The home of the Eta Psi fraternity, devoted to advancing the understanding of chemistry and maintaining its position as the resident geniuses of Vault-Tec University. Pleasant, polite to a fault, and willing to help each other in studies, Etpets were classic nerds, looked down upon by every other fraternity... Until Lewis, a Nuka-Cola collector of the hardcore variety, decided that he needs funds to support his hobby/addiction: He needed funds to rent a warehouse in Morgantown to house his collection, so he contrived to create Nukashine in order to generate money... And inadvertently catapulted the Etpets to prominence among the students.[1]
Points of interest[]
Like the Psi Mu house, the Eta Psi has three floors, but is in far better shape. The basement contains the sole access point and includes a brewing station and Lewis' room - unmistakable due to the red lighting and illumination provided by his custom Nuka-Cola lamp. Upstairs is the main room, with the top floor reserved for bedrooms. Judy's terminal with the access password to Nukashine's store room is here.
Notable loot[]
Holotapes and Notes
Lewis's Personal Log: The holotape is downstairs in Lewis' Nuka-Cola-themed room.
We Need To Talk: The note is posted next to Lewis' room in the basement.
Plans and Recipes
A random plan can be found on an upstairs laundry hamper. (Possibly Plan: Light Metal Arms)
Other Loot
A mix of RobCo robotic models are available for collection on the upstairs chessboard.
VTU Jacket and Jeans: The Vault-Tec University letterman jacket and pants is on an upstairs nightstand.
Dynamic spawns
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