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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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For an overview of plasma rifle models throughout the Fallout series, see Plasma rifle.
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Experiment 18-A
TypePlasma rifle
Damage TypeEnergy
Ammo TypePlasma cartridge
Ammo Cap.Variable
Attack RateVariable
Special Effects
Provides 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload.
Weapon Modification
Default Mods
Boosted Gamma Wave Emitter
Improved Automatic Barrel
Full Stock
Weapon VersionsPlasma rifle
Sentinel's Plasmacaster
Editor IDVariable
Base ID001f61e9

[[Category:Fallout 4 plasma rifles]]


Experiment 18-A is a unique weapon in Fallout 4.


This plasma rifle is a lightweight urban warfare weapon created as part of a desire to replace the aging Winchester P94 "Plasma Caster" design.[1] This design was produced and fielded in number prior to the Great War of October 23, 2077. This however was not the end of the design nor manufacture[2] of this weapon platform. Prior to the nuclear Armageddon REPCONN Aerospace – as a subsidiary of RobCo Industries – would successfully develop an improvement from their spaceflight research. With significantly advanced factions tinkering with the design post Armageddon.[3]

This particular urban plasma rifle was an experiment by the Institute, modified for some unknown purpose. It would later become an item for sale in the Institute's general store.[4]


This rifle uses a microfusion cell as its power source and draws plasma from a separate cartridge. When depressing the trigger a plasma toroid is produced that can remain stable under normal atmospheric conditions. This toroid is then ejected down a superconducting barrel against a given target.[5][6]

This rifle in particular has the legendary Rapid effect. Provides 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload and is guaranteed to have an improved automatic barrel attachment, a receiver providing increased damage and level II improved criticals, and a full stock Otherwise, it's an entirely level-dependent automatic plasma rifle spawn.



Name Effects Damage Fire rate Range Accuracy Weight Value Cost Perks required
Standard Standard Adhesive
2x Circuitry
2x Crystal
2x Nuclear material
4x Screw
7x Steel
Photon exciter Improved critical shot damage and accuracy +10% +10% +25% 2x Adhesive
3x Circuitry
2x Crystal
3x Nuclear material
4x Screw
7x Steel
Beta wave tuner Adds burning damage; improved range Sets targets on fire +10% +10% +10% 2x Adhesive
3x Circuitry
3x Crystal
3x Nuclear material
4x Screw
7x Steel
Boosted capacitor Improved range; reduced ammo capacity +20% -10% capacity +10% +20% 3x Adhesive
6x Circuitry
5x Crystal
5x Nuclear material
4x Screw
8x Steel
Photon agigator Superior critical shot damage; better accuracy and ammo capacity 200% critical damage modifer +20% capacity +15% +20% +20% 4x Adhesive
6x Circuitry
5x Crystal
5x Nuclear material
4x Screw
2x Silver
8x Steel
Science! 2
Gamma wave emitter Adds better burning damage; better range and ammo capacity +20% capacity +20% +20% +30% 5x Adhesive
6x Circuitry
5x Crystal
5x Nuclear material
4x Screw
3x Silver
8x Steel
Maximized capacitor Better damage +50% +20% +40% 6x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
8x Circuitry
6x Crystal
6x Nuclear material
4x Screw
Boosted photon agitator Superior critical shot damage and ammo capacity; better accuracy; improved damage +20%

200% critical damage modifer

+30% capacity +15% +30% +40% 6x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
8x Circuitry
6x Crystal
2x Gold
6x Nuclear material
4x Screw
Science! 3
Boosted gamma wave emitter Adds better burning damage; superior ammo capacity; better range; improved damage +20% +30% capacity +20% +30% +50% 7x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
8x Circuitry
6x Crystal
3x Gold
6x Nuclear material
4x Screw
Overcharged capacitor Superior damage; improved ammo capacity +70% +10% capacity +30% +60% 8x Adhesive
11x Aluminum
10x Circuitry
8x Crystal
4x Gold
8x Nuclear material
4x Screw


Name Effect Damage Fire rate Range Accuracy Weight Value Cost Perks required
Short Standard 9 x Base +20% Adhesive
Fiber optics
2x Glass
2x Screw
3x Steel
Splitter Fires multiple projectiles; improved damage; poor accuracy +3%

Fires 5 projectiles

9 x Base Shotgun +20% +10% 2x Adhesive
2x Circuitry
Fiber optics
3x Glass
4x Screw
6x Steel
Automatic Improved rate of fire, range, and sighted accuracy; worse recoil; reduced ammo capacity; poor hip-fire accuracy -35% -10% capacity 16 x Base +10% +60% +15% 2x Adhesive
3x Circuitry
4x Crystal
2x Fiber optics
5x Gear
2x Oil
5x Screw
2x Silver
8x Steel
Science! 1
Sniper Superior damage and range; worse recoil; poor ammo capacity and hip-fire accuracy +61% -70% capacity 18 x Base +10% +60% +20% 3x Adhesive
4x Circuitry
5x Crystal
3x Fiber optics
6x Screw
11x Steel
Science! 2
Flamer Flamethrower conversion Set to 12 300 capacity Set to 750 units Set to 15 +25% +35% 3x Adhesive
4x Circuitry
5x Crystal
3x Fiber optics
6x Screw
11x Steel
Science! 2
Improved short Improved damage +10% 9.5 x Base +25% +30% 4x Adhesive
3x Aluminum
3x Circuitry
4x Crystal
Fiber optics
3x Screw
4x Silver
Science! 2
Improved splitter Fires multiple projectiles; better damage; poor accuracy +13%

Fires 5 projectiles

9 x Base Shotgun +20% +35% 5x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
4x Circuitry
5x Crystal
2x Fiber optics
5x Screw
5x Silver
Science! 3
Improved automatic Superior rate of fire; improved damage, range and sighted accuracy; worse recoil; reduced ammo capacity; poor hip-fire accuracy -25% -10% capacity 16 x Base +60% +15% 6x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
3x Crystal
4x Fiber optics
6x Glass
4x Gold
2x Oil
6x Screw
6x Spring
Science! 3
Improved sniper Exceptional damage; superior range; worse recoil; poor ammo capacity and hip-fire accuracy +75% -70% capacity 18.5 x Base +10% +60% +45% 6x Adhesive
11x Aluminum
6x Circuitry
8x Crystal
6x Fiber optics
5x Gold
7x Screw
Science! 3


Name Effect Damage Fire rate Range Accuracy Weight Value Cost Perks required
Standard Standard Adhesive
2x Screw
3x Steel
Comfort Improved recoil and hip-fire accuracy +5% +5% +10% 2x Adhesive
4x Plastic
3x Steel
Standard stock Exceptional sighted accuracy; better recoil and aim with scopes; improved bash. +7% stability

-20% recoil

+40% accuracy

+30% +30% 5x Adhesive
7x Screw
11x Steel
Science! 2
Marksman's stock Exceptional sighted accuracy; superior recoil and aim with scopes; improved bash +9% stability

-25% recoil

+40% accuracy

+40% +40% 2x Adhesive
7x Plastic
5x Screw
Science! 3
Recoil compensating stock Exceptional sighted accuracy; superior recoil and aim with scopes; improved bash +7% stability

-30% recoil

+40% accuracy

+45% +50% 8x Adhesive
13x Aluminum
2x Rubber
10x Screw
8x Spring
Science! 3


Name Effect Damage Fire rate Range Accuracy Weight Value Cost Perks required
Standard Standard Adhesive
2x Steel
Short scope Improved magnification; superior sighted accuracy 4x scope

-20% stability

+20% accuracy

+20% +20% 2x Adhesive
2x Screw
3x Steel
Reflex Better focus and sighted accuracy 1.5x zoom

+15% accuracy

+10% +25% 2x Adhesive
2x Aluminum
2x Nuclear material
2x Screw
Science! 1
Medium scope Better magnification; superior sighted accuracy 6x scope

-20% stability

+20% accuracy

+25% +40% 3x Adhesive
2x Glass
2x Screw
4x Steel
Science! 2
Long scope Superior magnification and sighted accuracy 10x scope

-20% stability

+20% accuracy

+30% +50% 4x Adhesive
4x Glass
4x Screw
5x Steel
Science! 2
Short night vision Night vision; improved magnification; superior sighted accuracy 4x night vision scope

-20% stability

+20% accuracy

+20% +65% 4x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
Fiber optics
2x Glass
2x Nuclear material
2x Screw
2x Silver
Science! 3
Medium night vision Night vision; better magnification; superior sighted accuracy 6x night vision scope

-20% stability

+20% accuracy

+25% +75% 4x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
2x Fiber optics
4x Glass
4x Nuclear material
2x Screw
2x Silver
Science! 3
Long night vision Night vision; superior magnification and sighted accuracy 10x night vision scope

-20% stability

+20% accuracy

+30% +85% 5x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
3x Circuitry
2x Fiber optics
5x Glass
6x Nuclear material
6x Screw
Science! 3
Short recon Tracks targets; improved magnification; superior sighted accuracy 4x Recon scopescope

-20% stability

+20% accuracy

+35% +100% 6x Adhesive
9x Aluminum
4x Circuitry
6x Crystal
2x Fiber optics
7x Nuclear material
5x Screw
Science! 4
Long recon Tracks targets; superior magnification and sighted accuracy 10x Recon scopescope

-20% stability

+20% accuracy

+35% +100% 6x Adhesive
9x Aluminum
4x Circuitry
6x Crystal
2x Fiber optics
7x Nuclear material
5x Screw
Science! 4




  1. The cover of the Future Weapons Today periodical as seen in Fallout: New Vegas has a section prominently promoted entitled "Urban Plasma Rifles."
  2. Energy weapon forge
  3. In Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 both the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel are origins of such designs acquirable by the player character. See the variations list on the overview article.
  4. This rifle is sold by the requisition vendor.
  5. Fort Independence terminals; Research Terminal, Research Log - Plasma Rifle
  6. Research Note - Plasma rifle