The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Enclave patrolman
Fo2 Enclave Patrolmen
Biography and appearance
RolePerimeter security detail
LocationControl station Enclave
Military base ruins
Enclave Patrol
Strength: 10
Perception: 7
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 8
Luck: 7
Enclave Patrol
Strength: 10
Perception: 8
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 10
Luck: 6
Derived Stats
Enclave Patrol
Hit points: 150
Armor class: 38
Action points: 9
Carry weight: 275
Unarmed damage: 0
Melee damage: 5
Sequence: 14
Healing rate: 2
Experience points: 550
Normal DT/DR: 15/55%
Laser DT/DR: 12/75%
Fire DT/DR: 16/70%
Plasma DT/DR: 15/60%
Electrical DT/DR: 15/60%
EMP DT/DR: 0/500%
Explode DT/DR: 20/65%
Enclave Patrol
Hit points: 150
Armor class: 40
Action points: 10
Carry weight: 275
Unarmed damage: 0
Melee damage: 5
Sequence: 16
Healing rate: 2
Experience points: 550
Normal DT/DR: 15/55%
Laser DT/DR: 12/75%
Fire DT/DR: 16/70%
Plasma DT/DR: 15/60%
Electrical DT/DR: 15/60%
EMP DT/DR: 0/500%
Explode DT/DR: 20/65%
Tag Skills
Enclave Patrol
Small Guns: 120%
Big Guns: 105%
Energy Weapons: 140%
Unarmed: 130%
Melee Weapons: 105%
Throwing: 100%
Enclave Patrol
Small Guns: 110%
Big Guns: 115%
Energy Weapons: 135%
Unarmed: 115%
Melee Weapons: 120%
Throwing: 100%
Proto id00000250 (Enclave Patrol)
00000251 (Enclave Patrol)

As a loyal soldier of the Enclave, I got orders to kill you. Hope you don't mind.

Enclave patrolmen are the core component of Enclave patrols around Navarro in Fallout 2.


Clad in the recognizable advanced power armor of the Enclave, patrolmen are brutal, efficient, and thoroughly deadly. Under Proposition 312, they have standing orders to eliminate all illegal aliens on Enclave territories, without exception.

They are heavily armed with various energy weapons and even heavy support armaments and are a major threat to anyone foolish enough to cross through Enclave territories.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character has no special interactions.


Icon armored vault suit
Advanced power armor (not lootable)
Assault carbine icon
Rockwell BigBazooka rocket launcher or
L30 Gatling laser or
PPK12 Gauss pistol or
Rockwell CZ57 Avenger minigun or
Glock 86 plasma pistol or
Yuma YK32 pulse pistol
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death

Notable quotes[]

  • "Now I suppose you're going to tell me you're just out looking for a water chip. Do I look dumb? Get him!"

Behind the scenes[]

Enclave patrolmen reference the main quest of Fallout.[1]


Enclave patrolmen appear only in Fallout 2.


  1. Enclave patrolman: "{204}{}{Now I suppose you're going to tell me you're just out looking for a water chip. Do I look dumb? Get him!}"
Enclave Symbol (Fallout 3)
Enclave Symbol (Fallout 3)