This page lists all derived statistics in Fallout 2. |
Derived statistic | Description | Derived from | Initial value |
Action Points | The amount of actions your character can take during a combat turn. | Agility | (AG / 2) + 5 ¹ |
Armor Class | How good your character is at avoiding being hit in combat. | Agility | AG |
Carry Weight | The maximum amount of equipment your character can carry, in pounds. | Strength | (ST + 1) * 25 |
Critical Chance | Chance to cause a Critical Hit. | Luck | (LK) % |
Damage Resistance | Any damage taken is reduced by this amount. | - | 0 |
Damage threshold | - | 0 | |
Healing Rate | How many Hit Points you heal at the end of each day. | Endurance | EN / 3 (min. 1) |
Hit Points | How much damage your character can take before dying. | Endurance Strength |
15 + (2* EN) + ST |
Melee Damage | Amount of bonus damage in hand-to-hand combat. | Strength | ST - 5 (min. 1) |
Party Limit | The number of followers your character can have. | Charisma | CH / 2 ¹ |
Perk Rate | How many levels must pass before your character gains another perk. | - | 3 |
Poison Resistance | Reduces any poison damage by this amount. | Endurance | (EN * 5) % |
Radiation Resistance | Amount of radiation your character is exposed to is reduced by this amount. | Endurance | (EN * 2) % |
Sequence | Determines how soon in a combat turn your character can react. | Perception | PE * 2 |
Skill Rate | How many skill points your character gains per level. | Intelligence | IN * 2 + 5 ² |
¹ Rounded down
² Skill Rate without taking gifted trait. If gifted is taken it then is IN * 2. You lose 5 skill points with gifted trait.