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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Evergreen Mills
Fo3 Evergreen Mills
Icon settlement small
Evegreen Mills loc
Map MarkerEvergreen Mills
Cell NameEvergreenMillsCity (behemoth loc)
EvergreenMillsEast (east)
EvergreenMillsEntrance (entr.)
EvergreenMillsNorth (north)
EvergreenMillsSouth (south)
EverGreenMillsBazaar (bazaar)
EvergreenMillsFoundry (foundry)
ref id00001112 (behemoth loc)
00001113 (east)
000010e3 (entrance)
000010fe (north)
00001115 (south)
00029034 (bazaar)
0002d6ee (foundry)
0002e5e3 (northern shack)
0002e0d0 (guard house)
0002e0cf (southern shack)
Evergreen Mills map 1
Evergreen Mills map 2
Left to right: Guard shack, northern shack, southern shack
Evergreen Mills map 3
Evergreen Mills Foundry
Evergreen Mills map 4
Evergreen Mills Bazaar

Evergreen Mills is an old factory in the southwest quadrant of the Capital Wasteland just east of Smith Casey's Garage. It is inhabited by a large gang of raiders, a few captive slaves and Smiling Jack.



Evergreen Mills features a large outdoor area which is nestled in a small valley. Other than by dropping down from the valley's ledges, it can only be reached by following a set of rails which enter the valley from the east. The exterior part of the location consists of a slave pen with 3 - 4 slaves, an electrified cage containing a super mutant behemoth, as well as a series of metal shacks and train cars surrounding the factory building itself. In total, 10 - 14 raiders patrol the area and guard the rails leading into the camp. The area contains a number of traps, including frag mines near the northern entrance, and tripwires (releasing grenade bouquets) in the shacks' periphery.

The super mutant behemoth can be released from its cage by destroying the generator which powers the electrified fence (or use the switch right behind the generator to turn it off). It will then use its new-found freedom to attack everyone who is in the vicinity, be it you or the raiders. If any followers spot the behemoth, they will open the gate and charge in at it. Freed slaves will sometimes open the gate and release the behemoth as well.

The slaves can be freed from their pen by picking the lock, or by opening it with the Evergreen Mills slave pen key, one of which is carried by a raider in the vicinity of the gate. Another can be found in the guard house. When freed, the slaves will start wandering the area but never leave, claiming "We'd only die out there in the Wastes.", and asking "What's the point?".

Guard house[]

The guard house is a small shack in the northeastern part of the Evergreen Mills, reached by the walkway which crosses over the slave pen. Although devoid of any inhabitants, one of the Evergreen Mills slave pen keys can be found here, as well as a decent amount of ammunition, and a RadAway in the small crate on the top shelf directly to the right of the door when you enter. You must first move the small crate to obtain the RadAway.

Northern shack[]

The northern shack is found just north of the factory building. It is home to two raiders, who are assumed to be having sex at the time of your arrival because the male raider has no armor on and the female wears sexy sleepwear. They also run down from upstairs, where a set of discarded raider armor can be found on the nightstand. The shack contains some minor loot. There is also a workbench in the back room, with a bottlecap mine under it.

Southern shack[]

The southern shack is a small shack in the southern part of the valley and is home to a single raider.

Evergreen Mills foundry[]

The foundry is the interior of the large factory building, guarded by 6 raiders. Upon entering, a door to the west leads to Evergreen Mills bazaar. On the ground level, there are two cabins occupied by enemies, one of which holds a safe, a gun cabinet and a Nuka-Cola vending machine. A flight of stairs behind the entrance provides access to a few walkways and rooms. Two rooms on the highest level contain safes. One of these rooms also contains other loot (chems and a fat man) and has a locked door which can be opened with the storage room key found in another room on the topmost level.

There is a safe (easy) as well as 2 mine boxes and an ammunition box behind the bar on the lower level near the door to the Bazaar.

Evergreen Mills bazaar[]

Evergreen Mills bazaar is a cave complex with a bar, shop and a brothel accessed through a hole in the floor of one of the rooms of the brothel. Apart from the non-hostile Smiling Jack, 10 heavily armed raiders, with at least one carrying a missile launcher, populate the area.

Just inside the door leading from the foundry, is a room with most of the floor gone. You can climb down this hole and follow a tunnel to the main portion of the bazaar. Arranged around a central stone pillar are wooden platforms connected by a series of ramps. A passage in the Northwest corner of this central area, flanked by a pair of mannequins decorated with red lights, leads up to a raider brothel where you will be greeted by Madame (who is unnamed in the game). A few raider women, the brothel's whores, can be found locked in cells. Upon release, the women will attack the player.

When you first enter the bazaar, there is a small bar right at the entrance with two fridges behind the counter. If you jump on the shelf to the right of the fridges, you will find a small crate behind the left fridge containing a few pulse grenades. There is also a pulse grenade in the bucket on the second shelf to the left of the refrigerator.

Keep to the right-hand side of the cave and you will come to the shop of Smiling Jack (the only non-hostile raider in the area), which is in a small cave reached from the main portion of the bazaar. A small safe is built into the back of the counter. When you first walk into the area (the part with three kiosks) there is a hidden space behind the shelves on your right containing two ammunition boxes and some chems. To get there, just turn right and go between the two sets of shelves.

You can kill Smiling Jack and take his unique weapon, the Terrible Shotgun and his key, gaining access to the inventory of his shop, without losing Karma. He will also have a finger on him if you have the Lawbringer perk. If you would rather not kill him, you can reverse-pickpocket another weapon with appropriate ammunition and take all of his shotgun ammunition. If you leave the Bazaar and return, Smiling Jack will have equipped himself with the weapon you gave him, putting The Terrible Shotgun in his inventory for you to steal. You can also shoot the gun out of his hand, and pick it up if you have a low sneak skill (he goes hostile but doesn't fight you).

Notable loot[]

Evergreen Mills bazaar[]

  • Nuka-Cola Quantum - Behind the bar on the ground floor.
  • Pulse Grenade - hidden in a bucket on the shelf by the Quantum.
  • The Terrible Shotgun - Carried by Smiling Jack, obtainable by killing him or reverse-pickpocketing.
  • Bobblehead - Barter - On shelves in a cave-like depression in Smiling Jack's shop (back wall, on the right as you enter the room).
  • Nikola Tesla and You - In a holding cell in Madame's brothel, on the bottom bunk bed closest to the toilet.
  • Various alcoholic beverages on counters and stands that can be taken without stealing.

Evergreen Mills foundry[]

  • Fat Man - At the top of the stairs, inside a locked room, with an average lock. The key to this room is in a desk in the room across the hall, (the room with the radio).
  • Duck and Cover! - Next to a dead body on a ledge, above the broken terminal on the ground floor. To reach this location, the player must jump off the stairs to the ledge.
  • Nuka-grenade - On top of the workbench, in the same room as the key and the radio.

Southern shack[]


  • Inside there is an area with a stripping pole and children's toys around it, and further in there are raiders (wearing underwear) locked in jail cells. One of them has a bike, toy blocks, teddy bears and toy cars inside the cell.
  • Three Dog will continue to refer to this area as a hotbed of raider activity after all raiders are killed, even after the behemoth is killed and the slaves are freed. This may be due to the lack of a trigger (there is no official quest), or because the location will respawn raiders.
  • It is possible that Shrapnel may wander into the area in search of Flak. If he does, he will attack the behemoth and all of the raiders outside, wiping them out as he's marked essential.
  • Outside of Evergreen Mills' entrance is a stopping point for the caravan merchants, who could be killed if they wander in.
  • The raider sitting at the fireplace near the southern shack will hum, whistle, belch, and yawn at random times when rendered friendly (by mezzing and removing the slave collar) and idle. Raiders in other locations throughout the wasteland don't seem to do this.
  • Six of the raiders may respawn on the cliffs near the railroad way past the boundaries of Evergreen Mills.
  • The interior area will not respawn raiders, they will almost always spawn outside.
  • The unmarked Calverton chapel is east of the Evergreen Mills map marker (directly south of canyon entrance to compound) with some traps, minor loot, a mini nuke, and two skill books: Lying, Congressional Style and Pugilism Illustrated. A burning wastelander and a few raiders will be in the area as well.
  • If you have Broken Steel installed and have completed Take it Back!, then there will be an ambush set up in the path leading to the foundry when you next travel there, with several (empty) crates of aqua pura with a sign reading "Free Water," which when approached will cause a group of raiders to emerge and begin firing at you. Sometimes the ambush will appear with a few seconds delay and they will still attack you without you knowing.
  • For whatever reason, the behemoth is not aggressive toward his captors: If you release him from his cage without him detecting you, he'll leave his cage without attacking any of the raiders around him. This is likely to keep the behavior of the raiders and the behemoth neutral; otherwise the raiders would shoot the behemoth through his cage no matter what the player does.
  • If you have been detected, you can shoot the generator powering the behemoth's cage, which will cause it to fight raiders for you. If there are no more raiders to kill, it will turn on you.
  • On the water tower, the word "Mclean" can be seen, although it is badly damaged.
  • On occasion, there will be radscorpions emerging from the railroad. They may be used to your advantage against the raiders.


Evergreen Mills appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

The location name may have been taken from a road of the same name which runs through Loudoun County, Virginia, beginning at the west end of Washington Dulles International Airport and ending just south of Leesburg.


  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Occasionally, no slaves appear in the slave pens. To fix this, go into the foundry, then go back outside. The slaves should appear in their pens.
  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The behemoth (once released) can become trapped behind a gate and die.
  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Sometimes the behemoth may randomly appear out of its cage, with the cage doors still closed and fence electrified.
  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Non-player characters might open the behemoth's gate, even if the fence is still electrified.
  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 With Broken Steel installed, there may be crates of aqua pura at the entrance sitting next to the railroad before the main storyline has been completed.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 The slaves, once freed, will continue to run back and forth in the vicinity of Evergreen Mills. If you come back at a later time and raiders have respawned, they will not engage the slaves, and remain indifferent to them.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Standing directly in front of the entrance to the Foundry area, and crouching behind the wrecked car upon releasing the behemoth will result in the behemoth wandering back and forth between the wrecked car and it's former cage. As long as the player remains crouched behind the vehicle, the behemoth will not attack, leaving it easy prey towards the achievement/trophy The Bigger They Are....

