repeatable

The Railroad quests[]

Main Side Repeatable

Minutemen quests[]

Main Side Repeatable

Side quests[]

These 32 quests have no affiliation with any faction, nor are companion quests.

DLC quests[]

All quests require their respective DLC to be installed. and active.


Far Harbor[]

Far Harbor
The Nucleus

Vault-Tec Workshop[]

  • Vault-Tec Calling: A mysterious signal leads the Survivor to a hidden Vault in the Commonwealth.
  • Better Living Underground: With the Vault uncovered, the challenge lies in gaining access inside.
  •  A Model Citizen: The Survivor meets a pre-War Overseer and agrees to reactivate the Vault
  •  Explore Vault 88: Many more surprises await in the depths of the caverns excavated for the purpose of expanding Vault 88.
  • Power to the People: The Overseer would like to test various experimental designs in practice. The power cycle is the first.
  •  The Watering Hole: Then comes a fountain laced with mind-altering drugs.
  • Vision of the Future: And manipulating dwellers using eyesight diagnostic machines.
  • Lady Luck: And finally, the piece de resistance, a personal invention by Overseer Barstow, turning vice into something of use to the Vault.


The following quests are tied to the main story, if the player accepts their position as Overboss

The following are repeatable quests available for the player as an Overboss

The following quest allows a player to wipe out the raiders and secure Nuka-World again for the traders

Finally, the following three quests are side quests

See also[]

Fallout 4 quests