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This page contains transcripts of the Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition faction profiles.

Part 1: Major Factions[]

Caesar's Legion[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.41


This horde of cruel, yet highly disciplined slavers has spread across the southwest like an all-consuming flame. Founded by a fallen member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, Caesar's Legion is effectively an enormous, conscripted slave army. As Caesar conquers the peoples of the wasteland, he strips them of their tribal identities and turns their young men into ruthless legionaries and women into breeding stock. Unlike the rag-tag Raiders back east, Caesar's "Legionaries" neither look nor act like haphazard, irregular troops. They are well organized, moving and attacking in large packs, and deliberately commit atrocities to terrorize those who might dare oppose them.

True, Caesar is the perfect man. But he is not just a man: he is the Son of Mars, ordained by the god of war to conquer all Earth. To prepare the way, Mars razed the Earth, cleansed it with fire, and brought the weak and the wicked low; and now his son has come to deliver the wasteland from chaos and barbarism. To follow Caesar is to obey the will of Mars; to disobey is to condemn oneself to death. As the Son of Mars, Caesar has the divine right to demand servitude from all he encounters. Not everyone believes that Caesar is the product of a god's loins, of course. The most recently captured slaves tend to be pretty skeptical. But they aren't very vocal in their criticisms, and their children are raised not by skeptical parents but by priestesses appointed to that task by virtue of their knowledge of an adherence to the state religion.

Nearly all physically capable, compliant males are compelled to serve in its armed forces. The primary value of pre-menopausal females is to serve as breeding stock (with Caesar or a legate governing how they are assigned to males), though they, like older females and less physically-capable men, are also used to perform a variety of other tasks. The largest unit of organization in Caesar's Legion is the Cohort, numbering about 480 infantrymen. Cohorts are further divided into Centuriae, which contrary to their name numbers about 80 men, and each Centuriae is divided into ten "tent groups" (Contubernia), making this the squad level of organization. Raiding parties are of this size (about eight men) and will be led by a Decanus (a squad leader, basically).

Caesar desires two things: a Carthage, and a Rome. In the NCR he has at last found a grand adversary, against which he can wage a military campaign worthy of history books. And in Vegas, powered and watered by its great dam, he has found a capital worthy of, well, a Caesar. Contrary to the old saw, Rome will be built in a day. All it takes is plentiful slave labor, and Caesar has that in spades.

New California Republic[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.41


The New California Republic was born from the remnants of the survivors of Vault 15 and the small walled community they founded, Shady Sands. Under the leadership of Aradesh, and with the assistance of the Vault Dweller (who saved Tandi, Aradesh's daughter and a future president of the NCR), the community prospered. Trade routes with other settlements allowed cultural exchange, and a movement to form a national entity gradually took root and won popular acceptance. In 2186, the town of Shady Sands changed its name to "New California Republic" and formed a trial council government to draft a constitution. Four more settlements joined the council, and in 2189 the NCR was voted into existence as a sprawling federation of five states: Shady Sands, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow.

By post-apocalyptic standards, the NCR is a paragon of economic success and good ethical character: political enfranchisement, rule of law, a reasonable degree of physical security, and a standard of living better than mere subsistence are daily realities for it's 700,000+ citizens. Currently, the NCR in a state of transition, with rapid economic growth and a sea change in political leadership endangering its grand humanitarian ideals. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Mojave, where the occupation of Hoover Dam has improved access to electricity and water, but at the cost of straining its budget and embroiling its armed forces in a morally corrosive imperialist project.

The NCR government's aim is to annex New Vegas as the republic's sixth state. While it already controls Hoover Dam, its treaty with Mr. House and the three families compels it to allot one-fifth of the dam's electrical and water production to local use free of charge. Adding injury to insult, the NCR is locked into protecting New Vegas from invasion by Caesar's legion even as it receives not one cap in tax revenue from the Strip's highly lucrative resort operations. NCR citizens in the Mojave have largely come here for economic reasons, whether as paid citizen soldiers or as prospectors and fortune-seekers.

The Strip[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.41


Before the Great War started, Mr. House used his considerable genius and wealth to ensure that no missiles would strike the city of Las Vegas. Though a few warheads did get through in the outskirts, most of the city was spared. Despite this, the Strip itself was not re-settled, and after close to two hundred years, Mr. House immediately began searching for a mysterious Platinum Chip, and rebuilding the glory of Las Vegas. Sending out Securitron scouts, Mr. House started negotiating with local tribes to exchange his considerable resource stockpiles for their help. Some of the tribes resisted, but three tribes eventually gained Mr. House's favor. They became the Omertas, Chairmen, and White Glove Society, running the Gomorrah, Tops, and Ultra-Luxe casinos, respectively. Because Mr. House was dedicated to restoring Las Vegas, he insisted on transforming the tribes into families with cultures that harkened back to Vegas' glory days.

In the process of rebuilding the Strip, Mr. House also effectively "bought out" the residents of Vault 21. After they evacuated, he had the Vault stripped of useful technology, most of its actual volume filled with concrete, and the entrance turned into a gift shop and small hotel. While the families were rebuilding the casinos, the rest of the locals were hard at work erecting an enormous wall around the Strip. When NCR traders and explorers arrived on the scene, they were amazed at the Strip and returned back to California with tales of opulence and great wealth awaiting travelers.

Eventually, the NCR military itself arrived and were surprised to find the Strip so well-protected and heavily policed. Though they struck a deal with Mr. House to establish a base in the area (along with control of Hoover Dam), the NCR has never had control of The Strip. After the Battle of Hoover Dam, the NCR negotiated an MP (military police) presence on The Strip, but their influence remains small.

Though the tribes that became The Strip's families were once hatefully opposed to each other, the demands of Mr. House have forced the families to play nice. They continue to hold long-standing grudges, but do not act openly against each other for fear of angering Mr. House.

The Chairmen[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.41


The Chairmen and their casino, The Tops, embody an ancient "cool" aesthetic of Vegas, plucked from Mr. House's historical data banks. Before The Strip's renovation in 2274, the Chairmen were a warrior tribe, and their traditions of honor continue to inform how they select their leadership and interact with each other and outsiders. Unbeknownst to the rest of the tribe, its current chief, Benny, has for months been scheming to seize control of Mr. House's technology an The Strip itself, violating the tribe's deeply-held values against duplicity and treachery.

The Omertas[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.41


A highly organized and deadly tribe of Raiders, the Omertas murdered and looted all they encountered, sometimes holing up in a stronghold for years, other times leading a nomadic existence in restless pursuit of their next big score. The Omertas have just one rule: never betray the family. Everything else is permitted. Their casino, Gomorrah, is a sleazy vice den on a grand scale, and as such embodies the ruthless exploitation beneath the glitz and glamour of the Strip's neon signs. While by outside appearances the Omertas seem content with their lot, the family's penchant for treachery and murder is alive and well, and the tribe's leadership is collaborating with Caesar's Legion to bring about the Strip's downfall.

The White Glove Society[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42


The Ultra-Luxe is an establishment of incredible refinement that delicately conceals its operators' terrible past; a past which the tribe has been at pains to remove from public record or knowledge to the point of fanaticism. Run by the White Glove Society, the Ultra-Luxe pampers its clients and provides the Strip's most elite casino experience. A dress code is strictly enforced. All of the staff and family members are well-dressed, well-spoken, and well-behaved. The casino's prime attractions are its meat-oriented restaurant, The Gourmand, its cocktail lounge, Top Shelf, and its art gallery. Roulette and blackjack are the only games offered. But the real draw to the place are the steaks. Succulent and delicious, a variety of meat treats are available; but only to the most discerning (and sponsored) Society member.

Part 2: Other factions: Freeside and Greater New Vegas[]


Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42


Las Vegas wasn't heavily damaged during the Great War, but people didn't immediately "settle" into the remnants of the old city. The various Vault tribes that emerged years later, hunted and fought among the ruins, but it was not until the "return" of Mr. House that they ceased (most) of their hostilities. Mr House directed the tribes to use his sizable quantities of pre-war construction materials to build the crude (but effective) outer walls that separate The Strip and Freeside from the rest of New Vegas. While Mr. House valued the area around Fremont Street, he ultimately viewed it as secondary in importance to the Strip itself and he had a second, inner wall that separated the two areas. When NCR prospectors (and eventually the army) arrived in the region, people typically went straight for The Strip, leaving Freeside (as it had become known by locals) as an informal stopping point. Eventually Mr. House recognized that he could use Freeside as a filter for undesirables, and pulled his favored tribes and all Securitrons into the Strip, leaving Freeside to fend for itself.

In the two years that followed, Freeside has slowly degenerated into a hostile, lawless den of ne'er-do-wells. For a while, it was completely without order, but two power groups managed to come to an understanding about how the area needed to be maintained. The Kings, formed from the dispossessed remnants of unfortunate tribes, prevent all-out chaos from erupting, but do little to deal with the day-to-day nastiness that Freesiders inflict on each other. The Followers of the Apocalypse, no longer associated with the NCR, settled in the Old Mormon Fort. They receive some protection from the Kings in exchange for help with the community's basic needs (food, water, health services, and some education). Despite the oversight from the Kings and help from the Followers, the people in Freeside live in daily peril... from each other as well as outside forces.

Followers of the Apocalypse[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42


Originally, the Followers of the Apocalypse (also known simply as "The Followers") were a secular tribe formed in the Boneyard, with a purpose of educating humanity about the horrors of the Great War, and never to repeat those atrocities again. Forgoing preaching in favor of medical treatment and charity. When the Master died, they controlled the Boneyard with the help of the then-embryonic New California Republic, and accompanied a contingent of the NCR into Nevada, settling in an Old Mormon Fort, close to Freeside where they can save the wretched, and tend to those down on their luck. They take in stragglers of many creeds and colors, including the last few Enclave remnants. Despite the historic name of the place, there are no serious fortifications—just fences and gates with a few armed Followers inside.

The Kings[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42


After unearthing some strange paraphernalia belonging to a tribe who worshiped some kind of ancient, black—coiffed deity (and as it transpired, a deity with some considerable style and singing talent) a tribe dedicated to him was formed by the scavenger himself, who took on the persona and visage as if divinely inspired. Known as The King, he dresses in a special suit crafted to look like the originator of the look, while his subordinates scavenge denim and leather jackets for their attire. The King is charming, rebellious, and well—dressed. His forces are almost always found in small packs, and have a lot of attitude, bravery, and members. They typically carry small guns, brass knuckles, and melee weapons. The King, and his robotic dog Rex, are currently are facing a challenge as the NCR appears to be threatening their territory. The King is hoping they aren't the devil in disguise.

The Van Graffs[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42


The Van Graff family has a history of ruthless behavior when it comes to rivals muscling in on their territory, and it seems old habits die hard; two of the Van Graffs have set up shop in a bedraggled old casino called the Silver Rush, where they specialize in Energy Weapons, and the maximizing of profits. Run by Gloria Van Graff and her elder half-brother Jean-Baptiste Cutting, their stronghold is heavily-defended with their Thugs armed with the latest in weapons technology. Gloria is in charge of general operations at the Silver Rush. She is the person responsible for the New Vegas Van Graffs' general strategy, including possible under-the-counter deals to wipe out the competition. The muscle of the vanQuoted verbatim, error appeared in the original sourceIcon sic Graff operation, Jean-Baptiste personally handles all of Gloria's dirty work. He is a nasty, mean-spirited son-of-a-bitch. Despite the family's tendency to deal in energy weapons, Jean-Baptiste is a connoisseur of big guns and explosives. He threatens people for looking at him the wrong way and is far from all talk; he will go from zero-to-murder in the twitch of an eye.

Westside Cooperative[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42


The residents of the fortified Westside Zone have a small, but tight-knit community based around growing crops for themselves, and to sell to travelers and larger Factions. Currently embroiled in tense negotiations with the NCR regarding the siphoning of their water supplies, the Westside Co-op features a motley band of folk, including an escapee from New Reno named Clayton Etienne, and a Follower of the Apocalypse called Tom Anderson, who is single-minded in his defense of this operation.

The Crimson Caravan Company[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42


A well-known trading company with a number of Caravaneers in their employ, the Crimson Caravan Company originally plied their wares in the Hub, historically famous for plying their trade across the most inhospitable areas, the Crimson Caravans now contract out much of their deliveries to wandering merchants across the Mojave. Recently, the Company has been hit hard by the instability along their trading routes. Deathclaw incursions at Quarry Junction have impeded trade south of New Vegas, and the three sub-contractors have had their Caravans destroyed; possibly by Raiders, although Ash Piles at the scene of the massacre suggests otherwise. A hard-nosed, no-nonsense Alice McLafferty has been recently drafted into aid in the recovery of the Company, to look for any openings in trade or rival companies to undercut, and to keep the trade flowing with the NCR and other favored clients.

The Gun Runners[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42


A loosely-knit band of Boneyard dwellers, the Gun Runners have had a long past in the business that bears their name. They take pride in constructing only the finest, and highest-quality weapons. After historic trade disputes between the Gun Runners and other groups were settled, many of the gunsmiths decided to move north, expanding their operations to a location where both Caps and supplies are plentiful. Their informal leader, Isaac, sees himself as part of a collective with no established hierarchy. They're just hard-working, meticulous craftsmen and women working to deliver armaments of the highest quality. Arriving in New Vegas, the Gun Runners established a base of operations that takes advantage of The Strip's outer wall defenses, as well as the high traffic of traders, explorers, and NCR passing to and from Freeside. All business is conducted from outside their highly-fortified stronghold.

Part 3: Other Factions: Mojave Wasteland[]


Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.43


At the beginning of the war, Nellis Air Force Base scrambled an enormous number of fighters and bombers to respond to the missile launch. None of those planes ever returned. Additionally, despite the best efforts of a man named Mr. House, some of the missiles that struck the greater Las Vegas area impacted Nellis. As a result, Nellis was not an attractive site for scavengers for over a hundred years after the war.

Fifty years ago, a group of Vault 34's dissidents struck out on their own and started using Nellis as a base. Over a long period of time, they eventually decided to call Nellis their home. They learned a great deal of information from the records at Nellis and used that information to open the weapons storehouses at (currently unknown locations called) Area 2 and the Hawthorne Army Depot. The result of their efforts was an enormous stockpile of heavy ordnance, artillery, and small nuclear weapons.

Due to the tribes paranoia, hostility, and excessive reverence for explosives, the New Vegas locals started calling them "Boomers." The Boomers didn't mind the name as long as it meant people kept their distance. No matter who approaches them (Mr. House, the Vegas families, NCR, or Caesar), the Boomers have the same response: artillery. While the Boomers' attitude has kept away trouble, all of the major players around New Vegas want to get on the tribe's good side. People simply have no idea how to accomplish that. As far as all intelligence indicates, the Boomers have a clean water supply from Lake Mead, power from solar panels inside the base, and thriving farms that they've learned to develop "the hard way" over the decades they've been in the base. Once, the NCR attempted to shut off the Boomers' water supply. The Boomers' response was to shell sections of the NCR's water pipeline in eastern New Vegas. The NCR promptly restored the flow.

In the months that followed that experiment, no one has tried to approach the Boomers, which is just how they like it.

Brotherhood of Steel[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.43


The Brotherhood of Steel is a militant organization devoted to the preservation of pre-war technology and human knowledge. Their professed mission is to preserve pre-war technology and human knowledge for the benefit of future generations. In practice, its definition of technology is strangely selective, ignoring basic but potentially useful technologies (genetic modification of crops and civil engineering, for example) in favor of combat technology such as energy weapons and power armor: and even now, nearly two centuries after the Great War, the Brotherhood zealously restricts the use and knowledge of such technologies to its own membership.

The Mojave Brotherhood operated freely amid the Vegas wastes for several years, carrying out many reclamation missions without serious opposition. The balance of power shifted in 2251, when a large contingent of NCR troops entered the region and occupied Hoover Dam. Conflict was inevitable. Nearly two years of guerilla skirmishes culminated in a pitched battle at HELIOS One, a solar energy plant the Brotherhood had been refurbishing for several months with the goals of bringing it back online and activating its hidden offensive capabilities (the ARCHIMEDES II death ray). The battle for HELIOS One (Operation: Sunburst) proved a disaster for the Mojave Brotherhood. More than half its Paladins and Knights were killed. The chapter's leader, Elder Elijah, disappeared without a trace. The Brotherhood was driven from the facility, which suffered extensive damage. Survivors retreated to Hidden Valley.

Since that defeat, the chapter's leader, Elder McNamara, has restricted activity outside the bunker to occasional reconnaissance missions and high-value raids. All operations take place at night, and engagement of NCR forces is strictly forbidden. Though the Brotherhood's ascetic lifestyle has prepared its members for a sequestered existence better than most, the passivity of their current situation has proved highly stressful.


Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.43


Goodsprings is a small, barely active town that has been a mining community since the early days of Nevada. Most recently, it was settled under a grant from NCR to develop a low-risk mining environment near a reliable source of potable water. Even so, there are only a dozen or so people in the town due to trade along the Long 15 drying up. Signs along the highway direct people to Goodsprings, but they do the town no good if no one is on the highway to read them.

The residents of the town come to your aid after a Securitron named Victor witnessed your shooting and burial over by the Cemetery. There are few people in Goodsprings. It has never been that populace, and the troubles with Deathclaws, Raiders, and Powder Gangers hasn't made it any more appealing. A few folks have hold up here to wait things out, but overall its quite "sleepy"; almost a Ghost Town if there weren't the odd settler, attempting to eke out an existence among the ruined ranch homes. Local activities include going to the spring (Goodsprings Source), hunting Geckos, Mole Rats, and Coyotes, and loafing around in the Prospector Saloon.

Great Khans[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.43


The Great Khans are the only truly organised band of raiders in the Mojave, and as befits their warrior culture, men and women both can hold their own in a fight, whether a brawl or a shootout. As a tribe, however, the Great Khans are but a shadow of their former selves, their numbers and morale ravaged by a series of massacres and displacements. From their rocky stronghold at Red Rock Canyon, they eke out a living by drug-trafficking and the occasional raid or salvage find.

Since the Bitter Springs massacre, the tribe has aspired to little more than survival and isolated, petty acts of vengeance on the occasional NCR citizen or deserter. The arrival of a Legion emissary, Karl, has changed this. Papa Khan, the tribe's leader, wants to believe Karl's assurances that the Great Khans will be absorbed intact by the Legion, assuming an honored place as one of its elite cohorts. To lead the assaults on Hoover Dam and the Vegas Strip would make for fine acts of vengeance. The rest of the Great Khans are not so convinced.

Much as they want to exact revenge on the NCR and Mr. House's Three Families, they know that they lack the strength to do so. Indeed, they believe it is only a matter of time before their enemies track them down, and that the Great Khans would be unlikely to survive such a confrontation. The looming conflict between Caesar's Legion and the NCR and the message from Karl offers the possibility of a new way forward.


Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.43


The faded and cracked concrete and peeling buildings give the impression of depression: indeed, Novac is little more than a lonely desert highway motel with multiple buildings that have been fortified for the post-apocalyptic protection of its inhabitable. Watching over them is the landmark of the area: a giant fabricated tyrannosaurus rex biting off the top of "The World's 2nd Largest Thermometer". The interior of "Dinky" also serves as the city center (a converted gift shop from pre-war times, with a sniper's nest in Dinky's mouth). Dinky is the "attraction" that drew in tourists. Some of the locals are friendly folk, though most aren't trusting of outsiders. They appreciate the protection of NCR, but are afraid of what's going on at the REPCONN Test Site rocket plant up the road. The local law, Ranger Andy, is unable to investigate due to an injury.

Powder Gangers[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.43-44


The NCR Correctional Facility is the dominant location of the central Mojave Wasteland. In the distant past, it was the Jean Conservancy, a low-security all-female prison. Under recent NCR control, it was used to house prisoners on work release. The prisoners worked the railroad parallel to the Long 15 under NCR trooper supervision, maintaining the vital land link between the Boneyard and New Vegas. Eventually, prison guards (NCR troopers) were pulled away to run Colorado River boarder patrol. When the guard staff was low, the prisoners executed a daring and violent escape.

Because the rail crews often used explosives (typically dynamite) to blast through rock or get rid of train cars that were locked/fixed to the line, the prisoners inevitably acquired small amounts that they hid in their cells. When they made their break, they blasted their way out. The interior of the prison was clearly the scene of a large riot where the prisoners used explosives, improvised weapons, and stolen NCR trooper equipment to break through multiple walls and scatter through the desert. A lot of the prisoners weren't in on the escape plan formally; they just got caught up in the moment. Consequently, a lot of them didn't really know where to go when the dust settled. A large contingent of Powder Gangers can be found in Vault 19 through many squatted in the prison and have been informally raiding since then.


Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.44


Pre-war, Primm was "budget Vegas", a tiny town where Californians could go to gamble, the shortest distance between their wallets and a hole in the ground. Now it's not much of a settlement at all, poorly populated to begin with and more treacherous since the Powder Gangs broke out of prison. The landscape of Primm is dominated by a few empty ranch homes, the rubble of the town's main streets and store-fronts, and a small NCR camp set up southwest of town to prevent Convicts from pushing further south to the NCR's Mojave Outpost. The townsfolk, now without a sheriff after he was murdered by Gangers, are hold up across the road from the Mojave Express Couriers, in the down-trodden old Vikki & Vance Casino. Low on supplies, the townsfolk can't hold out much longer, and the Convicts' presence continues to build as they've recently commandeered the larger Bison Steve Casino and Hotel, patrolling the unstable El Diablo rollercoaster and wrecking the remaining grandeur this place once had. Primm faces a grim reality; there are few people here to keep order.

Ghouls: Bright Brotherhood[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.44


A strange cult of Ghouls, and a single human fully believing himself to be a Ghoul, are led by a charismatic and prophetic Glowing One named Jason Bright. Thanks to a probable (and extremely rare) mutation, Bright never turned Feral, and has instead built up a small following of like-minded Ghouls, clad in the vestments of a tribe in the final stages of preparation to leave for a "new world"; a promised land foretold by Bright, that is the ghoul's ultimate goal. Jason Bright wasn't his birth name, it is the name that his flock started calling him when he began his cult. Shunned by frightened outsiders, and murdered by Nightkin convinced the Brotherhood are sitting on a mythical shipment of Stealthboys, the Brotherhood have long come to realize that they are not bound to, or long for this earth.

Super Mutants[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.44


Jacobstown sits at the same general location as the pre-war settlement of Mount Charleston, a small alpine community high in the mountains west of the Las Vegas Valley. Post-war, the area was of little interest to travelers and scavengers due to its remote location and lack of salvageable material. It was not until the past twenty years that it became a permanent settlement for any group. Marcus, the mild-mannered Super Mutant sheriff of a settlement named Broken Hills, took it upon himself to find a refuge for the "broken-minded" of his kind—low-intelligence Super Mutants and schizophrenic Nightkin. It proved to be more difficult than holding on to Broken Hills, but he eventually discovered Mount Charleston and decided it was a good spot to set up a community.

Unfortunately for Marcus, not all of the Nightkin were content to live under his rules. Davidson (who currently talks to a Brahmin Skull named Antler in the bowels of the REPCONN Test Site) and Tabitha (who broadcasts her particular brand of insanity from Black Mountain) broke off on their own, eventually winding up with their own dysfunctional Super Mutant communities. Though Marcus is disappointed at how things turned out, he does the best he can to take care of Lily and the other Super Mutants and Nightkin a Jacobstown.

Super Mutants: Nightkin[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.44


Back Mountain, the dominant feature of the area, was unoccupied for over a century after the war. The victim of a direct strike, most of Black Mountain's radar arrays were knocked out immediately. Even though valuable materials were in the buildings that surrounded the arrays, the area was so irradiated that no one survived in it for more than an hour or so. After the fall of the Master, many of the first generation Super Mutants headed east. In Black Mountain, they were able to find a place to set up a camp where they could avoid most of the rest of the world. It took a long time for the Super Mutants to settle in and repair the equipment in the array, but they were finally able to enlist the help of some Ghouls to make the array operational.

Over time, Nightkin—more psychotic and temperamental Super Mutants thanks to their preposition and eventual addiction to Stealth technology—and the more thuggish second generation Super Mutants trickled into Black Mountain, which eventually caused problems. The de-facto leader of the community was Marcus, from Broken Hills. Unfortunately, the influx of less-mentally stable super mutants proved to be more than he could handle. Eventually, he was pushed out of the group at Black Mountain. He left with a small group of (mostly first generation) super mutants, ghouls, and friendly humans to found Jacobstown. This left the Nightkin and second generation Super Mutants to fend for themselves. Within weeks, a paranoid schizophrenic NIghtkinQuoted verbatim, error appeared in the original sourceIcon sic named Tabitha (and Rhonda) progressively turned the satellite array into a fortress against any and all outsiders. She hallucinates regularly, and has convinced the other super mutants (especially the idiotic second-gen ones) that only she can see the threats against them, due to her "magic eyes" (actually a pair of oversized child sunglasses which—of course—she won't let anyone else touch).

Raider: Fiends[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.44


Vault 3 was once an ordinary, happy vault. Unfortunately, it—and the entire southwestern part of the New Vegas conurbation—has been taken over by a large force of Raiders calling themselves the Fiends. They are unexceptional in every way, but there are a slew of them. The vault itself is wide-open, practically being a feral den for the Fiends and their huge packs of dogs. Whether it is murder, rape, or shooting innocents for sport, the Fiends are more than happy to bring their anarchy to this area, which has become a source of growing concern for the NCR. The Fiends are erratic and dangerous; their mental stability isn't helped by the fact that they are almost constantly high on chems, most of which are provided by the Great Khans.

Raider: Greaser Gang
Raider: Jackal Gang
Raider: Scorpion Gang
Raider: Viper Gang

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.44


The Joshua Tree-speckled mountains provide a surprising amount of cover, especially the rock-strewn washes that run east-west just south of Nelson. This is the perfect location for packs of anarchic hunters, grifters, and psychotics to wait for an opportunity to steal, kidnap, or kill. These loosely-knit Raider gangs revel in chaos and anarchy. The Jackals are no more than a handful of scarred and tattooed reprobates, scraping out a living by praying on anything weaker than them. The (slightly) more more organized Viper Gang consists of a slightly more skilled collection of ne'er-do-wells, dug in close to major roads to rob and plunder travellersQuoted verbatim, error appeared in the original sourceIcon sic and Merchant Caravans. Further north, are two much more pitiful gangs, who have lost their brethren (both in violence, or by recruitment) to the Fiends; the stinking Greaser Gang who terrorize the North Vegas Sewers, and the Scorpion Gang, who fight intermittent skirmishes with Westside residents. All these Raiders have no driving purpose or goal, other than to live to see tomorrow and raise as much hell as possible today.

Wastelanders: Prospectors and Scavengers[]

Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.44


Wastelander is a catch-all term for anyone living in the Mojave Wasteland who is not affiliated with some other group. They make a subsistence living off the land, trade with local settlements, and try not to be ravaged by the abundant, and usually hostile wildlife, or bands of roaming Raider gangs. Most are not aggressive but will defend themselves if attacked. When that happens, they usually die. Quickly.
