The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Cleanup (Missing holotapes, Missing content)
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Icon disambig
This page is about holodisks and paper notes which contain readable text or voice recordings. For other holodisks and notes, see Fallout 4 miscellaneous items.
This page lists all holodisks and notes in Fallout 4.
  • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • For holodisks and notes in other Fallout games, please see "Holodisks and notes".
  • For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to "Fallout 4".

General information[]

In Fallout 4, picking up holodisks or paper notes will add them to the "Misc" category of the Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV's "Data" screen.


Cut contentIcon cutCut from final version of game or add-on.
Quoted verbatim, error appeared in the original sourceIcon sicName is spelled as it is in-game, even if the in-game spelling is grammatically or otherwise wrong.
ImageIcon imageHolodisk/note contains an image.
SoundIcon soundHolotape contains sound.
TextIcon textHolodisk/note contains written text.
Unrecognized icon nameIcon questionHolotape that contain playable minigames.
Unrecognized icon nameIcon questionHolotape that contains programs or terminal entries.


For locations and transcripts, please refer to the individual articles.

Base game[]

Image Name Weight Value Related quest Creation Kit Base ID
Fo4 Holotape
4n1m4L's test logs 0 0 The Nuclear Option DN169_TestingLabHolotape 0019ac71
Fo4 Holotape
A toast 0 1 DNBostonCommon_BoylstonHolotape 001abfb9
Fo4 Holotape
Advanced system notes 0 0 InstituteHolotapeMadison01 001cfb60
Fo4 Holotape
Advanced system notes 0 0 InstituteHolotapeMadison02 001cfb61
Fo4 note
Announcement script 0 0 Inst305Note 0015e9ad
Fo4 Holotape
Arlen's manifesto 0 1 Giddyup 'n Go DN154_HolotapeArlenToMarc 000bd77a
Fo4 note
Arlen's note 0 0 Giddyup 'n Go REObjectSC05_DN154_Note 00118b06
Fo4 note
Associate's note 0 0 DN035_EasyCityDownsNote 000cf6c5
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales01 0016969f
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales02 001696a7
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales03 001696a0
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales04 0016969d
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales05 001696a2
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales06 0016969a
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales07 001696a1
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales08 0016969c
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales09 001696a5
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales10 0016969e
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales11 0016969b
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales12 001696a6
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales13 001696a3
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Astoundingly Awesome Tales PerkMagAstoundinglyAwesomeTales14 001696a4
Atom Cat's custom paint job 0 4000 DN054PowerArmorPaintJobPurchaseItem 0023c675
Atomatoys developer's password: Marlene Giddyup 'n Go DN154_AtomatoysHQArlenPassword 00118b0d
Hologram AtomicCommand 20151205 17-58-11
Atomic Command 0 300 AtomicCommand_HolotapeGame 0006167b
Fo4 Holotape
Augusta report 0 0 Butcher's Bill RRR01aDeadDropHolotape 00189b38
Fo4 Holotape
Augusta station last update 0 0 Butcher's Bill RRR01AugustaHolotape 000b1f58
Fo4 Holotape
Baker's holotape 0 1 DN109_GunnerHolotapeBaker 0001d394
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note01 000e7b28
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note02 000e7b2a
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note03 000e7b2b
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note04 000e7b2c
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note05 000e7b2d
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note06 000e7b2e
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note07 000e7b2f
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note08 000e7b30
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note09 000e7b56
Fo4 TornNote
Bakery ticket 0 0 DN049_Bake_Note10 000e7b57
Fo4 note
Barney's password 0 0 Gun Run DN083_Password 002301d1
Fo4 note
Bathroom note #1 0 0 DN112_BathroomNote02 00162a81
Fo4 note
Bathroom note #2 0 0 DN112_BathroomNote03 00162a84
Fo4 Holotape
Battlefield holotape 0 1 The Lost Patrol BoSM01_HolotapeVarham 000b1dbc
SoundIcon sound Bedford Station recording 0 1 DN007_BedfordHolotape 000d84d6
TextIcon text Bergman's password 0 0 Underground Undercover RR201CodeDPassword 0015b0ba
TextIcon text Bill's Letter 0 0 Building a Better Crop InstM01_BillsLetter 0011a0dc
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question BioScience systems access 0 0 A House Divided InstM03OberlyHolotape 000787a7
SoundIcon sound Blackbird report 0 0 Butcher's Bill 2 RRR01bDeadDropHolotape 00189b3a
TextIcon text Blood contract 0 0 DN034_BloodContractNote 000ac5b1
TextIcon text Blueprints 0 0 Appropriation InstR03Blueprints 000ed65d
SoundIcon sound Bonnie's holotape 0 0 DN150_HolotapeBonnie 00225d7b
SoundIcon sound Boston shelter - guard update 0 1 DN010_HolotapeGuard 0006a32d
SoundIcon sound Boston shelter - mayor's goodbye 0 1 DN010_HolotapeMayor 0006a323
SoundIcon sound Boston shelter - Where are you? 0 1 DN010_HolotapeMayorWife 0006a330
TextIcon text Bottle message - difficult to kill 0 0 MessageInABottle05 001da060
TextIcon text Bottle message - need a hand 0 0 MessageInABottle04 001da058
TextIcon text Bottle message - not going well 0 0 MessageInABottle03 001da050
TextIcon text Bottle message - predator becomes prey 0 0 MessageInABottle02 001da045
TextIcon text Bottle message - trapped for days 0 0 MessageInABottle01 001da03b
TextIcon text Bottle message - x marks the spot 0 0 MessageInABottle06 001da063
TextIcon text Breakroom note #1 0 0 DN112_BreakroomNote01 00162a89
TextIcon text Breakroom note #2 0 0 DN112_BreakroomNote02 00162a8b
SoundIcon sound Brian Virgil personal log 0176 0 0 From Within BoS203EvidenceHolotape 000a005e
SoundIcon sound The Bugle Repertoire 0 20 DN035_HolotapeEasyCityDowns 00123867
TextIcon text Buttercup sales 0 0 Giddyup 'n Go DN154_Note_Secretary 00118bdc
SoundIcon sound C.I.T. recon report 0 0 BoSHolotapeCITReconReport 001d15f8
SoundIcon sound Captain Dunleavy's holotape 0 0 Liberty Reprimed BoS301SoldierHolotape 001bf709
TextIcon text Caravan details 0 0 Human Error MS17StocktonBook 000eecb4
TextIcon text Cargo handler's note 0 0 DN007_LoadingDockNote 000d8561
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Carl's log 0 1 DN070_HolotapeCarl 00111820
SoundIcon sound Cats Poetry Night Tape 1 0 1 DN054PoetryHolotape01 000cf69e
SoundIcon sound Cats Poetry Night Tape 2 0 1 DN054PoetryHolotape02 000d00a2
SoundIcon sound Cats Poetry Night Tape 3 0 1 DN054PoetryHolotape03 000d00aa
SoundIcon sound Chief engineer's log 0 1 Here There Be Monsters MS02HolotapeEngineerLog 0002225f
TextIcon text Cooke's note 0 0 MS13CookeNote 00044279
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Combat sentry proto MKIV holotape 0 0 DN116MilitaryBotHolotape 0010b9e3
SoundIcon sound Control Subject's Recording 1/3 0.2 1 holotapeTheControl01 0019d2ec
SoundIcon sound Control Subject's Recording 2/3 0.2 1 holotapeTheControl02 0019d2f0
SoundIcon sound Control Subject's Recording 3/3 0.2 1 holotapeTheControl03 0019d2f1
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Courser chip data 0 0 The Molecular Level MQ206CourserChipHolotape 0008575b
TextIcon text Covenant reminder 0 0 Human Error MS17CovenantReminder 000e92a4
SoundIcon sound Cruz's holotape 0 1 DN052_MiniBoss01Holotape 001a7119
SoundIcon sound David's Holotape 0 0 DN150_HolotapeDavid 0019229d
TextIcon text Deacon's recall code 0 0 COMDeaconRecallCode 000f78b8
TextIcon text Dead drop note 0 0 DN007_DeadDropNote 0019ede1
SoundIcon sound Dear Detective 1 0 0 DN042_DearDetective01 0018ba35
SoundIcon sound Dear Detective 2 0 0 DN042_DearDetective02 0018ba37
SoundIcon sound Dear Detective 3 0 0 DN042_DearDetective03 0018ba36
SoundIcon sound Dear Detective 4 0 0 DN042_DearDetective04 0018ba40
SoundIcon sound Det. McDonnell's holotape 0 1 DN107_Holotape02 001a7772
SoundIcon sound Det. Perry's holotape 0 1 DN107_Holotape03 001a7773
TextIcon text Diary page 0 0 DN110_GirlsDiaryNote 000482e0
TextIcon text Director blank 0 0 DN015_TEMPTerminal1 000284e4
SoundIcon sound Director's Recording #52 0 0 InstituteHolotapeCPG01 001cfb63
SoundIcon sound Director's Recording #108 0 0 InstituteHolotapeDmndCity01 001cfb64
SoundIcon sound Discarded ArcJet worklog 0 0 BoS101TechHolotape 001bf70b
TextIcon text Don't worry, sis DN040_LilysLetter01 001beade
TextIcon text Dr. Forsythe's note RESceneKMK_MS19_A_Note 001488ff
Dr. Virgil's file 216215 MQ203DeskFolder
TextIcon text Dutchman's instructions DN007_DutchmanNote 0003e055
SoundIcon sound Dunwich - Management 0 1 DN033_HolotapeDunwich02 0014088d
SoundIcon sound Dunwich - Hugo's struggle 0 1 DN033_HolotapeHugo 0013bf25
SoundIcon sound Dunwich - Tim Shoots 0 1 DN033_HolotapeDunwich01 00140885
TextIcon text Earl Sterling case notes MS07aEarlSterlingCase 0001cad1
TextIcon text Eddie Winter case notes 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07cWinterCaseFile 00184409
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter holotape 0 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape00 000ebe77
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter holotape 1 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape01 000ebe78
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter Holotape 2 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape02 000ebe79
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter Holotape 3 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape03 000ebe7a
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter Holotape 4 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape04 000ebe7b
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter Holotape 5 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape05 000ebe7c
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter Holotape 6 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape06 000ebe7d
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter Holotape 7 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape07 000ebe7e
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter Holotape 8 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape08 000ebe7f
SoundIcon sound Eddie Winter Holotape 9 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07EddieWinterHolotape09 000d4d93
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Edwin's journal 0 1 DN021_HolotapeEdwin 0017b487
TextIcon text Eleanor's note POISC06_Note 001e1f46
TextIcon text Electromagnetic actuators list BoS301ActuatorList 0002b4df
SoundIcon sound Emma's holotape 0 1 DN068_HolotapeEmma 0016277b
SoundIcon sound Employee 011985TP personal log 0 0 DN041_Holotape01 0018f163
TextIcon text Esplanade mission brief DN102_EsplenadeMansionNote 001add21
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Encrypted message holotape 0 0 Underground Undercover MQ206HolotapeRR 0020b00e
TextIcon text Evacuation plan DN041_Note 0018f165
TextIcon text Experiment log J-32, day 1 DN131_SwanLog01 0001b201
TextIcon text Experiment log J-32, day 14 DN131_SwanLog03 0001b203
TextIcon text Experiment log J-32, day 21 DN131_SwanLog04 0001b204
TextIcon text Experiment log J-32, day 6 DN131_SwanLog02 0001b202
TextIcon text Fear not MS07b_ShemDrowneGraveNote 001ed4f9
TextIcon text Fear the Future? PublickOccurrencesArticle03 0021c981
TextIcon text Federal ration stockpile password DN040_BossPassword 000ec357
TextIcon text Feral ghouls in (location)! DiamondCityWantedNoteGhouls 00141ea4
SoundIcon sound FEV Research Notes 0 0 InstituteHolotapeFEVLab01 001cfb5e
SoundIcon sound FEV Research Notes 0 0 InstituteHolotapeFEVLab02 001cfb5f
SoundIcon sound Find the Silver Shroud 0 1 The Silver Shroud MS04HolotapeSinjin 000456fc
TextIcon text Fishing tournament ad DN074_QuannapowittFlyer 0001ac10
TextIcon text Food for the grasshopper MS07b_ShemDrowneNote 00147d58
TextIcon text Four Leaf fishpacking security password DN047_FourLeafSecurityPassword 000f9338
TextIcon text Friends of the lake mission log DN137_ShamrockNote 000f73a0
TextIcon text From Lucia BoSM02_Note_Clarke 00166a6e
TextIcon text Fugitives' holotape 0 1 DN131_Commons_FugitivesHolotape 000668d2
SoundIcon sound Goodbye from H2-22 0 0 Memory Interrupted RRM02_H22GoodbyeHolotape 000a8c1e
TextIcon text Goodbye letter DN132_Note03 001a67d6
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question The Great Division 0 1 DN026_Holotape 001a8e5c
TextIcon text Greenetech terminal password DN009_SynthTerminalPassword 0006d0e2
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Griswold's poetry collection 0 0 GriswoldsHolotape 0010fd23
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak & The Ruby Ruins 0 300 Grognak_HolotapeGame 000727fa
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian01 0008e741
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian02 0008e742
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian03 0008e743
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian04 0008e744
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian05 0008e745
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian06 0008e746
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian07 0008e747
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian08 0008e748
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian09 0008e749
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Grognak the Barbarian 0 100 PerkMagGrognakTheBarbarian10 0008e74a
SoundIcon sound Groundskeeper's log 0 1 CommonHolotape 0021c986
TextIcon text Gruel's list RETravelJS01Note 0016adb3
TextIcon text Gunner's note DN102_BossNote 000fff82
TextIcon text Gunner's note RETreasureHuntSC03NoteGun 0002b4bf
Guns and Bullets 00092a83 PerkMagGunsAndBullets01
Guns and Bullets 00092a87 PerkMagGunsAndBullets02
Guns and Bullets 00092a88 PerkMagGunsAndBullets03
Guns and Bullets 00092a89 PerkMagGunsAndBullets04
Guns and Bullets 00092a8a PerkMagGunsAndBullets05
Guns and Bullets 00092a8b PerkMagGunsAndBullets06
Guns and Bullets 00092a8c PerkMagGunsAndBullets07
Guns and Bullets 00092a8d PerkMagGunsAndBullets08
Guns and Bullets 00092a8e PerkMagGunsAndBullets09
Guns and Bullets 00092a8f PerkMagGunsAndBullets10
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Gwinnett ale brewing subroutines 0 1 DrinkingBuddyRecipe_GwinnettAle 00178b20
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Gwinnett brew recipe 0 1 DrinkingBuddyRecipe_GwinnettBrew 00178b1e
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Gwinnett lager recipe 0 1 DrinkingBuddyRecipe_GwinnettLager 00178b1f
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Gwinnett pils recipe 0 1 DrinkingBuddyRecipe_GwinnettPils 00178b21
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Gwinnett stout recipe 0 1 DrinkingBuddyRecipe_GwinnettStout 00178b22
SoundIcon sound Hadrian's invitation 0 1 Treasure of Jamacia Plain DN070_HolotapeHadrian 0011181b
TextIcon text HalluciGen mission brief DN102_BossMissionBrief 000fff81
SoundIcon sound Hammer's holotape 0 0 DN150HolotapeSupermutant 00113993
TextIcon text Helena's instructions DN007_HelenaNote 0003e054
TextIcon text Help wanted! DN102_HalluciGenFlyer 001c6109
TextIcon text Henri's instructions BoS301CoANote 00065320
SoundIcon sound Hi honey! 0 1 CodsworthHolotape01 0004f629
Hobby Club Message Mar15 0 5 POIjoel06HolotapeMessage01 0016fe32
Hobby Club Message Mar28 0 5 POIjoel06HolotapeMessage02 0016fe33
Hobby Club Message Apr21 0 5 POIjoel06HolotapeMessage03 0016fe34
TextIcon text Holotape instructions DN070_JamaicaPlainHolotapeInstructions 00144e70
Hot Rodder 00180a24 PerkMagHotRod01
Hot Rodder 00185cbf PerkMagHotRod02
Hot Rodder 00185cd1 PerkMagHotRod03
SoundIcon sound Implant update session No. 7 0 0 InstituteHolotapeKellogg01 001cfb62
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Initiate Clarke's Log 0 1 Duty or Dishonor BoSM02_HolotapeClarke 00166aa6
SoundIcon sound Institute relay targeting sequence 0 0 The Nuclear Option MQ302MinHolotape 0017e1bf
TextIcon text Intervention note RESceneJSDN062Note 00047647
TextIcon text Items needed - Reflector platform MQ206BoSListReflectorPlatform 001a7bb8
TextIcon text Items needed - Reflector platform MQ206MinListReflectorPlatform 00156049
TextIcon text Items needed - Reflector platform MQ206RRListReflectorPlatform 00069012
TextIcon text Items needed - Signal interceptor MQ206BoSListCombined 001a7bb9
TextIcon text Items needed - Signal interceptor MQ206MinListCombined 00156048
TextIcon text Items needed - Signal interceptor MQ206RRListCombined 00069011
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Jack Rockford's log DN084_HolotapeJackRockford 0005a7cf
SoundIcon sound Jacq's holotape 0 1 DN088_JacqsHolotape01 0008c418
TextIcon text Jacq's note DN088_JacqsNote 0008e59f
SoundIcon sound Jake's holotape 0 0 Out of the Fire DN121_JakesHolotape 0002da0c
TextIcon text Jamaica Plain flyer DN070_JamaicaPlainFlyer 00111816
SoundIcon sound Join the Railroad 0 0 RailroadRecruitmentHolotape 000c45e7
SoundIcon sound Josh's holotape 0 1 DN068_HolotapeJosh 0016277a
TextIcon text Journal scrap DN059_RaiderJournal 00061b0f}
TextIcon text Junkie's note RETreasureHuntSC02NoteChems 0002b4c0
Ken's invitation 0 1 Treasure of Jamaica Plain DN070_HolotapeKen 00111823
SoundIcon sound Knight Astlin's holotape 0 1 The Lost Patrol BoSM01_HolotapeAstlin 000b1dbd
SoundIcon sound Knight Lucia's log 0 1 Duty or Dishonor BoSM02_HolotapeLucia 00166a6d
SoundIcon sound Knight-Captain Cade's report 0 1 BoSHolotapeCade 001b447d
La Coiffe 0009473e PerkMagLaCoiffe01
La Coiffe 001c63ed PerkMagLaCoiffe05
SoundIcon sound Ladies auxiliary tape 5 0.2 1 holotapeLadiesAux03 0019d2e9
SoundIcon sound Ladies auxiliary tape 8 0.2 1 holotapeLadiesAux02 0019d2e8
SoundIcon sound Ladies auxiliary tape 10 0.2 1 holotapeLadiesAux01 0019d2e3
TextIcon text Last entry DN097_Note 000fa753
TextIcon text Legal notice DN074_QuannapowittLegalNotice 0019ede3
TextIcon text Letter REPostman_DN035_EasyCityDowns 001c6161
TextIcon text Letter REPostman_DN059_CollegeSquare 001c6160
TextIcon text Letter REPostman_DN070_JamaicaPlain 001c611b
TextIcon text Letter RESceneRJ02_Note01 001b01d9
TextIcon text Letter RESceneRJ02_Note02 001b01da
TextIcon text Letter RESceneRJ02_Note03 001b01db
TextIcon text Letter RESceneRJ02_Note04 001b01dc
TextIcon text Letter RESceneRJ02_Note05 001b01dd
TextIcon text Letter RESceneRJ02_Note06 001b01de
TextIcon text Letter RESceneRJ02_Note08 001b01e0
TextIcon text Letter RESceneRJ02_Note09 001b01e1
TextIcon text Letter RETravelRJ01_Note 001a97fc
TextIcon text Letter from Phyllis DN036CompassionNote 001d5cdf
TextIcon text Letter from Phyllis DN036CompassionSonNote 001d5ce0
TextIcon text Letter from Phyllis DN036JustMoveOnNote 001d5cde
TextIcon text Letter from Phyllis DN036MinutemenNote 001d5cdc
TextIcon text Letter from Phyllis DN036RailroadNote 001d5cdb
TextIcon text Letter from Phyllis DN036ToughLoveNote 001d5cdd
Live & Love 00184da7 PerkMagLiveAndLove01
Live & Love 00184db9 PerkMagLiveAndLove02
Live & Love 00184dc6 PerkMagLiveAndLove03
Live & Love 00185cc2 PerkMagLiveAndLove04
Live & Love 00185ccd PerkMagLiveAndLove05
Live & Love 001c2e24 PerkMagLiveAndLove06
Live & Love 001c2e26 PerkMagLiveAndLove07
Live & Love 001c2e28 PerkMagLiveAndLove08
Live & Love 001d1cd6 PerkMagLiveAndLove09
Fo4 Holotape
Log - SSG Michael Daly 0 1 When Freedom Calls MQPreWarSoldierHolotape01 00056dd6
Fo4 note
Lorenzo Cabot's journal 0 0 CabotHouseLorenzoJournal 001d907b
Fo4 note
Macbeth script 0 4 MS10MacbethScript 000f61eb
Fo4 TornNote
Mama Murphy's note 0 0 DN109_MamaMurphyNote 001ee930
Fo4 Holotape
Marc's warning 0 1 DN154_HolotapeMarcToNate 000bd786
Fo4 TornNote
Margaret's note 0 0 DN132_Note01 001a5854
Fo4 Holotape
Marlene's holotape 0 1 Giddyup 'n Go DN154_HolotapeMarlene 00118adc
Marowski heist photo 0 0 The Marowski Heist MS13MarowskiPhoto 0008a1fb
Fo4 Holotape
Marty Bullfinch's holotape 0 0 The Gilded Grasshopper MS07bMartyBullfinchHolotape00 00147d52
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 001a7c24 Journal_SurgicalRaisedByRobots
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 0008e74b PerkMagMassSurgicalJournal01
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 0008e74c PerkMagMassSurgicalJournal02
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 0008e74d PerkMagMassSurgicalJournal03
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 0008e74e PerkMagMassSurgicalJournal04
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 0008e74f PerkMagMassSurgicalJournal05
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 0008e750 PerkMagMassSurgicalJournal06
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 0008e751 PerkMagMassSurgicalJournal07
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 001d1f53 PerkMagMassSurgicalJournal08
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 001d1f55 PerkMagMassSurgicalJournal09
SoundIcon sound Maxson was right 0 0 BoSHolotapeMaxsonWasRight 001d15f7
SoundIcon sound Message machine holotape 0 5 POIJoel06MessageFromPlayer 00168178
SoundIcon sound Message to Jack 0 1 FFGoodneighbor05Holotape01 000727f2
TextIcon text Moving forward PublickOccurrencesArticle02 000a93d0
TextIcon text Ness' lead DN123_NessNote 0006858b
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Network scanner 0 0 Inside Job
Outside the Wire
MQ206Holotape 00136331
SoundIcon sound The New Squirrel- Tape 1 0 1 StorytimeSimon_TheNewSquirrel_Holotape01 001ac522
SoundIcon sound The New Squirrel- Tape 2 0 1 StorytimeSimon_TheNewSquirrel_Holotape02 001ac524
SoundIcon sound The New Squirrel- Tape 3 0 1 StorytimeSimon_TheNewSquirrel_Holotape03 001ac523
TextIcon text Note DN030_Note 001a8e2b
TextIcon text Note E_S_StashNote 001ef456
TextIcon text Note REObjectJS01Note 00031901
TextIcon text Note REScene01Note 0002fd6d
TextIcon text Note from Blackbird RRR01bBlackbirdsNote 000b26eb
TextIcon text Note from Brother Hoberman GlowingSea_COA_Virgil_Note 0019cbae
TextIcon text Note from Eric DN102_2FAccountingNote 000e523b
TextIcon text Note to Tweez DN147_DoorNote 001a7697
TextIcon text Notice to Slocum's Joe DN124_NoticeToSlocumsJoe 001ccf69
TextIcon text Notice to WRVR MS10_RadioTowerNote 001cc1c2
TextIcon text Office duties GlowingSeaPOIDB02Note 00191670
TextIcon text Office note DN154_Note_Reception 0002bd3b
SoundIcon sound Operation Winter's End 0 1 Long Time Coming MS07WintersEndHolo 000d4d8e
TextIcon text Orders POIDL001_TankNote 001e80aa
SoundIcon sound Oslow's office recording 0 0 BoS303MassFusionHolotape 001bf70a
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question P.A.M. decryption program 0 1 Tactical Thinking BoS302BPAMUnlock 0014a0e8
SoundIcon sound Paladin Brandis' holotape 0 1 The Lost Patrol BoSM01_HolotapeBrandis 000b1dbf
SoundIcon sound Paladin Danse final entry 0 0 Blind Betrayal BoS302DanseSuicideHolotape 001d83a8
TextIcon text Park sign in DN097_Note02 00055e6a
TextIcon text Patriot's suicide letter RRPatriotSuicideNote 00015060
TextIcon text Penny's ledger MS17ShopBook 000e92a8
TextIcon text Personal log - 142 0 1 BoSHolotapeGenericPersonalLog 001d15f9
TextIcon text Phyllis's note DN036CovenantNote 001d5ce6
Picket Fences 00184d8b PerkMagPicketFences01
Picket Fences 00184db7 PerkMagPicketFences02
Picket Fences 00180a36 PerkMagPicketFences03
Picket Fences 00185cdd PerkMagPicketFences04
Picket Fences 00185cee PerkMagPicketFences05
TextIcon text Pickman's a psycho! FFGoodneighbor05Note 000727f0
TextIcon text Pickman's calling card DN101_PickmanCallingCardNote 00152ae6
TextIcon text Pickman's calling card RESceneCC_DN101Note 00030050
TextIcon text Pickman's thank you note Pickman's Gift DN101_PickmanNote 0015076c
TextIcon text Pillars of the Community flyer MS09PrewarCultFlier 00052502
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Pipfall 0 300 Pipfall_HolotapeGame 00072802
TextIcon text Pledge initiation instructions 0 0 DN132_Holotape 001a5861
Power armor frame 0021a6a4 PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemAtomCats
Power armor frame 001f4265 PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemBoS
Power armor frame 00218c51 PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemDC
Power armor frame 00218c4d PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemGood
TextIcon text Priority kill orders Tactical Thinking BoS302BKillList 0014a0e6
SoundIcon sound Private Hart's holotape 0 1 The Devil's Due MS05_Holotape02 001685dd
SoundIcon sound Private Murnahan's holotape 0 0 BoS202SoldierHolotape 001bf708
SoundIcon sound Property of R. Burton 0 0 DN020_Holotape 0001f986
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Protectron override program 0 1 hackerHolotapeProtectron 001680e3
TextIcon text Quincy survivor's note POISC_Note01 001f22ef
SoundIcon sound Quinlan to be deleted 0 1 BoSHolotapeQuinlan 001b447e
TextIcon text Racetrack advertisement DN035_EasyCityDownsFlyer 001c6108
TextIcon text Raider report MS17RaiderReports 000ed4ca
TextIcon text Raider's advice DN131_Commons_Note03 001ad774
TextIcon text Raider's note RETreasureHuntSC01NoteCaps 0002b4be
TextIcon text Raiders in (location)! DiamondCityWantedNoteRaiders 00141833
SoundIcon sound Randolph Station Update #1 0 0 Randolph Safehouse RRR06RandolphHolotape01 001846c4
SoundIcon sound Randolph Station Update #2 0 0 Randolph Safehouse RRR06RandolphHolotape02 001846c5
SoundIcon sound Randolph Station Update #3 0 0 Randolph Safehouse RRR06RandolphHolotape03 001846c6
SoundIcon sound Randolph Station Update #4 0 0 Randolph Safehouse RRR06RandolphHolotape04 001846c7
SoundIcon sound Randolph Station Update #5 0 0 Randolph Safehouse RRR06RandolphHolotape05 001846c8
SoundIcon sound Randolph Station Update #6 0 0 Randolph Safehouse RRR06RandolphHolotape06 001846c9
TextIcon text Reactor coolant list Reactor Coolant BoSPostCoolantNote 0017be80
TextIcon text Recall codes The Battle of Bunker Hill Inst302Note 001e67bf
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Red Menace 0 300 RedMenace_HolotapeGame 000e5082
TextIcon text Red! It's Lily! DN040_LilysLetter04 001beae1
TextIcon text Red! Send food! DN040_LilysLetter03 001beae0
TextIcon text Reminder DN154_Note_Arlen 0011a00a
TextIcon text Report InstR05MayorsReport 000f0dd9
TextIcon text Resignation letter DN154_Note_Marc01 00118b17
TextIcon text Richard's note CambridgeDeadNewsieNote 000c97cc
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question RobCo Defragmenter GJ_Defrag_Holotape 000e5081
RobCo Fun 00184da1 PerkMagRobcoFun01
RobCo Fun 00184db2 PerkMagRobcoFun02
RobCo Fun 00184dc4 PerkMagRobcoFun04
RobCo Fun 001c1418 PerkMagRobcoFun05
SoundIcon sound Runaway's Holotape 0 1 DN110_RunawayHolotape 00107798
TextIcon text Russell's note DN132_Note02 001a5857
TextIcon text Ryder's holotape 0 1 DN052_MiniBoss02Holotape 001a711a
TextIcon text SAFE report MS17SAFEStats 000ed4c9
SoundIcon sound Sal's holotape 0 1 DN070_HolotapeSal 000e9bc3
TextIcon text Scavenger's lead DN160_Scavenger01Note 0018ac46
TextIcon text Scavenger's list DN160_Scavenger03Note 0018ac48
TextIcon text Scavenger's note DN160_Scavenger02Note 0018ac47
TextIcon text Scavenger's note RETreasureHuntSC04NoteScrap 0002b4c2
SoundIcon sound School Announcements Oct 18th 0 1 DN062AnnouncementsHolotape01 0014504b
SoundIcon sound School Announcements Oct 20th 0 1 DN062AnnouncementsHolotape02 0014505b
SoundIcon sound School Announcements Oct 22nd 0 1 DN062AnnouncementsHolotape03 00145061
TextIcon text Scrapper's note DN035_EasyCityDownsRobotNote 0013888e
SoundIcon sound Scribe Faris' holotape 0 1 BoSM01_HolotapeFaris 000b1dbe
SoundIcon sound Scribe Haylen's personal log 0 1 BoSHolotapeHaylen 001b447f
TextIcon text Settler's note RETreasureHuntSC05NoteTech 0002b4c1
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Sentinel site blast door override 0 0 DN166BlastDoorOverrideHolotape 0014ccc7
SoundIcon sound Sergeant Lee's holotape 0 1 The Devil's Due MS05_Holotape03 001685de
SoundIcon sound Sgt. Reise's holotape 0 1 DN107_Holotape01 001a7771
SoundIcon sound Shaun's holotape 0 1 Nuclear Option (MQ302)
Nuclear Family (Inst308)
00172349 (MQ302)
001ac2a3 (Inst308)
TextIcon text Signal checklist DN127SignalNote 0014f73c
SoundIcon sound Sheila's holotape 0 1 Botany Class DN044_ForestGroveHolotape 000f739f
TextIcon text Signal interceptor - Items needed MQ206BoSListCombined 001a7bb9
TextIcon text Signal interceptor - Items needed MQ206RRListCombined 00069011
TextIcon text Signed your neighbors DN063_ScuttersNote 001f4d15
ImageIcon image Silver Shroud photo The Silver Shroud MS04_CollectibleSilverShroudPhoto 0018ac1e
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Silver Shroud script 0 1 MS04_CollectibleSilverShroudTVScript 001b8ff9
TextIcon text Silverhand's note DN070_NoteLuke 00111825
SoundIcon sound Skylanes flight 1665 final transmission 0 1 GlowingSeaPOIDB01Holotape 0018fa25
SoundIcon sound Skylanes flight 1981 recording 0 1 DN123_SkylanesHolotape 000cab91
TextIcon text Skylanes smuggling manifest DN123_CargoManifest 001957b1
TextIcon text Skylanes smuggling manifest GlowingSeaPOIDB01_CargoManifest 001957b2
TextIcon text Sleepwalker's note POISC_Note03 001f7b00
TextIcon text Sleepwalking note DN100SleepwalkingNote 0010a346
TextIcon text Snack bar note TheSlog_NoteTim 001c6bc1
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Spotlight override program 0 0 hackerHolotapeSpotlight 001128bc
TextIcon text State House note DN170_ScavengerNote 001b2e19
TextIcon text Status report InstR01StatusReport 000e8d66
TextIcon text Stockton's holotape 0 0 Boston After Dark RRM01StocktonHolotape 00112ef8
TextIcon text Storage password DN020_Password 000e56ff
SoundIcon sound Subject 12 baseline 0 0 Human Error MS17ProcessingRoomHolotape 000f36e8
SoundIcon sound Subject 12 debrief 0 0 Human Error MS17DebriefRoomHolotape 000f36ea
SoundIcon sound Subject 12 testing 0 0 Human Error MS17TortureRoomHolotape 000f36e9
TextIcon text Suicide note DN015_Note 001b01c0
TextIcon text Suicide note POISC_Note02 001f22f0
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Sully's journal 0 888 Pull the Plug DN138SullysJournalHolotape 0010905c
TextIcon text Super mutant letter DN150_Note 0011396e
TextIcon text Super mutants in (location)! DiamondCityWantedNoteSuperMutants 00141e9d
TextIcon text Super mutant's orders RESupermutantRaidNoteGeneric 00118b22
TextIcon text Supply log BoSM02_Note_SupplyLog 00166a8f
TextIcon text Surgery receipt The Disappearing Act MS07aReceipt 000347d5
TextIcon text Swan's note DN131_SwanLog05 0001b205
TextIcon text Sylvia's holotape 0 1 DN088_PeteHolotape01 0008c40b
Taboo Tattoos 00184d9b PerkMagTattoo01
Taboo Tattoos 00184da5 PerkMagTattoo02
Taboo Tattoos 00184dc0 PerkMagTattoo03
Taboo Tattoos 00180a2a PerkMagTattoo04
Taboo Tattoos 00185ce2 PerkMagTattoo05
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00092a63 PerkMagJunktownJerkyVendor01
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00092a64 PerkMagJunktownJerkyVendor02
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00092a65 PerkMagJunktownJerkyVendor03
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00092a66 PerkMagJunktownJerkyVendor04
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00092a67 PerkMagJunktownJerkyVendor05
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00092a68 PerkMagJunktownJerkyVendor06
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00092a69 PerkMagJunktownJerkyVendor07
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00092a6a PerkMagJunktownJerkyVendor08
TextIcon text Technician's journal page DN017_JunkjetNote 001c6107
TextIcon text Technician's note Vault81OldOverseerTerminalNote 00223cf6
SoundIcon sound Technician's personal log 0 1 DN017_JunkjetHolotape 0020a222
Tesla Science 00092a78 PerkMagNikolaTeslaAndYou01
Tesla Science 00092a79 PerkMagNikolaTeslaAndYou02
Tesla Science 00092a7a PerkMagNikolaTeslaAndYou03
Tesla Science 00092a7b PerkMagNikolaTeslaAndYou04
Tesla Science 00092a7c PerkMagNikolaTeslaAndYou05
Tesla Science 00092a7d PerkMagNikolaTeslaAndYou06
Tesla Science 00092a7e PerkMagNikolaTeslaAndYou07
Tesla Science 00092a7f PerkMagNikolaTeslaAndYou08
Tesla Science 00092a80 PerkMagNikolaTeslaAndYou09
SoundIcon sound Tessa's holotape 0 1 DN109_GunnerHolotapeTessa 0001d395
TextIcon text The Boogeyman Banished? PublickOccurrencesArticle04 0021c982
TextIcon text The Mysterious Stranger ValentineCaseFile_MysteriousStranger 001c2294
TextIcon text The Synthetic Truth PublickOccurrencesArticle01 0012cf27
TextIcon text The Treasures of Jamaica Plain 0 1 Treasure of Jamaica Plain DN070_HolotapeTreasuresMessage 00144ecd
SoundIcon sound To Claire 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07ToClaireHolo 000f3eac
TextIcon text To My Big Sister Red DN040_LilysLetter02 001beadf
TextIcon text Toll schedule DN059_RaiderTolls 001079ae
TextIcon text Torn journal page DN070_NoteTanya 00111824
TextIcon text Torn letter DN131_Commons_Note02 000668d1
TextIcon text Torn letter REPostman_DN102_HalluciGen 001c6162
TextIcon text Torn note DN131_Commons_Note01 0001b1ff
Total Hack 94734 PerkMagTotalHack01
Total Hack 94735 PerkMagTotalHack02
Total Hack 94736 PerkMagTotalHack03
TextIcon text Trashbusters award DN111_RedRocketCaveNote 0008ccf9
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Treasures inventory 0 1 Treasure of Jamacia Plain DN070_HolotapeTreasuresInventory 00144ece
ImageIcon image Trish's note Diamond City Blues MS13TrishNote 0004427a
Tumblers Today 00092a6d PerkMagTumblersToday01
Tumblers Today 00092a6f PerkMagTumblersToday02
Tumblers Today 00092a70 PerkMagTumblersToday03
Tumblers Today 00092a71 PerkMagTumblersToday04
Tumblers Today 00092a72 PerkMagTumblersToday05
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Turret override program 0 0 hackerHolotapeTurret 00108b55
Fo4 Holotape
Cut contentIcon cut turret_override.exe 0 0 TurretHack_Holotape 00106e96
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e737 PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual01
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e738 PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual02
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e739 PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual03
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e73a PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual04
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e73b PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual05
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e73c PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual06
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e73d PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual07
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e73e PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual08
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e73f PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual09
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0008e740 PerkMagUSCovertOperationsManual10
SoundIcon sound University Point council meeting 0 1 DN088_CouncilHolotape01 0008c40a
Unstoppables 00135f03 PerkMagUnstoppables01
Unstoppables 00135f04 PerkMagUnstoppables02
Unstoppables 00135f05 PerkMagUnstoppables03
Unstoppables 00135f06 PerkMagUnstoppables04
Unstoppables 00135f07 PerkMagUnstoppables05
SoundIcon sound V. 114 Interview #03 0 0 DN142_HolotapeOverseerInterview01 00063505
SoundIcon sound V. 114 Interview #21 0 0 DN142_HolotapeOverseerInterview02 00063532
SoundIcon sound V. 114 Interview #87 0 0 DN142_HolotapeOverseerInterview03 00063533
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 1 Publick_Interview_01A 000a0783
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 1 Publick_Interview_01B 000a0784
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 1 Publick_Interview_01C 000a0785
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 2 Publick_Interview_02A 000a0786
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 2 Publick_Interview_02B 000a0787
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 2 Publick_Interview_02C 000a0788
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 2 Publick_Interview_02D 000a0789
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 3 Publick_Interview_03A 000a4751
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 3 Publick_Interview_03B 000a4752
TextIcon text View from the Vault, Part 3 Publick_Interview_03C 000a4753
TextIcon text Virgil's letter DN053_NoteVirgilCured 0014572f
TextIcon text Warning DN154_Note_Marc02 00118b19
Wasteland Survival Guide 0008e75e PerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide01
Wasteland Survival Guide 00135f0a PerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide02
Wasteland Survival Guide 00135f0d PerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide03
Wasteland Survival Guide 00135f0e PerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide04
Wasteland Survival Guide 00185cba PerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide05
Wasteland Survival Guide 00185cbd PerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide06
Wasteland Survival Guide 00185cc4 PerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide07
Wasteland Survival Guide 00185cca PerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide08
Wasteland Survival Guide 00185cd8 PerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide09
TextIcon text Wattz flyer RETravelRJ02_Note 001ab2ed
SoundIcon sound We Are Done 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07WeAreDoneHolo 000d4d8f
SoundIcon sound Welcome home! 0 0 Long Time Coming MS07WelcomeHomeHolo 000d4d90
TextIcon text Wellingham's recipe The Devil's Due MS05BDeathclawRecipe 001a71e8
SoundIcon sound Wes' holotape 0 1 DN052_BossHolotape 001a711b
SoundIcon sound Wicked business 0 0 DN152WickedHolotape 000f75fd
SoundIcon sound Your new assignment 0 0 BoSHolotapeKellsPerformanceReport 001d15f6
Unrecognized icon nameIcon question Zeta Invaders 0 300 ZetaInvaders_HolotapeGame 00072803


Image Name Weight Value Related quest Creation Kit Base ID
Automatron 0 300 Automatron_HolotapeGame xx007b20
Fo4 Holotape
Chief scientist's holotape 0 1 DLC01Lair_VoiceprintHolotapeResearch xx008b44
Drawing of the Mechanist 0 0 DLC01_MechanistDrawing xx00417b
Fo4 Holotape
Facilities director's holotape 0 1 DLC01Lair_VoiceprintHolotapeFacilities xx008b43
Fo4 Holotape
Jackson's holotape 0 1 DLC01Caravan_HolotapeJackson xx010134
Fo4 Holotape
Jezebel interview 0 0 DLC01HagenHolotape xx011070
Fo4 note
The Last Straw 0 0 DLC01_Watercoolernote xx00a2d3
Fo4 Holotape
Lead engineer's holotape 0 1 DLC01Lair_VoiceprintHolotapeProduction xx008b42
Fo4 Holotape
Mechanist holotape 0 1
  • DLC01MechanistRadio_MainHolotape
  • DLC01MechanistRadio_SecondHolotape
  • DLC01MechanistRadio_ThirdHolotape
Fo4 Holotape
Mechanist's log 0 1 DLC01Lair_HolotapeMechanist xx009fe1
Fo4 Holotape
Scavenger's journal xx0109d2
Fo4 Holotape
Work order 09-241 0 1 xx008b62
Fo4 Holotape
Zoe's diary 0 1 DLC01Caravan_HolotapeZoe xx0009d3

Far Harbor[]

Image Name Weight Value Related quest Creation Kit Base ID
Fo4 note
A new path 0 0 DLC03CoA_MartinNote_ANewLife xx04fd1c
Fo4 note
A safer way 0 0 DLC03POI10_MotherNote04 xx02941b
Fo4 note
A stranger arrives 0 0 DLC03POI10_MotherNote01 xx029418
Fo4 note
A vengeful creature 0 0 DLC03POI10_MotherNote02 xx029419
Fo4 Holotape
An execution 0 0 Reformation DLC03MQ06a_MartinsTape02 xx03748b
Fo4 note
Aubert's note 0 0 Witch Hunt DLC03CoA_FFNucleus02_AubertsNote xx02c900
Blank note 0 0 DLC03POI04_DummyNote xx0500a9
Fo4 note
Brother Alders 0 0 DLC03CoA_HCNote_ToRichter xx04dfcb
Fo4 note
Brother Devin's diary 0 0 DLC03CoA_Devin_Diary xx04dfe5
Fo4 note
Carlo's note 0 0 DLC03_POIVimDriverNote01 xx054226
Fo4 Holotape
Chores list 0 0 ADV016_Holotape02 xx0316e0
Fo4 note
Cog's journal 0 0 Where You Belong DLC03MQ03CogsNote xx038ed5
Fo4 note
Consultation note 0 0 DLC03FarHarborTeddyNote xx04fb97
Fo4 note
Craneberry Island supplies note 0 0 DLC03POI04_KeyNote xx04d21b
Fo4 Holotape
DiMA's Memory #1 0 0 Best Left Forgotten xx01e3fb
Fo4 Holotape
DiMA's Memory #2 0 0 Best Left Forgotten xx01e3fc
Fo4 Holotape
DiMA's Memory #3 0 0 Best Left Forgotten xx01e3fd
Fo4 Holotape
DiMA's Memory #4 0 0 Best Left Forgotten xx01e711
Fo4 Holotape
DiMA's Memory #5 0 0 Best Left Forgotten xx01e712
Fo4 TornNote
Douglas's note 0 0 DLC03_ADV004Note xx04fd11
Fo4 TornNote
Drain corpse note 0 0 ADV012SkeletonsNote xx01b79d
Fo4 note
Dylan's note 0 0 DLC03_POIBuriedStashNote01 xx054200
Fo4 note
Edgar's note 0 0 Witch Hunt DLC03CoA_FFNucleus02_EdgarsNote xx02c8ff
Fo4 note
Eliza family drawing 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaFamilyNote xx04faea
Fo4 note
Eliza Journal 1 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaJournal01 xx04e97e
Fo4 note
Eliza Journal 2 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaJournal02 xx04e97f
Fo4 note
Eliza Journal 3 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaJournal03 xx04e980
Fo4 note
Eliza Journal 4 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaJournal04 xx04e981
Fo4 note
Eliza Journal 5 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaJournal05 xx04e982
Fo4 note
Eliza Journal 6 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaJournal06 xx04e983
Fo4 note
Eliza Journal 7 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaJournal07 xx04fae8
Fo4 note
Eliza map of home 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaMapNote xx04dbc0
Fo4 Holotape
Cut contentIcon cut Ezra's holotape 0 0 DLC03_v118_EzraHolotape xx04b1b7
Fo4 Holotape
Family announcement 0 0 ADV016_Holotape03 xx0316e1
Fo4 note
Fanatical writings 0 0 DLC03_POICOANote01 xx054204
Fo4 note
Fire Belly recipe 0 0 The Hold Out DLC03FarHarborS01_FireBellyRecipe xx04b9b4
Fo4 note
Gift card 0 0 DLC03_POI_Note xx04eb5d
Fo4 note
Grandfather's note 0 0 DLC03MQ01GrandfatherNote xx017e85
Fo4 Holotape
Gwyneth's journal 0 0 The Heretic DLC03AtomM02_GwynethHolotape xx01c70b
Fo4 note
High Confessor's note 0 0 Witch Hunt DLC03CoA_FFNucleus02_HCNote xx02c8fe
Fo4 Holotape
Holotape 0 0 ADV016_Holotape04 xx0316e2
Fo4 Holotape
Husky family holotape 0 0 ADV016_Holotape01 xx0316c0
Islander Almanac xx000000
Fo4 note
Kasumi's journal 0 0 DLC03MQ01KasumiJournal xx017e8b
Fo4 Holotape
Kasumi's projects: Dreams 0 1 DLC03KasumiHolotape09 xx03744e
Fo4 Holotape
Kasumi's projects: Holotapes 0 1 DLC03KasumiHolotape01 xx008b29
Fo4 Holotape
Kasumi's projects: Kitchen 0 1 DLC03KasumiHolotape04 xx008b2a
Fo4 Holotape
Kasumi's projects: Lamp 0 1 DLC03KasumiHolotape03 xx008b2b
Fo4 Holotape
Kasumi's projects: Radio 0 1 DLC03KasumiHolotape05 xx008b2d
Fo4 Holotape
Kasumi's projects: Swings 0 1 DLC03KasumiHolotape08 xx03744b
Fo4 Holotape
Kasumi's projects: Television 0 1 DLC03KasumiHolotape02 xx008b2c
Kawaketak Station flyer 0 0 [[]] DLC03_AtomM02_FlyerAssembled xx01bc84
Kenji Nakano case notes 0 0 [[]] DLC03MQ01NakanoCase xx004f48
Fo4 note
Last note from mom 0 0 DLC03FarHarborBerthaNote xx04fb95
Fo4 note
Letter from Maxwell 0 0 [[]] DLC03_V118_Part2Note xx04b188
Fo4 note
Letter to Ezra 0 0 [[]] DLC03_V118_KeithsNote xx049663
Fo4 Holotape
Levi's holotape 0 0 DLC03_ADV014_EchoLakeLumberHolotape xx02c34c
Fo4 note
Love letter to Bridget 0 0 DLC03_9-12Poem xx00d802
Fo4 note
Mariner's goodbye 0 0 DLC03MarinerSailingGoodbyeNote xx0486c4
Fo4 note
Mariner's will 0 0 DLC03MarinerWillNote xx0486c6
Fo4 Holotape
Mark Wilson's holotape 0 0 DLC03_ADV019_BeaverCreekLanesHolotapeOffice xx02c34b
Fo4 Holotape
Martin's new age 0 0 Reformation DLC03MQ06a_DiMAsTape xx03748c
Fo4 Holotape
Mysterious holotape 0 0 Blood Tide DLC03FarHarborFF01_Holotape xx02f1c9
Fo4 note
Northwood Quarry Note - 1 0 0 DLC03_ADV011_Note01 xx0427ce
Fo4 note
Northwood Quarry Note - 2 0 0 DLC03_ADV011_Note02 xx0427cf
Fo4 note
Note 0 0 DLC03FarHarborLastPlankNote01 xx04fba0
Fo4 note
Note 0 0 DLC03FarHarborLastPlankNote2 xx04fba1
Fo4 note
Note 0 0 DLC03FarHarborLastPlankNote3 xx04fba2
Fo4 note
Note 0 0 DLC03FarHarborLastPlankNote4 xx04fba3
Fo4 note
Note from Atom's Shrine 0 0 DLC03AtomM01_MotherShrineNote xx0269c4
Fo4 note
Old letter 0 0 DLC03FarHarborAveryNote xx04fb9b
Fo4 note
Put it from your mind 0 0 DLC03CoA_HCNote_Division xx054258
Fo4 note
Radioman's note 0 0 DLC03_POIRadiomanNote01 xx0541fe
Fo4 note
Radioman's note 0 0 DLC03_POIRadiomanNote02 xx0541ff
Fo4 note
Repairs in progress 0 0 DLC03CoA_FFNucleus03_MaiRepairNote xx05711d
Fo4 note
Report from PV 0 0 DLC03FarHarborAllenNote xx04fb99
Fo4 note
Request for detective 0 0 Brain Dead DLC03_V118_PearlNote xx048a2d
Fo4 note
RUN! 0 0 DLC03FarHarborMitchWarningNote xx04fb9d
Fo4 Holotape
Safe room security tape 0 1 DLC03MQ06_SafeRoomSecurityTape xx032c52
Fo4 TornNote
Scrawled journal 0 0 DLC03_POIRefugeeNote01 xx054203
Fo4 note
Scrawled note 0 0 DLC03AtomM01_MotherNote xx0269aa
Ship's safe combination xx000000
Fo4 note
Sister Gwyneth's visit 0 0 DLC03MQ06a_MartinDiary01 xx037487
Fo4 note
Storage room notice 0 0 DLC03MQ03StorageRoomNote xx038ed8
Fo4 note
Taste test 0 0 DLC03CoA_MaiNote_ThanksSister xx04dfd2
Fo4 note
The Children trapped 0 0 DLC03POI10_MotherNote03 xx02941a
Fo4 note
The Sacred Elements 0 0 DLC03AtomM01_MotherPuzzleNote xx04e0b4
Fo4 TornNote
These mannequins! 0 0 DLC03_-7-15ShipNote xx01087e
Fo4 Holotape
To Franny 0 1 DLC03MQ06_WabashTape xx040a4a
Fo4 note
To my family 0 0 DLC03CoA_FFNucleus02_AubertsFarewell xx04b347
Torn flyer piece 0 0 DLC03_AtomM02_FlyerScrap1 xx01bc7c
Torn flyer piece xx000000
Torn flyer piece xx000000
Torn flyer piece xx000000
Torn flyer piece xx000000
Torn flyer piece xx000000
Torn flyer piece xx000000
Torn flyer piece xx000000
Fo4 note
Trapper's note 0 0 DLC03_ADV001Note01 xx054216
Fo4 note
Unfinished note 0 0 DLC03CoA_HCNote_Unfinished xx04dfcd
Fo4 Holotape
Vault118 Overseer's log 0 0 DLC03_v118_OverseersHolotape xx04e715
Fo4 note
Victoria's note 0 0 The Price of Memory DLC03AcadiaM04Note xx0540a4
Fo4 note
Ware's brew recipe 0 0 The Trial of Brother Devin DLC03CoA_FFNucleus01_WareBrewRecipe xx03e12d
Fo4 Holotape
What Atom requires 0 1 Reformation DLC03MQ06a_MartinsTape01 xx03748a
Fo4 Holotape
What's done is done 0 1 DLC03MQ05AveryReplacedHolotape xx038d92
Fo4 note
Wind turbine code 0 0 Cleansing the Land DLC03MQ06_WindFarmCode xx034df6


Image Name Weight Value Related quest Creation Kit Base ID
Fo4 Holotape
A.F.A.D. interrogation 0 1 DLC04SafariAFADHolotape02 xx0439f6
Fo4 Holotape
A.F.A.D. manifesto 0 1 DLC04SafariAFADHolotape01 xx0439f5
Fo4 TornNote
Anise's suicide note 0 0 DLC04MQ01AniseNote xx04434b
Fo4 note
Buzz's apology 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story3_Part2_Note xx04e97c
Fo4 Holotape
Buzz's holotape 0 1 DLC04_Pack_Story3_Part3_Holotape xx04a519
Fo4 note
Buzz's note 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story3_Part1_Note xx04a51a
Fo4 Holotape
Caleb's personal log 0 1 DLC04WildWest_CalebHolotape xx04a660
Fo4 note
Cito's note 0 0 DLC04_Safari_CitosNote xx04d3d7
Fo4 Holotape
Corporal Downey's report 0 1 DLC04BottlingPlant_CorporalDowneyHolotape xx0474cc
Fo4 TornNote
Crag's plan 0 0 DLC04MQ01CragNote xx04434b
Fo4 note
Disciple affirmations 0 0 DLC04DisciplesNote_DailyAffirmations xx04e97c
Fo4 Holotape
Dixie's souvenir 0 0 DLC04DixieSouvenirHolotape01 xx043bc8
Fo4 Holotape
Dixie's souvenir 0 0 DLC04DixieSouvenirHolotape02 xx043bc9
Fo4 Holotape
Dixie's souvenir 0 0 DLC04DixieSouvenirHolotape03 xx043bca
Fo4 Holotape
Dr. McDermot journal 47B 0 0 DLC04SafariHolotape01 xx0439f0
Fo4 Holotape
Dr. McDermot journal 53L 0 0 DLC04SafariHolotape02 xx0439f2
Fo4 Holotape
Dr. McDermot journal 69H 0 0 DLC04SafariHolotape03 xx0439f3
Fo4 Holotape
Dr. McDermot journal 91W 0 0 DLC04SafariHolotape04 xx0439f4
Fo4 Holotape
Dusty's message 0 0 DLC04PowerPlant_DustyHolotape xx0474c7
Fo4 Holotape
Emerson's holotape 0 0 DLC04GalacticZone_EmersonHolotape xx0474c4
Fo4 Holotape
For Deke 0 0 DLC04HolotapeForDeke xx03f838
Fo4 TornNote
Fury grenade recipe 0 0 DLC04FrenzyGrenadeRecipe xx026191
Fo4 Holotape
General Braxton's visit 0 1 Cappy in a Haystack DLC04BradbertonHolotape02 xx046905
Fo4 note
Going to the roof 0 0 DLC04_BottlingPlantNote01 xx04f553
Fo4 note
Good looking guy's note 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story6_Part1_Note xx04a51f
Fo4 note
H's note 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story4_Part2_Note xx04a51d
Fo4 note
Hasty letter 0 0 DLC04_POIDLCatsNote xx04f54f
Fo4 note
Hidden Cappy clue 0 0 Cappy in a Haystack xx000000
Fo4 Holotape
Hidden Cappy contest hints 0 0 Cappy in a Haystack DLC04MS01HiddenCappyCluesHolotape xx056a01
Hunter's journal page xx000000
Ian's holotape xx000000
Jesse's personal log xx000000
Kaylor's orders xx000000
Kristy's holotape xx000000
Maggy, it's your mother xx000000
Maja's message xx000000
Mark's log xx000000
Meacham recording AB27 xx000000
Meacham recording AB30 xx000000
Meacham recording AB35 xx000000
Meacham recording AB42 xx000000
Mother, it's Mags xx000000
N.I.R.A.'s holotape xx000000
Nisha's holotape xx000000
Note about missing slaves xx000000
Nuka-Cola Clear (holotape) xx000000
Nuka-Cola recording xx000000
Nuka-World contest flyer xx000000
Nuka-World paramedic report xx000000
Ophelia's unsent letter xx000000
Personal log xx000000
Persuasion grenade recipe xx000000
Persuasion test eight xx000000
Pissed off guy's note xx000000
Predator grenade recipe xx000000
Project Cobalt complete xx000000
Project Cobalt schematics xx000000
Project consumer guidance xx000000
Rachel's holotape xx000000
Ramblings xx000000
Recon log xx000000
Ricky's note xx000000
Rumor about missing slaves xx000000
Safe combination part 1 xx000000
Safe combination part 2 xx000000
Safe combination part 3 xx000000
Sam's note xx000000
Sergeant Lanier's report xx000000
Shorty's note xx000000
Smooth Operator recipe xx000000
Stinking Operators xx000000
Sykes' old letter xx000000
Terry's note xx000000
The Radicorn xx000000
The test xx000000
They hit Boston xx000000
Tiana's log xx000000
Traitor's note xx000000
V's note xx000000
You go tell Mason xx000000
Fallout 4 holodisks and notes