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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
This page lists all apparel in Fallout 3.
  • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • For apparel in other Fallout games, please see "Apparel".
  • For an overview of Fallout 3 content, please refer to "Portal:Fallout 3".

Body armor[]

Vault apparel[]

Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
Armored Vault 101 jumpsuit 12 15 100 +5 Energy Weapons, +5 Small Guns 180 1 00034121 0006c587
Child's Vault 101 jumpsuit 1 2 100 5 000340f2
Dad's wasteland outfit 2 20 100 +5 Lockpick, +5 Repair 6 1 00079f09
Modified utility jumpsuit 1 2 100 +1 LK, +10 Radiation Resistance, +5 Repair 30 1 0007c17c
Tunnel Snake outfit 4 2 100 +5 Melee Weapons 8 6 0002042e 00061d98
Vault 77 jumpsuit 1 1 100 +5 Unarmed, +5 Melee Weapons 8 1 000cafbe
Vault 87 jumpsuit Cut contentIcon cut 1 1 100 +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Speech 8 000340ed
Vault 92 jumpsuit Cut contentIcon cut 1 1 100 +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Speech 8 000b73f3
Vault 101 jumpsuit 1 1 100 +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Speech 8 49+ 0000431e
Vault 101 utility jumpsuit 1 1 100 +5 Lockpick, +5 Repair 10 3 000425ba
Vault 101 security armor 12 15 100 70 11+ 0001cbdd
Vault 106 jumpsuit 1 1 100 +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Speech 6 19 000b73f2
Vault 108 jumpsuit 1 1 100 +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Speech 6 13 000b73f1
Vault 112 jumpsuit 1 1 100 +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Speech 8 3+ 000340ef
Vault lab uniform 2 1 100 +5 Science 6 2 0001cbdc
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background

Combat armor[]

Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
Combat armor 32 25 400 390 00020420
Lag-Bolt's combat armor Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS 38 30 500 +10 AP, +10 Big Guns 400 1 xx00b95f
Ranger battle armor 39 27 1100 +5 AP, +1 LK, +10 Small Guns 430 5 00023030
Rivet City security uniform 24 20 100 +5 Small Guns 330 000239cc
Sim regen armor Cut contentIcon cut 32 25 400 Health regen, limb repair 390 xx002969
Talon combat armor 28 25 300 390 000a6f76
Tenpenny security uniform 24 20 100 +5 Small Guns 180 4+ 00034119
Shellshocked combat armor Cut contentIcon cut 32 25 400 390 000cb5ef
Winterized combat armor Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 32 25 999,400 390 3 xx003af9
Winterized medic armor Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 32 25 400 +10 Medicine 390 3 xx00a9a1
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background

Power armor[]

Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
"Robo-Thor" armor Cut contentIcon cut 40 45 3000 +1 STR, -1 AGL, +15 Radiation Resistance 819 000cb5f9
Army power armor Cut contentIcon cut 40 45 (25) 1000 +2 STR, -2 AGL, +10 Radiation Resistance 739 00061a72
Ashur's power armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 40 45 (35) 1000 +1 STR, +1 CHR, +1 LCK, -1 AGL, +10 Radiation Resistance 739 1 xx006852
Brotherhood power armor 40 45 (25) 1000 +2 STR, -2 AGL, +10 Radiation Resistance 739 00075201
Enclave Hellfire armor Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS 50 40 (30) 2000 +1 STR, +30 Fire Resistance, +15 Radiation Resistance 999 xx001081
Enclave power armor 40 45 (35) 1200 +1 STR, -1 AGL, +15 Radiation Resistance 779 0004443e
Enclave shocktrooper armor Cut contentIcon cut 40 45 1500 +1 STR, -1 AGL, +15 Radiation Resistance 899 000cb5f3
Linden's Outcast power armor 40 45 (35) 1000 +1 STR, -1 AGL, +10 Radiation Resistance, +5 Big Guns 739 1 00070877
Lyons' Pride power armor 40 45 (25) 1000 +2 STR, -2 AGL, +10 Radiation Resistance 739 6 00061a73
Outcast power armor 40 45 (25) 1000 +2 STR, -2 AGL, +10 Radiation Resistance 739 00060c70
Power armor 40 45 (25) 1000 +2 STR, -2 AGL, +10 Radiation Resistance 739 00014e13
Prototype medic power armor 40 45 1000 -1 AGL, +25 Radiation Resistance; vocally alerts to enemies; administers Med-X 999 1 0007836e
T-51b power armor 50 40 2000 +25 Radiation Resistance 999 1 000a6f77
Tesla armor 43 45 1500 +20 Radiation Resistance, +10 Energy weapons 819 0006b464
Tribal power armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 35 40 (30) 1000 +1 STR, +1 LCK, -1 AGL, +15 AP, +5 Melee Weapons 739 1 xx00b50f
Winterized T-51b power armor Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 45 40 9,992,000 / 1000 +25 Radiation Resistance 999 1 xx00c18d
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background

Raider armor[]

Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
Hand-me-down raider armor Cut contentIcon cut 15 15 100 180 000cb5fe
Highway scar armor Cut contentIcon cut 16 15 100 180 000cb5ff
Raider badlands armor 16 15 100 180 0003307d
Raider blastmaster armor 16 15 100 180 0003307e
Raider commando armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 18 15 150 +3 Small Guns, +3 Unarmed 200 xx00a39d
Raider iconoclast armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 18 15 150 +5 Radiation Resistance 200 xx0032dd
Raider ordinance armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 18 10 100 +4 Small Guns 200 xx00a39b
Raider paingiver armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 18 5 100 +4 Unarmed 200 xx00a398
Raider painspike armor 16 15 100 180 0002042f
Raider sadist armor 16 15 100 180 0003307c
Raider throwdown armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 18 15 150 +3 Melee Weapons, +3 Unarmed 200 xx00a39a
Sharp-dressed raider's armor Cut contentIcon cut 15 15 100 180 000cb5fc

Other armor[]

Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
Apocalypse gladiator armor Cut contentIcon cut 36 30 1200 -1 AGL 460 000cb5f6
Bombshell armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 24 15 150 +10 Big Guns, +10 Explosives 160 1 xx00b510
Chinese stealth armor Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 28 20 400 +15 Sneak, +5 Stealth Field when sneaking 500 1 xx00c18f
Commando armor Cut contentIcon cut 24 15 150 160 000cb544
Composite recon armor Cut contentIcon cut 28 20 400 +5 Sneak 180 000645ec
Defender armor Cut contentIcon cut 24 15 150 160 000cb543
Gamma shield armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 36 45 750 -1 AGL, +15 Radiation Resistance 520 4 xx009383
Leather armor 24 15 150 160 00020423
Leather Rebel The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 30 15 150 +1 CHR 160 1 xx00b50e
Metal armor 36 30 500 -1 AGL 460 0003307f
Metal master armor The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 36 15 150 +10 Energy Weapons, +10 Unarmed, -1 AGL 160 1 xx00b511
Outcast recon armor Cut contentIcon cut 28 20 400 +5 Sneak 180 000645ec
Recon armor 28 20 400 +5 Sneak 105 0003064d
Road rascal leather armor Cut contentIcon cut 24 15 150 160 000cb5f5
Samurai armor Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 30 20 500 Melee damage +10, Melee Weapons +10 1000 1 xx006940
Wanderer's leather armor 24 15 150 +10 Small Guns 160 1 000c7c54
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background

Full body clothing[]

No other armor may be used while wearing these.

Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
Advanced radiation suit 8 5 25 +40 Radiation Resistance 100 0003307a
All-purpose science suit Cut contentIcon cut 3 2 100 +5 Science 000cb605
Enclave scientist outfit 3 2 100 +5 Science 8 0001b5bd
Environment suit 6 6 25 +5 Medicine, + 30 Radiation Resistance 100 1 000c09d4
Lab technician outfit 3 2 100 +5 Science 6 4 000340d7
Radiation suit 5 5 15 +30 Radiation Resistance 60 00033078
Spacesuit Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 1 5 10,000,000 Lets you walk in outer space 60 1 xx0058eb
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background


Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
All-nighter nightwear Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS 1 1 100 +1 CHR, +1 END 200 1 xx00b964
Army mechanic jumpsuit Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 2 1 100 +5 Repair 6 2 xx00a0ec
Athlete of the Wastes outfit 2 2 100 30 7 000340fb
Birth skirt 0 1 100 0 0007cfef
Blast Off pajamas 2 2 100 30 1 0005b6ea
Brahmin-skin outfit 2 2 100 +1 AGL, +1 END 6 00018de5
Brotherhood scribe robe 2 2 100 6 000854cf
Chinese jumpsuit 6 2 100 +5 Small guns 10 000340d2
Colonel Autumn's uniform 10 3 100 +5 Energy weapons, +5 Small guns 12 2 0005157e
Dirty Chinese jumpsuit 5 2 50 +5 Small Guns 6 22+ 000340d3
Dirty pre-War businesswear 2 2 100 +5 Speech 8 0005c682
Dirty pre-War casualwear 3 2 100 +1 AGL 6 000340cf
Dirty pre-War kid's outfit 2 2 100 30 000340c4
Dirty pre-War parkstroller outfit 3 10 100 +1 AGL 5 0005bb70
Dirty pre-War relaxedwear 3 5 100 +1 AGL 6 0005bb6f
Dirty pre-War spring outfit 3 2 100 +1 AGL 6 000340d1
Doctor Li's outfit 3 2 100 5 1 000340da
Elder Lyons' robe 3 2 100 5 1 00087274
Enclave officer uniform 5 3 100 +5 Energy weapons 8 000340de
Eulogy Jones' suit 2 3 100 + 1 CHR, + 2 Small guns 6 1 00034125
Explorer's gear Cut contentIcon cut 8 3 100 +2 Melee weapons, +2 Small guns 50 000cb549
General Chase's overcoat Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 20 5 250 +1 CHR, +10 Small Guns, +5 Speech 150 xx00ad7b
General Chase's overcoat Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 20 25 250 +1 CHR, +10 Small Guns, +5 Speech 150 1 xx00ad7b
General Jingwei's uniform Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 25 2 999,100 10 1 xx00c1ca
Grifter's Fit Point LookoutGametitle-FO3 PL 2 2 100 +1 CHR, +5 Small Guns 6 1 xx00b431
Grimy pre-War businesswear 3 3 100 +5 Speech 8 000b1056
Handyman jumpsuit Point LookoutGametitle-FO3 PL 2 1 100 +5 Repair 6 1 xx0bf6fd
Junior officer outfit ? 2 ? ? 4 000340f9
Kid's cave rat outfit 2 2 100 30 1 000340e4
Lab coat Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS 5 1 100 +5 Science 150 1 xx0088e8
Laborer outfit The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 5 2 100 +1 AGL, +1 END, +1 STR 6 1 xx00b4b2
Lesko's lab coat 4 1 200 +10 Science, +20 Radiation resistance 150 1 000c24f9
Maple's garb 15 2 150 +1 PER, +1 AGL 200 1 0005a6ca
Mayor MacCready's outfit 2 2 100 30 000340e7
Merc adventurer outfit 12 8 100 +2 Melee weapons, +2 Small guns 50 00034124
Merc charmer outfit 12 8 100 +2 Melee weapons, +2 Small guns 50 00034122
Merc cruiser outfit 12 8 100 +2 Melee weapons, +2 Small guns 50 000cb60b
Merc grunt outfit 12 8 100 +2 Melee weapons, +2 Small guns 50 000cb60a
Merc troublemaker outfit 12 8 100 +2 Melee weapons, +2 Small guns 50 000cb607
Merc veteran outfit 12 8 100 +2 Melee weapons, +2 Small guns 50 0008c83c
Mysterious Stranger outfit 5 3 100 40 0006696d
Naughty nightwear 1 1 100 +1 LCK, +10 Speech 200 2 000c8e07
Neural interface suit Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 3 10 100 Allows you to enter the Anchorage simulation 180 1 xx00bb28
Oasis robe 4 3 100 30 2 000340e8
Oasis villager robe 4 2 100 6 5 000340e9
Outcast scribe robe Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 2 2 100 6 1 xx00742f
Paulson's outfit Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 5 3 150 CHR +1, Small Guns +10, Speech +5 35 1 xx003306
Pre-War casualwear 3 2 100 +1 AGL 8 0001ea6d
Pre-War parkstroller outfit 3 2 100 +1 AGL 6 000cb60f
Pre-War relaxedwear 3 2 100 +1 AGL 8 0005bb63
Pre-War spring outfit 3 2 100 +1 AGL 8 000340d0
Pre-War kid's outfit 1 2 100 30 000340c3
Ragamuffin outfit 2 2 100 30 5 000340f8
Red racer jumpsuit 2 1 100 +5 Repair 6 4+ 0003411b
Red's jumpsuit 1 3 100 +5 Small Guns 12 1 000340ea
Regulator duster 10 3 150 +1 CHR, +5 Small guns 70 0003e54a
RobCo jumpsuit 2 1 100 +5 Repair 6 10+ 0003411a
Roving trader outfit 2 2 100 +5 Barter 6 0002b385
Scientist outfit 3 2 100 +5 Science 8 7 000340d9
Sexy sleepwear 1 1 100 +1 CHR 6 000340e6
Sheriff's duster 5 3 150 +1 CHR, +5 Small guns 35 1 00020429
Sleepwear Cut contentIcon cut 1 1 100 +1 CHR 10 000cb60e
Tattered slave outfit The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 2 2 100 +1 AGL, +1 END 6 xx00087a
Tenpenny's suit 2 2 100 +1 CHR, +2 Small guns 8 1 00096cb7
The AntAgonizer's costume 20 15 100 -1 CHR, +1 AGL 120 1 0003411d
The Mechanist's costume 20 15 100 -1 CHR, +1 END 30 1 0003411e
The Surgeon's lab coat 2 1 100 +10 Medicine, +5 Science 30 1 000c71e1
Tribal garb Point LookoutGametitle-FO3 PL 12 5 100 75 xx00d74f
Vance's longcoat outfit 10 4 100 +1 CHR, +1 PER, +10 Small guns 100 1 00083c5c
Wasteland doctor fatigues 2 2 100 +5 Medicine 6 000340fe
Wasteland legend outfit 12 8 100 +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Small Guns 50 000cb609
Wasteland scout uniform 2 2 100 19 7 000340fa
Wasteland settler outfit 2 2 100 +1 AGL, +1 END 6 0001cbdb
Wasteland surgeon outfit 2 2 100 +5 Medicine 6 000340ff
Wasteland wanderer outfit 2 2 100 +1 AGL, +1 END 6 0001ba00
Wastelander's gear Cut contentIcon cut 12 2 100 +2 Melee weapons, +2 Small guns 50 000cb545
Winterized Chinese jumpsuit Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 6 2 999,100 +5 Small Guns 10 xx003f3a
Workman's coveralls Point LookoutGametitle-FO3 PL 2 2 100 +10 Repair 6 xx00d5c0
Worn slave outfit The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 2 2 100 +1 AGL, +1 END 6 xx009ac1
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background


Power helmets[]

These count as both eyewear and headwear.

Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
"Robo-Thor" helmet Cut contentIcon cut 8 5 125 -1 CHR, +5 Radiation Resistance 120 000cb5f8
Brotherhood power helmet 8 5 75 +3 Radiation Resistance 110 00075203
Enclave Hellfire helmet Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS 10 4 100 -1 CHR, +5 Fire Resistance, +5 Radiation Resistance 120 xx001080
Enclave power helmet 9 5 75 -1 CHR, +5 Radiation Resistance 110 0004443f
Enclave shocktrooper helmet Cut contentIcon cut 7 5 125 -1 CHR, +5 Radiation Resistance 150 000cb5f4
Outcast power helmet 8 5 75 +3 Radiation Resistance 110 00060c72
Power helmet 8 5 75 +3 Radiation Resistance 110 00014c08
T-51b power helmet 10 4 100 +1 CHR, +8 Radiation Resistance 120 1 000a6f78
Tesla helmet 9 5 100 -1 CHR, +5 Radiation Resistance 120 0006b465
Winterized T-51b power helmet Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 10 4 999,100
/1000 (cut version)
+1 CHR, +8 Radiation Resistance 120 1 xx001f08
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background
power helmets cannot be worn until the player has received appropriate training.

Full head wear[]

These count as both eyewear and head wear.

Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
Apocalypse gladiator helmet Cut contentIcon cut 5 3 75 70 000cb5f7
Boogeyman's hood 8 3 100 110 1 0008f775
Filtration helmet The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 5 3 50 +10 Radiation Resistance 70 1 xx00b4b1
Hockey mask 3 1 15 +5 Unarmed 10 00033598
Ledoux's hockey mask 4 1 25 ‡ +25 AP 100 1 0007401c
Metal helmet 5 3 50 70 00033080
Motorcycle helmet 5 1 10 6 0009b186
Raider arclight helmet 3 3 15 20 00078644
Raider psycho-tic helmet 3 3 15 20 00020432
Raider wastehound helmet 3 3 15 20 00078645
Supervisor helmet The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 5 3 50 50 xx007fc5
The Devil's Pigtails Cut contentIcon cut 3 3 15 20 000cb5fd
Torcher's mask 2 3 15 +5 Big Guns, +5 Explosives 20 1 000c7c4e
Welder's mask The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 5 3 15 20 xx008b8a
Vault 101 security helmet 3 3 25 30 11+ 0003411c
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background
‡ These are immune to damage, they don't deteriorate.


Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
Bandana 2 1 10‡ +1 PER 6 00073d57
Button's wig 1 1 100 -1 PER, +1 INT, +5 Barter, +10 Speech 20 1 0008a6dd
Chinese commando hat 1 1 15 +1 PER 6 5 00078646
Chinese general hat Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 6 1 99,915 6 xx00c1c8
Combat helmet 5 3 50 50 00020426
Composite recon helmet Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS 4 3 70 +1 PER 40 1 xx0088b5
Confederate hat Point LookoutGametitle-FO3 PL 1 1 15 +1 PER 8 xx00de01
Crow's eyebot helmet 5 10 25 +1 PER 20 1 000b17a0
Dark gray head wrap 1 0 10‡ 0 00074334
Enclave officer hat 1 1 25 +5 Energy Weapons 6 00078647
Eulogy Jones' hat 1 1 15 +1 CHR 6 1 00034126
Eyebot helmet 2 3 25 20 0004e6a0
Gray head wrap 1 0 10‡ 0 00074336
Hat of the People The PittGametitle-FO3 TP 1 1 20 +5 Small Guns 30 1 xx0cb604
Kid's baseball cap 1 1 150 +5 Melee Weapons 40 4 000340c1
Kid's party hat 1 1 10 5 1 00028ff8
Lincoln's hat 1 1 50 +1 INT, +5 Speech 40 1 0004445b
MacCready's helmet 6 1 15 60 0002d11b
Makeshift gas mask 3 2 25 40 000c111a
Mysterious Stranger hat 2 1 100 30 0006b467
Oasis druid hood 2 1 10 6 7 0009b18a
Outcast recon helmet 4 3 40 +1 PER 40 000645ed
Police hat Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS Point LookoutGametitle-FO3 PL Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 1 1 150 6 xx0ab491
Poplar's hood 2 1 50 +1 AGL, +10 Sneak, 100 1 0005a6cb
Pint-Sized Slasher mask 6 1 150 60 1 000340fc
Pint-Sized Slasher mask Point LookoutGametitle-FO3 PL 1 2 15 -1 PER, +5 Melee Weapons 16 2 xx006ab4
Pre-War bonnet 1 1 15 +1 PER 8 000340cd
Pre-War baseball cap 1 1 15 +1 PER 8 00028ff9
Pre-War hat 1 1 15 +1 PER 8 000340c8
Raider blastmaster helmet 3 3 15 +5 Big Guns, +5 Explosives 20 0005b6e8
Ranger battle helmet 6 5 50 60 1 00034105
Recon armor helmet 4 3 40 40 00028ead
Red's bandana 2 1 10 +1 PER 30 1 000340eb
Rivet City security helmet 5 3 25 50 000239cb
Roving trader hat 1 1 10 +5 Barter 6 00078648
Samurai helmet Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 5 3 100 300 1 xx00693f
Shady hat 1 1 50 +1 PER, +5 Sneak 40 1 0007c17d
Shellshocked combat helmet Cut contentIcon cut 5 3 50 50 000cb5f0
Sheriff's hat 1 1 40 +1 PER 35 2 0002dd80
Sheriff's hat Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 1 1 40 +1 PER 35 1 xx003305
Stormchaser hat 1 1 10 +1 PER 6 0009b189
Takoma Park little leaguer cap 1 1 15 +5 Explosives +5 Melee Weapons 60 1 000c72fb
Talon combat helmet 4
3 40
60 1 000b0278
The AntAgonizer's Helmet 6 5 50 60 2 0003411f
The Mechanist's helmet 6 5 50 60 2 00034120
Three Dog's head wrap 2 0 150‡ +1 LCK,+1 CHR 200 1 00073fec
White head wrap 1 0 10‡ 0 00074296
Wig Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS 1 1 100 20 9 xx003b66
Winterized Chinese commando hat Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 1 1 99,915 +1 PER 6 1 xx003f39
Winterized combat helmet Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA 6 3 99,950 50 1 xx003afc
Winterized medic helmet Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 5 3 50 50 2 xx00a9a2
Yellow/red plaid head wrap 1 0 10‡ 0 00074335
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background
‡ These are immune to damage, they don't deteriorate.


Name DR Weight Health Effects Value Limit Base ID
Biker goggles 1 1 10 ‡ 6 0009b188
Cryptochromatic spectacles Point LookoutGametitle-FO3 PL 1 0 150 8 1 xx00de12
Desmond's eyeglasses Point LookoutGametitle-FO3 PL 1 0 150 +5 Explosives, +5 Small Guns 25 1 xx00832e
Eyeglasses 1 0 150 ‡ 8 000340fd
Ghoul mask 3 1 100 Feral ghouls become neutral 50 1 0001dc1c
Lag-Bolt's shades Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS 1 0 150 +3 Sneak, +3 Lockpick 8 1 xx00b690
Lucky shades 1 1 150 ‡ +1 LCK 40 1 000cb54b
Reading glasses 1 0 150 ‡ 12 6+ 0001c296
Sunglasses 1 0 150 ‡ 8 5+ 0005c99f
Three Dog's glasses 1 0 150 ‡ 12 1 000acda4
Tinted reading glasses 1 0 150 ‡ 12 4+ 0001c295
Tortiseshell glasses Quoted verbatim, error appeared in the original sourceIcon sic 1 0 150 ‡ 8 0005c9a1
Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background
‡ Although these are immune to damage and don't deteriorate they can be destroyed if worn while watching the destruction of Megaton.