This page lists all factions in Fallout 3. |
Name | Locations | Add-on | Faction ID |
Brotherhood Outcasts | Operation: Anchorage |
| |
Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel | Broken Steel |
| |
Chinese Remnant | |||
Enclave | Broken Steel | EnclaveFaction | |
The Family | |||
The Institute | |||
Littlehorn & Associates | |||
Pitt Raiders | The Pitt | ||
Pitt Slaves | The Pitt | ||
Raiders |
The Railroad | |||
Regulators | |||
Reilly's Rangers | |||
Rivet City Council | RivetCityFaction | ||
Rivet City Security | RivetCityFaction | ||
Republic of Dave | |||
Talon Company | |||
Temple of the Union | |||
Super mutants | |||
Vault 101 Security | |||
Tenpenny Security guards |
Name | Locations | Add-on | Faction ID |
Apostles of the Holy Light | Broken Steel | ||
Church of the Children of Atom | MegatonFaction | ||
Point Lookout Tribals | Point Lookout | ||
Saint Monica's Church | |||
Treeminders |
Garden of Eden Creation Kit[]
There are far more factions implemented in the Garden of Eden Creation Kit and under the hood. The following tables list them and applicable information.
Raw GECK faction list[]
FormID | GECK ID | Name | Hidden from player | Tracks crime | Evil | Allow Sell |
000AFC63 | AgathasFaction | Agatha's Faction | ||||
0001B050 | AndaleNoCombatFaction | |||||
0001A32E | AndaleResidentFaction | |||||
0004E324 | AngelaDiegoFamily | FF | ||||
0005FF9F | AnimalFriendFaction | Animal Friend Faction | ||||
00021471 | AntFaction | Ants | ||||
00074333 | ArefuEwersFaction | Ewers Family in Arefu | ||||
00003130 | ArefuFaction | Arefu Faction | ||||
00095B61 | ArefuHostile | Arefu Faction Hostile | ||||
0002AB90 | BigTownFaction | BigTownFaction * | ||||
0002DD96 | BigTownRobots | |||||
0002FCD1 | BlackAntFaction | Ants | ||||
0009189D | BloatflyFaction | Bloatfly Faction | ||||
00021472 | BrahminFaction | Brahmin | ||||
00026C59 | BrotherhoodJourneymanScribeFaction | |||||
00025555 | BrotherhoodLyonsPride | |||||
00088B0D | BrotherhoodMQ11Faction | Brotherhood of Steel | ||||
000A5EE6 | BrotherhoodOutcastAllyFaction | Brotherhood Outcast | ||||
00033089 | BrotherhoodOutcastEnemy | Faction for enemies of Brotherhood Outcasts | ||||
0001D3FF | BrotherhoodOutcastFaction | Brotherhood Outcast | ||||
00030520 | BrotherhoodOutcastGenericFaction | Brotherhood Outcast | ||||
0001D3FE | BrotherhoodSteelFaction | Brotherhood of Steel | ||||
00030512 | BrotherhoodSteelGenericFaction | Brotherhood of Steel | ||||
0002415E | BrotherhoodSteelInitiateFaction | |||||
0001E55B | BrotherhoodSteelKnightFaction | |||||
000B737E | BrotherhoodSteelKnightOneOffFaction | |||||
00019392 | BrotherhoodSteelScribeFaction | Brotherhood of Steel Scribe | ||||
00059410 | CantCommonsFaction | Canterbury Commons Faction | ||||
0001EAA1 | CantelliFamily | Cantelli Family | ||||
0006DDF4 | CantelliFamilySell | Cantelli Family Sell | ||||
0007B81A | CapitalBuildingTalonFaction | Capital Building Talon Company | ||||
00021473 | CentaurFaction | Centaurs | ||||
0006DC5A | CG02TunnelSnakesFaction | |||||
000BB789 | CG03Faction | CG03 NPC faction | ||||
0006DC5B | CG03TunnelSnakesFaction | |||||
000C336F | CG04ButchFamilyFaction | Butch's family | ||||
0002A4E5 | CG04ButchRadroachFaction | |||||
000230D1 | CG04DoorYellFaction | Faction for door yell | ||||
000C9556 | CG04EllenFaction | |||||
0006B971 | CG04GloriaRadroachFaction | |||||
00065706 | CG04GomezFaction | Officer Gomez faction | ||||
00070F8D | CG04HoldenFaction | |||||
0002A6FA | CG04RadroachEnemyFaction | |||||
0002D849 | CG04RadroachFaction | CG04 radroaches | ||||
0006B235 | CG04StanleyFaction | Stanley and Andy are friends! | ||||
0006B972 | CG04StanleyRadroachFaction | |||||
00019019 | ChengFaction | Chengs | ||||
000BDA39 | ChineseGhoulFaction | |||||
000B99A2 | CitadelKnightConvSystem | Citadel Knight Conversation System | ||||
000179D4 | CitadelResidentFaction | CitadelResidentFaction | ||||
0001938C | CitKnightFaction | |||||
00000013 | CreatureFaction | |||||
0007E269 | CreatureHitAnt | |||||
0007E273 | CreatureHitBloatFly | |||||
0007E268 | CreatureHitBrahmin | |||||
0007E274 | CreatureHitDeathClaw | |||||
0007E26A | CreatureHitDog | |||||
0007E26B | CreatureHitMoleRat | |||||
0007E2C7 | CreatureHitQueenAnt | |||||
0007E276 | CreatureHitScorpion | |||||
0007E275 | CreatureHitYaoGuai | |||||
00021474 | DeathclawFaction | Deathclaws | ||||
00019CA4 | DemoMutantFaction | Demo Faction for Mutants | ||||
000211CA | DemoMutantFaction2 | Demo Faction for first mutant | ||||
000211CB | DemoRoachFaction | Demo Roach faction | ||||
0009070E | DoctorLiLab | Doctor Li's Lab Staff | ||||
000251D8 | DoctorsDialogueFaction | Doctor dialogue | ||||
00021475 | DogFaction | Dogs | ||||
0002B8D8 | DukovFaction | Dukov's Faction | ||||
00095982 | DukovsGirls | Dukov's Girls | ||||
000C3370 | DukovShareFaction | |||||
0001D3FD | EnclaveFaction | Enclave | ||||
0007D408 | EvergreenMillsBehemothFaction | |||||
0004839D | EvergreenMillsSlaveFaction | |||||
00025C70 | EyebotFaction | Eyebot Faction | ||||
0001C6D3 | FeralGhoulFaction | Faction that feral ghouls should be in | ||||
0007E3DC | FFDCBrotherHoodInitiateFaction | |||||
000B761F | FFEChemVendorFaction | |||||
00037803 | FFEDoctorFaction | Freeform faction for medical service NPCs | ||||
000929A3 | FFER01ScorpionFaction | |||||
000AE077 | FFER03Faction | |||||
000AE078 | FFER13Faction | |||||
000AB500 | FFER14GhoulFaction | |||||
000AB501 | FFER16PilgrimFaction | |||||
000929A2 | FFER17HitmanFaction | FFER17HitmanFaction | ||||
000AB502 | FFER18SlaverFaction | |||||
000AF421 | FFER20GhoulFaction | |||||
00036F85 | FFER54TinkerJoeFaction | Tinker Joe's faction | ||||
000307C3 | FFER59ScavengerFaction | Scavenger plus robot allies | ||||
000377E3 | FFER60SettlerFaction | |||||
0004F791 | FFER66UncleLeoFaction | Uncle Leo (supermutant outcast) | ||||
000942BF | FFER68SettlerFaction | |||||
000942C0 | FFER69SlaveFaction | FFER69 Slave Faction | ||||
000942C1 | FFER70SettlerFaction | |||||
000265B3 | FFEU01Faction | Ben Canning's faction | ||||
00031E21 | FFEU02SettlerFaction | |||||
00032103 | FFEU03SettlerFactionA | FFEU03 faction A | ||||
00032102 | FFEU03SettlerFactionB | FFEU03 faction B | ||||
00025DCC | FFEU05Faction | |||||
000458BA | FFEU05RadscorpionFaction | |||||
000AE079 | FFEU09Faction | |||||
000929A1 | FFEU15Faction | FFEU15 faction | ||||
000456A4 | FFEU17SydneyFaction | Sydney and Hitman Faction | ||||
000C5D15 | FFEU21EnclaveFaction | |||||
00040EF3 | FFEU51CannibalFaction | |||||
000AE07A | FFEU52PreyFaction | |||||
000458BB | FFEU53SniperFaction | |||||
000290A2 | FFEU53SniperPreyFaction | |||||
000474B6 | FFEU54Faction | FFEU54 Faction | ||||
0003E544 | FFHitSquadFaction | |||||
0004E6DE | FFRadscorpionHuntedFaction | |||||
0004E6BE | FFRadscorpionHunterFACTION | |||||
0001EAA0 | FlakAndShrapnel | Flak and Shrapnel | ||||
0006DDF5 | FlakShrapnelSell | Flak & Shrapnel Sell | ||||
00037136 | FollowerFaction | |||||
000CAEE9 | FortCEvilFaction | |||||
0002F561 | FreedSlaveFaction | Faction for slaves that the player has freed | ||||
000C5CE5 | FriendshipGalloFaction | Gallo Faction | ||||
000711A6 | GeneralIdleFaction | Faction for NPCs that play general idles | ||||
0001C6D4 | GhoulFaction | Faction all (non-feral) Ghoul NPCs should be in | ||||
000ACD8E | GirdershadeFaction | Girdershade Faction | ||||
00025A4B | GNRKnightFaction | Galaxy News Radio Knights | ||||
0001F007 | HargraveFamily | Hargrave Family | ||||
0007F47B | HD00RoboButler | Robotic Bulter Faction | ||||
000C4827 | HD00TenpennyHouseVendor | Tenpenny Tower House Vendor | ||||
000B69D5 | JohnnyWesFaction | Johnny Wes Faction | ||||
0007DCF6 | LamplightDogFaction | Lamplight Dog Faction | ||||
00071F5B | LamplightGenericFaction | Lamplight Dog Faction | ||||
000179D5 | LamplightResidentFaction | LamplightResidentFaction | ||||
000C20C6 | LamplightSouvenirtFaction | LamplightResidentFaction | ||||
0001D1E9 | LyonsPrideFaction | Lyon's Pride | ||||
00044CCB | MegatonArmoryFaction | |||||
000428CB | MegatonBillyCreelFaction | |||||
0004170F | MegatonBrassLanternCustomerFaction | |||||
0001D8F3 | MegatonBrassLanternFaction | |||||
00041725 | MegatonChurchOfAtomFaction | |||||
0004285D | MegatonClinicFaction | |||||
0001FEFD | MegatonCratersideSupplyFaction | |||||
0004BB91 | MegatonCrimeFaction | Crime tracking faction for Megaton | ||||
000428CC | MegatonLucasSimmsFaction | |||||
0001FEFC | MegatonMerc | |||||
00069FF5 | MegatonMoriartyBartenders | |||||
0004171A | MegatonMoriartysCustomerFaction | |||||
000428CD | MegatonMoriartysFaction | |||||
00044CC9 | MegatonNathanManyaFaction | |||||
000043F7 | MegatonResidentFaction | MegatonResidentFaction | ||||
000173EA | MegatonSettlerFaction | |||||
00044CCA | MegatonWaterProcessingFaction | |||||
0003BEB9 | MetroRobotFaction | Metro robots | ||||
00021477 | MirelurkFaction | Mirelurks | ||||
000A01DF | MisterCrowleyFaction | Mister Crowley Faction | ||||
0007F506 | MisterSandmanFaction | Mister Sandman Faction | ||||
00021479 | MoleRatFaction | Mole rats | ||||
000213FB | MQ01BrotherhoodDCFaction | Brotherhood faction in DC (for MQ01) | ||||
000213FC | MQ01BrotherhoodGNR | Brotherhood at GNR battle | ||||
000B22EA | MQ01SilverFaction | Silver's Faction | ||||
000213FD | MQ01SupermutantsGNR | Supermutants at GNR battle | ||||
000BD692 | MQ03RobobrainFaction | MQ03 Robobrain Faction | ||||
0002B8FC | MQ04ChineseFaction | ChineseSoldierFaction | ||||
000286D8 | MQ04SlasherFaction | Pint-Sized Slasher | ||||
0001F1F6 | MQ05AutumnFaction | |||||
0001F1F7 | MQ05JaniceFaction | |||||
0007E635 | MQ07CapturedLamplighterFaction | MQ07 Captured Lamplighter Faction | ||||
000B4023 | MQ07RoryMaclarenFaction | Rory Maclaren Faction | ||||
0006A42A | MQ08FawkesFaction | Fawkes Faction | ||||
00076D9B | MQ08Vault87Faction | Vault 87 Super Mutant | ||||
0003A38C | MQ09EnclaveGuardFaction | Enclave Guard Faction | ||||
0001A7F8 | MQ09EnclaveNeutralFaction | MQ09EnclaveNeutralFaction | ||||
0003A38D | MQ09EnclaveRobotFaction | Enclave Robot Faction | ||||
0007E2CE | MQ09SentryBotGuardFaction | |||||
0003D7E4 | MQ11AutumnFaction | |||||
00056BEB | MQNPCFaction | Main Quest NPC Faction | ||||
000410B5 | MQPlayerBOSAllyFaction | Main Quest Player BOS Ally Faction | ||||
000929BD | MS01BigTownMutantFaction | |||||
0002AB91 | MS01KitchenFaction | |||||
000251D9 | MS01RescueFaction | Faction for MS01 rescue sequence | ||||
000785A0 | MS01ShortyPrisonerFaction | |||||
00044530 | MS01TemporaryFriends | |||||
0009467C | MS02AntFaction | |||||
000CC840 | MS02AntSidekickFaction | |||||
000AB2DB | MS02BattleAntFaction | |||||
000B2934 | MS02BattleRobotFaction | |||||
0009467D | MS02RobotFaction | |||||
000CC83F | MS02RobotSidekickFaction | |||||
000AB2DC | MS02SuperFaction | |||||
0009467E | MS02TemporaryFriends | |||||
0003181F | MS04AntFriend | MS04 Ant Friend | ||||
000B22EB | MS04DoctorLeskoFaction | Doctor Lesko's Faction | ||||
0001B1A8 | MS05NukaColaRobot | Nuka-Cola Robots | ||||
0005A7D4 | MS06DoorFaction | Temple of the Union Door | ||||
00028ED8 | MS06Supermutants | MS06 Supermutants | ||||
00047CC8 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionCutter | |||||
00047CC6 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionDocChurch | |||||
00047CC5 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionDoctorBanfield | |||||
00047CC7 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionDoctorBarrows | |||||
00047CCA | MS08NoteOwnerFactionDoctorPreston | |||||
00047CD1 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionEulogyJones | |||||
00047CD5 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionFatherClifford | |||||
00047CD2 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionGrouse | |||||
00047CD6 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionHerbertDashwood | |||||
00047CCC | MS08NoteOwnerFactionKnickKnack | |||||
00047CC9 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionLucy | |||||
00047CD4 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionManya | |||||
00047CCD | MS08NoteOwnerFactionMoiraBrown | |||||
00047CCB | MS08NoteOwnerFactionRed | |||||
00047CCF | MS08NoteOwnerFactionScribeBowditch | |||||
00047CCE | MS08NoteOwnerFactionSeagraveHolmes | |||||
00047CD3 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionSister | |||||
00047CD7 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionTulip | |||||
00047CD0 | MS08NoteOwnerFactionWinthrop | |||||
00095B64 | MS09IanWestFaction | Ian West's Little 'Ole Faction of Love | ||||
000C9CFE | MS09SenecaFaction | MS09SenecaFaction | ||||
00020F5E | MS09TheFamilyFriendly | The Family Friendly | ||||
00020365 | MS09TheFamilyHostile | The Family Hostile Mode | ||||
0007C722 | MS09VanceHollyFaction | Vance and Holly's Faction | ||||
0004DECA | MS10OasisFaction | Oasis Faction | ||||
000581F9 | MS10OasisFactionEnemy | Oasis Faction - Player is Enemy | ||||
000854D2 | MS11BurkeSimmsCombatFaction | |||||
000854D3 | MS11SimmsBurkeCombatFaction | |||||
0001C670 | MS12FeralGhoulFaction | |||||
00085ECA | MS12GhoulsHostileFaction | MS12GhoulsHostileFaction | ||||
000718BB | MS12RoyPhillipsFaction | |||||
0003D1FC | MS13AlwaysMez | MS13 Always Mez with Mesmetron | ||||
000448D1 | MS13CanMez | MS13 Can be Mezzed with Mesmetron | ||||
000448D2 | MS13CantMez | MS13 Can't Be Mezzed (overrides other MS13 factions) | ||||
0006B1E5 | MS13CollarFaction | MS13CollarFaction | ||||
0009AA8A | MS13HatePlayerFaction | MS13TestFaction | ||||
0009A80E | MS13MezzedFaction | MS13MezzedFaction | ||||
0006E793 | MS15ButtonFaction | Button Gwinnett's Robot Army | ||||
0006E794 | MS15SydneyFaction | Sydney Faction | ||||
000B22EC | MS15SydneyFactionPlayer | Sydney Faction Player Companion | ||||
0007E0B5 | MS16AmbushFaction | Enemy faction to Vault 101 Security | ||||
000B8D50 | MS16Vault101Faction | Vault101 crime tracking faction | ||||
000872A0 | MS16Vault101RebelFaction | Vault 101 Rebel | ||||
000872A1 | MS16Vault101StatusQuoFaction | Vault 101 Old Guard | ||||
00074EF6 | MS17MechanizedFaction | Vault-Tec Administrative Robots | ||||
000AB490 | MS18SuperMutantFaction | |||||
0001F009 | MuddyRudderFriends | Friends of the Muddy Rudder | ||||
00071EE4 | MuddyRudderWork | |||||
0007F505 | MysteriousStrangerFaction | Mysterious Stranger Faction | ||||
0001F0F4 | NoCombatFaction | Put people you don't want to fight in here | ||||
000179D8 | ParadiseFallsResidentFaction | ParadiseFallsResidentFaction | ||||
000389DE | ParadiseFallsSlaveFaction | |||||
00037135 | ParadiseFallsSlaverFaction | |||||
000710BA | ParadiseFallsSlaverHOSTILEFaction | |||||
0006F21F | PerkContractKillerLocationFaction | |||||
0006F21E | PerkLawgiverLocationFaction | |||||
0001B2A4 | PlayerFaction | Player Faction | ||||
00021478 | RadRoachFaction | Radroaches | ||||
0002147A | RadscorpionFaction | Radscorpions | ||||
00021476 | RaiderFaction | Raiders | ||||
00087352 | RaiderFriendFaction | Used for Very Evil players | ||||
000B87B3 | RaiderHumanVoiceFaction | Human raider voice faction | ||||
0001FFB5 | RCCityCouncil | Rivet City Council | ||||
000ABFEE | RCGenericVoiceFaction | RC generic human voice types | ||||
000179D9 | RCResidentFaction | RivetCityResidentFaction | ||||
0001F1D6 | RCSecurityFaction | Rivet City Security | ||||
000B0298 | RCWeatherlyChairEast | |||||
000B0297 | RCWeatherlyChairNorth | |||||
000B0296 | RCWeatherlyChairSouth | |||||
000B0299 | RCWeatherlyChairWest | |||||
0003E53F | RegulatorFaction | |||||
000295A3 | ReillysRangersFaction | Reilly's Rangers | ||||
000A3600 | ReillysRangersFactionHostile | Reilly's Rangers Hostile | ||||
0002B895 | RepublicOfDaveFaction | Republic of Dave | ||||
0002DD9D | RobcoPests | Robco Pests | ||||
0002DC01 | RobcoRobots | Robco Robots | ||||
0002DD9E | RobcoRobotsHacked | Robco Robots Hacked | ||||
0001FFB6 | RobotFaction | Robots | ||||
00033583 | RobotServantFaction | Robots | ||||
0007E712 | RRShareBed | |||||
0001F00A | SaintMonicaFriends | Friends of Saint Monica Church | ||||
000CADC1 | SDOFaction | Sudden-Death Overtime Faction | ||||
000B4221 | ShakesVendorFaction | For making Shakes a robot | ||||
00034773 | ShalebridgeBlackAntFaction | Shalebridge Black Ants | ||||
0002F560 | SlaveFaction | Faction for generic slaves | ||||
0002FA2A | SlaverEnemyFaction | Put enemies of slavers into this faction | ||||
00028D95 | SlaverFaction | |||||
00027FA6 | SlaverMemorialFaction | |||||
000BC4BC | SmilingJackFaction | |||||
000711A4 | SmokerFaction | Faction for NPCs that smoke | ||||
0001EA9F | StaleyFamily | Staley Family | ||||
0001D1EB | SuperMutantFaction | Supermutants | ||||
00061F9D | SurpriseRaiderFaction | Raiders | ||||
0004443B | TalonCompany | Talon Company | ||||
00046312 | TeammateFaction | |||||
00027FA5 | TempleUnionFaction | Temple of the Union | ||||
000CADF7 | TenpennyApparelVendorFaction | |||||
000CADF8 | TenpennyBoutiqueVendorFaction | |||||
000BE793 | TenpennyGenericResidentFaction | TenpennyGenericResidentFaction * | ||||
00019018 | TenpennyGuardFaction | Guards | ||||
0000311A | TenpennyHostileFaction | Add actors that you want to the guards to attack | ||||
00078C9F | TenpennyTowerAllResidents | TenpennyTowerResidentFaction | ||||
000179EA | TenpennyTowerResidentFaction | TenpennyTowerResidentFaction | ||||
00065374 | TraderFaction | Trader Faction | ||||
000244A4 | TranquilityLaneFaction | Tranquility Lane Faction | ||||
00046940 | TrapFaction | Put booby-trapped NPCs into this faction for dialogue | ||||
00018E52 | TurretFaction | Turret Faction | ||||
00031422 | UnderworldCarolAndGretaFaction | |||||
00031423 | UnderworldCarolsPlaceFaction | |||||
000C8690 | UnderworldCerebusFaction | |||||
00030727 | UnderworldGhoulFaction | |||||
000179EB | UnderworldResidentFaction | |||||
0002A4E4 | Vault101ButchFamilyFaction | Butch's family | ||||
0001CFB6 | Vault101Faction | Vault 101 Resident | ||||
0002AE26 | Vault101SecurityEnemyFaction | Enemy faction to Vault 101 Security | ||||
000214B6 | Vault101SecurityFaction | Vault 101 Security | ||||
0001CE2C | Vault101TunnelSnakesFaction | Tunnel Snakes | ||||
0007086D | Vault106LunaticFaction | |||||
0007086A | Vault108GaryFaction | |||||
000B1610 | WarringtonGhoulsFaction | WarringtonGhoulsFaction * | ||||
0009715E | WastelandCaptiveFACTION | |||||
00041E7D | WastelanderFaction | Wastelander Faction | ||||
000942BE | WastelanderForceGoodbye | Override generic greetings with force goodbyes | ||||
000A86E1 | WastelandFreedCaptiveFACTION | |||||
0003A584 | WastelandHunterFaction | Faction for wasteland hunters | ||||
000542F3 | WastelandScavengerDogFaction | Faction for wasteland scavenger dogs | ||||
000406A7 | WastelandScavengerEnemyFaction | Enemies of wasteland scavengers | ||||
000302C8 | WastelandScavengerFaction | Faction for wasteland scavengers | ||||
000C6E8F | WaterBeggarFaction | |||||
0001F00B | WeatherlyHotelFaction | Weatherly Hotel Faction | ||||
00019017 | WellingtonFaction | Wellingtons | ||||
0002147C | YaoGuaiFaction | Yao Guai | ||||
0001F006 | YoungFamily | YoungFamily | ||||
0001F005 | YoungParents | Young Parents | ||||
0001F008 | ZimmerFriends | Friends of Zimmer |
Some factions have ranks set up internally. These are not visible to the player and matter little in actual gameplay.
Ranked factions | ||||||||
Rank 0 | Rank 1 | Rank 2 | Rank 3 | Rank 4 | Rank 5 | Rank 6 | Rank 7 | |
Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel Scribes (BrotherhoodSteelScribeFaction) |
Initiate | Apprentice | Journeyman Scribe | Scribe | Senior Scribe | |||
Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel (BrotherhoodofSteelFaction, BrotherhoodSteelGenericFaction, BrotherhoodMQ11Faction) |
Squire | Knight | Knight Sergeant | Knight Captain | Paladin | Star Paladin | Sentinel | Elder |
Arefu Faction (ArefuFaction) |
Citizen | |||||||
ChineseSoldierFaction (MQ04ChineseFaction) |
Soldier | |||||||
Enclave Guard Faction (MQ09EnclaveGuardFaction) |
Soldier | |||||||
Enclave Robot Faction (MQ09EnclaveRobotFaction) |
Robot | |||||||
Ewers Family in Arefu (ArefuEwersFaction) |
Ewers | |||||||
Girdershade Faction (GirdershadeFaction) |
Girdershadian | |||||||
Ian West's Little 'Ole Faction of Love (MS09IanWestFaction) |
Ian! | |||||||
LamplightSouvenirtFaction | KnickKnack | |||||||
Main Quest Player BOS Ally Faction (MQPlayerBOSAllyFaction) |
Dude Dudette | |||||||
MS09SenecaFaction | Seneca Dude | |||||||
Oasis Faction (MS10OasisFaction) |
Treeminder | |||||||
Oasis Faction - Player is Enemy (MS10OasisFactionEnemy) |
Treeminder | |||||||
Pint-Sized Slasher (MQ04SlasherFaction) |
Psychopath | |||||||
Player Faction (PlayerFaction) |
Friend | |||||||
Reilly's Rangers (ReillysRangersFaction) |
Ranger | |||||||
Reilly's Rangers Hostile (ReillysRangersFactionHostile) |
Ranger | |||||||
Rivet City Security (RCSecurityFaction) |
Officer | Chief | ||||||
Silver's Faction (MQ01SilverFaction) |
Silver | |||||||
Sudden-Death Overtime Faction (SDOFaction) |
Teammate | |||||||
Supermutants (SuperMutantFaction) |
Grunt | Taskmaster | Spinebreaker | Monstrosity | Behemoth | |||
Sydney Faction (MS15SydneyFaction) |
Sydney | |||||||
Sydney Faction Player Companion (MS15SydneyFactionPlayer) |
Sydney | |||||||
The Family Friendly (MS09TheFamilyFriendly) |
Friend of the Family | |||||||
The Family Hostile Mode (MS09TheFamilyHostile) |
Family Member | |||||||
Trader Faction (TraderFaction) |
Caravan Trader | |||||||
Tranquility Lane Faction (TranquilityLaneFaction) |
Resident | Omnipotent Deity | ||||||
Vance and Holly's Faction (MS09VanceHollyFaction) |
Family Leaders | |||||||
Vault 87 Super Mutant (MQ08Vault87Faction) |
Mutie | |||||||
MQ08FawkesFaction | Fawkes | |||||||
MegatonClinicFaction | Doc Church | |||||||
MegatonChurchOfAtomFaction | Leader | |||||||
MegatonCratersideSupplyFaction | Moira | |||||||
MegatonLucasSimmsFaction | Lucas |