This page contains transcripts of the Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition, Tour of the Mojave Wasteland section.
Topographical Overview[]
The terrain is steep and wild for much of this region, which is dominated by a huge sandstone formation known as Red Rock Canyon, the base of a tribe with a violently nomadic past. Areas of parkland and small villages are now home to mutated animals and Chem-addled raiders. Fiends have encroached from the east and are threatening Trail 160. Hidden vaults await an inquisitive traveler (one is already home to escaped Powder Gangers while the other holds more shocking secrets), and while there are a scattering of drifters and grifters in the old farmsteads north of New Vegas, the other dominant force is the settlement of Jacobstown, named for an old friend of a Super Mutant named Marcus. Visit him in the snowy peaks to the west, and he may yet achieve his dream of peace.
Highways and Byways
The northwestern end of Highway 95 cuts through the tip of this zone, and there's a rough road along the northern edge where farmers long abandoned their livelihoods to Raiders or worse. Generally, the main roads are now nothing more than trails: 157 winds into the Pine Ravines and mountainous region leading to Jacobstown. Unmarked pathways allow easy access around Red Rock Canyon, and a second trail–the 160–takes you around the foothills to the boundary at the edge of the New Vegas Conurbation.
[1.01] Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch[]
North of the remains of Highway 95, this ranch consists of a derelict shack, a fallen feed silo, and a house. The ranch house has a Wind-Brahman you can "pet," and various junk on the ground floor along with some First Aid Boxes; check the pantry for a Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Bottle Cap on the floor near the empty bottles. Find another Wind-Brahmin and some mattresses upstairs, along with a Skill book on the locker shelf.
[1.02] Northern Passage[]
Beyond the dying sharecropper farms and the decaying power line is a ramshackle hut and a small, steep hill path to a large cavern filled with rocks you can cannot shift. The Northern Passage is currently blocked, and cannot be accessed. Check the grave (use a Shovel), and be sure to look for the Hollowed-Out Rock across from the Banana Yuccas.
[1.03] Ruby Hill Mine[]
Nestled in a rock face west of the winding Trail 157 and grazing Bighorners is a rickety door leading to an abandoned mine. Note the Hollowed-Out Rock next to the entrance. The water-logged mine, now filled with Lakelurks, is the final resting place of a Jackal Gang explorer.
[1.05] Griffin Wares Sacked Caravan[]
Griffin is nowhere to be seen, but his Pack Brahmin and Guards are slowly rotting in the sun. Bring Cass here during Side Quest: Heartache By the Number for further revelations.
[1.07] Charleston Cave[]
Full of stunning stalactites and other ancient rock formations, Charleston Cave has remained closed for hundreds of years since its discovery in the early 1960s, and subsequent geological instability. Once the home to a hold-out during the Great War, strange mutant critters known as Nightstalkers roam these empty chambers. A new and even more terrifying strain can shroud themselves in Stealth Boy-like invisibility. Don't forget to inspect the nearby rock!
[1.08] Silver Peak Mine[]
Passage and Upper Ledge[]
Use this passage to reach the ledge above. This leads to a gate; open it and procure the following from the skeletal remains of an Enclave hold-out:
- Explosive Crate Items (2)
- Chems (Hydra)
- Unique Item: Remnants Power Helmet [1/95]
[1.09] Vault 22[]
Vault 22 was a "green" vault, filled with scientists dedicated to their experiment: keeping the entire population of the vault alive with plants grown with its confines. The experiment could be said to have exceeded all expectations, but with horrific side-effects. Many have attempted to locate the data the scientists left behind, but so far nobody has returned alive. The vault is open, but warning signs surround it from people lucky enough to survive their initial encounter with the vault's inhabitable. Don't forget to check the Hollowed-Out Rock on the right side of the gully, across from the "Keep Out!" sign.
[1.10] Jacobstown[]
Marcus, a mild-mannered Super Mutant sheriff of Broken Hills took it upon himself to find a refugee for the "broken-minded" of his kind: low-intelligence Super Mutants and schizophrenic Nightkin. It proved to be more difficult than holding on to Broken Hills, but he eventually decided Jacobstown was a good spot to set up a community. Despite splinter groups (Davidson and Tabatha), Marcus does his best to take care of Lily and the other Super Mutants and Nightkin at Jacobstown.
[1.12] Ranger Station Foxtrot[]
Nestled at the foot of a radio mast in a dead-end mountainous gulch is the small ranger station with four soldiers, run by Comm Officer Lenk. Aside from the Scotch scattered around camp, this looks to be a reasonably well-run outpost, which keeps a look-out for the nearby Great Khans.
[1.15] Red Rock Canyon[]
Pre-War, Red Rock Canyon was a popular tourist attraction. Remnants of Pre-War campsites and ancient petroglyphs still dot the area even though it has been completely dominated by Great Khans. The Great Khans have their camps and outposts spread throughout the area, though most of them are concentrated in one area near the red rocks themselves. The Great Khans relocated here after the Bitter Springs Massacre, where NCR accidentally killed a large number of noncombatants during an otherwise normal skirmish between the two groups. Today, the Great Khans while away their time, dreaming of past glories while resorting to petty drug-dealing and battles by proxy (the Fiends) with the NCR.
[1.17] Poseidon Gas Station[]
North of Violet and Violatta Trailer Campground [1.S22] at the head of trail 160, is a dumping ground of half-buried radioactive barrels. Beware of Fiends operating in this area, and check the police car for duct tape, and the following:
- Magazine: True Police Stories [Crit. Chance] [1/11] [14/21]
- Weapon Repair Kit
[1.19] Nopah Cave[]
These ancient caverns were once famed for trilobite fossils, but Fire Geckos roam here now.
[1.20] Bonnie Springs[]
Slowly fading from memory and crumbling into the dirt is the old mining ghost town of Bonnie Springs. Use this location as a landmark. The ghost town itself is being ransacked by around six Viper Gang members with two Leaders. Be sure to loot a Unique set of Spiked Knuckles from the one who tries to hand-to-hand combat with you. Then check the second building porch for a couple of Star Caps.
[1.21] Vault 19[]
Vault 19's "social experiment" involved the segregation of the dwellers into two different colored sections, with minimal contact. After the sulfur from the cave system beneath the vault unexpectedly began to leak through the ventilation system, a sense of paranoia grew, and the place became abandoned, although records are pretty sketchy. The vault has two entrances: via a parking lot, or the caves themselves [1.S27]. The Great Khans avoided the place (as historically, they haven't had the best of times squatting in vaults) as they moved north. No other group has been aggressive enough to attempt to displace the Fire Geckos from the vault. Powder Gangers, searching for a place to turn into a base, explored the upper floor of Vault 19 and found that it was "mostly clear." Now they wait, with a fragmented leadership.
[1.22] Whittaker Farmstead[]
On the northern side of Trail 159 is a small farmstead, recently taken over by a splinter group of Cooke's Powder Gangers. Attack, or Sneak around to the east side of the house and pick the lock [Easy] (and check the table outside for some ammo). On the hall table is more ammo, Buffout and the last message from Ranger Teresa Lutz. Check the rocks nearby for two graves; rob them with a Shovel.
[1.S03] Electrical Transformer Station[]
Providing some of the power for The Strip, this deserted location is actually in working order!
[1.S07] Jackal Shack[]
Two ill-equipped Jackal Gang members eke out an existence here.
[1.S23] Radioactive Pools[]
Avoid the three shallow, polluted pools of effluent and ground water.
Topographical Overview[]
The magic of New Vegas and the glittering towers of The Strip are out of reach for most folks eking out an existence in this mainly "exterior" zone. Aside from the five interior districts detailed in Part 2, the western side of town consists of a tight-knit Westside cooperative, with society gradually breaking down the farther south you go, where city blocks are violently run by Chem-addicted raiders known as Fiends. They have quite a territory to the southwest, but don't dare risk heading toward the NCR's main base at Camp McCarran, with its adjacent locations devoted to irrigated farming and refugees. To the east and north, independent businesses such as the Gun Runners and Crimson Caravan Company flourish, although they are mainly concerned with the weapons trade. Finally, take a trip to Freeside; it's the only way to enter fabulous New Vegas itself!
Highways and Byways
The Conurbation is dominated by a grid of streets to numerous to mention, but keep a lookout for a few roads, including the Long 15 which runs to the west (and outside) of The Strip until it becomes elevated (and inaccessible). Similarly, Highway 95 on the eastern side winds north and northwest; follow it to the eastern entrance to Freeside. Also elevated is a monorail linking Camp McCarran to The Strip, although you need to be inside either location to access (and ride) it. Don't forget to use the roads on the edge of this zone to find your way about.
[2.01] Westside West Entrance[]
This conduit location is accessed numerous times during Quests.
With Fiends a constant problem, the Westside Militia has created an impressive, two-tier approach to defending the gate that leads to Westside [Zone 2A]. The Militia are suspicious, but not violent if you haven't interacted with them before. Note the small garden (with plants ripe for picking) and a second, southern entrance [2.03].
[2.05] South Cistern[]
A small concrete block building, the Cistern is part of the vast treatment works spread across New Vegas, Two NCR soldiers guard this location. Drink from the valve for radiation-free water (not the trough below!).
[2.06] H&H Tools Factory[]
Long before the war, H&H Tools Company provided Nevada and California high-quality robotics equipment. Owned by the half-brother of Robert Edwin House (the founder of RobCo, and—were it not for the 200 year gap—the same man who lives in the Lucky 38 Casino). When their father was killed in an accident, the elder brother swindled Robert out of the family fortune, and assumed control of the company.
Robert went on, through his dealings with RobCo and their lucrative contracts, to become one of the wealthiest men on earth. His half-brother meanwhile, became increasingly paranoid, seeking to guard himself against a vengeance that never came, and inflicting all manner of strange HR rules on his workforce. The remains of this factory still stand, surrounded by husk-like remains of North Vegas' industrial area.
[2.07] North Vegas Square[]
The fragmented citizens of New Vegas have sealed themselves into different defensible quadrants, and this tactic is just as apparent at the Junk Doors leading into North Vegas Square. Enter North Vegas Square [2B] to meet its citizens, including their self-imposed leader Crandon, and the only other Primary Location, The Gray [2B.01].
[2.09] Crimson Caravan Company[]
The Crimson Caravan Company is the largest supplier to the NCR of military-grade weaponry, and an assortment of provisions and other equipment types. Their base of operations is a highly fortified walled base just east of the main Freeside and Strip area, alarmingly close to their rivals; the Gun Runners. There are two entrances to this location (east and west).
[2.10] New Vegas Medical Clinic[]
Doctor Usanagi's Waiting Room[]
Run by the selfless Doctor Usanagi, the clinic offers a reasonable array of medical supplies and an unmatched array of Implants. Pass the bodyguards to speak to Doctor Usanagi herself. You can speak about her role or (if you're engaged in a Quest) another matter, but you can make a 500 Cap donation to the Followers (for a Fame gain), and also purchase medical supplies and the Skill Magazines on the tables around the waiting room. You can also steal these, which causes Follower Infamy and everyone becomes hostile. Also, if you're ready for computerized enhancements of a more robotics kind, why not begin Free Quest: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger?
[2.12] Monte Carlo Suites[]
On the western edge of the New Vegas Conurbation and north of the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters [2.17] is a run-down hotel littered with burned-out vehicles, mostly used for cover and not barricades. This is the lair of the Scorpion Gang, a scrappy and overconfident bunch of mercenaries. They don't listen to reason, so Sneak or attack the first gang member at the entrance.
[2.14] Gun Runners[]
Exterior: Gun Runner Kiosk
This heavily fortified armory is a small but extremely impressive operation. The Gun Runners supply only the finest hardware to the most discerning of customers, including the NCR. Approach the kiosk outside the gates of the building, and speak with either the Vendortron, or Isaac, near the Reloading Bench. You can ask about the Gun Runners, inquire about touring the factory (you can't), and play a game of Caravan.
Breaking into the Gun Runners factory alerts the three patrolling guards, ad nullifies the Vendortron's sales routine, stopping you from purchasing these rare items. Unlock the gate [Average], and head to the Gun Runner Headquarters front doors just beyond.
Gun Smithy[]
The care and attention the Gun Runners give their weaponry is unsurpassed, and their Smithy is where this fine work takes place. Unlock a Locker [Average] for a nice item. The middle of the room has four Workbenches and two Reloading Benches, one of which has an Assault Carbine on it, and another holds a Laser Rifle. Finally, you can access the Gun Runner Terminal, where there's information on naming the Vendortron (not "Bob"), an order for Camp McCarran, and "Persona Non Grata." A final option appears during the Side Quest: You Can Depend on Me (and only then), allowing you to download some Manufacturing Specifications onto a Holotape.
[2.17] Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters[]
The old headquarters of the well-known and loved "Beverage of the West Coast," this structure features a many-faceted glass bottle of the company's signature drink, Sunset Sarsaparilla. Before the war, an urban legend circulated that if you collected bottle caps marked with a star, you could send them in to the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters and receive a prize. Now, this legend has taken on a life of its own; crazed individuals stalk the Wasteland searching for "SSSs" (Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars), a fact exacerbated by an automated robotic attendant, Festus, who prompts people with an option to present their Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars. Dare you find out the truth?
Sitting in his rundown saloon, Festus is the mascot for the old Sunset Sarsaparilla Company, and here to bring you great news of a competition, and the official word on that health advisory (keeps asking!). Requesting information on Star Bottle Caps begins Side Quest: The Legend of the Star. Returning with 50 or more Star Bottle Caps starts Side Quest: A Valuable Lesson. You can also play Lucky Horseshoes (speak to Festus about the rules).
[2.18] El Ray Motel[]
Chem addicts hang out here, mainly because they aren't usually hassled by Fiends due to the motel's proximity to Camp McCarran [2.19]. This is also between two access points to the Central Sewer [U2.C].
[2.19] Camp McCarran[]
Camp McCarran is the main base for NCR military operations in southern Nevada. Formerly McCarran International Airport, the structure now houses and trains NCR's sizable battalions. Camp McCarran is the hub of activity in the area, and constantly has soldiers moving into and out of it. Despite this, security is tight and there are only a few ways in. A monorail connects Camp McCarran and The Strip, but it's heavily guarded.
Truck Mechanic Area[]
Concourse Gate A[]
This has been turned into a dorm for NCR overflow troops. Check Corporal White's Locker (32) for his Journal, which helps you out during Side Quest: The White Wash. Also of interest is Private Crenshaw's Footlocker (33); you can place something in here if you're working with Captain Curtis during Side Quest: I Put a Spell on You.
[2.21] East Pump Station[]
This location is of paramount importance to the NCR, because it is responsible for filtering the water being pumped along the giant water pipe from Lake Las Vegas [3.22], and then into the Sharecropper Farms [2.20]. There are actually two buildings: the East Cistern, and the facility itself, plus two nearby Manhole Covers allowing access into the sewers [U2]. Inside the cistern is a Water Tower Valve (allowing you to sip clean water), and a blown-out terminal with a Magazine next to it.
[2.22] Aerotech Office Park[]
Close to a Manhole to the East Central Sewers [U2.EC], and adjacent to the Sharecropper Farms [2.20] and Camp McCarran [2.19] is a fortified refugee camp re-purposed from an old office park. The elevated monorail track surrounds this location. Open the Junk Door, and you can speak to Captain Parker about ongoing humanitarian problems. Occasionally present is a Ghoul named Bert Gunndarsson (a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse), who can heal you. Ask him about the refugees.
[2.24] Vault 3[]
Vault 3, which is now completely within South Vegas Ruins (AKA "Fiend Territory") was once an ordinary, happy vault. It wasn't built above a sulfur cave, or to feature Vault-Tec "experiments" that could drive dwellers mad. In fact, the place was functioning normally until a slight water leak turned the lower chambers soggy and forced the inhabitants out to the surface, in search of humanity on the topside. Instead, they met the Fiends.
[2.26] New Vegas Steel[]
Deep in Fiend Territory along the southwestern side of New Vegas, this steel plant still operates with its robot staff. Note the nearby access to South Vegas Ruins [Zone 2E].
[2.28] Samson Rock Crushing Plant[]
Composed of four sealed concrete buildings to the north and the main workings to the south, surrounded by the remains of a fence, this Quarry has been disintegrating for decades. Abandoned by prospectors due to the influx of Fiends, the area offers nothing but a few wild plants. Use the buildings as cover after retreating from Fiends, or the structure as a marker for the southwest corner of the New Vegas Conurbation.
[2.33] Ant Mound[]
A once-fertile plain between the outskirts of New Vegas and the rugged desert terrain is now devoid of crops. Beware of Fiends heading down from the McCarran airstrip to the north, close to the Allied Technologies Officers [2.30], but a bigger concern are the Giant Fire Ants scuttling out of their mound, inside an old barn.
[2.34] Hunter's Farm[]
Due to increased Fiend activity, Powder Ganger escapees, and a lack of irrigation, the old farmsteads are in a depressed state, The farmland behind hasn't mustered any crops, but you can harvest wild plants.
[2.35] REPCONN Headquarters[]
REPCONN Corporation was an up-and-coming regional aerospace firm, and keen contributor to Las Vegas political campaigns. They operated a test facility in the Black Mountains to the south (much to the chagrin of the local populations, who long complained of the "REPCONN bombs" landing in their fields and destroying property). The company was purchased by the giant RobCo Company just before the Great War, in a hostile takeover. New security countermeasures were installed, and more militaristic plans were undertaken, especially after the discovery of a special radioactive igniting agent that interested certain senior RobCo members. These countermeasures are still in effect, so investigate this building with caution.
[2.S16] Long 15 Mines[]
The NCR have placed Frag Mines across this section of road to prevent Fiends access from the west.
[2.S17] New Vegas Sign[]
This has been a Vegas landmark since before anyone can remember. It is occasionally used by NCR Rangers to sniper at Fiends to the south, but you can't climb on it. Use it as a landmark when you're nearing Camp McCarran [2.19].
[2.S19] NCR Sandbag Defenses[]
The NCR face periodic entanglements with the Fiends in this area, and have recently pulled back from these defenses.
[2.S23] Long 15 Mines 2[]
The NCR have placed Frag Mines across this section of road to prevent Fiends access from the Driver Nephi's Territory.
Topographical Overview[]
The Great New Vegas skyline is dominated by the Lucky 38 Tower, and other monuments to excess, but visiting such ostentatious structures requires more than just knocking on a door. There are five "Interior zones" within the New Vegas Conurbation, and all offer a glimpse into the way of life for the inhabitants. Zone 2A (Westside) consists of a cooperative of crop-growers and militia, and vying for water from the NCR. Zone 2B (North New Vegas) is a squatter camp with few amenities. Zone 2C (Outer and Inner Freeside) is a sprawling series of large roads, structures, and casinos that don't quite have the razzmatazz of those on The Strip. The Kings, Followers of the Apocalypse, Garrets, Van Graffs, along with Mick & Ralph inhabit Freeside. The Strip itself is a neon-clad architectural triumph, but heavily fortified and guarded by Securitrons in the service of Mr. House, who rules the three Families (the Omertas at the Gomorrah, the Chairman at The Tops, and the White Glove Society at the Ultra Luxe) with an iron fist. The NCR also has an embassy here, and a brother and sister live and work for Mr. House, building more neon signs and showing rich folk around Vault 21. Finally, Zone 2E is Fiend Territory, and the only part of New Vegas where you're actively hunted by hostile forces.
Highways and Byways
Access to the interior zones is almost exclusively via gates, which are guarded by gang members or militia of the Faction you're about to meet inside. Inside each zone, there are main streets and alleys; especially in Freeside you should learn the layout so you can gauge (for example) which gate is nearest your destination. For example, always take the Freeside North Gate if you're heading to the Old Mormon Fort, and the Freeside East Gate if you want to visit Mick & Ralph's. There are Sewer entrances to Zones 2A and 2B (not the others). To reach 2D (The Strip), you must enter Zone 2C (Freeside) first.
[2A.01] Casa Madrid Apartments[]
The sounds of ecstasy (or more likely, agony) emanate through the walls of this low-rent knocking shop. Step through the dilapidated front doors, and prepare for some offers you can definitely refuse.
[2A.02] Westside Co-op[]
A reasonably intact old Uptown Drugs Store is now the base of operations of a fledgling business known as the Westside Co-op, and guarded by a tongue-tied Super Mutant called Mean Sonofabitch (who's actually quite pleasant).
Clayton Etienne runs the Co-op. If you've finished Side Quest: The White Wash with an "understanding," Etienne is the guy to come back to for your Caps. If you're not shaking him down, you can ask about his story (he tells you about the crime families of New Reno), the co-op (he talks about help they got from Tom Anderson and the Followers), and what he has for sale. You can then purchase, or steal from him. There's a wealth of Caps if you want to turn Westside hostile, and more in the floor safe [Average].
[2A.S04] Mean Sonofabitch[]
The inaccurately named Mean Sonofabitch s a pleasant, almost humorous First Generation Super Mutant, who lumbers around town. Ask around, and you lean his speech impediment was caused by his tongue being cut out of his mouth.
[2A.S05] Building Alcove[]
If they aren't inside the Casa Madrid Apartments, two unpleasant Scavengers are hanging around here like a bad smell.
[2A.S10] Hector and the Water Brahmin[]
A small child with his pet Brahmin and siphons water from the barrels the NCR delivers from their Sharecropper Farms.
[2B.01] The Gray[]
The small fortified camp of North New Vegas, run by Crandon and the stoic Jules has but one large location, close to the manhole cover leading to the North Sewers [U2.N]; the Gray Hotel. Once you enter, prepare for a quick-thinking, or fast-drawing altercation with the chem-addled thugs here. One is guarding a runaway girl's room, who has shacked up here with her boyfriend; a Ghoul named Andy. They only appear if the Side Quest involving them is active.
[2B.S05] Squatter Bill[]
A rather grumpy man, Squatter Bill has taken over North Vegas with a bunch of companions, much to Crandon's chagrin.
[2C.01] Old Mormon Fort[]
At the north end of Freeside, an Old Mormon Fort has been converted into the base of operations for the Followers of the Apocalypse, a quasi-religious organization hellbent on helping humanity, while ensuring nothing like the Great War ever occurs again. The courtyard of the fort is used for general triage and care, with the old (heavily damaged) adobe fort buildings themselves being for Followers' storage and residences. Despite the historic name of the place, there are no serious fortifications–just fences and gates with a few armed Followers inside.
[2C.02] Mick & Ralph's[]
Providing some of the finest quality trinkets to discerning customers, while serving the riff-raff the usual low-grade armaments, Mick and his colleague Ralph run a thriving business from the seedier side of Freeside. Their store is a treasure-trove of objects d'art, mass-produced crap, and almost everything you're found on your Wasteland journeys even those weird little dolls people say are from a place back East called Point Lookout. Sometimes, Max and Stacy run around in here. Max has an interesting toy gun for you to check:
[2C.03] Ruined Store[]
In an oft-overlooking part of Freeside, two "Men" guarding this location are actually NCR soldiers attempting to win hearts and minds (and to some, usurp the power of The Kings Gang) by feeding the Squatters of Freeside. Approach, and the Men ask for a Password.
Once inside, you see a soup kitchen run with almost military precision. Speak to Elizabeth Kieran, and you soon discover it is a military operation.
[2C.04] Cerulean Robotics[]
In a lonely and occasionally traversed section of Freeside is a monolithic office building, which was home to Cerulean Robotics. You can freely enter the facility. On your way out, don't be surprised if you're accosted by Malefic Maud and her ruthless band of octogenarian muggers (Free Quest: Maud's Muggers; related to Freeside itself)!
Break Room[]
Over in the corners appears to be the remains of an ancient Protectron fight with a now-deceased worker.
[2C.05] King's School of Impersonation[]
The most powerful individual in Freeside, the King is the leader of The Kings Gang, a group of tough guys that dominate the center of the community. The King models himself on a singer from ancient items, after discovering some old recordings, and is charming, rebellious, and well-dressed. He sits and vets newcomers to the gang, and those that wish to impersonate the King himself, who in turn, is an impersonation. He's accompanied by his do Rex, a cybernetic hound around since Pre-War times, who's a little worse for wear.
[2C.06] Atomic Wrangler[]
The Atomic Wrangler, the only active casino in Freeside (featuring a neon sign of a futuristic cowboy riding a stylized atom), is also a flophouse, brothel, and source of chems, located just down the main drag. It is run by the Garret Twins, protected by their thugs, and is a common hangout or the Van Graffs and Kings. Many caravaneers and poor (but not impoverished) NCR folks can also be found here.
[2C.07] Silver Rush[]
"Vegas' best source of laser and plasma weapons." So says the thug guarding the door to the Silver Rush an old casino transformed into a heavily guarded Energy Weapons trader's paradise. It's run by Gloria Van Graff, the younger of the two siblings, and her brother Jean-Baptiste Cutting. She is the person responsive for the New Vegas van Graffs' general strategy, including striking up a deal with Alice McLafferty of the Crimson Caravan Company to wipe our the competition in New Vegas (the Gun Runners and Cassidy Caravans). Jean-Baptiste Cutting is the muscle of the Van Graff operation, and handles all of Gloria's dirty work. Jean-Baptiste is a nasty, mean-spirited son-of-a-bitch. Despite the family's tendency to deal in energy weapons, Jean-Baptiste is a connoisseur of big guns and explosives. He threatens people for looking at him the wrong way and is far from all talk; he will go from zero-to-murder in two seconds.
[2C.S03] Dead Man's Dumpster[]
Check the dumpsters and bodies for loot.
[2C.S11] The Granny Gang[]
Maud's Muggers
This is a frightened city. Over these houses, over these streets hangs a pall of fear. Fear of a new ind of violence which is terrorizing the city. Yes, gangs of old ladies attaching defenseless fit young couriers. This occurs randomly, but there's a high chance if it happening when you exit Cerulean Robotics.
[2D.01] Gomorrah[]
Where The Strip's other casinos are refined, the Gomorrah is rough around the edges, and coarse, as it offers sleazy sex for sale. Top of the attractions list is the sex (any type you want with anyone you want); then the booze and drugs, and finally the Food and Gambling. The casino's entire theme is excessive debauchery. While casino games are available, they are the Omertas' secondary interest. Unlike the Chairman, the Omertas think little of their clientele and will beat the crap out of them as soon as look at them. Unknown to everyone else on the strip (although Mr. House has some idea), the head of the Gomorrah, Nero, may be orchestrating a racket with unknown parties.
[2D.02] Lucky 38 Casino[]
The towering superstructure of the Lucky 38, which has been the base of operations for Mr. House for as long as anyone can remember (even the non-feral Ghouls), the giant monolith seems more like a well-maintained mausoleum of Pre-War Vegas glory once you enter. Though it is not an active casino, it is an enduring monument to Mr. House's vision of Las Vegas: luxury without decadence, refinement without elitism, class without snobbery. This is still the ultimate lure of Vegas: the one that tells anyone that they too could be a winner, just like Mr. House. Even with multiple wings and floors shut off, the rare visitors that enter the premises soon understand that the Lucky 38 is enormous.
This is the most prominent location in the Mojave Wasteland skyline, and should be used to situate yourself when wandering. Waiting outside the foot of the giant tower is Victor, who cheerfully beckons you in the first (and subsequent) times you visit.
[2D.03] Vegas Boulevard Station[]
The LVB, or Las Vegas Boulevard Station offers a monorail service between here and Camp McCarran [2.19]. This is mainly for the benefit of NCR citizens and military.
Processing Office[]
A Securitron Mk I is here to make sure you don't loiter (and to maintain a tense, but professional relationship with the NCR). Head further in and an NCR Trooper warns you that most weapons are banned by Mr. House when entering casinos. You can also speak to the Trooper about the Casinos, and other fun times to be had on The Strip, if it's your first time here.
[2D.04] The Tops Casino[]
The Tops offers a classic Vegas experience, with cool, hip, fun, and macho posturing to entice those with a sense of style. This is a place for manly men with a dame on each arm; here to see the Rad Pack as they perform their routine "The Four Taps" over at the Ace Theater. Choose a fine wine, order the Brahmin stake rare, and have a good time, baby! The place is run by The Chairmen, who talk tough, but most of them don't take things too seriously; they're just too cool and laid back to let anything get to them. Well, all but one of them....
[2D.05] Ultra-Luxe Casino[]
The Ultra-Luxe is an establishment of ineradicable refinement that delicately conceals its operators' more questionable tendencies. Run by the Sawneys, the Ultra-Luxe pampers its clients and provides The Strip's most elite casino experience. A dress code is strictly enforced. All of the staff and family members are well-dressed, well-spoken, and well-behaved. The casino's prime attractions are its meat-oriented restaurant, The Gourmand, its cocktail lounge, Top Shell, and its art gallery. Roulette and blackjack are the only games offered.
[2D.06] Vault 21[]
A vault where its dwellers used to settle their differences via games of chance, is now hotel and gift shop. The top floor is just the gift shop and front desk for the hotel. Visitors can buy Vault 21 jumpsuits, toasters, and other souvenir items, and view displays and read authentic details about the history of Vault 21. The vault itself is in pristine condition, aside from the subterranean eastern section, which was sealed by Mr. House; much to the annoyance of the last remaining residents Sarah (and her brother Michael) Weintraub. Aside form the ostentatious signage, the initial kiosk welcoming visitors to the vault lacks the spectacular nature of The Strip's other venues. But step inside, and you're transported back in time.
[2D.08] Michael Angelo's Workshop[]
At the far end of The Strip, past the big casinos and Vault 21 [2D.06], is a workshop of the talented (and ex-Vault 21 resident) Michael Angelo, who is responsible for most of the working neon across The Strip, especially have Zapp's Neon Signs closed a couple of hundred years ago.
[2D.S09] NCR Embassy Gates[]
A plaque commemorating the opening of this Embassy at the behest of President Aaron Kimball is adjacent to the perimeter gate, which is also guarded by an NCR MP. Speak to him about general happenings on The Strip.
[2E.01] Zapp's Neon Signs[]
You should be instantly familiar with Zapp's actual neon signs, as the Fiends have welded many of them together to form impassable perimeter walls. The actual building is a graveyard of ancient signs, including the feet of a Tall Boy statue. Inside, expect more Fiends, and additional traps.
Topographical Overview[]
Much of this zone is dominated by large-scale locations; the Boomers' massive air-force base to the north; the huge Lake Mead, two of the Legion's main bases on the Arizona (east) side of the Lake, and the giant Hoover Dam. The NCR's presence isn't just limited to this concrete monstrosity either; a resort and golf course have been commandeered, and water used to irrigate Sharecropper Farms over within the New Vegas Conurbation. Boulder City is also a place to take your time visiting, but there are a host of out-of-the-way places too; various dotted shacks and hidden places in the sprawling rocks and foothills to the northeast, where vegetation grows in plentiful supplies, and where the Camp of Bitter Springs lies, still raw from the Great Khan massacre.
Highways and Byways
Cracked tarmac dominates the Boomer base to the north, but there's a main arterial road from west to east; use this to navigate to the more remote locations. Follow Highway 95 north or south at the edge of this zone (the largest collection of roads converge on the 188 Trading Post in Zone 5), and don't forget to utilize the road that passes Lake Las Vegas and takes in the shoreline of Lake Mead. If you're finding it difficult to reach Hoover Dam, take the road winding around the hills from Boulder City.
[3.04] Field's Shack[]
The old caretaker's shack near the power transformer [3.S01] is now a place where George (on the road to the Boomers) occasionally likes to lay his head.
[3.07] Bloodborne Cave[]
Known for the red-hued sandstone rocks flanking it, Bloodborne is off the beaten track, near a cluster of Fire Geckos, and three unmarked Great Khan Supply Caves to the east [3.S09, 10, 11]. Locate the cave mouth in the perimeter rock wall, and the nearby Hollowed-Out Rock.
Sulfur Cavern[]
Check the ancient Campfire for the skeletal remains of a family of hunters.
[3.08] Bitter Springs[]
In the past century, Bitter Springs was used by the Great Khans as a semi-permanent community. Due to prolonged conflict with NCR, the Great Khans were eventually tracked back to Bitter Springs by NCR forces. The assault that rapidly followed was known as the "Bitter Springs Massacre" due to the NCR's First Recon mistakenly shooting down dozens of young, old, and wounded Khans who attempted to escape through a southern slot canon from a location called Coyote Tail Ridge [3.15]. Today, Bitter Springs hosts refugees from settlements Caesar's Legion are razing; a solution that is becoming increasingly untenable. Currently, there are rumors of an NCR-hating ghost that comes down from the mountains to frighten refugees and Troopers alike. The actual settlement itself is almost completely surrounded by rocks, and is in a gully. It can be accessed via the southern slot canyon refugee camp, the eastern Great Khan graveyard, or the northern bluffs.
[3.09] Ranger Station Bravo[]
In the highlands northeast of Bitter Springs [3.08] is a collection of reinforced metal and wood walls, truck containers, and cargo pods arranged in a defensive pattern, designed to keep the nearby Ghouls out. Run by Ranger Ericsen and Comm Officer Tilden, the NCR are watching Legion activity on the strip of the Colorado River known as "The Narrows." You can take Purified Water here, but the Ammunition won't be hauled away without a fight!
[3.10] The Devil's Throat[]
A dangerous and radioactive maw inhabited by Centaurs an their ironically monikered "Evolved" cousins. It is better to drop them from a distance before inspecting a container truck and its dumped contents; barrels that offer nothing but sickness. However, inside the truck is a Prospector (who looks to have overdosed with Jet) and a considerable array of loot, including Reinforced Combat Armor, and a Party Hat! But the big prize is his weapon.
[3.11] Cannibal Johnson's Cave[]
Johnson's Coolhouse[]
Cannibal Johnson looks like an accomplished hunter. There's also ground-water to drink, which is cleaner than it appears.
[3.12] Vault 34[]
Vault 34's social experiment was a fully armed society. The residents has an enormous armory and everyone had free access to it. For the first hundred years or so, things went well enough. When population problems became problematic, violence broke out. Large factions within the vault suggested limited reproductive rights. This caused more violence, leading to the Overseer stating that all weapons would be confiscated. Rather than accept this, a large faction of the vault dwellers left the vault, eventually settling at Nellis Air Force Base as the Boomers. The remaining vault dwellers chafed under increasingly restrictive overseer rule until a large group of rebels staged an attack on the armory. In the weeks of fighting that ensued, the vault's reactor was damaged, leaking radiation throughout the area, and dooming most of the survivors into a long-suffering and feral existence.
[3.15] Coyote Tail Ridge[]
These foothills were a good, defensible position for the First Recon Snipers during their massacre of the Great Khans. Boone tells you more about this past atrocity during his Side Quest. Other than a few scatted plants, this is simply a thoroughfare to Bitter Springs.
[3.16] Bitter Springs Recreation Area[]
Now little more than a collection of doomed vehicular hulks rusting in the sun, this once-bustling vista spot now sports a single, large shack within the concrete barricade perimeter. Inside the ship, there's the following:
- Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Cap [37/100]
- Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Cap [38/100]
- Skill Book: Tumblers Today [Lockpick] [2/4] [7/9]
- Magazine: ¡La Fantoma! [Sneak] [7/10] [23/52]
- Safe Items [Average]
[3.18] Callville Bay[]
Once a small port and boat launch, Callville Bay is a derelict no-man's land overrun by Cazadores from their nest inside the corrugated warehouse that has fallen in on itself. There's a (currently inactive) harpoon winch on the launch itself. Lake Mead is great sources of drinking water, so sip yourself healthy, and don't forget to visit Captain Dean's Boat Rentals. Deal with the rodent infestation, before rummaging through the store shelves for the following:
- Bobby Pin (2)
- Knife (3)
- First Aid Box
- Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Cap [40/100]
- Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Cap [41/100]
- Magazine: Lad's Life [Survival] [14/30] [24/52]
- Carton of Cigarettes (2)
- Floor Safe Items [Average]
[3.21] Follower's Outpost[]
An old train junction and signal box is the location for the Followers' outpost, where Prospector can come and get treated for their ailments. Note the Hollowed-Out Rock at the base of the signal box. Climb up to the balcony above, and enter the wooden tower. Sitting behind her desk is Doctor Alvarez, who runs the place Doctor Schiller (who is out making the rounds) as well as her fellow practitioners and guards.
[3.22] Lake Las Vegas[]
Dammed at its northeastern end by the NCR who have a sizable presence at the adjacent Camp Golf [3.23], this provides a good source of water for the Sharecropper Farms to the northwest, thanks to the snaking pipeline. The lake itself holds nothing but a few submerged golf carts, and other minor detritus, although there's Campfire to the east, at the Scenic Overlook [3.S17].
[3.23] Camp Golf[]
Adjacent to Lake Las Vegas [3.22] are the remains of a golf course, now overgrown grass and scrub with a large NCR camp in the middle of the course. The NCR have a heavy presence here as they are guarding a giant water pipe that stretches off to the north, to water the Sharecropper Farms [2.20] plants and keep the NCR's belly full.
House Resort
This lodge-style building named after the benefactor and ex-owner of the place, is now the base for the NCR Rangers in the region. It is also the location of Chief Hanlon; and important cog in the machinery of Side Quest: Return to Sender.
[3.28] The Fort[]
Also known as Fortification Hill, this is on the Arizona side of the Colorado River. After the first Battle of Hoover Dam, the NCR secured and held this section of river against Caesar's subsequent strikes. Caesar's remaining troops regrouped at Fortification Hill, overlooking Lake Mead and the dam. When Caesar himself arrived, he dealt with his failed commander, Joshua Graham, by having him set on fire and hurled down the cliff face into the lake. Although beaten, the Legion were not defeated. And now, smoke continuously rises from Caesar's camp and the sounds of activity can be heard from the dam. It is an ominous and looming threat to the security of Hoover Dam and New Vegas itself.
[3.30] Ranger Station Alpha[]
Another NCR Ranger Station with commanding views of The Fort [3.28] and Lake Mead, these troops keep their eyes open for movement along "The Narrows." Ranger Lineholm (who tells you the story of the bomber that crashed into the lake, how great Rangers are, and the role the station plays) commands this place, and Comm Officer Castillo (who you can ask similar questions to) are stationed here.
[3.32] Boulder City[]
Boulder City, sprawling though its ruins are, has never been a sizable settlement post-war. It is a minor location, mostly notable for its proximity to Hoover Dam [3.33] and the 188 Trading Post [5.02]. It's a common resting spot for people on their way to New Vegas and for troops moving to and from the dam. There are not many intact buildings, as it was the site of intense fighting between NCR and Caesar's Legion during the first Battle of Hoover Dam. The Rangers lured some of the toughest veteran Legionaries into the town and blew it to pieces with explosives that had been strategically placed ahead of time.
War Memorial[]
A slab of limestone carved with the names of those who gave their lives during the first Battle of Hoover Dam. Private Kowalski is paying his respects here. Carve additional indents into the War Memorial to begin Free Quest: Defacing the Humble Stone.
Ranger Lutz' Last Stand[]
[3.33] Hoover Dam[]
All of the Main Quest in Act III centers around this location, as do the Main Quests involving the visit of President Aaron Kimball. A stronghold of extreme strategic importance for centuries, this location has seen recent turmoil between major Faction too. A few years before current events, Caesar's Legion rolled in, led by ex-Mormon missionary Joshua Graham, Caesar's Legate. Not considering NCR's army to be a serious threat, Graham exercised somewhat lax control over the Legion. During the Battle of Hoover Dam, NCR Rangers and Sharpshooters from First Recon employed risky tactics against the Legion with the help of the enlisted Troopers, and despite horrific loss of life, Caesar's forces were pushed back, but not routed.
The NCR has been holding the dam continuously since, and have fortified positions along the dam and up and down the west side of the Colorado River. Recently, the Legion pushed the NCR off of the east side of the river at the Battle of Willow Beach (which destroyed an NCR military camp) and the Battle of Arizona Spillway. Day to day military operations at the dam are under the command of Colonel Moore. While troopers are active here, there are also a large number of civilian contractors who are trying to keep the dam running. They are of a secondary concern to Moore, who is preparing from for an impending attack by Caesar and a visit by President Kimball.
[3.36] Ranger Station Delta[]
This Ranger Station was erected on the remains of a ruined farmstead, which is still visible. Ranger Pason is looking for Legion crossing the river. You can ask him, or Scheffer what they're doing, and what the Rangers do. Outside is a Campfire, and a rather grim outhouse, but the real reason for visiting is the cellar under the house ruins. Pick open the lock [Average], and search the pool-table for a well-hidden Magazine!
[3.S06] NCR Truck and Dead Trooper[]
Search the Trooper for a helpful items before you explore Vault 34 [3.12].
[3.S22] Ranger Pason's Patrol Overlook[]
At the end of the gully pathway from Ranger Station Delta [3.36] is a Robobrain belonging to Ranger Pason, who is looking out over the Hoover Dam [3.33] to the north for signs of The Legion. Speak to him as part of Side Quest: Return to Sender. He is also carrying an "unremarkable" Report.
Topographical Overview[]
The Southwest Desert is something of a paradox; offering your first tentative steps into the world in and around the settlement of Goodsprings; but with arguably the most dangerous area in the Wasteland just to the northeast; inside the Deathclaw-filled Quarry Junction [4.04], and the hapless workers in need of your help in the adjacent settlement of Sloan [4.08]. It is worth spending some time in Goodsprings to start, learning how to Craft and purchasing upgrades, before romping south. The seedy town of Primm [4.17] is farther south on the arterial Long 15 road, flanked on either ride by radioactive rural locals; the Mesquite Mountain Crater [4.19] and Jack Rabbit Springs [4.26]. Dominating the southern desert is the Ivanpah Dry Lake [4.24], stretching across a road and all the way to a giant scar in the earth. Two more major settlements on the California border are the NCR stronghold of the Mojave Outpost [4.27], and the recently razed town of Nipton [4.30], where the ruthless atrocities of Caesar's Legion are witnessed first-hand.
Highways and Byways
The north-south road of choice used to be the Long 15, which bisects this zone all the way from the northeast corner, and meanders southward, past Goodsprings, through Primm, and ends at the Mojave Outpost. A smaller, desert road winds through Goodsprings from the remote northwest area and joins the Long 15, and along the northern zone border, Trail 160 links the two roads. Keep in mind that the entire eastern edge of this location is the railroad track, and you can become spatially competent when exploring. To the south, Trail 164 breaks off from the Long 15 near the Mojave Outpost, and continues east through the Ivanpah Dry Lake and into Nipton; winding all the way to Camp Searchlight [6.16] in Zone 6.
[4.02] Makeshift Great Khan Camp[]
This sounds more impressive than what is essentially three Great Khans and some light bedding on the rocky perimeter of Quarry Junction [4.04]. Melissa, the leader of this motley crew, stops and asks suspiciously about your intentions.
[4.03] Quarry Junction[]
Arguably the most dangerous are of the Mojave Wasteland, and the reason the Long 95 is currently closed to all but the bravest (or most inept) wanderers. Quarry Junction is a massive, sprawling rock quarry with numerous tiers to it, and over a dozen ferocious Deathclaws, including larger entities that require all your stamina (and firepower) to defeat! The workers at Sloan [4.08] live a fearful (and unprofitable) existence with this menace still prevalent. There's a reason warning signs have been constructed as far away as the Yangtze Memorial [4.07]....
[4.05] Goodsprings[]
Goodsprings is a small, barely active town that had been a mining community since the early days of Nevada. Most recently, it was settled under a grant from NCR to develop a low-risk mining environment near a reliable source of potable water. Even so, three are only a dozen or so people in the town due to trade along I-15 drying up. Signs along I-15 direct people to Goodsprings for water, but they do the town no good if no one is on the highway to read them.
[4.07] Yangtze Memorial[]
Most locals can't rightly remember the exact reason for the large cross on the hill northeast of Goodsprings [4.05], but it honors the fallen of the Yangtze Campaign after the Chinese invaded Alaska in 2066, and the United States fought back, deploying to the Chinese mainland in a long and bloody war that ended with the 2077 holocaust. There's a Hollowed-Out Rock here, and a warning of Deathclaws in the Quarry Junction [4.04] to the northeast. Northwest is an Abandoned Shack [4.S05] that's well worth checking out. Use the memorial as a landmark.
[4.08] Sloan[]
A camp of mining shacks off the Long 19 was once a place where workers earned a good living. That was until the Deathclaws moved in. You're likely to enter the place traveling along this freeway, and you'll be stopped by Chomps Lewis; who's still the foreman of this small settlement. He tells you to loop around via Primm [4.17] if you want to avoid a mauling. You can as him about New Vegas, and the operation: They make cement for the NCR using the limestone quarry. Ask him more detailed explanation. You can then begin Free Quest: Claws Out. Chomps also has a Letter to Tyrone, which is useful during the Side Quest.
[4.12] Jean Sky Diving[]
At the junction of the Long 15 and the road that winds into Goodsprings [4.05] are the remains of an old skydiving school, now overrun by a few Powder Gangers. The small plane still sits, slowly rusting into the ground. The nearest you can get to the skies is up on the roof, allowing views of the scrubland, and Bloatflies you can shoot. Inside the shack are the following items:
- Weapon Repair Kit
- Sunset Sarsaparilla Cap [56/100]
[4.17] Primm[]
Pre-War, Primm was "budget Vegas", a tiny town where Californians could go to gamble, the shortest distance between their wallets and a hole in the ground. Now it's not much of a settlement at all, poorly populated to begin with and more treacherous since the Powder Gangs broke out of prison. Wastelanders have scouted out Primm for a settlement in recent years, but even at its "prime," it was unlikely to have had a large population. To attempt to woo potential travelers along the then-freeway, two "themed" casinos where built around the exploits of two desperadoes from ancient history, and an archaic (and now highly dangerous) rollercoaster.
[4.19] Mesquite Mountains Crater[]
In the eastern foothills west of the California Sunset Drive-in [4.18], there's a Mesquite Mountains Lean-To [4.S21] an some rather ominous flecks of irradiated matter emanating from the hills behind. This is the location of an ancient crater. There are Feral Ghouls here that remain ready to kill, as well as irradiated tumbleweed. Keep to the rocks and explore further to the west, and a strange two-level shack appears through the haze. This is Hell's Motel.
Pass the fungal lower beds and enter the premises, and prepare to repel the advances of a Crazed Mister Handy. He's already put the knife to his erstwhile master Doctor Rotson, who's usually carrying Doctor's Bag on his corpse.
[4.23] Nevada Highway Patrol Station[]
The local—and long abandoned—cop shop has now been taken over by the Jackal Gang, who battle periodically with the wildlife, Ghouls and Escaped Convicts. There's excellent sniping potential if you climb on the roof of this one-story structure, but there's more to find inside.
[4.26] Jack Rabbit Springs[]
One of the most spoiled areas of this zone, the jackrabbits have long gone, but their warrens are still there, now inhabited by deviant abominations known as Centaurs, and their even more grotesque Evolved cousins. Be wary not only of their spittle, and the pools of radioactive water, but also the small Super Mutant Campfire to the east, at the top of the warrens. When you're done larking, inspect the hump with the protruding rods; a marker for a skeleton, and the following goods, then check for the Hollowed-Out Rock south of the radiation pools, on the edge of the Dry Lake.
[4.27] Mojave Outpost[]
The place where the Mojave Outpost now stands was originally a checkpoint between California and Nevada. After the war, it stood empty and vacant for well over a century. Ten years ago, the NCR Rangers and the Desert Rangers of Nevada (who have been dwindling in numbers) met at what had become known as the I-15 Mojave Outpost, to establish terms of the Ranger Unification Treaty. In its current form, Mojave Outpost serves as the link between NCR and the Mojave Wasteland.
[4.30] Nipton[]
Forces of Caesar's Legion, under the command of Vulpes Inculta, have swept around the poorly defended Camp Searchlight [6.16] to sack Nipton and kill every living creature within. Ironically, this camp had previously been terrorized by Powder Gangers, who were routing the regular population before they fell to the Machetes and bloodlust. The signs of devastation are obvious from outside this settlement; black smoke rises from the town, corpses are strewn on pyres, and victims crucified to telephone poles.
Bark Scorpion Nipton House[]
The Legion have captured some poisonous Bark Scorpions, which are inside a cage [Average], which you can open if you want to fight them at close quarters, There are also Frag Mines here, making this a death-trap. Disarm the ones you don't step on (there's one in every room). The kitchen has a Shotgun Trap across the door, so stop and disarm the Tripwire first. Food in the fridge [Easy] and a Legionary to search, and a cabinet to open [Average]. Check the Tool Cabinet for a Note written by a hold-out from the previous mayor.
Nipton Town Hall[]
This structure is where Vulpes Inculta and his Legionaries are camped, although they're about to move back to The Fort. Search this location using the information below.
[4.32] Crescent Canyon West
[4.33] Crescent Canyon East[]
The giant crescent canyon is a wonder of nature, and now a breeding ground for Golden Geckos. At the very southern edge of the Ivanpah Dry Lake [4.34], the western edge is close to an unmarked Radscorpion Burrow [4.S26]. Descend heading south, moving from west to east, and after the initial Gecko encounter, check the fallen vehicle for a Hollowed-Out Rock and Lottery Ticket. Progress further into the canyon, and the floor becomes wet with oozing radiation, and masses of strewn barrels. Even the tumbleweed is radioactive.
[4.S04] The Dead Survivalist[]
The skeleton of a long-dead adventurer lies near the copy of Lad's Life he didn't read. There may be a dead Mercenary to search, too.
[4.S17] The Devil's Carbunkle[]
The trash ditch, once an old stream bed that runs from the Long 15, ends up in this irradiated mess. Check the garbage can, and find the following under a rusting car.
[4.S18] Trash Ditch[]
Run-off from the hills collects in a (now irradiated) pond to the east, and the old stream is now a ditch for refuse, and a path to follow to the Devil's Carbunkle.
[4.S24] Californian Exodus[]
The remains of an ancient traffic jam lead up to the Mojave Outpost [4.27]. There's little but Food and a couple of Tool Boxes to check out in the back to the containers. However, the chained explosion the vehicles make (especially if you "daisy chain" them with Frag Mines or C-4) is pointlessly impressive!
Topographical Overview[]
The undulating zone features a host of large locales, but is dominated to the north by Black Mountain, and the remains of a radar station now overrun by a Super Mutant named Tabitha. Those that seek solace in the mountains don't want to be found, as the denizens of Hidden Valley would certainly concur. Beware of Bark Scorpions in the maze-like gulch, and concentrate on investigating the larger structures south of the El Dorado Dry Lake; HELIOS One with its incredible solar panel array; the REPCONN Test Site where Ghouls and Super Mutants are waging war against one another, and there's always time to take in Dinky the Dinosaur over at Novac, where the settlers are always friendly, if a little on edge. South of Novac are less populated mountains, and a number of caves to explore; be sure you know which ones contain Geckos, and which have Deathclaws! Don't forget Primm Pass either; a great direct path to and from Zone 4. The western area has its own problems as you'll discover if you set foot inside the perimeter of the NCR Correctional Facility, where the inmates are quite literally running the asylum.
Highways and Byways
The border of this zone is perhaps the easiest to pinpoint, as it takes in the major roads and railroad in the region. To the west, the perimeter follows the route of the railroad tracks all the way from Junction 15 Railway Station to the north, down to Nipton in Zone 4. To the north is the continuation west to east of Trail 160, which meets up at the 188 Trading Post, and then continues southward down Highway 95, taking in the major sights along with way. The southern perimeter is the continuation of Trail 164 which began at the Mojave Outpost in Zone 4, and the road continues all the way to the northern edge of Camp Searchlight in Zone 6. As for the middle of this map? Aside from a second north-south road to Novac, the mountains mainly have pathways to lose yourself in, and a winding road to the tip of Black Mountain itself.
[5.01] Junction 15 Railway Station[]
This marks the unofficial spot where the rugged terrain of the Mojave desert flattens out into the New Vegas plains, and is also a good place to situate yourself to if you're following the roads and rail tracks; Long 15 winds up past the farmland to the northwest, while the REPCONN Headquarters is visible to the northeast. You're usually in mortal danger of Deathclaws advancing down the tracks from Quarry Junction though, so be ready to flee if you aren't able to deal with three or four attacking at once. The platform building is sealed up tight.
[5.02] 188 Trading Post[]
Formed after the Powder Ganger break-out down at Primm [4.17] forced traders northward, the intersection of the 95 and 93 (hence "188") is now a bustling Trading spot, catering to the NCR from Boulder City [3.32] and Hoover Dam [3.33] as well as offering good connections down the 95. Start on the eastern side of the intersection.
[5.03] El Dorado Substation[]
Taking the incredible energy from HELIOS One [5.13] and converting it into usable electricity occurs here, at the substation and adjacent transformer yard, both of which are guarded by NCR Troops that give you strict instructions not to trespass on the property. Open the Garage Door to the Substation. A terminal allows access to power areas of the Mojave Wasteland based on your alliance needs, and at the expense of NCR friendliness.
[5.04] Vault 11[]
Vault 11 was a social experiment vault to see if the residents would periodically select and kill a fellow vault dweller to avoid the threat of total vault extermination. Each year, the vault computer informed the residents that one currently living member of the vault had to be placed in a special chamber, where they would be "terminated" for the good of the vault. Failure to comply, the computer said, would result in a total and irrevocable shutdown of the vault's life support. The vault dwellers followed the instructions for decades, picking victims through numerous methods. But eventually, something changed...
An old wooden door, in close proximity to a Hollowed-Out Rock, greets those who dare enter this rocky tomb.
[5.07] Black Mountain[]
A slightly unhinged Super Mutant named Tabatha (and also Rhonda) has installed herself (with the indentured help of a Ghoul named Raul) in this mountain-top radar installation, and is broadcasting her particular brand of insanity throughout much of the Wasteland. There are two ways to reach her lair; both of which are covered in the Side Quest.
Shanty Village[]
This was once a collection of radio masts and monitoring stations. Now it is dominated by a giant crater, and badly erected shanty huts, which are empty. Keep a look-out for more Muties (expect at least three). There's a Campfire and bedding to use once the coast is clear.
Storage Building[]
In addition to being a radio personality, Tabitha is a hoarder, and this chamber is proof of it. Although the main prizes are what's contained within the two trunks (that can only be unlocked with Tabitha's Key), there's other items to scavenge beforehand, including a Star Cap on the bottom shelf with the bottles. On a table, there's Rhonda, a deactivated Mister Handy that you can reactivate [Science] for Tabitha, for a happier Quest ending.
[5.11] Hidden Valley[]
Hidden Valley is housed in the remnants of a USAF bunker near the heart of the valley. Abandoned even before the war, the area around the bunker is littered with junk. Signs on the roads and peaks leading into the valley warn that it is a USAF testing range and stretches of drooping wire fences form a pathetic barrier in post-apocalyptic times. Upon entering the outer region of the actual bunkers, surviving Prospectors have reported an eerie feeling, and four bunkers, each with an intercom and complete, almost deafening silence on the other side. Others tell of seeing armored figures exiting the Valley from within a raging sandstorm that seems to arrive every evening and stay for the night. The main entrance is from the south gates, at the end of the side road from Long 95 that passes north of the NCR Correctional Facility [5.15]. There are periodic breaks in the perimeter fence, including a large breach to the north.
[5.13] HELIOS One[]
Constructed Pre-War by Poseidon Energy, HELIOS One is a concentrated solar energy plant consisting of an enormous array of reflectors and the power plant itself (housing steam turbines and all of the machines required to transform the energy into usable electricity). The plant has been damaged extensively since the war (including recent incursions between the NCR and the remaining Brotherhood of Steel forces in the Mojave). Now, only a third of its reflectors still fully intact and able to fully rotate. To make matters worse, various issues in the plant itself make the energy transfer inefficient, meaning the plant is operating far under potential. NCR doesn't posses the scientific knowledge to get the plant in ideal shape and both the Followers of the Apocalypse and Brotherhood of Steel are reluctant to help for political reasons. Due to its fragility, Caesar has no serious interest in HELIOS One, but his troops perform occasional raids on it to keep NCR's forces spread out.
[5.14] Gibson Scrap Yard[]
Old Lady Gibson has been running this modest scrapyard for the last few years since the passing of her husband. All she has now are memories, and a collection of hounds that she dotes on. Inside the garage is where Reina and Rey stay, and Old Lady Gibson rests. There's a metal box [Average] to open, either via Bobby Pins and talent, or by acquiring Gibson's through Pickpocketing or killing her. The box contains the Thrust Control Modules; vital for a Side Quest if its active. Unless you're heartless, there's no reason to get on the bad side of Gibson. Speak to her, and she can tell you about HELIOS One, as well as Repairing your items or Trading with you; she's one of the best in the Mojave! Finally, kill Gibson to take her Unique Sawed-Off Shotgun; Big Boomer.
[5.15] NCR Correctional Facility[]
Slightly ironically, after breaking out of this very facility, which used to be operated by the NCR, the dregs of humanity known as the Powder Gangers decided to form a Faction and stay in this heavily fortified place, with plans of expansion. They already established camps outside the prison (North [5.10], South [4.15], East [5.16], and West [4.13]), but infighting between the violent and possibly Chem-addled leadership has caused splinter groups to form. The NCR is still too widely stretched by the Legion to form a force that can take back the place.
[5.17] REPCONN Test Side[]
The remains of the old REPCONN (Rocket Engineering Production Company of Nevada) test plant, along with its landmark rocket launch dome, have sat idle over the years, and are now home to Feral Ghouls who come to terrorize the inhabitants of nearby Novac [5.18]. However, within the facility, there's a prolonged stalemate going on between a band of Nightkin, devolved from Marcus' forces up at Jacobstown [1.10] and lead by a deranged man-mountain named Davidson. They are attempting to locate shipments of Stealth Boys. The (marginally) sane ghouls are led by an intelligent, messianic glowing ghoul who dreams of escaping with his followers in the plant's remaining rockets.
[5.18] Novac[]
Before the war, this community was a small hamlet built as a refueling and restroom break along Highway 95, with extra tourists coaxed in to gaze at the settlement's main attraction: Dinky, a huge metal dinosaur biting "The World's (2nd) Largest Thermometer!" Some of the locals are friendly folk, though most are distrusting of outsiders. They appreciate the protection of the NCR, but are afraid of what's going on at the REPCONN Test Site to the west. The local law, Ranger Andy, is unable to investigate due to an injury, and periodic intrusions by Ghouls and the odd Viper from the hideout down the road.
The Novac Eatery[]
Caravan Traders usually stop here for a bit to eat, although there's little to scavenge when you arrive.
Dino Dee-Lite Front Desk[]
Jeannie May Crawford heads up the front of house in the Motel, the broken sign of which is where the town takes its name. There are actually "Vacs" and for 100 Caps, you can lease a room right here, in the attached block, for as long as you like. Jeannie May is also a party of interest in Side Quest: One For My Baby. You can obtain a key to the floor safe behind the counter if you Pickpocket (or kill) her. There's a few other items in this room, too:
- Quest Item: Jeannie May's Safe Key * Cash Register Items
- Quest Item: Dino Dee-Lite Room Key * Floor Safe Items [Easy]
- First Aid Box * Quest Item: Bill of Sale
- Dinky the T-Rex Souvenir (5) * Bottle Caps (150+)
* Home Sweet Home
Ranger Andy's Bungalow[]
Andy was an exceptional Ranger, but after two nasty attacks that all but crippled him, he's stationed himself here to keep Novac protected. He has another ache; to reunite with his old Ranger buddies at Ranger Station Charlie [5.23], but he's infirm. Speak to him, and you can coax an Unarmed move out of him, and investigation of the station. Free Quests: Getting a Leg Up from Andy, and Andy and Charlie. Make sure Raul the Ghoul is with you, as part of Free Quest: Old School Ghoul.
[5.23] Ranger Station Charlie[]
Perhaps the most defendable station, this is certainly the least remote. The cluster of buildings around a ranch house have mattresses you're welcome to sleep on (Infamy permitting), as well as stand on the roof of, if you're sniping. There's some Sunglasses up here, too. Inside Comm Officer Stepinac isn't very friendly, but you can ask him about their interact with Camp McCarran [2.19], the purpose of the station (to keep the road to Novac "civilized"), and the NCR Rangers, including the one in charge; Ranger Beaumont, who is off on patrol, and isn't available. There's little in here to steal, but there's more places to seep.
[5.29] Legion Raid Camp[]
While many of the Legion responsible for the razing of Nipton headed back to Cottonwood Cove, a few remained to pillage the area, and take prisoners. Two of them, Powder Gangers now tied up at the upper campfire, are ready to be rescued (if you want to incur the wrath of Recruit Decanus and his troops). The camp itself has bedrolls and footlockers in the red tents to loot, and a lower Campfire area too.
[5.S01] Fetid Pond[]
The skeletal remains of a man who forgot to read Lad's Life, and the Magazine itself, still in reasonable shape. Check the bluff in the rocky foot hills below for a Campfire.
[5.S15] Wrecked Biker[]
A motorcyclist took a wrong turn here. However, if you pry the skull off the helmet, you have a serviceable piece of headgear.
[5.S17] Legion Camp[]
The Legion scouts are already encroaching, and looking for weaknesses in the NCR defenses.
[5.S19] Viper Gang Ambush[]
A classic ambush spot takes advantage of an old traffic accident on the gully road east of Nipton. Each side of the overturned big-rig is a traffic cone with a Frag Mine under it, and Viper Gunslingers behind rocks and on top of hills, ready to snipe and bludgeon. Wading in on the road is one plan, but a better one is to Sneak around the top of the hills and tag the foes using height to your advantage. Check the back of the big-rig container for items (including a Star Cap).
[5.S23] Astor's Recon Camp[]
The devastation radiation attack by the Legion on Camp Searchlight has pushed the surviving NCR soldiers back to a minimum safe distance. The fury and emotion is still raw, as First Sergeant Astor leads his men on patrol, and witnesses what his brothers in arms have turned into. You can help him in two Side Quests to put his men to rest, and even the score. Be sure to visit the modest camp and read First Sergeant Astor's Log; it reads as if the man blames himself, and is ready to drop.
Topographical Overview[]
The final zone is a sliver of land that begins in the northwest at El Dorado Gas & Service [6.01], and continues south and east from this point, following the boundaries of the 95 Highway, and the Colorado River itself; which can be descended into, drunk from, and investigated as there are unmarked Secondary Locations on the Arizona banks to the east. Major warring settlements of Camp Forlorn Hope [6.02] and Nelson [6.06] offer constant target practice and Quest opportunities, and as you travel farther south, the terrain becomes even more rugged. Watch your footing as you search out lonely shacks for items. The southern edge of this zone (and the Mojave Wasteland) has a number of radioactive hot-spots, including an Old Nuclear Test Site [6.23], and the recently irradiated Camp Searchlight [6.16], where NCR soldiers now roam in a more Feral state. The empty Searchlight Airport [6.26] is just south of here, but the biggest concern for the NCR is Cottonwood Cove [6.20]; a staging ground for the Legion, and a place where you can travel up-river, into Caesar's Fortification Hill itself.
Highways and Byways
To the west is the winding Highway 95, and following it north to south allows you to easily gauge where the majority of this zone is. The zone ends abruptly to the east, with cliffs down to the Colorado River; another huge landmark allowing you to easily situate yourself. Aside from a main road running from the REPCONN Test Site [5.17], through Novac [5.18] and ending up in Nelson, the major east-west road is to the south; Trail 164 cuts across all the way from the Mojave Outpost [4.27], through the troubled town of Nipton [4.30], and across Camp Searchlight to end at Cottonwood Cove. Note the lack of railroad tracks in this zone.
[6.02] Camp Forlorn Hope[]
After NCR captured Hoover Dam, it took them a while to fully reinforce the river to the south. The first camp that was established was Camp Forlorn Hope; an improvised mess of tin shacks, salvaged rubble from Boulder City, tents, and lots of sandbags, it is the most pathetic-looking of all NCR's camps, but the one that sees the most action. It only exists at all because of the natural spring there (in fact the camp is named for the spring). Recently, Caesar's Legion captured NCR's logistical/planning forces in the ruins of the small, ruined town of Nelson, a disaster that has disrupted Forlorn's Hopes attempts to patrol the western coast of the river.
Graveyard of No Hope[]
A nickname some in the camp whisper about the collection of graves of the fallen, on a two-tiered promontory behind the shacks, overlooking the Colorado River. Shoot the Bloatflies in the area for sport. Due to the height disadvantage, attack from here only if you plan to be stealthy.
[6.06] Nelson[]
Nelson was a second NCR outpost, as the Republic slowly gained ground along the Colorado River to stem the tide of the Legion's advancement across Arizona. But Caesar struck back, razing Nelson, and capturing any NCR troopers that weren't executed or shot, and crucified them as an example of barbarism; to crush the NCR morale.
[6.07] Clark Field[]
Highway 95 winds around this place, as if to escape the death and stagnation: A small power plant and nuclear storage site bombed long ago, with containment reactors slowly leaking out radiation, Clark Field now sports broken concrete and dead corpses succumbing to the poisoning or the pack of Golden Geckos that roams here. The facility itself has little to scavenge, although a fallen Pack Brahmin has spilled out a couple of Stimpaks. A skeleton near the south parking lot has some scattered Caps and ammo. But the main item of interest is on the Scavenger in the Radiation Suit on the road from Novac [5.18]. This is the late great Mr. RADical; and his Igniting Agent fuels rockets to the stars! Check out his journal to read the musings of a man a little too over-confident in the abilities of his suit.
[6.08] Techatticup Mine[]
Also known colloquially in the past as Knob Hill Mine, this hole in the ground is at the turnaround at the end of the road from Nelson, and seems to have been a dumping ground, or storage area for radioactive waste that the Legion now occasionally utilities. Along the road, you may meet Private Renolds, talking about "that bastard" Alexus; a Legion commander who's take his squad hostage. This begins Side Quest: Anywhere I Wander, but you can free (or ignore or kill) the NCR in here without running into Renolds. Check the Hollowed-Out Rock at the entrance before proceeding.
[6.12] Searchlight North Gold Mine[]
Storage Alcove[]
A Feral Trooper Ghoul is guarding this collection of bric-a-brac:
- Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Cap [89/100]
- Sunset Sarsaparilla Crate Items
- Purified Water
- Dynamite (3)
Glowing Ghoul Troopers guard this second storage area with a dead Prospector nearby.
[6.14] Wolfhorn Ranch[]
What was once a profitable Bighorner ranch has recently been abandoned, and its owner—a man named Ulysses—is nowhere to be found. Scour the place, especially the farmhouse itself (which has most of the items you want). Down at the bottom of the garden is a well and a tank with irradiated water (only sip if you're desperate), and an allotment with a few plants to pick.
[6.16] Camp Searchlight[]
As an unfortunate twist of fate would have it, a convoy of flatbed trucks transporting nuclear waste from San Onofre was passing through Searchlight when the Great War broke out. Local police directed the drivers to temporarily park their vehicles in the fire department, but no one ever came back to retrieve them. There they sat in their extremely sturdy solid steel spent fuel flasks for over 200 years. The NCR recently set up a sizable base here; but this was a major obstacle for Caesar's Legion due to its size and clear view of the surrounding desert. When it became obvious that a direct assault would not prove fruitful, Vulpes Inculta sent in some spies to learn more about the situation. After he learned about the radioactive waste being stored in the fire station, he ordered some unwitting legionaries to open the containers. Though the legionaries died almost instantly, the sacrifice produced a massive wave of death and ghoulification among NCR troops that effectively destroyed Camp Searchlight as a viable military base.
(Upper) Restrooms[]
There's a skeleton of a long-dead fireman in one of the stalls, and an extra-special Fireaxe!
[6.18] Sniper's Nest[]
Usually with a Legion Sniper inside the lean-to, this cliff-top perch offers coverage of the valley down to the Cottonwood Cove [6.20] and the river, as well as an aiming platform facing Ranger Station Echo [6.10] to the north. Pry open the locked Gun Case [Very Hard] for a very special Sniper Rifle.
[6.19] Cottonwood Overlook[]
A popular scenic overlook is now an abandoned promontory offering a good view (and sniping position) of the Legion at Cottonwood Cove below. A precariously parked big-rig with its trailer cargo of highly radioactive barrels is teetering on the edge of the north cliff. You can release the barrels, killing everyone in the camp, but only if you wish to incur the fury of Caesar!
[6.20] Cottonwood Cove[]
The largest encampment of Legion forces on the western side of the Colorado River, these Arizonan slavers have a foothold in Nevada, and use this position to bring in troops and supplies from Caesar's main base on Fortification Hill. As you approach, you can see a once-picturesque river camp, you're stopped by a Legionary explorer, who wants to know why you're here. You can:
Soon afterword, you can pass by some crucified Wastelanders, and all are beyond help. If Side Quest: Aba Daba Honeymoon or Oh My Papa are active, one of the slaves is a man named Anders who you can rescue as part of either Quest. Now enter the camp.
[6.24] Crashed Vertibird[]
A deep scar that's hidden by the remoteness of the region reveals the remains of a Vertibird bearing strange insignia. The remnant of a past war, this craft is nevertheless well-guarded by Hardened Robots. The fracas is worth it; you find a powerful prototype cannon!
[6.26] Searchlight Airport[]
The control tower of this mothballed airport can be seen as far away as Ranger Station Echo, and is just rough of Camp Searchlight and its irradiated trailer park [6.S11]. The perimeter fence is still intact, forcing you to enter and exit via the road tunnel, and collapsed tarmac. The place is teeming with Radscorpions, and the terminal building is firmly sealed, although there's a couple of trunks near the rusting planes to loot for Caps.
[6.30] Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals[]
As the Colorado River flood plain has risen, a small cluster of chalets has slowly sunk into the sand, and an old wharf (plus a boat) has vanished completely under water. The place is now overrun by around a dozen Lakelurks, so beware of their sonic attacks as you advance. Aside from the two sealed (and dry) Beach Houses, there are two waterlogged ones to inspect.
[6.S02] Wrecked Commuter[]
An ancient motorist came a cropper and his suitcase is still available to loot.
[6.S03] Dry Bones[]
Two long-dead settlers provide some potentially scavenged items.
[6.S05] NCR Ranger Checkpoint[]
Ranger Milo defends the road to prevent the Legion from razing Novac, and his checkpoint is the last line of defense between here and the doomed settlement of Nelson [6.06]. Speak to Milo for a Side Quest, and don't forget to open the footlocker for some very handy items:
- C-4 Plastic Explosive (2)
- Detonator
- Sleeping Quarters
[6.S06] Minefield[]
Cutting off the attacks between Camp Forlorn Hope and Nelson, this Minefield (of Frag Mines thought to have been placed by the Brotherhood of Steel) is a no-man's land where careless NCR Troopers lie, waiting for death. Instead of stepping on Mines, you should either avoid the area, or collect them, along with any NCR Dogtags.
[6.S07] Nelson Lookout[]
On the eastern cliffs overlooking the Colorado River, there's a lookout platform for Legionaries to communicate with forces on or across the gorge. Expect light resistance.
[6.S08] Knob Hill[]
This rarely tracked area offers exceptional views of the river. At this point there's a filled-in mine shaft that used to lead to Techatticup Mine [6.08].
[6.S09] Recon Legion Camp[]
Patrols of Legionaries in the area usually rest here (allowing you to murder them as they rest during the night), at this modest camp side of bedding and a fire.
[6.S16] Deathclaw Promontory[]
Many have attempted to purloin the riches of past victims (or the natural vegetation) in this terrifying and sprawling rocky promontory, but none have returned, due to the sizable Deathclaw population. This represents a real challenge, so prepare well before you explore here! To the southeast are two well-armed, but dead Prospectors. Sift through their corpses for some fine items:
- Caravan Cards [29/30]
- Unique Item: Remnants Power Armor [95/95]
- T-51b Power Armor
- T-51b Power Helmet
- Tri-Beam Laser Rifle
- Multiplas Rifle
[6.S17] Fallen Hiker[]
Check his duffle bag for a variety of items and a random Magazine.