Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map is the section included in the Collector's Edition of the Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide, providing backgrounds for the locations appearing in the game.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.256
This section of the Commonwealth is comprised of your old stomping grounds of Sanctuary Hills and has reasonable road access southeast into the townships of Concord and Lexington. There are several settlements to visit and inhabitants to befriend, if you’re planning on building a new cooperative of farms and strongholds. For those without combat readiness, it is advisable to stay within the confines of this zone while you practice, as enemy threats are the lowest. The border of this zone is easy to see; the east and south edges follow the path of the elevated freeway. Or at least, what’s left of it. Both freeways converge at Lexington, your gateway to Boston.
[1.01] VAULT 111[]
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Vault-Tec Calling! We are pleased to reveal your new home underground. Despite an initially chilly reception, you may find this location to be the safest around, especially as the population has thinned out quite considerably since you were frozen.
[1.02] SANCTUARY[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.258
Growing from the ruins of Sanctuary Hills, the prewar neighborhood your family used to call home, is a new settlement, a beacon of hope for the downtrodden and the new base of operations for the Minutemen.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.258-259
This is a service station between Sanctuary Hills and Concord. It seems ex-employees of the company had a habit of dumping hazardous materials in the cave beneath the station instead of disposing of them properly. Check the hill to the south for an entrance to the cave (now a Mole Rat Den), but watch for explosive barrels in this confined burrow. There’s a safe (Novice) in here, as well as an ironic Trashbusters Award (Note), a pipe pistol, and some ammo. Also of interest is a Fusion Core (by the note), which helps give continuous juice to your Power Armor.
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A junkyard for failed assembly line robot prototypes, as well as rusting scrap. Use the holotape in the terminal to activate the Sentry Proto MKIV if you wish. How far away is the range of this activation? Why not test it out? Don’t forget to rummage around by the tire pile (east entrance) for a Mini Nuke, and the Fat Man is among the rusting cars, northwest of the Sentry Bot.
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This marble quarry has gained a reputation as the source of the finest Mirelurk meat in the Commonwealth, thanks to the still water giving the meat a less brackish flavor.
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Raiders are looting this inactive communications satellite station. Mount an attack on the exterior; the bunker has an Armor Workbench and an entrance inside. The dish gantry has some ammo to pilfer.
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This is the remains of a U.S. Forest Service cabin, the last known whereabouts of a young runaway.
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Tim and Blake were two brothers who started their own shipping business. They had a small fleet of seven trucks and were out on deliveries when the bombs dropped.
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Blake and his wife, Connie, tend to their tato and melon patches and mourn the loss of their eldest daughter Mary, killed in a recent Raider attack.
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It’s rather apt that Preston Garvey has decided to take a stand here, in a place dedicated to reminding patrons that freedom is a privilege afforded to the many, yet hard won by a noble few. Rescue them (without forgetting the magazine and Bobblehead in the room they’re in) and begin a long and fruitful relationship with the settlers of the Commonwealth. Access the door to the roof to reach the Vertibird. Use the previous Concord map to note the items to grab there.
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This was a train switching station serving Thicket Excavations. Recently, this location appears to have been used by the Railroad as a stopover. Look for the bodies of Helena and Dutchman, though the synth they were protecting is nowhere to be found. Locate a large trunk with items in the freight warehouse (north) and a Railroad dead drop in the blue carriage.
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The residence of one Wayne Gorski, a survivalist and keen patriot, though not a fan of electrical towers. Be sure to investigate his root cellar (the trapdoor within the cabin).
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In this small diner, Trudy attempts to eke out an existence, not helped by her chem-addled son.
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A once-thriving drive-in movie theater and diner is now slightly less welcoming: Beware of the makeshift bomb on the diner door (then find the Nuka Cherry on the low shelf). Unlock the back storage shed (Novice) to access the workshop, or find the back storage key in the footlocker on top of the big screen gantry. Open the rear storage (Novice) behind the screen; this is where the Fusion Core and Quantum are stored.
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A beatnik farming co-op of cabins and a trading warehouse. Local scuttlebutt suggests the place is haunted by its former residents. Meet Professor Goodfeels, who still rattles about the place. He’ll be a good guard if you hack his protocols at the Sunshine Tidings terminal (Novice). There’s a locked medical cabin here (Novice) too. Did you find the trunk in the western cabin yet?
[1.19] WALDEN POND[]
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Once the home of a transcendentalist author, this is now home to a quartet of chem-addled Raiders. The gift shop has some traps, as well as a note near the locked basement door (Master). Walter the Raider has the key. Enter the basement via the drainage pipes. Don’t forget to take the audio tour!
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A small convalescence home on the outskirts of Lexington for the infirm or addled. Unlock the security gate (Advanced) in the greenhouse if you require medical items. Pry the Fusion Core from the basement generator, too.
[1.22] LEXINGTON[]
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Once known as Corvega Town, thanks to the large plant just south of here, Lexington was where the ancient Revolutionary War started. The statue of the Minuteman still stands in the town square (known as the Battle Green). This was once a Raider stronghold, but that faction fled due to an abundance of Feral Ghouls.
Secondary Locations[]
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A Raider and attack dog have overrun a small settler shack.
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A Scavenger has set up a small shooting range with bottles.
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A Scavenger with a penchant for drink and views of the woods.
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A dead settler has taken a permanent trip from his bathtub hut. South of here is a separate shack. Inside is a sink with a small collection of tatos in it, ready for tasting.
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CharlieTwo settlers lead a meager existence southwest of Walden Pond.
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You can go into the sewer entrance to the Switchboard—the Railroad’s old base of operations—from here, ideally during the quest. Your path soon ends at a terminal (Master). The main entrance—extremely well guarded during the quest—is underneath Slocum Joe’s in Lexington (Primary Location 1.22) and connects to here. Consult that location for the interior map of the Switchboard
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.274
Bordered by the elevated freeway to the east and west and the Mystic River to the south, this part of the Commonwealth consists of the main township of Malden in its center, with various interesting and dangerous smaller locations surrounding it. The farther south you go, the more industrial the landscape becomes. The farther east you go, the more dangerous the inhabitants become. However, you are encouraged to chance a meeting at the more esoteric establishments in this zone, allowing you to befriend both robots and ghouls alike. And even Deathclaws! But not Super Mutants.
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A settler camp built around an old relay station has recently been overridden by Raiders under the command of a heavily armed (and armored) ne’er-do-well named Boomer. Remember to pick that ripe Mini Nuke from the tato plant allotment afterward!
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Suffering from a pollution problem even before the current inhospitable living conditions, this remote lake provides habitat for Mirelurks and a few airborne bugs. If you must swim, dive into the northern part of the lake where a sunken rowboat yields a steamer trunk of goods.
[2.05] LYNN WOODS[]
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Dominated for centuries by an old stone lookout tower, this settler encampment was recently pillaged by Raiders. Why not return the favor? Expect reinforcements if you scale the tower; even the odds by flipping the circuit breaker atop the tower. The siren summons two Deathclaws from a nearby nest. Unlock the steamer trunk (Master) using good old-fashioned chuzpah, or use the key on the settler corpse at the top of the tower.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.276
This company once provided milk for the Medford area and was part of the Little Cobb Creamery collective. Unless the specified quest is active, this place is deserted. Otherwise, expect a Raider presence. If you’re adept at safecracking, expect a pleasant surprise here (Advanced). Explore the roof to locate a skeleton close to an assault rifle and locked wooden crate (Novice). If you’re after a boatload of grenades, you’ve come to the right place.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.276-277
Before the Great War, this asylum was built to house the addled, weak of brain, and terminally confused folk of the Commonwealth. Old records state that additional subterranean rooms were created to house particularly difficult guests. The location appears to have been built by the Cabot family of the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Boston. Armed mercenary guards currently patrol the facility.
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The historic Wildwood Cemetery was founded in 1851, and numerous local dignitaries may be buried here. Confirmation is difficult due to the lack of prewar data.
[2.10] SKYLANES FLIGHT 1981[]
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On October 23, 2077, Skylanes Flight 1981 (with service to Boston) had just begun its final descent when the bombs began to fall. The shock wave crippled the plane. Since the crash, the wreckage has been picked over by generations of Raiders and scavengers.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.280-281
A fully automated model shopping center designed by General Atomics to showcase the versatility of their line of robots. The centerpiece is a towering Mr. Handy statue. The location is currently closed due to a series of lethal programming glitches.
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A prime recreation spot for the inhabitants of Medford, now this is home to Mirelurks and a couple of Raider stragglers with their unpleasant dogs.
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Mass Fusion is the leader in the safe handling and disposal of radioactive waste. Except here the place is overrun with Feral Ghouls and spilled barrels. Check the outside balcony for a cooler (Novice). Inspect the supervisor’s terminal (Novice) to unlock the security door. Check the secure area for a toolbox (Novice) and a gate to a steamer trunk.
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The latest topographical radar indicates recent seismic activity in this area. Beware the Deathclaw on the surface, guarding a trunk near an overturned car. Drop into the sinkhole to uncover some answers regarding the quest, which must be active for the discovery to be made. Don’t forget the reading materials on the cooking station! Exit via the cellar of the local residence with the red chained door, watching for feral folks on the way out. There’s a safe to hack too (Novice).
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A small family farm on the banks of the Saugus River, with a corn field and melon patch, has fallen to the oversized hands of a Super Mutant gang. Remember to loot the trunk on the top floor of the central shack. Need a drink? Try a Quantum on the small lookout platform to the east.
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An ex-military checkpoint to scavengers is like a porch lamp for bugs. It is currently devoid of human foes, with only robots active in this area. Below ground, the bunker abuts a Yao Guai cave.
[2.18] THE SLOG[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.282-283
The Middlesex County public swimming pool is now the only Tarberry Bog in the Commonwealth. Run by Ghoul settlers, they could provide much-needed trading goods to an enterprising (and open-minded) Minuteman. There’s a small diner on the property to scavenge too (Advanced).
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.283-284
Once a historic pre–Revolutionary War ironworks, this location was reopened during the ramp-up to provide materials for the war with China. The location is now run by Slag, a particularly ferocious Raider and his clan, the Forged.
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A public park surrounds the entrance to the subway, an attempt by the city to brighten up the area. The station park was clear and clean and a great place for families and children.
Previous to your arrival, a band of roving raiders moved into the subway, creating a small community of shacks and a broken subway car. They’ve lived here for a while, stealing from and murdering nearby caravans and living the good raiding life.
As you arrive, you may see synth units on the prowl, systematically removing all Raiders from the vicinity. Remember to carefully navigate the interior of this station; there are elevators to use if you wish to reach the main Raider base and the trunk.
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Rumor has it a Slocum’s Joe recipe—the company’s boldest innovation in coffee and confectionary—is hidden inside a safe (Advanced) here. Outside is a three-floor ruined office building with an attached garage (with a Power Armor station) and views of the police station next door. Check the top exterior floor for a chemistry station and trunk.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.287-288
According to some uncorroborated reports, Vault-Tec was commissioned by the U.S. military to experiment on and train children to become battle-ready super-soldiers who would obey orders without a second thought. The experiment did not end well. Gunners have moved into what remains of the vault.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.288-289
This private research laboratory owned by the Med-Tek Corporation began experimenting with infectious diseases. One was a virus that affected only teenagers and children. The entire facility went into lockdown when the bombs fell to prevent any contagion from spreading, trapping all the inhabitants. The lockdown was never lifted.
[2.25] COVENANT[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.290
Covenant is an impressively defended and seemingly prosperous community of settlers. The people are friendly, the amenities are quaint, and it appears to be safe. All you have to do is pass a simple test to enter. Many of the settlers at this location have keys to their own houses and the office establishments.
The Covenant also have commandeered a sewer tunnel area across the lake to the west, just below a lake lookout east of Mystic Pines. To progress farther into the Covenant’s secret headquarters, open the door from the initial chamber (Master) or use the compound key that Manny or one of the compound guards is carrying.
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The residence of one Mary Sutton, this location may be cleared of hostiles and used as a settlement. There’s a safe (Advanced) and steamer trunk (Novice) to unlock upstairs. Circumvent the door to the boathouse (Novice) by swimming under and up, watching for tripwires. The Bloodbugs sucking these settlers dry seem to be coming from the Malden Drainage area to the north.
Clear this interior chem lab of its blood-sucking parasites before inspecting the area for Russell Sutton and a small security cell with a locked terminal (Advanced) and a trunk. There’s a second trunk in the small upper laboratory area.
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This is a small nuclear turbine used to the supply energy to much of the Commonwealth. The turbine is inactive. You find a quest item here if the quest is active. Clear the interior of disgusting mutant insects. Use the exterior roof as a defensive position if necessary.
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This once-picturesque suburban community is similar to Sanctuary Hills. Currently, it could best be described now as a “transitional” neighborhood. Recently, a Raider gang was overrun by Super Mutants under the leadership of “Hammer.” They are clustered to the south. Be sure to thoroughly inspect the area for a safe (Master) and steamer trunk (Expert), Lance’s terminal (Advanced), and a nearby safe (Advanced). Enter the backyard bunker to locate Wayne’s terminal, another Quantum, and one more trunk.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.292-293
This small shipyard produces midsized shipping vessels. Recently, the place was taken over by Rory Rigwell, lover of Mirelurks. He believed the mutated crustaceans weren’t violent, just misunderstood.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.293-295
Two hundred years ago, the National Guard was in higher demand than ever before. This facility was expanded just prior to the bombs falling. Currently, this location has recently been visited by the Brotherhood of Steel; they used this location to house and repair Power Armor.
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Super Mutants are advancing into Raider territory throughout this zone and are using this flooded array as a bone pit. Visit the wayward Brotherhood scribe Faris here to begin a quest. Find the Fat Man after a precarious ascent and a Mini Nuke after a disgustingly bloody wade.
Secondary Locations[]
[2.03] CAR TREE CAMP[]
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Three settlers used this landmark as a camp. The Radscorpions use this as a feeding ground. Grab some caps from the settlers, and inspect their duffel bag.
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This was once a picturesque rest stop for day-tripping picnickers. Now there’s a rusty cooler (Novice) to scavenge from as you view the desolate scrub.
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A wild Yao Guai has interrupted a group of scavengers. Pick through the remains after anything violent attempts to gnaw on you.
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A rather antisocial dame (who isn’t home at the moment) has left her caravan with a turret and Sentry Bot on guard. Make it through to claim the caps inside.
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An explosion tore this building apart. Knight Varham’s body may hold the clue to what happened here. There’s a safe to unlock (Advanced) and a duffel bag to inspect.
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A wooden crate and a workman with a leisurely disregard for fire safety can be found between these two giant globelike cooling vats, now in complete disrepair.
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A police Protectron is still serving its masters, who are inside this rusty old trailer.
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Dominated by Fort Hagen to the west and the Greater Boston Neighborhoods to the east, this zone is mostly wilderness, with its inhabitants getting increasingly tough and unpleasant the farther south you venture. As you reach Fort Hagen relatively early in your Main Quest adventuring, it is worth exploring the locations north and east of the fort, venturing to the more soggy southern Charles River and back into Boston when you’re ready for a breather at Diamond City. Follow the roads and the rail tracks to avoid getting lost. For the settlement wrangler, there’s only two possible alliances to make, and one of those is with some gardening robots.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.301
An old Federal bunker and tunnel system that links northwest to Zone 1 Primary Location: Lonely Chapel (it can also be approached from this direction if you wish to face Red Tourette first). It is the base for a gang of Raiders. The group underwent a recent change in leadership. Or was it mutiny? The exterior is a sprawling camp with a bunker and various shanty outbuildings. Check the container truck for power armor, and the generator at the back of the bunker for a Fusion Core.
Red Tourette’s hideout in the southern part of the tunnels holds some choice items, as well as the federal ration stockpile password—the key to unlocking either of those two troublesome terminals (Master).
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.302-303
ArcJet was a contractor specializing in the design and development of custom-built high-tech aviation equipment. This particular facility included offices and labs for their staff, as well as a secure test chamber for new products in development. It has largely been abandoned since the war. Its security system, including turrets and Protectrons, was more than enough to fend off any Raiders.
Inside, the main offices and laboratories are set out on two sprawling floors you weave between, along with elevator access down to the engine core. Check every room so you don’t miss some quality items, including a Fat Man and two steamer trunks (one in the main building, the other in the engine core area, though only one is available each time you visit)! If you’re completing the Brotherhood of Steel quest, expect some righteous authority as you exit.
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A small park and sad, bittersweet reminder of a world long gone. Please don’t feed the bears. Check the eastern trailer for a trunk.
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A fully automated hydroponic garden run by robots, this is the brainchild of Doctor Edward Gray. Even today, this is a remarkable example of self-sufficiency and features almost every crop: Mutfruit, tato, corn, melon, and gourd are growing here.
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When wandering the Commonwealth, a follower of the Atom may find themselves in need of meditation and a chance to reflect. Or in the case of the cultists here, a pack of Mole Rats. The cultists have joined the Great Atom. You may, too, if you stay long enough in the irradiated garage. It is here you can read Brother Edmund’s Journals (Advanced), unlock his floor safe (Expert), and locate the trunk and Mini Nuke.
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This was the pride of Lexington until the tourists departed. Now the south of the township is comprised of a sprawling assembly plant where the main bulk of the Raiders lurk, ready to push back the ferals that have swarmed the streets to the north.
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Just north of Charleston is a small quarry serving as a lookout point for Raiders and a burrowing point for Mole Rats. Eradicating both will brighten your day.
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With the large electromagnetic pulse sent out by the nuclear bombs, many of the robots at this store have reactivated in Demo Mode, leaving them wandering around, showing off their best features. Fair warning: tinkering with the terminals or safes at this location may cause these robots to turn hostile. Be sure you tinker with the basement terminal, though, if only to grab the magazine there.
[3.12] FORT HAGEN[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.309-310
An old army base with a small surrounding town and medical hospital, Fort Hagen is now firmly sealed away from scavengers. Inspect the exterior and locate the parking structure under the building, with the entrance to the south. The first level down has a chemistry station and some health.
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This is a small, heavily damaged outpatient clinic that once performed blood tests for the military base. The mutated wildlife has taken a liking to the blood packs here.
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When the bombs fell, the mayor of Boston and his wife were bundled into this hidden subterranean shelter. Though the bunker is sealed up tight, the wall terminal in the guard pod next door opens it without any problems. There’s an explosives box here, too. Head inside and either enter the large pipe or take the corridors and find out what happened to Boston’s mayor.
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This is a “retirement community” in every sense. Most of the residents had no family to speak of and ended up here due to improper financial planning. Now the residents are more of an infestation.
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This plant was built in 2051 as part of a decade-long plan to modernize the city’s aging sanitation systems. In the decades after the bombs fell, the rising sea levels eventually overwhelmed the plant’s retaining wall and began to flood the facility. As the pumps lost power, shorted out, and began to fail, the water output fell and grew more contaminated.
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Forest Grove Marsh is a series of residential and other small buildings that have sunken and been flooded by the river. Some radioactive leak below the area has irradiated the water, and though scavengers have tried to put up walkways across the rooftops of the buildings to explore the houses, the numerous Ghouls in the area have stopped all but the most inquisitive or reckless scavengers. Proceed at your own risk.
With the river waters rising to the south, the nonfunctioning river lock is at the root of the problems Forest Grove Marsh is experiencing. There’s little you can do about it, save scavenging some health from the moored boat within the lock. The metal shack has an armor workbench to tinker on.
A small scavenger camp with a cooking station, this is occasionally used by scavengers and others passing through. The only permanent resident is a large stuffed space monkey.
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Renowned throughout the Commonwealth for its higher than normal alcohol content and lower than normal cost, Beantown Brown Beer was the favored drink among blue-collar workers after a long day on the job. Looked down upon by most discerning beer drinkers, the Beantown Brewery catered more to the “common man,” which led to one of its more popular slogans, “Beantown Brown, because no one likes a snob.” The beer was produced here. Currently, Raiders have taken over the location. They are here for the beer.
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This elevated highway interchange is now a well-defended and extremely defensible Gunner camp. There are two elevators to use; the one to the north has no nearby adversaries, whereas the one under the main central structure has a hut with Gunners waiting. The camp is behind the billboard signs, under the upper north-south freeway. However, by heading south and doubling back, you can climb and sneak above the camp. With careful maneuvering (and use of the curved elevated ramps), you can trek along the east-west freeway all the way to Mass Pike Tunnel West. A must for snipers.
[3.22] VAULT 81[]
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Somewhere in the Commonwealth is a vault that never fulfilled its secret purpose. The people just lived normal lives for generation after generation. They are aware of the outside world but choose to remain within the safety of the vault rather than brave the dangers of the Commonwealth. They do trade with the outside world since they aren’t entirely self sufficient, so the people are used to seeing outsiders every couple of weeks or so. What secrets does Vault 81 contain?
Secondary Locations[]
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A Raider is laying their brethren to rest. Time to finish the job.
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A big-rig with a flat trailer is carrying one of ArcJet’s impressive engines. What would happen if you could access a terminal here and switch the engine on?
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Those hoping to vacation on the eastern shores of the Commonwealth would do well to pack a copious supply of ammunition and have trained long and hard for this outing, as the threat level of the roaming miscreants in this zone is deemed “most dangerous.” The township of Revere has been razed by Raiders. Nahant offers quiet walks interspersed with carnage, courtesy of ferals. Up north, Salem long continues its reputation for horror. Farther inland, toward East Boston and the airport, the ferociousness of your foes lessens just a little. The Brotherhood of Steel’s imminent arrival at the airport should provide a brief respite should you agree to ally with them. Finally, those brave to dip their toes in the ocean may find one or two surprises under the waves.
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A seafood processing facility with a processing level deep underground. You can open both the locked doors (Advanced) using the key found on the Raider draped over the window of the eastern exterior hut. Beware of synths active on the lower level and reinforcements once you ascend on your way out.
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This is an old marble quarry with deep subterranean fissures and tunnels. Many have attempted to fully explore this place, but none have ventured back up to the surface. The same can be said for a group of Raiders, some of whom have wisely kept to the surface. For it is said something unspeakable occurred within these depths...
[4.04] HUGO'S HOLE[]
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Between the thick cubes of marble on the northeast side of Dunwich Borers is the well-defended hidey-hole of Hugo, a local explorer. Listen to his Holotape for clues regarding the horrors at the adjacent quarry. Unlock his trunk (Expert) if you’re the pilfering sort. There’s a hazmat suit here, too, if you need to swim down an ancient irradiated well for some reason. Did you also check Hugo’s sleeping area for a metal shelf with a robot model kit on it? Have you found them all yet?
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A historic church greets visitors wishing to learn more about Salem’s past, though the greeting is initially more subdued. The front door is chained, and the only entrance is via a basement hatch. Inside, it appears something terrifying is haunting this place. Need to reach the attic? A jetpack is in order
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A nursing home for the elderly, the residents of Sandy Coves have been experiencing the very best in automated care now for over 200 years. The front desk terminal (Novice) near the book return terminal has locations of residents’ keys to open the adjacent safes. Hunt for all six, and claim the contents (mainly chems) from the safes. Watch for a synth ambush on your way out.
[4.07] SALEM[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.330-331
Once a quaint coastal town and seaport, this tourist destination was infamous for its witch trials of 1692. Nowadays the population has dwindled considerably due to Gunner activity in the area, the crazies worshipping a radiation crater down the road, and the large number of mating Mirelurks in the waters all around the bay. Proceed at your own risk.
[03] Flotsam And Jetsam[]
A few minor items and some playground equipment fashioned into stepping stones across the bay.
[07] Market Stalls[]
Mirelurks have terminated the once-thriving bartering market, though there’s still some minor items to scavenge.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.332
Barney Rook was a keen survivalist and has defended his property with impressive fortitude. He is currently under Mirelurk attack.
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The more lunatic of local cults has constructed a rickety shanty hamlet on top of an old, irradiated aircraft crash site. This seems to be some kind of gathering spot. Do not bathe in the water. Pick the safe (Expert) and access the terminal (Novice) to switch off the turrets and spotlights.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.332
Previously, Hub City Auto Wreckers had received several citations for the improper storage and disposal of radioactive materials. Currently, this location has been overrun by the altogether unreasonable Gunners faction. Utilize the Hub City terminal to raise or lower the crane, allowing access to the freeway defenses and steamer trunk in Captain Bridget’s shack.
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This low-rise parking structure once offered reasonable rates and a view of Gibson Point Pier. Now it is deserted and partly flooded.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.333-334
Famed for its quality potted meats, this cannery has recently been revitalized by the enterprising Theodore Collins, though the meats he produces have a strange, almost familiar taste.
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Cultists from Crater House have sought to shine their light from the heavens and have an interesting glow for their beacon. Rid the area of these deviants and Kingsport Lighthouse could be an easily defendable settlement. Check the lighthouse keeper’s home and the moored trawler; they each have a safe (Advanced) to crack.
[4.14] REEB MARINA[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.335
This small boating marina was home to brothers Eugene and Malcolm, who parted ways while not on the best of terms. Read more at Eugene’s terminal or Malcolm’s terminal (Novice), and be wary of surprises from robots. Check the trunk in the kitchen.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.335
This is a small spit of land extending from Revere to Lynn. The original bridge was replaced with the current structure after a blizzard in the early 21st century. Cross the bridge with caution. Check the diner for a floor safe (Advanced) and some delicious Nuka! Beware of an ambush from the water. Wander into the small boathouse to find a trunk.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.335-336
Prior to the war, Revere Beach Boardwalk was supposed to be a place where families and vacationers could come and have fun during the summer months. However, gangs of teens in black leather, racing their muscle cars, drove out most of the polite folks. The boardwalk turned into a hangout for this unsavory element.
Nowadays, if you fancy a stroll along the boardwalk with the sea breeze in your hair, you may need to remove the band of Raiders occupying this area.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.336-337
Some enterprising nutcases have gathered a variety of rusting ships, docks, and debris and fashioned a ship’s graveyard into a stronghold. And a settler graveyard. The depravity on show here is frightful.
[4.20] CROUP MANOR[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.338
Through the gates from Nahant is a wooded area of once-lavish mansions. The most ostentatious of these is Croup Manor, belonging to a distinguished Nahant family.
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The small Oceanological Society, perched at the end of the spit of land, is a former marine research laboratory but is now infamous for Mirelurk nests and spitting barnacles. Robots are still active and battling aquatic mutations coming up from the bay. There are two interior structures to investigate (each one has a trunk to open), as well as a tiny shack (Novice) at the edge of the tumbledown pier with some ammunition inside.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.340
The Catholic Church founded East Boston Prep as religious preparatory school. As the priesthood and church funding declined, local activists took over the school as a secular institution serving the immigrant population in East Boston. The school was eventually abandoned during an economic downturn before the war.
The "Traders Welcome" and other encouraging signs may be placed to coax the unwary: This location has been set up as a reeducation camp to recruit new Raiders.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.341
This was once a small, struggling racetrack with aging facilities. It is currently occupied by a gang of Raiders and Triggermen who use the track to host their robot races.
Eager Ernie is in charge here and has a key and password to unlock any doors, allowing easy access to the downstairs clubhouse terminal (Expert) and upstairs master control terminal (Expert), as well as the Repair Shop (Advanced) and Robot Control Terminal (Novice) out in the track. Both terminals allow you to control the racing robots; come evening, they turn against their masters. There are some reserve robots to activate in the south warehouse, too. Watch for items to scavenge everywhere; don’t forget to check the bus (two are locked [Novice]).
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.342-344
Before the war, Boston International Airport was a major transportation hub on the East Coast. In addition to its distinctive control tower, it also had a large terminal, parking garage, runways, and numerous hangars and support buildings.
The airport suffered heavily from the war. Most of its major buildings, including large sections of the terminal, have long since collapsed, and the rising sea levels have swamped the low-lying runways and outbuildings. Only the control tower and a few hangars remain relatively intact. After mooring the Prydwen at the airport in Act II, the Brotherhood occupy the area and turn it into the base of operations for their war machine in Act III.
[01] Arrivals Terminal[]
The workshop here allows you to build a settlement in relative safety, unless you decide not to ally yourself with the Brotherhood of Steel. Behind the two inaccessible security doors is an airport warehouse—a secret construction shop where a war machine is being built. This eventually is moved to Location 05. Attempt to access this airport warehouse from Location 06, and the wall terminal is inaccessible (only Proctor Ingram can access it). Don’t forget to check the ruined “open air” upper floor above the workshop for a Mini Nuke.
[4.28] PRYDWEN[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.345-347
The Brotherhood of Steel know how to make an entrance! A giant dirigible appears once you complete Act I of your Main Quest. It is moored at Boston Airport. This becomes the base of operations for the Brotherhood of Steel for the remainder of your exploration. The ship is a marvel of engineering.
[4.29] FORT STRONG[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.347-348
Fort Strong is an old military base. The island it sits on was used as a gun battery as far back as the Revolutionary War, and the fort itself dates to the Civil War. It had been abandoned for almost a century when the military quietly reoccupied it in the 2050s for use as a top-secret weapons research facility. The fort’s exterior and outbuildings were left intact, but its interior was retrofitted and a basement level was dug to house the new laboratories and a sizable armory.
Live weapons testing began on the island in the early 2070s, with the fort’s long-abandoned outbuildings used as targets. Among other weapons, the Fat Man and its Mini Nukes were invented here and first tested on the artillery range. But in October 2077, the island was hastily sealed up and its scientists evacuated.
Secondary Locations[]
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An enterprising soul trades scrap and ammo from here. His only companion is Jangles, a moon monkey.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.352-353
Complete and utter desolation as far as your blistered, irradiated eyes can see. A perpetual cloud of radiation haze. Fierce and toxic storms. If the Deathclaws and Radscorpions don’t get you, the radiation sickness might. This is the epicenter of a massive (and highly successful) nuclear strike centered on what is known colloquially as the Crater of Atom. While the northern and riverside fringes of this zone are relatively free of radiation, be sure to stock up on chems and wear proper protective attire once you’re south of Natick. Welcome to the Glowing Sea.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.353-354
Poseidon Energy Reservoir not only distributed water to the surrounding farmlands and towns, but it was also a source of hydroelectric power. The power generated was used by Poseidon for its research facilities scattered about the Commonwealth. Currently, the reservoir is in a state of disrepair. The hydroelectric generators no longer operate and the water has become stagnant.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.354
On the north outskirts of Natick is a motel of ill repute, thanks to recent Raider activities. Check the reception floor for a safe (Novice). Grab items from the trunk in the room with the chemistry station outside. Head around the back to the generator with the Fusion Core.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.354
A small town on the banks of Lake Cochituate has suffered from major flooding and subsidence in recent times. Currently the Super Mutants that have mangled up and driven a group of Raiders north are experiencing their own demise, as a pack of Deathclaws has been active in this area.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.355
Caution! This structure is slowly toppling into Lake Cochituate; beware of uneven flooring. The fourth of Eddie Winter’s Holotapes is in an evidence locker near some first aid kits. Should you have any overdue books, return them to the book return terminal here for tokens, which you can exchange for a variety of (mainly plastic) toys.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.355
This was once a great fishing and recreation spot, until the contamination from the nearby disposal site shut down these activities. Now the lake stretches from the elevated freeway and Poseidon Reservoir area south by Natick to the devastated Mass Fusion Disposal Site to the south.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.355
This was the property of Mass Fusion and used as a disposal site for coolants and other liquids. As much of the poisons were buried at this site, pressure has built up and the irradiated pools around the shores of the lake have bubbling gasses. Be wise: Wear radioactive protective gear at all times. Be perceptive: Locate the steamer trunk in the treehouse to the northeast. Be extra perceptive: There’s a Mini Nuke inside the large tire by the yellow digging machine.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.355
A wealth of electrical junk rests inside this location, where tinkerers once met. The front door to this establishment is locked (Master), but the side entrance is heavily trapped. Both lead to a cellar, which is also heavily trapped. Listen to Hobbyist Holotapes and play with an Assaultron down here, if you’re so inclined
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.356
This local radio is home to the Charles River Trio and famous for their radio plays, though the third member of the group has gotten himself into a bit of a pickle. Listen to his panicked message and save him to help these folks out. Need a baseball bat? There’s one on the roof.
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A prewar memorial park built in honor of a roboticist of General Atomics International. Beware of Feral Ghouls. Of the two remaining cabins, one has a rear wall missing and a Deathclaw to face. The other has a Park Protectron Control Terminal (Novice) to hack, after which the four Protectron types can be activated. Don’t leave without inspecting the cabin west of the podium for a trunk.
[5.12] CUTLER BEND[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.357
A boggy mess of rusting boats, tires, and other debris forming a makeshift bridge across the Charles River. This has long been infested by Mirelurks, and the pickings are good for those with quick wits. The caravan on the east shore of the river is locked (Advanced). There’s a shack on the west shore of the river.
[5.15] VAULT 95[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.358-359
Gunners have overwhelmed the vault dwellers here and are utilizing this location for purposes other than those originally intended. You are encouraged to remove these threats. Beware of Assaultrons. Battle your way through the open vault door and reach the elevator to enter the vault’s interior.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.360
Warning! Extreme radiation danger! An unassuming shack has a federal survival installation (codenamed K-21B) hidden beneath it. Enter the shack and open the trapdoor (Novice) or use the key in Bill the skeleton’s suitcase.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.364-365
This secret military installation has a stockpile of potent Mark 28 nuclear warheads, many of them still intact. An ominous pyramid surrounded by irradiated sludge, this location was in the middle of launching a missile strike when the bombs dropped. It is now a tomb for ferals.
Secondary Locations[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.366
The animosity between the two gigantic mutations vying for territory in Natick reaches its zenith in this abandoned power station. The Super Mutants, it seems, have brought out one of their heavy hitters.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.366
While the home owner has retired to the garage, this house overlooking Natick has a few scavengable items and some intruders to watch for.
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A settler has found out, to his cost, that even the outskirts of Natick are no place for anything without giant claws or green skin.
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This is a small campsite just west of the remains of the freeway. The holidaymakers aren’t the friendliest. Come for the trunk, as the views are slightly depressing.
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Everything is in place for the repainting of a long-forgotten statue—that is, until you arrive. Check the cabin to the northeast for a trunk.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.367
A bus of commuters is stuck in the mire here, with its passengers milling about nearby. Check inside for a steamer trunk.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.368-369
Anywhere south of the Greater Boston Neighborhoods that isn't glowing with radiation can be considered the Southern Commonwealth. Head southwest to follow the river to the treacherous marshlands and across to the Glowing Sea. It's a straight shot south to both West Roxbury and Jamaica Plain—two townships with their fair share of secrets. Journey southeast into Quincy, which, like much of this zone, is under Gunner control. Only those impressively grizzled enough to have eked out an existence for months should venture to the most dangerous places of all—the coastal area past Quincy and the strange ruins of Spectacle Island, perhaps the most idyllic place for a settlement...if the locals can be convinced.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.369
The well-to-do Westing family once owned this idyllic slice of riverfront property. Now this is a Mirelurk swamp. Moe Cronin, of Swatters in Diamond City Market, is extremely keen on finding baseball relics from a bygone age. Unlock the safe (Novice), find the toolbox, and locate the cooler to find them.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.369-370
The Coast Guard station along the Charles River had intercepted a shipment of smuggled chems. Now it is overrun by Super Mutants. The outside trailer (Advanced) allows access to an armor workbench and first aid. Another of Eddie Winter’s Holotapes is on top of the main floor safe (Advanced). The upstairs restroom (Novice) contains first aid. The downstairs cell (Expert) holds a magazine and can be more easily opened at the adjacent lockup terminal. The evidence room terminal (Expert) is a trickier hack, but the room itself houses a good amount of ammo and chems, as well as two more safes (Novice, Expert).
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.371
Just south of the Fens neighborhood is a pair of community basketball courts and a railway unloading depot. Boston PD set up a rationing site here, and the trailer, numerous crates, and an old warehouse are still standing. The police terminal has a Holotape regarding lost goods inside the warehouse with the barred door.
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Since the bombs dropped, several Scavenger and Raider gangs have used the faded remains of this fairly upscale gated community. It is now home to a family of Yao Guai. The northeast house has an unlocked floor safe upstairs. The southwest house has an unlocked floor safe in the laundry porch. The west house is of most concern, especially once you see what’s glowing in the garden. Enter this abode by ascending the rusty truck and debris and heading into the upstairs hole.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.372
The Miller family home by the road is in ruins, with corpses of Raiders strewn about. Upstairs is John Miller’s terminal and his safe (Master). The hardware store offers a back room (Novice) and counter safe (Advanced). Stairs leading up to a makeshift lookout shack with a button moving two rusty vehicles allow access from the road.
The salvage yard has numerous rickety walkways and rusting vehicles to inspect, including a bus with a safe (Advanced). There’s also some makeshift ramps up to a trailer with a trunk and magazine to pilfer. Climb up a fridge and drop into a long blue container to reach a shelter trapdoor. It is sealed; follow the black electrical wire to a circuit breaker on a generator by the lookout hut and activate it. The shelter has a key to open the safes, revealing evidence of what happened to the Millers.
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Just west of South Boston Neighborhood, this was once a gathering place for military but is now an ambush spot for Gunners. There’s a Fat Man inside the truck trailer, loot (including a magazine) inside the small bunker, and a wall safe (Master). Unlock the outside terminal (Expert) around the back to access a small secured area with Power Armor and a Mini Nuke.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.376
Historically, this hospital survived on donations from local churches and city funds until the invention of automated surgery. This hospital saw record earnings by employing a staff of Nurse Handys and Doctor Handy, MD, models and had a strong legal team to cover up any lawsuits. Then the bombs dropped.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.377-378
A modern public school structure, now in rusting ruins with a strong Super Mutant presence in the halls. Do they seem more intelligent than normal?
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.379-380
Ask any Scavenger and they’ll tell you, Jamaica Plain is known for both its inhospitable locals and the fabled treasures that lie somewhere inside this Feral Ghoul–infested town. Rumor has it that just before the bombs fell, the neighborhood’s inhabitants sealed a vast wealth in a secure chamber somewhere near here. The aforementioned Ghouls have kept any treasure hunters at bay. Until now!
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.381-382
This was once the headquarters of the Galaxy News Network, delivering pro-government televised newsreels. Since the bombs dropped, the station has changed hands and is now the main base of a gang of ruthless mercenaries known as the Gunners. Their insignia (the “targeted skull”) is daubed on their defenses. You can use a side fire escape or mount a charge from the north to reach the roof (and Fusion Core). The two main doors to the ground floor rotunda are on the sides of the structure.
[6.18] HYDE PARK[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.382-383
Local reports state that this seemingly deserted town has been taken over by Raiders with a penchant for skinning and wearing their victims. Most neighborly. You are advised to remain away from the flooded main thoroughfare to maximize your chances of survival.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.384-385
The student base of this school consisted mostly of lower-income and disadvantaged students. These children were lucky enough to be chosen for trials of a new food substitute paste developed by Vault-Tec in conjunction with the U.S. government. The paste was intended to provide all necessary nutrition and have a shelf life of over 100 years. Despite some minor side effects, the paste is both nutritious and delicious. Why not try some yourself? You’ll be in the pink!
Inside, you must fight off a group of Feral Ghouls with an odd hue to their complexions.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.385
Despite the abundance of marshland south of Hyde Park, construction had begun on the outskirts of this area before the bombs dropped. Venture farther into the swamp to uncover some secondary locations. Currently, this area is teeming with wildlife of the irradiated and pincer-snapping kind. If made safe, this could be an excellent settlement location.
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A large marble quarry northwest of Quincy is now flooded with water. Please refrain from drinking; the water is radioactive from the toxic dump of rusting barrels dumped here. A small contingent of Raiders spend their time huffing narcotics and growing paranoid. Use lockpicking prowess to open the trailer on the upper quarry (Expert). Farther along the marble-side pathway is a safe (Advanced). Check the cut marble lower level for a bedroom with a wooden crate (Novice) to pry open.
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Once a weekend getaway for the Dieter family, this small coast park is now infested with Mirelurks. Inspect the barnacle-clad trailer and two cabins; one is locked (Advanced) but has a steamer trunk and notes from the family on a terminal.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.386
This was a relatively new facility built in 2075 to produce the company’s line of Giddyup Buttercup robotic toys. Records show that in late 2077, it was secretly being converted to produce mines for the war effort. Recently, a clan of Super Mutants have taken over.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.387-389
Due to some controversial zoning, the freeway was run right over the main street, near the buildings of this once-picturesque and historical settlement. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and John Hancock were all born here. Currently, Gunners have taken over the Quincy ruins and a section of freeway that runs through the town. This was once a Minutemen stronghold until the arrival of the Gunners and a defection of one of the Minutemen’s own.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.392-393
This Poseidon Energy corporation power plant uses natural gas and solar energy. Currently, a gang of raiders have set up defenses against the robot security active at this location, as well as encroaching mirelurks.
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The fertilizer from this old sewage facility offers great Mutfruit and tato plant growing conditions, if you can get over the stench. Need a Giddyup Buttercup? There’s one here.
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Once home to an eccentric millionaire who dreamed of creating his own private island paradise. His old mansion on the northwest shore has been abandoned for decades. Check the ground floor for an unexploded Mini Nuke. The rusting green boat to the south has a Fat Man inside, a Bobblehead, and a circuit breaker to power the signal cabin (though powering up the generator causes some interest from the local wildlife). The signal cabin circuit breaker sends out a frequency that scares off Mirelurks and allows the workshop to be accessed. The ruined shack to the northeast has a safe (Advanced). This place may be remote, but it’s perfect for a settlement outpost.
Secondary Locations[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.395
Sewage pipes from the city poured out into this crater, mixing with the radioactive waste to create a particularly pungent sludge. Expect giant and revolting insects, as well as a fallen bridge up into Back Bay.
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This is one of Wicked Shipping’s trailers. The hatch is locked (Master), or use the key you found from the lockup in Zone 1. Access the trunk and Bottlecap mine inside.
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This location is not affiliated with The Railroad Faction. Two Protectron units can be controlled from a terminal (Expert) but first you must neutralize the guardian of the shed (a Sentry Bot). Check the brick shed for a safe (Novice).
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.396
Just off the road by the sagging mansion (northwest of Fairline Hill Estates) is a metal trailer, campsite/graveyard, and tato orchard, near the small fetid pond. Visit Eleanor here for some trading opportunities (scrap and ammo).
[6.08] DOG’S DINNER[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.396
A trapped hound inside a cage is whimpering for your attention. But is this a trap? Fend off the scavengers, and the dog runs home to Eleanor at her Trading Post (Secondary Location [6.07]). If the mutt makes it back, Eleanor will offer you a discount.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.396
This cabin and treehouse just south of Egret Tours Marina was once a blissful retreat.
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The telltale signs of Super Mutant activity are all around this water tower and waystation. Unlock the station terminal (Novice), one of the few objects not covered in congealed blood.
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Approach this area with caution; the moonshiner inside this shack may not be competent with his still.
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A small band of Raiders is encroaching into Gunner territory and decorating an old oak tree.
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Three APCs have fallen off the collapsed freeway. The pond has Power Armor rusting in the mire, and you can climb on and enter the green trailer balanced precariously on the freeway; there’s a trunk inside.
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A green tugboat and two smaller police vessels congregate over a huge supertanker on the ocean floor.
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Five pillboxes gradually sink into this swamp. Open the door, and you may discover a fully operational sentry.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.399
Two barges provided relative safety for a group of scientists. But that was decades ago. Now their bones have been picked clean. Inspect the barge for a safe to crack (Advanced).
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.399
A sunken aircraft was being removed from the depths. Now the surface tugboat and barge are in much the same state.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.400-401
By far the largest of the Neighborhoods, and usually the first one travellers to Boston visit when heading in from Concord and Lexington, Cambridge is a sprawl of college structures and old homes (and even older feral inhabitants) from before the dawn of the 21st century. The closer to the Charles River you venture, the larger the structures, and the more dominated by raider gangs this zone becomes. The strangely silent C.I.T. Ruins still stand as a monument to past scientific discoveries, but the Institute scientists themselves are deep underground. For the sightseer, there’s the impressively radioactive Cambridge Crater and its local feral population (don’t forget to pack protective gear!), and taller structures like the landmark Greenetech Genetics tower. Venture eastwards to the freeway segmenting Cambridge and Charlestown, and you’ll discover a sizable Super Mutant camp in a half-finished high-rise, as well as a secret Railroad safehouse.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.402-403
The northwest entrance to Cambridge was once a Raider stronghold, recently overrun by Feral Ghouls. It’s worth removing a few rotting heads to gather the copious ammo and Caps here. Check the buildings you can access and don’t forget to jimmy open the three safes and collect contents from a trunk on the northeast roof area.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.404
This ancient structure was used for admitting students to a nearby place of learning. Now it is deserted and crumbling. Inside is a compact, three-floor structure. Locate the locked tool case atop the mezzanine (Novice), with a hole nearby allowing you to drop into the reception area. You can also visit the men’s restroom, which now features an open-air feel. The third floor allows access to the ruins of the roof. Use this as a base of operations when scavenging the surrounding buildings.
[7.04] FRATERNAL POST 115[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.405
This location once served wounded veterans, helping with their recovery. Now it is a place of bloody despair: Choose either the front or rear entrance, depending on your predisposition to stealth combat. This two-floor mansion has a central pit where a new congregation gathers, led by the blind Dead Eye and his Super Mutant brethren. You can cut him off from flipping on an alarm, use the microphone and deliver part of a pre-war speech, and collect a magazine and copious ammunition in the process.
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This thriving brick diner once served waffles and coffee, but its current patrons are decidedly less lively and more bony in appearance.
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Those expecting a plentiful supply of stimpaks from this hospital location are in for disappointment. Despite this being used as a hiding point for the Railroad faction, Raiders discovered them, butchered everybody, and are either burning the corpses or throwing them down into a central pit to be consumed by a ravenous beast below. After discovering the bonfire camp, you’ll move up and down this mainly vertical location.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.407
This laboratory was a research facility looking into the development of Smart Materials to convert radiation. It appears to have suffered a catastrophic failure after the bombs fell. Perhaps you heard the radio advertising new and exciting opportunities in this field of research?
[7.09] C.I.T. RUINS[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.408
Perhaps the greatest fallacy about the Institute is where it’s actually located. Some assume the organization is headquartered in the old Commonwealth Institute of Technology’s central domed building—in Cambridge, on the north side of the Charles River. And why not? After all, at some point it had been fortified and was clearly meant to keep out intruders. And that’s exactly what the Institute wants people to think. In truth, the above-ground Institute facility is merely a façade. A structure meant to both instill fear in the people of the Commonwealth and hide the true scope and depth of the actual Institute.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.409-414
Hidden from surface dwellers and only accessible via teleportation, this is the utopian dream of Father and his scientist colleagues who populate the Institute.
Institute BioScience[]
BioScience cultivates and maintains existing gardens and the food supply through hydroponics. Research into genetically modified crops and nutrition also occurs. A small synth gorilla enclosure that emulates a jungle habitat exists here, as well as entrances to an abandoned FEV laboratory.
Institute Advanced Systems[]
Advanced Systems works on applied physics (plasma weaponry and teleportation), as well as special projects currently classified. Access to the reactor is at this location but is currently off-limits until you undertake certain quests.
Institute Synth Retention Bureau[]
Synth Retention (or SRB) supervises the coursers and their missions across the Commonwealth and repurposes any older Gen 1 and 2 synth models after interception on the surface.
FEV Laboratory[]
This is where Forced Evolutionary Viruses (FEV) were created and used on test subjects, forming the Super Mutants that roam the surface hellscape. This location doesn’t have quite the sheen of the main locations. Beware of Assaultrons. Look for the Experimental Serum in the incubation lab, as well as one of Virgil’s old Holotapes.
Old Robotics[]
This is where the earliest experimentations on synthetic life were carried out, and earlier generation synths still roam this area. The location is completely sealed off until Main Quest: The Nuclear Option is active. You may wish to access the terminal (unlocked) just before the lower level warehouse floor to activate an old Sentry Bot.
Institute Reactor[]
Originally a research project from the old Commonwealth Institute, the reactor was salvaged and improved upon, allowing the Institute to stop relying on siphoning power from above-ground sources almost entirely. This location is completely sealed off until Main Quest: The Nuclear Option or Institute Quest: Powering Up is active.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.415-416
This vertical maze features the remains of the C.I.T.’s Greenetech building, where genetic manipulation and other secret experiments were undertaken. Once inside, prepare for a battle between Gunners as synths. Your target is located at the top of this structure’s interior. The Courser Chip is your quest item to locate.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.417
This area was previously a city block in Cambridge. Non–Feral Ghouls moved here hoping it would be a safe haven for them. Unfortunately they turned feral over time. Exercise caution, as the ground is steep and the crater is difficult to climb out of and is full of ferals. A single ammo trunk is located close to the center of the crater.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.419
Watch for a scavenger and his pets in this rubble-filled parking structure just east of Greenetech Genetics. Grab a Nuka Cherry from his shopping cart. There’s an upstairs floor if you’re keen to see more rubble.
Secondary Locations[]
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The graveyard to the east of this imposing brick structure holds a band of frothing ferals. The front doors are closed, and the one on the east side is locked (Advanced), so use the front doors. Inside, Father Gabe is preaching. Grab the chems on the wall before leaving.
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A small and historically pleasant park is now scrub and stone with a tiny shop. Someone’s left a Nuka Cherry in the old covered alley southwest of the park. Pry it out of their cold, bony hands. Then check the overhang to the northeast for a small chem lab and chemistry station.
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Part of the large Super Mutant camp in this vicinity, this old chemical factory now shows signs of greenskin offal collections. There’s a Protectron terminal (Novice) and gantries to the exterior roof, where you can make use of an old sniper’s nest.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.422
West of Cambridge and north of the Charles River, Charlestown is the oldest of the Boston Neighborhoods, and the old wooden row houses reflect this past. Separated from Cambridge by the elevated freeway, this offers excellent exploration possibilities without feeling overwhelmed. It is primarily a Raider territory, with (sometimes hostile) Scavengers to the south and along the river. The neighborhood is dominated by two ancient monuments—Bunker Hill, which could be an exceptional settlement if your alliance with the locals is strong, and the U.S.S. Constitution, a prewar battleship that has been illegally moored for quite some time.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.423
This is the local office for the Bureau of Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Firearms, and Lasers (BADTFL). This location was responsible for investigations and was used as a holding cell and evidence locker housed in the facility. The locker has attracted Raiders, keen to loot it.
[8.02] BUNKER HILL[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.423-425
This large granite monument was erected to commemorate the Battle of Bunker Hill, which was the first main confrontation with the British back in 1775 during the American Revolutionary War. Today it serves as a reasonably well-defended settlement. The Railroad currently uses it as a pickup point for escaped synths, who are met and hidden by a local sympathizer until a Railroad agent can take them to safety.
[01] Entrance And Obelisk[]
This imposing landmark was erected between 1827 and 1843 using granite from quarries in Quincy
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.426
This ancient maritime vessel was docked in the Boston Navy Yard and was primarily a tourist attraction. Before the war, it was populated by robots to give visitors a feel of what life was like back in the olden days. Due to an error in navigation, the ship is currently embedded in the remains of a harbor building, under constant threat of Scavenger and Raider attack. Access the interior of this vessel via a trapdoor in the hull that leads to the bow, through the building wreckage.
Secondary Locations[]
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Head into this Ghoul-infested three-floor home with severe rising damp. Unlock the top bedroom door (Advanced) for a storage attic with an unpleasant owner.
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A group of scavengers have made their home here, along with a mercenary or two to dissuade invaders. You’ll find Mandy Stiles most standoffish, unless the quest is active.
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Amid the rubble is a mostly intact fridge and its thirst-quenching contents. Otherwise, Scavengers periodically launch attacks from here.
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Including the waterlogged basement, there are five floors to this shop and upper apartment structure, with a ruined attic offering views across to the ship. You will utilize the circuit breaker on the attic roof balcony (southeast corner) during the quest. Otherwise, Scavengers periodically launch attacks from here.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.428-429
This is perhaps the friendliest neighborhood in all of Boston. The giant green walled-off enclosure welcomes all travelers without ghoulish tendencies, and the threats to your life are manageable if you keep near the huge green walls. Venture farther afield and you may stray into danger: You’ll run into Zone 3 if you keep heading west. Go up to Cambridge if you cross the Charles River, and journey east to Esplanade and Back Bay. South is Zone 6. Most of the outskirts of this neighborhood feature closed-off Raider camps, which have been decimated recently by the even-more carnage-hungry Super Mutants. But you’re here for the trading, the questing, and the camaraderie offered here, in the great green jewel of the Commonwealth.
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Prewar customers of this clothing shop preferred the bargains found here. It is now overrun by Raiders, and a couple of turrets greet you at the only entrance, close to a pipe-laden truck used as a barricade. Climb to the upper floor for a comic and roof access.
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The interior of Parkview Lounge is grotesque, with a gang of dead Raiders now strung up and gutted as Super Mutant decoration. The bar area has two exits outside. The one in the east wall allows you to climb scaffolding stairs to the roof
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.432
In prewar times, the deeper areas of the sewer were secluded and difficult to reach. Time has exposed parts of the upper tunnels to the sky and Feral Ghouls have since moved in, attracted to the nuclear power sources of the water pumps below.
An unassuming manhole cover and sprawled skeleton of an old sewer worker leads into this large labyrinthian tunnel system. When you find a series of skeletal remains, it becomes clear this was a place of suffering.
Miscellaneous: Dear Detective[]
The map shows the locations of four Holotapes with messages recorded on them. Listen, and figure out where the detective and her quarry finally came to rest.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.433-438
This is the most well-known, well-defended settlement in the entire Commonwealth. Located in the remains of Boston’s revered baseball stadium, the city houses several businesses and scores of people in divergent social classes. Every resident shares a common bond; they survived under the shadow of the great green wall—that monument to the ingenuity of humankind and their consummate protector.
[01] All Faiths Chapel[]
A multidenominational church open 24 hours a day, run by the friendly Pastor Clements.Sit on a pew in the church to gain benefits of the Quiet Reflection perk.
[02] Publick Occurrences[]
This location is named after the newspaper, which is written, edited, and published by Piper. Her little sister Nat sells copies at the front of their office. She also publishes stories, such as “The Synthetic Truth,” and is currently on the outs with the mayor. Inside the office, you can read her terminal notes and steal some chems and ammo.
[04] Fallon’s Basement[]
This premiere (and only) clothing store sells a variety of prewar attire at the best prices, as well as helpful outfits, like hazmat suits. The proprietor Becky Fallon tells everyone she’s a direct descendant of the original Fallon family. Aside from a large supply of cram, the only item of note is a Holotape you can listen to regarding the Railroad.
[05] Power Noodles[]
This noodle bar was built up against the fusion generator tower in the center of the settlement, where the pitcher’s mound was. The Protectron chef, Takahashi, has a single phrase—“Nan-ni shimasho-ka?” or “What would you like to have?”—and a single item to trade. Noodles, naturally.
[10] Swatters[]
“A swatter never runs out of bullets!” as Moe Cronin is fond of saying. He runs this store specializing in baseball equipment and almost nothing else. Barter with Moe to obtain a unique bat, and speak to him for a couple of quests that can net you some Caps.
[13] Chem-I-Care[]
This is a popular establishment, thanks to the genial owner, Solomon. Selling a complete variety of chems and healing supplies, Solomon may have convinced the populace that the benefits of his wares outweigh the risks. Pick the lock of his house (Novice) for a few more chems to steal inside.
[14] Mega Surgery[]
Despite the corrugated roof, this is a state-of-the-art medical facility offering healing, cybernetic grafts, and even facial reconstruction. Fancy a change in appearance? Sit down under Doctor Sun’s scalpel! There are some other goings on here too; check the listed side quest before descending into the surgery cellar (Advanced).
[15] Choice Chops[]
Fresh Brahmin meat is available from the sullen butcher, Polly (who’s a frustrated poet), or Mole Rat meat if you’re feeling adventurous. You can break into Polly’s house (Novice) if you want to hack her terminal (Novice).
[18] The Wall[]
The great green wall has protected Diamond City for as long as anyone can remember. Only Abbot spends time here keeping the stage from falling into disrepair, the Brahmins fed, and the wall painted.
[22] Science! Center[]
The foremost center of scientific experimentation and discovery in Diamond City, run by the enthusiastic Doctor Duff. Her colleague is a little tired of Duff’s prattling. Take a quiz with Duff if you want. Snoop on Scara’s terminal (Master) if you can.
[27] Dugout Inn[]
This is the primary watering hole of Diamond City. Many of the residents go here in the evenings to grab a drink. Occasionally, the place has guests who are traveling through the Commonwealth, as there are rooms available (and mattresses to sleep on) for 100 Caps. Though the Russian twins who run this place are identical in their features, their personalities are completely different.
[30] Colonial Taphouse[]
The snobbish denizens of the upper area sip their alcohol from this establishment. Receive a dressing down from Wellington in the exterior seating area, then head inside for a pint and a punch if you’re not careful. Look for the Holotape and a floor safe (Advanced) behind the bar.
[32] Codman Residence[]
Break in through the door (Advanced) to the home of the oldest family in Diamond City. The Codmans own the orchard.
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This was once the most popular hardware store in town, but Raiders are active to the rear of the premises. They lure those of a more inquisitive (or idiotic) disposition into investigating the location, before slaying them and dumping their corpses.
Secondary Locations[]
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This open-air low-rise apartment complex just northwest of Diamond City has been taken over by greenskins. Clear the scaffold and roof of foes before opening the steamer trunk on the rooftop.
[9.04] ANNA’S CAFE[]
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This once-thriving diner has been reduced to a ruin of clutter and rusting equipment. Check behind the counter for some health.
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Enter this bank and have a go at hacking the safe room door (Master). It isn’t easy, but once you’ve used the terminal to open the security door, you can ransack a new kind of vault. Aside from the gold bars, the following wall safes are accessible (along with the number of safes of each type):
- Wall Safe (Open): 1
- Wall Safe (Novice): 5
- Wall Safe (Advanced): 5
- Wall Safe (Expert): 3
- Wall Safe (Master): 2
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.446-447
Technically part of the Back Bay Neighborhood, the Charles River Esplanade is comprised of the remains of a park, some waterfront mansions still exhibiting the faded grandeur of times gone by, and one of the main thoroughfares of Boston—Commonwealth Avenue. Currently, Raiders and Gunners are vying for control of this zone, though there are reports of strange smells (stranger than normal) emanating from the HalluciGen, Inc., building on the east side, close to Boston Common. If you fancy a stroll along the Charles River, you might want to pop in and say hello to the folks who’ve made the amphitheater their home; they’re always looking for new recruits to join their secret society.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.447
Pillars of the Community is ostensibly a missionary organization that hopes to restore the Commonwealth to prewar American values. Brother James is also a key player in the disappearance of Emogene Cabot from the well-to-do family of the same name. Visit here during the specified quest to uncover more about her. Need a Mini Nuke? Find one under one of the beds on the amphitheater stage.
[10.02] HALLUCIGEN, INC.[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.447-449
The exterior of the building has the bodies of Gunners scattered everywhere. They appear to have been shot while running away. . . . You can enter through the main doors, or locate the side entrance (Master) on the northern side of the structure, facing the amphitheater.
Secondary Locations[]
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This stately home has some of its ancient fineries still on display inside. This was recently used as a Gunner hideout, and there’s the moderately impressive ammunition stashes here to prove it.
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A lone foe inside the attic of this once-grand mansion looks out at Gunner activity to the east.
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Back Bay was once known for its numerous brownstones of architectural significance. It is now dominated by the Trinity Tower skyscraper, an immense building constructed close to the old church and public library. Now the streets and alleyways are home to roving bands of Raiders, ferals, and packs of wild dogs. The tower still stands, which is more than can be said for another skyscraper, which has half toppled into the Dartmouth Professional Building. Keep going south to reach a Raider tenement block stronghold of Layton Towers. Super Mutants have a powerful grip on this part of the city, too, decorating the Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ and Trinity Tower with meat bags and bloody spikes.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.451-452
This was the largest repository of historical documentation in the Commonwealth and a well-visited location before the bombs dropped. Decades of neglect, water damage, looting, and vandalism ruined all the books stored here. The building still has a grandeur and is accessed either by a side entrance (Advanced) or by a subterranean entrance at Copley Station, under the main building. Super Mutants roam these halls now.
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Still standing in the overgrown plaza that bears its name is Trinity Church. Founded in 1733, the present structure was completed in 1877 and now houses a small congregation of Super Mutants. The church has two entrances—the main doors and a hatch to the rear (east). Don’t forget the magazine from the pulpit. The area is easy to spot from a distance; it is adjacent to the massive Trinity Tower.
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This is the local store and office of Hubris Comics, publishers of classic graphic novels. In addition to the downstairs shop, the building also includes offices for the production staff a small television studio on the fourth floor.
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The tallest building in Boston, this towering office skyscraper with a fancy plaza at ground level now features the “offal and splattering” aesthetic the Super Mutants are so keen on showcasing. You may have been summoned here by Trinity Tower Radio as part of the specified quest. The only way up into the structure is taking the mezzanine elevator to the mid-level. After scaling the interior, you appear on the final five floors leading to the roof. It’s a very long way down, so watch your step. It is recommended to take in the sights via a window-washer elevator that takes you from the roof down to the plaza.
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Before the war, this was the headquarters of the Wilson Atomatoys Corporation, maker of the well-known Giddyup Buttercup horse. Only the senior officials at the company, including the lead designer Arlen Glass, were based here. The building lay abandoned for years until a gang of Super Mutants stormed it, using it as a base for raiding the surrounding area.
Secondary Locations[]
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If you make a running jump from the Raider rooftops (to the east), you can land safely on this roof—the last known whereabouts of a fleeing trader.
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The entrance foyer to this old theater still has a mystic grandeur to it, as well as some chems. Access the elevator to the theater. Jangles, Teddy, and their bony friends are watching a play, though the actors seem a bit stiff. Afterword, check the safe (Advanced) and some natty clothing.
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South of the river from Charleston, this historic neighborhood of row houses, gas lights, and cobblestone alleys was once a pleasant place to live. Beacon Hill was the gateway to the Financial District but is now a far less desirable place, where bands of Raiders jostle for control and many structures have been decimated. You can scale the rooftops, pick through the rubble, and stop at Vault-Tec’s Regional Headquarters (which may be closed, given the current circumstances). One area that still seems untouched by the ravages of war and time is the mysterious Cabot House, at the north end of this neighborhood.
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Welcome to Vault-Tec! Our regional representatives are pleased to assist you in all manner of vault-related requests and questions. Please use the main entrance or the basement door (Expert). Please note the views of Martin Reid do not reflect the values of Vault-Tec Corporation.
Additional Note: Due to the unwanted deposit of a Mini Nuke, the restrooms are currently out of order.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.463
Boston’s largest circulation newspaper has been “Trumpeting the Truth for over 50 years.” Its offices are in this upscale neighborhood. Now they are in a shocking state, though still patrolled by robot security.
[12.03] CABOT HOUSE[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.463
This 1711 mansion is sealed up tighter than a T-60 Power Armor vacuum attachment: It is strangely preserved amid the general decay. Located on Louisburg Square, the park is still well maintained. The intercom at the front door allows you to ask to gain entry.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.464-465
This residential neighborhood once boasted continuous residential inhabitants since 1630. Currently, it boasts a variety of crumbling brick and wooden structures, some of historical significance, and is anchored by the Old North Church and the culmination of the Freedom Trail. It is deep in the catacombs under this church that the Railroad faction has holed up. Otherwise, this relatively small but dense zone should be approached with relative care; roving bands of Super Mutants and Raiders have been seen, and there’s chatter regarding a fiendish serial killer who stalks the old alleyways after dark.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.465-456
A prolific serial killer stalks the alleys of North End and has recently been cornered in his lair by his prey of choice: Raiders. The rotting hulk of a row house Pickman calls home was chosen for its access to ancient subterranean smuggler tunnels beneath North End. He displays pictures of his victims on the walls.
Inside the dwelling, his blood-splattered daubing and corpse sculptures show the type of lunatic Pickman is. He has left a message to Jack in the front room and Pickman’s Calling Card on many corpses. Fight your way to the end of the smuggler’s sewer.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.466-467
Built in 1723, the Old North Church is the oldest standing church in Boston. Its 191-foot-tall steeple also makes it the tallest church in Boston. On the night of April 18, 1775, Lieutenant Colonel Smith marched with 700 British soldiers to Concord on a mission to disarm the rebels. Using a plan devised by Paul Revere, Robert Newman climbed to the top of this church and lit two lanterns to alert patriots that the Redcoats were coming up the Charles River. This inspired Longfellow’s famous verse “One if by land, two if by sea.” The battles of Lexington and Concord that followed would start the American Revolution.
This is part of the Freedom Trail. The number “1” is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter “R.” The insignia of the Railroad can be seen above the information plaque at the entrance.
The Railroad Headquarters is the base of operations for this faction. It contains their senior members (two of whom offer excellent trading opportunities). There’s a wall showing the “code” the Railroad uses for marking stashes and areas they’ve investigated. Be sure to utilize the escape tunnel, which allows quicker access to and from this location in the future. It brings you out by the river, northwest of the Old North Church.
Secondary Locations[]
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You can enter the small cottage north of a once-quaint courtyard to see the contents of a cat lover’s abode.
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Look up at the freeway towering above this district to see the remains of the skytram. The cockpit has a trunk to ransack. However, you must access the skytram from the Garden Terrace, over the Financial District.
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Once offering the best baked goods in town, this shop now offers a floor safe to pick (Expert) and an emaciated cat. Enter using either the north or south entrances.
[13.12] BOXING GYM[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.469
You're probably not getting enough exercise, so use this place to scavenge for ammo and chems. There's a footlocker (Novice) and safe (Advanced) to unlock, and the smell of sweat still lingers.
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Built in 1680, this wooden building is the oldest structure in all of Boston. In 1770 this home was bought by famed patriot Paul Revere. He dwelled here with his family (including his 16 children) until 1800. Paul Revere was living here when he made his famous midnight ride to Lexington and Concord to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that Redcoats were en route to arrest them and seize the militia weaponry.
This is part of the Freedom Trail. The number "8" is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter "D." This structure is mostly a shell, with a Super Mutant encampment outside.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.470-471
The Freedom Trail starts here! Visit this once-idyllic park surrounded by ancient architectural prewar mansions and the remains of the State House, but be warned; there are numerous signs recommending you stay away from the pond at the park’s west end. Perhaps it’s better to start investigating the thin red line still visible along much of the sidewalks, a trail leading you through some of the most famous historical structures still (partly) standing. Surrounded by five other neighborhoods, Boston Common is at the nexus of the city south of the river.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.471-472
The “new” state house was completed in 1798 to house the government of Massachusetts State. The land selected was originally John Hancock’s cow pastures. The first dome was constructed of wooden shingles and covered in copper smelted by Paul Revere. The state government used this building continuously until the formation of the Thirteen Commonwealths in 1969.
This is part of the Freedom Trail. The number “4” is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter “L.” Outside, one corner of the structure has collapsed, allowing lock-fiddlers the chance to open a wall safe (Novice).
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This burial ground was established in 1660, making it the oldest surviving burial ground in Boston. Many famous Revolutionary War heroes were buried here, including John Hancock, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and the victims of the Boston Massacre. In 2031, after the tragic death of Emilia Butler, the city council voted unanimously to have her remains interred here.
This is part of the Freedom Trail. The number “2” is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter “A.” It is overrun by ferals. The adjacent church is sealed and cannot be entered.
[14.03] SWAN'S POND[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.472
The focal point of the Boston Common neighborhood since the early 1600s, the pond once featured ornate swan boats for visitors and citizens to take for a trip. This location is highly dangerous; even Raiders avoid the Common. Be sure to search the boathouse for five notes to understand more. Look for warnings about Swan’s Pond around Boston Common.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.472
Established in 1634, Boston Common started as a communal grazing ground for cattle before it was made a public park (the oldest in the country). In the year before the Revolutionary War, a thousand Redcoats camped on the Common. The Redcoat brigades that marched on Lexington and Concord departed from this very ground.
Park Street Station is accessed to the northeast of this common. This is also the start of the Freedom Trail. On the east side, at the Protectron tour bot and fountain, the number “7” is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter “A.” Follow the red stripe along the ground from here to continue the specified quest.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.473-475
This has been identified as a low-traffic subway stop, and Vault-Tec industries is pleased to announce the purchase of this location for a new Vault, designated #114. Lower excavation costs, usage of existing tunneling equipment, and the repurposing of train cars into vault rooms should expedite the completion of this location.
After years of this location sitting half finished when the bombs fell, a local gang of Triggermen under the leadership of Skinny Malone chanced upon here; the numerous digging machines could be put to use in their nefarious operations.
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A ritzy social club for the most discerning of gentlemen, the small, deserted upper interior can be explored and the fate of the club members determined.
Secondary Locations[]
[14.02] PROST BAR[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.475
Though this is still the place to come for a Gwinnett Lager, the patrons at the Prost Bar aren’t as rowdy as they once were. Check the “Employees Only” office for a real baseball fan’s trunk.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.476-477
The Freedom Trail continues here! However, most of it is either covered in blood or the tons of rubble and mangled skyscraper metal from the numerous fallen structures. Simply put, this neighborhood is a disaster; structures have many holes, and the height of the skyscrapers dotted around the main thoroughfare of Congress Street means you’re just as likely to fall to your death as succumb to Super Mutant or Gunner gunfire. As you’re surrounded on all sides by other neighborhoods, it’s sometimes difficult to know where you are, so study the maps presented here and understand that some of the locations of importance may be above or below you. Take in the sights steadily and methodically, including Boston’s tallest structure, the immense Mass Fusion building.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.477-479
Before the war, Mass Fusion was the primary power supplier to Boston and most of the Commonwealth. It is the tallest building in Boston. With the proceeds from an enormously lucrative line of fusion wells, engines, and cores, this structure—their corporate headquarters—was built. Since the war, the structure has fallen into disrepair, though the reactor level hasn’t yet been breached.
At ground level, Gunners fight through the rubble-strewn streets. Should you arrive on the roof (when the quest is active), prepare to fight your chosen rival faction, and hunt down a few choice items (including a Nuka Cherry). Beware the oil, gas leaks, and explosive barrels, or use them to your advantage.
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The Old Corner Bookstore was originally built as an apothecary after the devastating Great Fire of 1711. Originally the land belonged to Anne Hutchinson, the controversial puritan who was excommunicated and banished from Massachusetts for her “heretical” beliefs and sermons. During the mid-nineteenth century, the Old Corner Bookstore was the home of the leading American publisher Ticknor and Fields. They published the works of such luminaries as Charles Dickens, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Henry David Thoreau. Many of those were frequent visitors to this site.
The Old Corner Bookstore is a historic site on the Freedom Trail. The number “3” is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter “I.” The interior is mostly deserted. The exterior of the bookstore is cluttered with rubble and marauding ferals, along with encroaching Raiders and Super Mutants fighting for territory and food. However, don’t miss the most difficult-to-find steamer trunk around; it’s in the ruins of the skyscraper that was built atop of the bookstore.
Head east, following the Freedom Trail, then down into the Congress Street Garage [S15.02], where you can take an elevator up to the middle of the ruined building. Climb out onto the overpass, then leap from the overpass Leap from the overpass to a curved brown metal wall plate. Look southwest, then leap across and up to the remains of a tiled floor. Congratulations: jump northwest, and you should land on the roof you’ve attempted to reach, and find the contents of the trunk, close to some upturned desks.
[15.05] FANEUIL HALL[]
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Donated to the city of Boston in 1742 by French merchant Peter Faneuil, Faneuil Hall was a commercial hub in colonial Massachusetts. It played a notable role in the American Revolution. Protests against the British Sugar and Stamp Acts that began here led to the doctrine of “no taxation without representation.” Later meetings were held here that culminated in the Boston Tea Party. Many of the Founding Fathers met here or gave speeches here (notably Samuel Adams), leading to the building’s nickname, “the Cradle of Liberty.”
This is part of the Freedom Trail. The number “5” is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter “R.” The exterior offers two entrances—the two main front doors and the three rear doors to the east. There is side scaffolding that doesn’t reach all the way to the roof (look for a Fusion Core and ammo on the way up). Super Mutants are an ever-present threat.
The basement gift shop is overrun with bloody mutant types. If you have the time, peruse a magazine shelf for information on Easy City Downs, as well as the Treasures of Jamaica Plain (then visit that location for more information). Beware of traps and Super Mutants as you scale the interior. Take a ladder to the roof, where you’ll find a strange Gilded Grasshopper, which is part of the specified quest.
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.483-490
Built on an ancient area of Boston once known as Scollay Square, Goodneighbor was founded in the year 2240 by a group of criminals banished from Diamond City. But appearances can be deceiving; although plagued with problems, Goodneighbor has its finer qualities: There are no social classes, so everyone is truly equal. There is no bigotry, and even Ghouls are accepted. Goodneighbor has proven instrumental in the success of the Railroad’s operations.
[01] Old State House[]
Mayor Hancock and his squeeze Fahrenheit are holed up here. The mayor is well liked, if a little cutthroat. He is guarded by the Neighborhood Watch; don’t confuse them with the less friendly Triggermen! This four-floor mansion has a lot of chems to steal if you’re so inclined and Holotapes extolling the virtues of the Railroad.
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Gunners and Super Mutants are battling through a towering office building for the remains of a skybridge. Reaching this vantage point requires skill, good judgment, and topographical smarts. You’re free to approach from Secondary Location 16: Hub 360 (Theater District), but an easier route is to find one of the following locations:
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Surrounded by ruined and impassable skyscrapers, this Gunner stronghold is well defended with turrets as the Gunners attempt to knock back Super Mutant incursions to the south, where most of the mines are.
While the Post Office Station is closed permanently, Joe’s Spuckies is open and used as the Gunner’s base of operations. It has a good supply of ammo and Caps.
Secondary Locations[]
[15.10] 35 COURT[]
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Evidence of a Protectron massacre is visible as you reach the entrance on the south side of this building. Enter the structure, watching for the tripwire by the desk that activates a Protectron. Ride the elevator to the open-air middle of the structure.
Open the door (Novice) to enter a small office with a safe (Expert). Head up the metal ramp, but beware an ambush when you reach the top. Enter the two side rooms and press the buttons to open a storage pod with Power Armor in it. Nice! Then feel free to leap west, landing on the rooftops north of Postal Square.
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Bordering Zone 6 to the south, with access into both Back Bay and Boston Common to the west, the Financial District to the north, and Boston Harbor to the east, the Theater District offers height as well as width in many of its explorable locations. Though theatrical plays haven’t been put on for 200 years, the largest of the theaters has its own form of violently bloody entertainment. Farther south is the sprawling Mass Bay Medical Center, offering (as many building do) access to the ground level and the elevated freeway above. Expect combat as Gunners attempt to hold on to territory while fending off Super Mutants encroaching on their facilities. Other locations are quieter, but no less dangerous, like the old robotics store close to the freeway. Remember that some map icons presented here may be above or below you.
[16.01] COMBAT ZONE[]
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Once an old-time theater and public arena, this location has been taken over by Raiders, who don’t allow anyone in other than their own. Tommy Lonegan, a Southie Ghoul, announces the fights, while Cait, the headliner, cuts throats in the ring.
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This is one of the largest hospitals in the city of Boston. Gunners have a stronghold here, with makeshift and rusting pathways up to the roof and all the way to the elevated freeway south of the fallen skybridge. Be wary of the turrets before entering this facility. The rusting green structure towers over the elevated freeway.
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This was a sales center and maintenance garage catering to the buyer of refurbished and upgraded consumer robots. Hester Geppetto was the long-dead proprietor. Nowadays the place is said to be a deceptive trap and is shunned by scavengers.
Secondary Locations[]
[16.01] HUB 360[]
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Access this sprawling Super Mutant camp from the ground or from the remains of the elevated freeway. Beginning at ground level, look for the structure and the rickety platforms stretching across the roads to the two other buildings to the east.
The ground-floor interior consists of a reception and dining area and a mezzanine staircase to a working elevator. Ascend to the next interior area, where you’ll find kitchens and a door to Café Patio. Outside is a balcony offering views and more killing opportunities but no way out (except a long drop).
Back inside, climb the rubble pile and access either the rooftop pool (another greenskin hangout spot and access north to the fallen skybridge, or south to the Mass Bay Medical Center) or the elevator that takes you to the top of this structure. Here you can claim the contents of a steamer trunk and finish off the last mutated giant. There’s a plank here for positioning the device in the specified quest.
Now, can you dive into the pool below?
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Once offering great food and better views, the lounge is comprised of two buildings linked via a small skybridge. Access the northwest structure from the elevated freeway. Access the southeast structure from the roof of the medical center by taking the construction lift down from the crashed Vertibird area. Inside are a couple of two-level lounges to traverse and some ammo and other supplies to covet.
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You may encounter wandering folk and a chap named Slim around here, but this is usually a good and safe place to tinker or sleep.
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Just as the Charles River empties out into the Massachusetts Bay, so, too, did container vessels from across the Old World, about 400 years ago. Now the harbor is in serious need of dredging, with a variety of rusty hulks and rotting boats scattered about this waterway. Home to Mirelurks, pockets of Super Mutants and Raiders, and the odd roving Scavenger, Boston Harbor offers views out to the east, toward the airport. Head north to Charleston, west into the Theater District, and south toward Quincy and South Boston. Though there are few primary locations, this has the distinction of being among the most dangerous of neighborhoods, as the ground is sometimes soggy and the inhabitants never friendly. Also, did you hear tales of the sea monster lurking in the bay?
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A landmark from the early 20th century, the Custom House served as a federal structure. Built on reclaimed shoreline and surviving the bombs, it now features a new and more bloody interior decoration due to recent Super Mutant activity.
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This historic bar and pool club on the edge of the Theater District is run by one of the smaller Raider gangs active in this area. The bar has had a long and illustrious history since its establishment in 1787 . . . 500 years ago. Paul Revere was said to drink here.
On the sliver of land between the Waterfront and Financial District neighborhoods, this fortified Raider camp has a single entrance (the hatch from the cellar is cordoned off behind wire fencing). Expect turrets and harsh language. Mop up the Raider scum and loot their ammo. Then enter the establishment.
The place is run by Gaff, a Raider with a few cohorts scattered throughout the premises. The key to open the problematic doors of this establishment is in the cellar.
[17.04] YANGTZE[]
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Easily mistaken for a strange aquatic monster, this Chinese nuclear submarine (Liao-Class Type 113) is hidden among the wrecks of other ships in the Boston Harbor. It is commanded by Captain Zao. Should you wish to access the terminal (Master) on the lower level, find the first mate’s password from the fellow lurking down in these parts.
Secondary Locations[]
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A small formal gardens on the waterfront, now home to roaming wildlife and a collection of withered skeletons gazing out into the harbor
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A podium and signs of a disagreement in the past. Scrabble around in the rubble for a few helpful items.
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Moored close to the “sea monster” is a rusting barge carrying scrap metal. Check inside for the remains of the crew and a safe to pry open (Expert).
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A series of once-quaint wooden stores line the waterfront. Irradiated wildlife prowls the alleyways adjacent to the Theater District. This location is now famous; it has the most difficult-to-reach cooler in all of Boston!
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.510-511
Featuring the most fearsome threats outside of Boston Common, South Boston is separated from the rest of the neighborhoods by the elevated freeway remains (to the west) and the bay (to the north and east). The lack of giant towering skyscrapers also means you’re less likely to wander around in a bewildered fashion, but don’t let your guard down. Powerful pincer-clapping Mirelurks roam the coast, and numerous pockets of Raiders, ferals, and a few Super Mutants are also active in this zone. The neighborhood has many impressive and ancient structures—none more so than the Castle, a fortification once belonging to the Minutemen. This could perhaps be the crowning achievement to the explorer who seeks to build and unite settlements both far and wide.
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This plant operated at a loss and was almost ready to shut down in October 2077. This was partly due to mismanagement, but the waste runoff from the nearby General Atomics Factory may have been a factor.
A local gangster’s secret laboratory helps chems flow through Goodneighbor like water. This secret lab is completely separate from the main plant interior. You can investigate the area during the specified quest (where you can obtain notes to shut off the laser tripwires and open the secret door), or you can try hacking the exterior terminal on the catwalk (Master) to get in.
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As civil unrest heightened across the country, General Atomics moved their focus away from this factory, which specialized in creating Ms. Nanny units for child care. A General Atomics nuclear reactor powers the facility to the current day. While the production equipment has since degraded with no one around to repair it, the Quality Assurance Department remains functional.
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This bus station and subway system is said to contain a number of secret smuggling passageways used by the infamous prewar gangster Eddie Winter. Currently, Raiders are combing the tunnels for evidence of Winter’s stash. The exterior station is well defended by Raiders. Note the wall safe (Advanced) at one of the counters.
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This venerable brewing operation was started by a local beer maker named Button Gwinnett, namesake of one of the founding fathers. Their Southie Stout was voted “Boston’s Best Beer of 2051 and 2062.” Currently, the brewing factory is dilapidated. There is roof access, but only from the interior. Outside, beware of flammable oil, shoot through the broken windows to remove the bar from the door to the metal hut, allowing access to a brewing systems terminal, and a recipe for Gwinnett Stout.
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This front-of-house restaurant allowed beer aficionados to sample such fine products as Gwinnett’s Pale Ale, Peabody Pilsner, Dead Redcoat Ale, and the infamous Bunker Hill Brew. “Give a Man . . . a Taste of Freedom!” the slogan said. Now the place is piled high with offal and half demolished by Super Mutants. There is a main entrance, as well as a rear entrance (Advanced) for those of a stealthy disposition. The Gwinnett Brewery (Primary Location) can be accessed via the security door and large Mirelurk-infested pipes. If you aren’t competent at hacking, find the Gwinnett Brewery password, but approach from the brewery side, not via the restaurant.
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A high school close to the Dorchester Height monument is in a terrible state, with a northern wing (overlooking the Gwinnett Restaurant) exposed to the elements. The main entrance is blocked, meaning access is via the southern wing, now surrounded by wreckage of a small Raider camp. Inside, the few accessible rooms have mostly been picked clean, aside from the contents of a safe (Advanced).
[18.08] THE CASTLE[]
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.517
Historians have noted the original name for this settlement was Fort Independence, but the people of the Commonwealth now refer to it simply as the Castle. This place has a long and storied history; it is one of the first forts in America and predates the Revolutionary War. In recent times, it served as the base of operations for the Minutemen as they attempted (and failed) to establish a Provisional government. In 2240, the Castle was partly destroyed by gigantic Mirelurk, and most of the Minutemen leadership died.
Still, it is generally agreed that the location could yet become an excellent base of operations for the Minutemen (and an exceptional settlement) if it can be reclaimed from the sea creatures. Note that the map information refers to interior corridors within the fortification walls.
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This once-thriving settlement was built into the ruins of the old university. Approximately one year before current events, synths from the Institute wiped this trading post off the map after a disagreement regarding classified research. An explosion in the service tunnels under Sedgwick Hall killed many, released a large amount of radioactive material, and caused the building to partly collapse.
Secondary Locations[]
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A Joe’s Spuckies coffee and sandwich emporium is simply a front for an old speakeasy; there’s a hatch behind the counter (Master). However, you’ll usually appear here after navigating Andrew Station.
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A warehouse under construction has been left in a state of disrepair and now comes decorated with bloody meat, courtesy of a small group of Super Mutants. Check the middle level for a safe (Advanced).
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Enter this structure of faded grandeur to scrape together a few meager items. Bobbi No Nose makes her home here during the specified quest and installs a security system. Check the corner for a safe (Advanced).
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Constructed on the raised oval park just west of South Boston High School, this monument is helpful to look for when attempting to navigate this neighborhood. Use it as a landmark
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This settler camp offers access across three rooftops and reasonable protection from ground dwellers. Unfortunately, it’s not bulletproof protection.
[18.12] THE CANDY SHOP[]
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Close to an old playground and on the western outskirts of the Castle is a small candy shop. Watch for the primed mine.
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An overgrown graveyard is home to ferals. A hatch allows access into the remains of the church cellar, where an altar to Mr. Tiddles and sacrificial dog meat can be found.
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Once known to locals as the L Street Bath House, the shell of this ornate wharfside facility is now cloaked in dead plant life and lightly irradiated water pools. Check the restrooms for a spot of health.
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This boat once ferried visitors to the mysterious Spectacle Island off the coast to the east. Now you need to swim there after collecting any loot you fancy.