The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
This page lists all munitions in Fallout 3.
  • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • For munitions in other Fallout games, please see "Ammunition".
  • For an overview of Fallout 3 content, please refer to "Portal:Fallout 3".

List of Fallout 3 ammunition[]

The following table lists what guns use what ammunition. Italics denote weapons not available through normal means or were cut from the game.

Name Value Weapons using this ammunition Base ID
.308 3 0006b53c
.32 1 000207f7
.44 round, magnum 2 0002937e
10mm 1 00004241
12 gauge shotgun shell 2 00028eea
5.56mm 1 00004240
5mm 1 0006b53d
Alien power cell 10 00029364
Alien power module Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ 5 xx00160c
BBs 1 0002935b
Dart 1 0002936e
Electron charge pack 1 0006b53e
Energy cell 2 00020772
Flamer fuel 1 00029371
Mesmetron power cell 10 0006a80d
Microfusion cell 3 00004485
Mini nuke 250 00020799
Missile 50 00029383
Railway spikes 2 00029384
Ammunition in Fallout 3