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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallon's Department Store
Fo4 Fallons1Fo4 Fallons2
Company data
Founded byFallon family
Key peopleReg, General Atomics Galleria automated merchant
CountryUnited States of America
LocationsFallon's Department Store, West Roxbury
Fallon's Department Store, General Atomics Galleria, Boston

Quality and affordability[1]

Becky Fallon, Fallout 4

Fallon's was a department store chain in the pre-War United States.


Fallon's was one of the biggest brands in Massachusetts, a vast retail conglomerate with a tradition of quality and affordability. Its flagship store was located in West Roxbury, with branches across Massachusetts, including Concord, downtown Boston, and the futuristic General Atomics Galleria. The breadth of merchandise available in its stores included expensive jewelry, clothes, and other luxury goods, leading to the corporation being quite security-minded, especially after their flagship store was targeted in a heist perpetrated by Eddie Winter's crime family in 2077. The team included Rodrigo Palomar (freelance safe cracker) and Mackie (Winter associate), who targeted the store's jewelry department and real diamonds kept on display. The heist was successful, although Palomar tripped the alarm and got Mackie arrested. In the end, Fallon's was down a bag of diamonds and Winter decided to give all of the heist money to Mackie as compensation for Palomar's error.[2]

Together with the losses to shoplifters, Fallon's aggressively upgraded its security, going as far as using its clout to force the historic Faneuil Hall marketplace to install Protectron security bots. Unfortunately for them, the rushed nature of the installation led to a major security incident that killed seven, including a Fallon's cashier, and sent their profit margins through the floor.[3]

Most importantly, although most businesses collapsed after the Great War, Fallon's survived through its founders and the Fallon family. Fallon's Basement in Diamond City continues to operate even as late as 2287.[1]

Known stores[]


Signs and displays[]

Behind the scenes[]

Fallon's Department Store takes its name, history, business, and legacy from Filene's.

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Sole Survivor: "Fallon's Basement. Interesting name."
    Becky Fallon: "Yeah, it's ancient. There was a Fallon's here back even before the War. Granddad always said we had a tradition of "quality and affordability." Guess affordability got too expensive for some folks. Damn thieves. And it ain't like Diamond City Security helps."
    (Becky Fallon's dialogue)
  2. Eddie Winter holotape 8
  3. Faneuil Hall terminals#Week of 8/22