The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For other items of the same name, see Eyebot helmet.
Eyebot helmet
Eyebot Helmet
Icon eyebot helmet
DR5Item HP25
Eyebot helmet
Crow's eyebot helmet
base id0004e6a0

The eyebot helmet is a piece of headgear in Fallout 3.


After the Enclave began operations in the Capital Wasteland, the metal shells of broken down Enclave eyebot were scavenged by wastelanders and made into a rudimentary helmet.


  • During The Waters of Life quest after entering Taft Tunnels, look for a small hallway with lockers, a footlocker, and a desk. The helmet can be found sitting on top of the desk.
  • On a raider northeast of the Chryslus building near an Enclave outpost (south of the Raid Shack).
  • On another raider in the far east of the map, directly south of MPDL-16 Power Station. There's a bunch of Enclave bodies and crates scattered around; approaching them will cause a group of raiders to spawn atop a cliff to the northwest and open fire.


  • As well as the helmet, the player can also wear eye wear, such as glasses or the ghoul mask.
  • When you wear the helmet your hair disappears.
  • The eyebot helmet, when worn and when dropped, is smaller than an Enclave eyebot. It is assumed that these few helmets were created from the earlier Mark II Enclave eyebots rather than the Mark Vs that are currently patrolling the Wasteland to deliver President Eden's radio broadcasts.
  • A unique variant of this is Crow's eyebot helmet, obtainable from him by totally expanding his inventory. (Included in unmarked quest Merchant Empire.)
  • The eyebot helmet has the same voice distortion effect as power helmets when worn, suggesting that some interior electronics are still present.
  • The raiders northeast of the Chryslus Building may respawn, allowing for a infinite amount of eyebot helmets.