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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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For the matériel, see Explosive.
Fallout 3
ModifiesDamage done by Explosives, ability of handling explosive traps
Governed ByPerception
Initial Value2 + (2 x Perception) + ceil (Luck / 2)
Related PerksDemolition Expert, Pyromaniac, Little Leaguer
Fallout: New Vegas
ModifiesDamage done by Explosives, ability of handling explosive traps
Governed ByPerception
Initial Value2 + (2 x Perception) + ceil (Luck / 2)
Related PerksHeave, Ho!, Demolition Expert, Hit the Deck, Pyromaniac, Splash Damage
Related TraitsGood Natured

Explosives is a Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas skill, replacing the Traps and Throwing skills from previous games. Its governing primary statistic is Perception.

Fallout 3[]

Example: A starting Perception of 5 and Luck of 5.

Bobblehead Explosives

"The best way to solve a problem is to make it go away."

The Explosives skill governs the ability to use all mines, grenades and Explosives skill based weapons (excluding missiles and mini nukes - see Big Guns).

The higher your skill, the higher the damage you inflict. The Explosives skill also affects the distance and accuracy of a thrown bomb (e.g. frag grenade, pulse grenade etc.)

The players Explosives skill determines how close you can get to mines before it detects you, as well as how long the mine will take before it explodes. There does not appear to be a minimum Explosives skill necessary to disarm a mine, so long as you can run up and activate it fast enough.

Ways to increase Explosives[]


Affected weapons[]

Perks that require Explosives skill[]

Perk Required Level Additional Requirements
Demolition Expert 50 6 Explosives 50

Interactions that require Explosives skill[]

Specific levels of Explosives are required to disarm certain explosive-based traps.

Note: The Repair skill is used to disarm any trip wires or pressure plates associated with traps.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Example: A starting Perception of 5 and Luck of 5.

In Fallout: New Vegas, many more types of weapons fall into the Explosives category. Any weapon that was originally a big gun in Fallout 3 and used explosion type ammunition (such as the Fat Man), was moved to this category when Big Guns was removed. The rough calculation of damage is 2 points in the explosives skill equals +1 damage (e.g. +20 from Patriot's Cookbook adds +10 damage from 80–100).

Ways to increase Explosives[]


Affected weapons[]

Perks that require Explosives skill[]

Perk Required Level Additional Requirements
Heave, Ho! 30 2 Strength 5
Demolition Expert 50 6
Mad Bomber Gun Runners' ArsenalGametitle-FNV GRA 45 6 Repair 45
Grunt Honest HeartsGametitle-FNV HH 20 8 Guns 45
Pyromaniac 60 12
Hit the Deck 70 12
Splash Damage 70 12

Interactions that require Explosives skill[]


  • Explosives placed prior to temporary boosts wearing off will still retain the boosted damage bonus from the higher explosives skill when they were placed. In other words, a frag mine placed prior to a Patriot's Cookbook wearing off will inflict the same damage after those items have worn off.