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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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The Enclave field terminals are a series of Enclave terminals in Fallout 3.

Enclave Field Research Terminal (Springvale power plant)[]

Note: Found at the Springvale power plant outpost on the road south of Vault 92.

*-*-*------      ENCLAVE
-----------  GOD BLESS AMERICA

Field Entry: "Mirelurk"[]


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea/Chelicerata???
Class: Merostomata / Malacostraca / ???
Order: ???
Family: ???
Genus: ???

After going to enormous lengths to procure DNA samples of hypothesized forebears, we cannot explain why ancestry evidence is present from two vastly different creatures; the Limulus polyphemus (horseshoe crab) and the Callinectes sapidus (blue crab). It's obvious that a mutation occurred, giving this creature bipedal movement and massive growth, but I cannot explain the presence of multiple subphylum markers in DNA/RNA. Given their mystifying origins, I have decided the species deserves its own classification, and have thus dubbed them "Scylla Serrata Horrendus." They can often be found in sewers and caves and should be considered hostile and very dangerous, as their chitnous shell provides excellent resistance to both firearms and hand-held weapons. They are disgusting creatures, and I cannot fathom their popularity as a food source among the citizens of the Wasteland.


> Field Entry: "Mirelurk"

Field Entry: Great American Cockroach[]


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Blattodea
Family: Blattidae
Genus: Periplaneta

The insect colloquially known as the Radroach is one of the most ubiquitous denizens of the modern American landscape. I believe it to be of the species P. Americana, the American cockroach, albeit a genome strain affected by years of exposure to heavy radiation levels. While winged, they are incapable of flight. I theorize that this is due to the evolutionary failure of the wing appendages to grow in strength commensurate to the surge in body mass. Radroach wings still seem to serve some purpose, however, in inter-species communication. Dark, damp, irradiated habitats, such as the metro tunnels, provide an ideal environment for breeding. Caution should be taken while exploring such areas, but the threat to operatives is minimal, even in great numbers.


> Field Entry: "Radroach"

Enclave Field Research Terminal (Temple of the Union)[]

Note: Found at the outpost on the hill west of the Temple of the Union.

Field Entry: Dog (feral)[]


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis

Despite extensive testing I cannot further identify the origins of this mammal. It is clearly canis familiaris but generations of mutation have caused it to become its own new breed. An educated guess would place it as Canis Lupus or possibly Canis Indica. Even with the order's characteristically thick skull, the subject's brainwaves have been mutated, and territorial aggression amplified. While domestication is still possible with some subjects, the creature should generally be considered hostile.


> Field Entry: "Wild Dog"

Field Entry: Large Scorpion[]


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Scorpiones
Family: Scorpionidae
Genus: Pandinus

Based on research, it first glance appears to be an enlarged Pandinus Imperator, but further testing is required to make a more precise identification. The subject's vesicle has mutated to match its enlarged hypodermic aculeus and the neurotoxin now acts on the potassium and calcium channels. Captive subject was hostile and should be considered a minor threat, though they could prove a problem in larger numbers. Anecdotal reports of specimens even larger than those we have observed exist, but it is likely that such reports are exaggerations.


> Field Entry: "Large Scorpion"

Field Entry: Molerat[]


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Bathyergidae

Subject most closely resembles a Heterocephalus Glaber with enlargement due to heavy radiation. While much larger in size than generational ancestors, the local variety seems to have similarly low brain function, possibly due to an exceedingly tiny brain organ. Subject's incisors show increased enamel and dentine growth, making them razor sharp. Further study reveals extremely low levels of Substance P giving this subject an incredible tolerance to pain. I will take skin samples of my next subject as I believe the lack of Substance P can be spliced and manipulated for beneficial research, but this theory requires testing in a more fitting lab.


> Field Entry: A003 "Mole Rat"


Note: Found at the outpost on the road south of Vault 92.

*-*-*------      ENCLAVE
-----------  GOD BLESS AMERICA

Field Report: PFC M.Scott[]


Field Report - Prepared by NCO J.Tuckman by audio dictation on behalf of PFC Matthew Scott. PFC Scott's voice is the only source recorded in the following text.

<<BEGIN FILE>> Sir, I encountered three Ferals on my patrol. This was somewhere around 0300 hours, I think, and it was dark, so they saw me first. I discharged my firearm four times, fatally striking two of the three. My weapon jammed before I could fire on the third target, and just then I realized it wasn't engaging. I knew our orders were to report on anything unusual, and well -- I thought that was pretty strange. He actually followed me back here on his own. We put him in the trailer with the other and he's been quiet as you like. Strangest thing I've ever seen. << END FILE>>

Orders (CO eyes only)[]


Mission Directive: Establish and enforce Enclave presence among general populace, disposal of genetic non-compliance offenders.

I. Establish constituency enforcement point at coordinates 39.138 x -77.070. Monitor civilian movement in area, and debrief superior regarding any events of notable significance or regularity.

II. Distribute purified water rations to civilians willing to submit to genetic compliance screening. Participation in screening is compulsory for all civilians, and use of force is authorized in enforcement.

III. Genetic non-compliance offenders should be detained at checkpoint.

IV. To conserve consumption of Enclave resources, detainees should be disposed of by flame only when withholding facility becomes overcrowded, or detainees become unmanageable, whichever comes first.

Enclave Field Research Terminal (silo outpost)[]

Note: Found at the silo outpost on the hill between Super-Duper Mart and Springvale, below the destroyed farm.

*-*-*------      ENCLAVE
-----------  GOD BLESS AMERICA

Field Entry: Bloatfly[]


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Tabanidae
Genus: Tabanus Linnaeus

Field observation suggests that the Bloatfly is a mutation of the Tabanus horse fly with provocative advances. These evolutionary forebears possessed neither the significant body mass, nor projectile sting of the Bloatfly. Dissection has revealed that this stinger is engorged with living pupae and neurotoxins. These projectiles are capable of incapacitating large prey on which the bloatfly and it's gestating young can freely feed. These neurotoxins are only nominally effective on humans, but can cause localized necrosis at the wound site. This observation is contrary to earlier assumptions that the Bloatfly was primarily a scavenger. The Bloatfly can be dispatched easily with light weapons, but nonetheless present a threat to field operatives, especially when encountered in numbers. They are hostile and can strike before the target is aware of its presence.


> Field Entry: "Bloatfly"

Field Entry: Brahmin[]


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Bos

The Brahmin has been encountered both in domesticated and wild varieties. They are hardy animals, and their utility has made them valuable to humans, in turn allowing these animals to reproduce in quantities beyond what they would otherwise be likely to acheive. They are commonly employed as pack animals. In addition to having two heads, dissection has revealed that these creatures have eight stomachs, but otherwise do not differ significantly from their likely ancestors of the Bovidae Family. Typically docile in demeanor, these creatures are useful as both as beasts of burden and a food source for field operatives.


> Field Entry: "Brahmin"

Field Entry: Giant Ant[]


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Genus: Camponotus

I've determined with near certainty that the aboriginal Ants are of the genus Camponotus. My best guess would be that a majority of the ants encountered are black carpenter ants (Camponotus pennsylvanicus). However, given that this particular genus consists of over a thousand different species, classification has been difficult. Prior generations of the genus were only considered a nominal threat to humans, but their social and fiercely territorial nature, combined with the greatly increased mass of current varieties has made them extraordinarily dangerous. The antennae of the ant is the primary sense organ, and soldiers report disabling this to be a successful tactic, as it sends the ant into a frenzy whereupon it attacks anything nearby, human or ant.


> Field Entry: "Giant Ant"

Enclave Field Research Terminal (Old Olney)[]

Note: Found on a noticeable undersized terminal at the outpost on the hill near Old Olney during Shock Value

*****------      ENCLAVE
-----------  GOD BLESS AMERICA

Officer's Reports[]


Our detachment established basecampQuoted verbatim, error appeared in the original sourceIcon sic outside Olney. The township's been given a wide birth, and we deployed our detainment units behind a slope to avoid being caught upwind of the deathclaw population. We're not sure if these things use pheromones or any other kind of communication, but I'm not taking a chance.


> Loading...

Official Orders[]



1. Establish a perimeter around township of Olney.

2. Verify reports of DEATHCLAW population in township and debrief superiors on your findings.

3. Acquire DEATHCLAW specimens as opportunity allows, minimizing casualties to local DEATHCLAW population and Enclave personnel.


> Loading...

Enclave Field Research Terminal: Rho Camp[]

Note: Found at Camp RHO, southwest of Canterbury Commons.

*****------      ENCLAVE
-----------  GOD BLESS AMERICA

[Read First][]



RRD-HG53-P R27-866-51


1. You have been chosen by our great President to participate in this Camp RHO experiment. We have strategically deployed you to test out our newest technology, the R76-H3-0 chip(herein referred to as the RHO Chip).

2. The RHO Chip sends out a short range signal that will allow you to freely wander this (and only this) camp under the protection of the provided armaments. It is suggested you do not remove this card for any reason as the defense systems will only recognize the person in possession of the RHO Chip.

3. Thank you for your participation, we will be retrieving you in approximately 1-9 months.


> Welcome To Rho Camp

Request Main Base Connection[]


> Function Disabled [Message 0]

Power Down Defense Grid[]


> Function Disabled [Message 0]

Enclave Field Research Terminal: Crater Camp[]

Note: Found on a terminal (Average) at Crater Camp in Bannister crater, east of Fort Bannister.

*****------      ENCLAVE
-----------  GOD BLESS AMERICA

[Read First][]


                                                RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
                                            FIELD OPERATIONS SECTOR, 76Z

RRD-HA23-P R27-954-88


1. You have been chosen by our great President to explore and collect samples at the crator located in sector 76Z.

2. The provided armaments stationed with you have proven reliable during early testing, however, should any problems arise, you are recommended to power down the defense grid using this terminal.

3. Thank you for your participation.


> Welcome To Crater Camp

Request Main Base Connection[]


> Function Disabled [Message 0]

Power Down Defense Grid[]


> Function Disabled [Message 0]

Enclave Field Research Terminal (robot repair center)[]

Note: Found on the terminal (average) in the Enclave outpost, west of the Robot repair center.



Inventory: Weapons[]

Weapon:         Type:      Serial:        
Combat Knife      SS       GSS01
10mm Pistol       SA       GSA01
Brass Knuckles    CF       GCF01
Brass Knuckles    CF       GCF02
Combat Knife      SS       GSS02
32Cal Pistol      SA       GSA02
Kitchen Knife     SS       GSS03
Board With Nail   LP       GLP01

> Loading Database...

Transient Census Data[]



Name: Sex: Serial:

Zundel, C. M GMA01
Hastings, H. M GMA02
Hastings, K. F GFA02
Bonner, J. M GMA03
Schrader, B. F GFA02
Junk Finger M GMA04
Spookia F GFA03


> Loading Database...
