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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 dialogue project
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Elliott Tercorien's dialogue
Game Information
NPCElliott Tercorien
Data FileZeta.esm
Editor IDDLC05Tercorien
Gametitle-FO3 MZ
Gametitle-FO3 MZ

Full dialogue file[]

Dialogue file table
Topic DLC05BridgeTopicElliotInitial What have you got there? Oh man, I don't know... a teleport jammer, maybe? Right, space ships have those, don't they? DLC05Bridg_DLC05BridgeTopi_000058C5_1
Topic DLC05BridgeTopicElliotInitial What have you got there? Yeah, sure. a teleport jammer. DLC05Bridg_DLC05BridgeTopi_000058C5_2
Topic DLC05BridgeTopicElliotShields How's the jammer holding? It's holding fine for now, I guess. It should help with the bastards teleporting onto the ship. DLC05Bridg_DLC05BridgeTopi_000058C6_1
Combat PowerAttack PowerAttack Take this! DLC05Conve_PowerAttack_00007BDB_1
Combat PowerAttack PowerAttack Hrrrragh! DLC05Conve_PowerAttack_00007BDC_1
Topic SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure No. No, it's not right. I am NOT just leaving them here to their fate. I couldn't do that back in Anchorage, and I am not doing it now. DLC05CryoQ_SpeechChallenge_00006E53_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLHelpAssembly I need some help in the Robot Assembly area. You in? Never was really good with those tin cans. I deal with blood and guts better than wires and gizmos. That's why I became a doctor. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLHelpAss_00003998_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLHelpCryo I need to get through the Cryo Labs. Think you can help me? What's the point? You already did a good bit of the place. Nah... I'll just stay here and guard the Engine Core. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLHelpCry_00003994_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLHelpCryo I need to get through the Cryo Labs. Think you can help me? Hmmm. Sounds like I may be of some use in there. If there are other people in stasis, I could help revive them or something. Just watch my back. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLHelpCry_00007A6A_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLHelpHangar I may need an extra gun in the Hangar Bay. Can you lend a hand? Gun? No thanks. I've spent enough time patching up the mess that guns make. I'm no killer. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLHelpHan_00003990_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLNeverMind I think you should remain in the Engineering Core for now. Okay. Whatever you think is best. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLNeverMi_0000398A_1
Combat AcceptYield AcceptYield All right, all right. Let's both calm down. DLC05Conve_AcceptYield_00007BC5_1
Combat Assault Assault Are you nuts? Watch it! DLC05Conversations_Assault_00007BCF_1
Combat Assault Assault What the...? What the hell are you doing? DLC05Conversations_Assault_00007BD0_1
Combat Attack Attack Opening fire! DLC05Conversations_Attack_00007BEE_1
Combat Attack Attack Take them down! DLC05Conversations_Attack_00007BEF_1
Combat Attack Attack Payback time! DLC05Conversations_Attack_00007BF0_1
Combat Attack Attack Come on, you bastards! DLC05Conversations_Attack_00007BF1_1
Combat Attack Attack Oh, you want some of this? DLC05Conversations_Attack_00007BF2_1
Combat Attack Attack Take this! DLC05Conversations_Attack_00007BF3_1
Combat AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Watch out! DLC05Conve_AvoidThreat_00007BE1_1
Combat AvoidThreat AvoidThreat INCOMING! DLC05Conve_AvoidThreat_00007BE2_1 yell like a soldier would
Combat AvoidThreatResponse AvoidThreatResponse Move... MOVE! DLC05Conve_AvoidThreatResp_00007BE6_1
Combat Death Death Can't... breathe... DLC05Conversations_Death_00007BC9_1
Combat Death Death No... DLC05Conversations_Death_00007BCA_1
Combat DeathResponse DeathResponse No... NO! You bastards! DLC05Conve_DeathResponse_00007C14_1
Combat DeathResponse DeathResponse Man down! DLC05Conve_DeathResponse_00007C15_1
Topic DLC05BridgeInterDoNothing Get a move on it! Yes sir. DLC05Bridg_DLC05BridgeInte_000058C8_1
Conversation DLC05BridgeTopicElliotRandom DLC05BridgeTopicElliotRandom This is just like the last time. DLC05Bridg_DLC05BridgeTopi_0000A99A_1
Conversation DLC05BridgeTopicElliotRandom DLC05BridgeTopicElliotRandom I think I'm actually getting the hang of this thing. DLC05Bridg_DLC05BridgeTopi_0000A99B_1
Conversation DLC05BridgeTopicElliotRandom DLC05BridgeTopicElliotRandom When you really look, it doesn't seem that hard at all. DLC05Bridg_DLC05BridgeTopi_0000A99C_1
Conversation DLC05ConvCargo01 DLC05ConvCargo01 Hey look, Giddyup Buttercups! All the rich kids had them. Waste of money if you ask me. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvCargo0_000099E0_1
Conversation DLC05ConvCargo02 DLC05ConvCargo02 Look, even more of them. Buttercups that is. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvCargo0_000099D2_1
Conversation DLC05ConvCargo03 DLC05ConvCargo03 OK, this is getting a little ridiculous now. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvCargo0_000099D9_1
Conversation DLC05ConvCargo04 DLC05ConvCargo04 Oh wow. I remember these posters plastered all over the place back home. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvCargo0_000099DE_1
Conversation DLC05ConvCargo05 DLC05ConvCargo05 What are they doing to the Buttercups? DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvCargo0_000099DB_1
Conversation DLC05ConvCargo06 DLC05ConvCargo06 Our situation didn't get any better by the looks of what happened here. I say we get the hell out of here. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvCargo0_000099D5_1
Conversation DLC05ConvCargo07 DLC05ConvCargo07 Well, that's one way to take out the garbage. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvCargo0_00009C78_1 Commenting on an extremely large trash chute found in the cargo hold.
Conversation DLC05ConvCargo08 DLC05ConvCargo08 Nuka-Cola! You know, they came out with this stuff called Nuka-Cola Quantum way back. Now that was some powerful stuff. I can still taste it now. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvCargo0_00009C75_1 Tercorien commenting on Nuka bottles, nuka cola machine.
Conversation DLC05ConvERoomEngine DLC05ConvERoomEngine What is that thing? DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvERoomE_000098FC_1
Conversation DLC05ConvERoomEngineGasTrap DLC05ConvERoomEngineGasTrap They're trying to gas us again. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvERoomE_000098FF_1
Conversation DLC05ConvERoomEpoxy DLC05ConvERoomEpoxy Grab some of that epoxy, our weapons could use the field repair. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvERoomE_00009905_1
Conversation DLC05ConvERoomFilthyStructures DLC05ConvERoomFilthyStructures This place is filthy. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvERoomF_00009908_1
Conversation DLC05ConvERoomFirstRoom DLC05ConvERoomFirstRoom Those guys in there look busy. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvERoomF_00009902_1
Conversation DLC05ConvERoomGasTrap DLC05ConvERoomGasTrap They're flooding the room with gas. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvERoomG_0000990B_1
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienAltResponsesLevel01 DLC05ConvTercorienAltResponsesLevel01 So they don't know who started it or who won? DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_000053EE_1
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienAltResponsesLevel01 DLC05ConvTercorienAltResponsesLevel01 Your sister's up here? Have you seen her? DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_000053EF_1
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienAltResponsesLevel02 DLC05ConvTercorienAltResponsesLevel02 Then I don't really have anything to go back to, do I? I mean, my family's gone, my friends are gone... everything I knew is gone. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_00005401_1
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienAltResponsesLevel02 DLC05ConvTercorienAltResponsesLevel02 Hey, don't worry. If she's up here, we're going to find her. Okay? DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_00005402_1
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel01 DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel01 Yeah... all the time. I was a doctor, so it was my job to try and make everyone feel better. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_0000542C_1
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel01 DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel01 I guess so. I can't believe they went ahead with the nukes. I mean, they wiped everything out! How stupid could they be? DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_0000542D_1
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel01 DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel01 Well... I just thought, ummm... we should get to know each other. I mean after all, we're watching each other's backs. So... DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_0000542E_1 nervous, meek
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel02 DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel02 Well... I mean... sometimes they're hurt so bad, there's nothing I can do. The human body is very hard to, um, hard to "fix." DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_000053F0_1 trying to reason with a child
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel02 DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel02 Join? I was forced into service. I worked in a hospital before I was in the army. They put the gun in my hand. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_000053F1_1
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel02 DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel02 Well, I just thought... DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_000053F2_1
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel03 DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel03 No, no, no. Don't worry. Nothing's going to happen to you. Everything's going to be just fine. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_00005410_1 Trying to divert subject
Conversation DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel03 DLC05ConvTercorienResponsesLevel03 Once. I had no choice. It was either him or me. I hope I never have to do it again. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTercor_00005411_1
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienCryoWeapons Do you think you can make use of that stuff you picked up in the Cryo Labs? Yeah, I think so. Before I was shipped out to Anchorage, I was trained in cryoscience. We were hoping to apply that to medicine. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_00007566_1
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienCryoWeapons Do you think you can make use of that stuff you picked up in the Cryo Labs? The compounds we used weren't that different from this cryogenic liquid. I'm pretty sure I can make us some improvised weapons from it. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_00007566_2
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienCryoWeapons Do you think you can make use of that stuff you picked up in the Cryo Labs? I'm thinking something along the lines of cryo grenades and cryo mines... I don't know yet. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_00007566_4
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienCryoWeapons Do you think you can make use of that stuff you picked up in the Cryo Labs? Check back with me in about an hour and I'll see what I can do. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_00007566_3
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienCryoWeapons Do you think you can make use of that stuff you picked up in the Cryo Labs? Were you able to come up with any cryogenic weapons? Yeah, sure did. I was able to make a few cryo grenades and cryo mines. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_00007567_1
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienCryoWeapons Do you think you can make use of that stuff you picked up in the Cryo Labs? Were you able to come up with any cryogenic weapons? I can make more, but I'll need around three more hours. Keep checking back with me and I'll tinker with it. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_00007567_2
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienCryoWeapons Do you think you can make use of that stuff you picked up in the Cryo Labs? Any more Cryo Grenades or Cryo Mines ready? Here you go. Hope you're making good use of them. If you need more, I should have a batch ready in about three hours. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_00007568_1
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienCryoWeapons Do you think you can make use of that stuff you picked up in the Cryo Labs? Any Cryo Grenades or Cryo Mines ready? Not yet. Still working on them. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_00007569_1
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienMed Do you think you'll be able to assist us medically if we need it? I'd really like to, but when I woke up on this ship for the first time all of my medical gear was gone. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_000055F5_1
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienMed Do you think you'll be able to assist us medically if we need it? I saw that the aliens on this ship have some sort of viscous stuff they slather onto wounds; some kind of biological gel. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_000055F5_2
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienMed Do you think you'll be able to assist us medically if we need it? Get me some of that, and I might be able to mess around with it, make some sort of Adapted Biogel we can use on ourselves. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_000055F5_3
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienMed Do you think you'll be able to assist us medically if we need it? Could you make me some Adapted Biogel? Sure, here you go. They should work pretty well... but watch out for side effects. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_000055F6_1
Topic DLC05ConvTLTercorienMed Do you think you'll be able to assist us medically if we need it? Could you make me some Adapted Biogel? I'm still going to need more alien biogel before I can make any more of the healing gel. DLC05Conve_DLC05ConvTLTerc_00007A65_1
Conversation DLC05CoreScene01 DLC05CoreScene01 He’s not going anywhere. Why don’t we just hold on to him, and try to negotiate? Y’know, like a hostage? DLC05CoreS_DLC05CoreScene0_00006E1A_1 about a near dying alien captive
Conversation DLC05CoreScene03 DLC05CoreScene03 I don’t know, but maybe we should... there must be something... DLC05CoreS_DLC05CoreScene0_00006E1B_1 coming up short for a good argument in his favor
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoice01 How long can they last if you revive them? I don't know for certain. I can get them on their feet and moving for maybe a few minutes at best. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C0F_2
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoice01 How long can they last if you revive them? There's no way for me to tell what the aliens have already subjected them to. I can't understand these readouts. Their pain could be horrible. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C0F_3
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoice01 How long can they last if you revive them? This technology is out of my league so I'm just going to have to improvise. It's the best I can do. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C0F_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoice02 We should just put them out of their misery. Yeah, I was considering that too. We can't let the aliens experiment on them any more. It just isn't right. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C09_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoice02 We should just put them out of their misery. But maybe we should give them a chance to fight with us. It's better to die that way than to live through years of agony. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C09_2
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoice03 We should just leave them here. It's too late for them. Well, we have to do something! We can't just leave them in there like some sort of a lab rat to get poked and prodded and cut open! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E57_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoice03 We should just leave them here. It's too late for them. We have to either let them fight and die like soldiers or at the very least put them out of their misery! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E57_2
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoice04 I think I've decided what we should do. Thanks. I'm really not sure what's best for them. What did you decide? DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E58_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoiceLeave We have an objective, soldier! We leave immediately. I... I guess you're right. Let's get the fuck out of here. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C03_1 choking back anger
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoiceMisery End it... put them out of their misery. I suppose you're right. Don't worry, they won't feel a thing. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C06_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoiceRevive Revive them and let them fight with us. Just remember they won't be alive long so we need to keep moving as fast as we can. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C01_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoiceRevive Revive them and let them fight with us. I'm going to need to watch their vitals carefully as I use the medical console to pump them full of the correct fluids and bring them back. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C01_3
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoiceRevive Revive them and let them fight with us. When I give the signal, you open the tubes with that switch. Don't open them until I tell you or the results could be unpredictable. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C01_2
Topic DLC05CryoElliotChoiceThink Let me ask you something before I decide. All right. What is it? DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C05_1
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotDontPress DLC05CryoElliotDontPress What the hell are you doing?! Don't press that! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C0B_1
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak Wait! I think that's some more of my squad! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_0000561C_1 Notices that the actors in the pods are his squad mates.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak It's Daniels and Beckett! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C10_1
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak There's got to be a way to revive them with their memories intact so they won't attack us on sight. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C11_1 Said as he runs toward a terminal and investigates.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak I think I may be able to use this medical equipment to bring them out of stasis properly. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C12_1 Scanning the terminals nearby
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak The aliens have already injected them with all sorts of compounds I don't recognize... I don't know how it will affect them when they awaken. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C13_1 Scanning more terminal screens
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak The tubes are filled with an oxygen compound to sustain them. If I just shut it down, they won't feel a thing. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C14_1 Putting the soldiers to sleep.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak That's it then. They're... they're gone. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C15_1 Choking back tears... lump in throat.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak Rest in peace men. You deserve it. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C16_1
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak Okay, let's see. This must initiate the thawing process. Blood pressure looks normal. Heart rate...normal enough. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C17_1 Monitors the squads vitals just before telling the player to open the pods
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak Whew. I hope to god this works... Open the tubes. If I did everything right, they'll still be alive. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C18_1 As he runs toward the pods he tells the player to open them
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak All right squad, listen up. I know you have no idea what's going on, but you'll just have to trust me. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C19_1 Tells the squad what they need to know
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak We were captured by the aliens... the things that grabbed us from Anchorage and now we're free. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C1A_1 Tells the squad what they need to know
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak Here, take these weapons and follow me. Let's show them what some motivated U.S. soldiers can do! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C1B_1 Tells the squad what they need to know
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak On me, squad! Let's go! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C1C_1 Tells the squad to take action
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak DLC05CryoElliotFoundSquadSpeak Okay. Lets put these guys to use. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C1D_1 Says this when returning to follow the player.
Topic DLC05CryoElliotGreet01 DLC05CryoElliotGreet01 I don't know what to do. These guys are the last of my squad... they're my friends. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C04_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotGreet01 DLC05CryoElliotGreet01 If I revive them maybe they could help us. I'm not sure they'll last very long, but if we leave them... you saw what the aliens did to the others... DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C04_2
Topic DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer I had no choice... I.. I had to do it. You saw. They would have killed us. Damn it! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006DAD_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer Why couldn't you just wait before you opened their pods? If you don't trust me enough to listen to me, why did you drag me down here with you? DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006DAD_2
Topic DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer Ah forget it. It's too late now. They're dead and there's no way to bring them back. Let's get the hell out of here. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006DAD_3
Topic DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer What the hell did you do that for? There might have been a chance to save them! What the fuck is wrong with you?! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E5F_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer If you don't trust me enough to listen to me, why did you drag me down here with you? DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E5F_2
Topic DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer Ah forget it. It's too late now. They're dead and there's no way to bring them back. Let's get the hell out of here. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E5F_3
Topic DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer What the hell did you do that for? I thought we agreed to leave them alone! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_000070A8_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer What if we would have found some way to revive them safely and returned here? Then they may have had a chance! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_000070A8_2
Topic DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer DLC05CryoElliotMadAtPlayer Ah forget it. It's too late now. They're dead and there's no way to bring them back. Let's get the hell out of here. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_000070A8_3
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo What the hell are those aliens doing in there? DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00005612_1 Responding to seeing Aliens, through a window, patrolling a room and monitoring something.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo Look at all these cryogenic chambers. They must be planning to fill them all with specimens from our planet! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00005613_1 Responds after just entering a room full of cryo pods. Keep in mind he will soon enter a room with 10x this many pods.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo Is that some kind of operating room? Wait a minute... what the... no... NO! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00005614_1 Responds after looking through the window to see some aliens performing some type of procedure on some bodies on medical beds.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo That's my squad in there! What the hell are the aliens doing to them? DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00005615_1 Runs up to the glass and says this.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo You green bastards! Get your hands off them! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00005616_1 Says this as he backs up and fires at the glass.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo There has to be a way to release their containment seal! Maybe there's a button or something on this console. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00005617_1 Says this as he runs up and presses the button in front of the window.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo How do you like that, you fucks!? How's it feel to be on the other end for a change! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00005618_1 Says this as gas fills the room the aliens are in and he notices they are dying.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo Experiment on this, you sons of bitches! DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00005619_1 Says this after he enters the room and is firing at one of the dead aliens bodies. Could be something like, "For the Corps!" or something.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo Oh my god... no... I can't believe they did this to you. Why wasn't I here sooner? I could have stopped them. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_0000561A_1 Says something emotional while standing over one of his soldier's bodies.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo That's it. I'm sick of running. Let's finish these aliens off and get the hell home. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_0000561B_1 Says this as he returns to the players side.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo No... it can't be. Is this their plan? To capture THIS many people from earth? Oh my god. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_0000561D_1 Said as he enters the huge cryo warehouse.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo They're flanking us from behind. Quick, find some cover. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006C0E_1 Says this toward the end of the cryo warehouse when he notices they are coming in from behind where the player just came from.
Conversation DLC05CryoElliotSpeak DLC05Cryo So that's the generator. Now how the heck do we destroy it? DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_0000561E_1 Says this as he enters the generator room and sees the generator.
Topic DLC05CryoElliotTLLabSealed Why are we stuck inside the laboratory? I think when we opened the door to the operating room we set off some kind of containment alarm. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E54_1
Topic DLC05CryoElliotTLLabSealed Why are we stuck inside the laboratory? The room seals itself up and it looks like it's being flooded with some sort of decontamination gases. Pretty high-tech stuff. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E54_2
Topic DLC05CryoElliotTLLabSealed Why are we stuck inside the laboratory? Unless I miss my guess, it will cycle itself and unlock the doors in a little bit. We'll just have to wait it out. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E54_3
Topic DLC05CryoElliotTLLabSealed Why are we stuck inside the laboratory? How long until the laboratory unseals itself? Not sure. We'll just have to wait for the system to cycle. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoElliot_00006E55_1
Conversation DLC05CryoWeaponsFound DLC05CryoWeaponsFound Hmmm. Let me take some of this cryogenic compound back to the engine core. I might be able to make some use of it. DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoWeapon_00006E56_1
Conversation DLC05CryoWeaponsFound DLC05CryoWeaponsFound Wait just a second... DLC05CryoQ_DLC05CryoWeapon_00007242_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet01 It's okay, we're not going to hurt you... We're friends. What? I've never seen any of you before in my life. Last people I saw were... oh my god! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003982_1 sudden realization at the end (long pause before it).
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet01 It's okay, we're not going to hurt you... We're friends. Aliens! I was taken by aliens! You! You must be the aliens trying to get into my mind... well that's not gonna work! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003982_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet01 It's okay, we're not going to hurt you... We're friends. Private Elliott Tercorien, U.S. Army Medic, Serial Number 3477809. That's all I'm telling you. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003982_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet02 Your uniform... it looks familiar, but I can't place it. My what? Who the hell are you... oh my god.... wait a minute! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003997_1 sudden realization at the end
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet02 Your uniform... it looks familiar, but I can't place it. Aliens! I was taken by aliens! You! You must be the aliens trying to get into my mind... well that's not gonna work! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003997_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet02 Your uniform... it looks familiar, but I can't place it. Private Elliott Tercorien, U.S. Army Medic, Serial Number 3477809. That's all I'm telling you. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003997_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet03 You're a prisoner like the rest of us. Prisoner? Last thing I remember I was being outside our bunker and then... oh my god! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003967_1 sudden realization at the end (long pause before it).
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet03 You're a prisoner like the rest of us. Aliens! I was taken by aliens! You! You must be the aliens trying to get into my mind... well that's not gonna work! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003967_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet03 You're a prisoner like the rest of us. Private Elliott Tercorien, U.S. Army Medic, Serial Number 3477809. That's all I'm telling you. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003967_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet04 I can promise you I am not an alien. In fact, I was abducted like you. I dunno, I dunno... maybe you assumed human form. I heard they could do that... or you are human but they took over your mind! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000396F_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet04 I can promise you I am not an alien. In fact, I was abducted like you. We have no idea how limitless their powers are! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000396F_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet05 You're a doctor and you can't tell from looking at me that I'm no alien? Hey, you could be one of those little green guys in human form... or maybe you ARE human and they just took over your mind. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000398D_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet05 You're a doctor and you can't tell from looking at me that I'm no alien? We have no idea how limitless their powers are! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000398D_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet06 Do I look like an alien? Ha! That doesn't mean anything! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000396E_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet06 Do I look like an alien? You could be one of those little green guys in human form... or maybe you ARE human and they just took over your mind. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000396E_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet06 Do I look like an alien? We have no idea how limitless their powers are! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000396E_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet07 If I were with the aliens, the last thing I would have done is release you. I... I suppose so. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003983_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet07 If I were with the aliens, the last thing I would have done is release you. Look, all I want to do is get back home and back to the rest of my squad. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003983_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet07 If I were with the aliens, the last thing I would have done is release you. Wait a minute! My men... my unit! Have you seen them? DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003983_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet08 I promise you, all I want to do is get off this ship and get back home. You do? Then you're telling me the truth. Those... aliens took you too. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003966_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet08 I promise you, all I want to do is get off this ship and get back home. Look, I just want to get out of here and get back to things the way they were. Back with my guys... DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003966_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet08 I promise you, all I want to do is get off this ship and get back home. Wait a minute! My men... my unit! Have you seen them? DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003966_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet09 Fine... I'll just put you back in stasis! No! Please don't. It's horrible in there! To think I was just sitting there, frozen like that... I thought I was dead! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003975_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet09 Fine... I'll just put you back in stasis! Just help me get the hell out of this place. I want to get back home... back to my squad. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003975_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet09 Fine... I'll just put you back in stasis! Wait a minute! My men... my unit! Have you seen them? DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003975_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet10 I'm afraid not. All I've found are these people. Oh my god, I'm responsible for them and now they're lost... or dead. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003961_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet10 I'm afraid not. All I've found are these people. Please, if you mean what you say... that we're all in this together... then you've got to help me find out what happened to them! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003961_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet11 Nope. What if they're lost... or frozen like I was... or even dead? I'm responsible for them! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003972_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet11 Nope. Please, if you mean what you say... that we're all in this together... then you've got to help me find out what happened to them! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003972_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet12 My guess is the aliens had them for a snack... or worse. No... no. I'm responsible for those men. They were my team. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000398F_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet12 My guess is the aliens had them for a snack... or worse. Please, if you mean what you say... that we're all in this together... then you've got to help me find out what happened to them! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000398F_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet13 Don't worry, we ARE in this together, and I will help you. Thank you. Thanks so much. Sorry about all this... I just can't believe this is happening. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_0000396C_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet14 Just relax. Let me see what I can do. Okay... okay. Whew. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003962_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet14 Just relax. Let me see what I can do. Sorry about all this... I just can't believe this is happening. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003962_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet15 I swear, if you don't calm down, I'll stuff you back in the freezer! No, no! Don't do it... don't do it. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003979_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet15 I swear, if you don't calm down, I'll stuff you back in the freezer! It's just that this whole situation is... unbelievable. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003979_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TercorienGreet15 I swear, if you don't calm down, I'll stuff you back in the freezer! I think I need a few minutes to take a breather... DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2Tercorien_00003979_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAbducted Tell me how you were captured by these aliens. Well, it was getting dark... we had spent the day out in the trenches keeping as many of the guys alive as we could. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAbducte_00003977_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAbducted Tell me how you were captured by these aliens. Chinese had been pounding on us all day with artillery from these huge guns they had up on the mountains. It was really a mess. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAbducte_00003977_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAbducted Tell me how you were captured by these aliens. Anyway, we pitched our tents and stowed our gear to try and catch some shuteye. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAbducte_00003977_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAbducted Tell me how you were captured by these aliens. I woke up suddenly to Private Dawkins screaming... he was bathed in some kind of blue light coming from the sky. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAbducte_00003977_4
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAbducted Tell me how you were captured by these aliens. All of us just froze as he just... well... vanished. We didn't know what happened. Did the Chinese come up with some new weapon? DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAbducte_00003977_5
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAbducted Tell me how you were captured by these aliens. Moments later, all of us were in the blue light too... the rest you know. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAbducte_00003977_6
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? Isn't it obvious? They're probably using us as guinea pigs, examining our anatomy. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB99_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? Once they've figured out how to make exact copies of us, they'll send those copies back down to earth to take our places. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB99_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? When they've copied enough of us, they'll turn on us and take over the world. Come on, how can you not see that coming? DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB99_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? Maybe they're going to take over the whole planet. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB9A_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? Like, maybe they've been coming here for hundreds... no, thousands of years, waiting to hit us when we're not expecting it. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB9A_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? And then they wipe us out, and strip the planet of all its resources. I bet that's it. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB9A_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? What if this is just some horrible misunderstanding? Like, what if some radio waves got beamed into space and made it all the way to their planet. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB9B_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? Only they didn't hear the nightly news or whatever, to them it sounded like a declaration of war. So they decided to attack us first. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB9B_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? Seriously, this whole thing could totally be our fault! Do you realize that? DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB9B_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? Hmm... maybe, just maybe, they're responsible for life on earth. Like, they seeded the planet a really long time ago. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB9C_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? And they've been coming back every once in a while to check on the progress... and now they've decided they don't like how it turned out. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB9C_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TLAlienIntentions What do you think the aliens want with us? Can you imagine? They made us and now they're pissed at us! DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLAlienIn_0000AB9C_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TLBackground Can you tell me more about where you're from? Me? Well, I was a medic with the 108th Infantry Battalion stationed at Anchorage, Alaska. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLBackgro_00003971_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLBackground Can you tell me more about where you're from? I was with a squad of five other medics... our job was to patch everyone up after the Commies gunned them down. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLBackgro_00003971_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TLBackground Can you tell me more about where you're from? It was pretty bloody... nothing at all like I expected when I gave up my hospital job to enlist in the Army. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLBackgro_00003971_3
Topic DLC05MZ2TLLevelHelp You think anything in here can prove useful? Well, the cryogenics compound I found will help already, but keep your eyes open for anything else. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLLevelHe_00008AB8_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLLevelHelp You think anything in here can prove useful? I'm not sure. Some of this stuff looks way more advanced than anything I've ever seen. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLLevelHe_00008AB9_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLLevelHelp You think anything in here can prove useful? Let's keep an eye out for any kind of materials or equipment I might be able to adapt for humans. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLLevelHe_00008AB9_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TLSamurai What do you know about this Toshiro Kago guy? Where's that Kago guy? Uhh... it wasn't my turn to watch him? DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLSamurai_00007A66_1
Topic DLC05MZ2TLSamurai What do you know about this Toshiro Kago guy? Where's that Kago guy? I dunno. He was here before... DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLSamurai_00007A66_2
Topic DLC05MZ2TLSamurai What do you know about this Toshiro Kago guy? He looks like a Japanese Samurai. I guess the aliens must have plucked him up from earth a long time ago. I can't understand a word he's saying. DLC05MZ2_DLC05MZ2TLSamurai_0000ABAD_1
Conversation DLC05MZ3ExLabDeathRayLines DLC05MZ3ExLabDeathRayLines Pretty effective threat, if you ask me. DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3ExLabDeat_00005D39_1
Conversation DLC05MZ3ExLabDeathRayLines DLC05MZ3ExLabDeathRayLines Holy SHIT. What was that? DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3ExLabDeat_00005D3B_1
Conversation DLC05MZ3ExLabSceneLines DLC05MZ3ExLabSceneLines That's really something. Almost enough to make you forget we're running for our lives up here... DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3ExLabScen_000058A8_1 awed
Conversation DLC05MZ3ExLabSceneOpeningLine DLC05MZ3ExLabSceneOpeningLine Get a load of this! DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3ExLabScen_00005741_1 amazed
Topic DLC05MZ3GreetDeathRay1 What the hell was that? You think it was some sort of weapon? How the hell do I know? It sure looked like it! DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3GreetDeat_000076B3_1
Topic DLC05MZ3GreetDeathRay1 What the hell was that? You think it was some sort of weapon? That was crazy! What if they use that thing on us! DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3GreetDeat_000076B3_2
Topic DLC05MZ3GreetDeathRay1 What the hell was that? You think it was some sort of weapon? You gotta find that thing. You gotta find it and get rid of it, before something really bad happens... DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3GreetDeat_000076B3_3
Topic DLC05MZ3GreetDeathRay2 I have no idea what he said, but he sounded pretty angry. You think? What clued you in? DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3GreetDeat_0000A717_1
Topic DLC05MZ3GreetDeathRay2 I have no idea what he said, but he sounded pretty angry. It's bad enough that they're trying to kill us, but that was... What, like trying to fry the Earth or something? DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3GreetDeat_0000A717_2
Topic DLC05MZ3GreetDeathRay2 I have no idea what he said, but he sounded pretty angry. We gotta find that... Death Ray, or whatever it is... and stop it! DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3GreetDeat_0000A717_3
Topic DLC05MZ3GreetDeathRay3 We need to find out what that was, and put a stop to it. Yeah, no kidding. Wow, they've gotta be really pissed at us. DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3GreetDeat_000076BB_1
Topic DLC05MZ3GreetDeathRay3 We need to find out what that was, and put a stop to it. We better hurry up and find out how to shut that thing down. DLC05MZ3_DLC05MZ3GreetDeat_000076BB_2
Topic DLC05PostGreet1 Thanks for your help. Couldn't have done it without you. Aw, come on. We both know you could have. DLC05Post_DLC05PostGreet1_0000A98A_1
Topic DLC05PostGreet2 What will you do now? I don't know... I don't really have a place down there anymore, do I? Doesn't sound like it'd suit me very well. DLC05Post_DLC05PostGreet2_0000A985_1
Topic DLC05PostGreet2 What will you do now? I think I'll stick around here for a while. See if I can't figure out some of this technology. DLC05Post_DLC05PostGreet2_0000A985_2
Topic DLC05PostGreet3 This has been a hell of a ride, hasn't it? You think they'll ever come back? Boy, I sure hope not. But at least we know what to do with them, right? DLC05Post_DLC05PostGreet3_0000A984_1
Topic DLC05PQTLWeapon I could use some more of these alien weapons. Got any? Yep, sure thing! DLC05Post_DLC05PQTLWeapon_0000AB58_1
Topic DLC05PQTLWeapon I could use some more of these alien weapons. Got any? Here you go. DLC05Post_DLC05PQTLWeapon_0000AB59_1
Topic DLC05PQTLWeapon I could use some more of these alien weapons. Got any? Here's everything I've got. DLC05Post_DLC05PQTLWeapon_0000AB5A_1
Topic DLC05PQTLWeapon I could use some more of these alien weapons. Got any? We don't have anything else stockpiled right now. Sorry. DLC05Post_DLC05PQTLWeapon_0000AB5B_1
Topic DLC05PQTLWeapon I could use some more of these alien weapons. Got any? Sorry boss, not right now. Anything turns up, and I'll let you know. DLC05Post_DLC05PQTLWeapon_0000AB5C_1
Topic DLC05PQTLWeapon I could use some more of these alien weapons. Got any? No, but we're still checking the rest of the ship as best we can. DLC05Post_DLC05PQTLWeapon_0000AB5D_1
Topic DLC05PQTLWherePaulson Where's Paulson? He took off just after you did. Said there was no reason for him to hang around here, that he might as well go see what it was like down there. DLC05Post_DLC05PQTLWherePa_0000ABF6_1
Topic DLC05PQTLWherePaulson Where's Paulson? I wasn't about to tell him he couldn't go... DLC05Post_DLC05PQTLWherePa_0000ABF6_2
Topic DLC05TercorienHolo1 DLC05TercorienHolo1 Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit... DLC05Gener_DLC05TercorienH_0000A883_1
Topic DLC05TercorienHolo1 DLC05TercorienHolo1 DLC05Gener_DLC05TercorienH_0000A883_2 ALIEN
Topic DLC05TercorienHolo1 DLC05TercorienHolo1 Gah! Look, just let me go, okay? This is crazy, this is like batshit unbelievable crazy. I didn't do anything, I don't know what you want with me. DLC05Gener_DLC05TercorienH_0000A883_3
Topic DLC05TercorienHolo1 DLC05TercorienHolo1 Is this because of Anchorage? I swear, I didn't even want to be there, man. You've gotta believe me. DLC05Gener_DLC05TercorienH_0000A883_4
Topic DLC05TercorienHolo1 DLC05TercorienHolo1 I didn't even WANT to be out in the field! I was hoping for a job in Washington, you know? DLC05Gener_DLC05TercorienH_0000A883_5
Topic DLC05TercorienHolo1 DLC05TercorienHolo1 DLC05Gener_DLC05TercorienH_0000A883_6 ALIEN
Topic DLC05TercorienHolo1 DLC05TercorienHolo1 What? What do you want? I don't understand! Why is this happening to me?? DLC05Gener_DLC05TercorienH_0000A883_7
Topic DLC05TLBridgeDoor Why can't I use the door to get off the bridge? I bet it's a safety mechanism, designed to seal off damaged areas of the ship. At least, that's what I'd do if I were designing a spaceship. DLC05Post_DLC05TLBridgeDoo_0000ABF3_1
Combat FireExplosive FireExplosive Fire in the hole! DLC05Conve_FireExplosive_00007C8C_1
Combat Flee Flee No way I'm dying up here! DLC05Conversations_Flee_00007BD5_1
Combat Flee Flee They're not freezing me again! DLC05Conversations_Flee_00007BD6_1
Topic RCTopicPaulieAddict Did you know that Paulie Cantelli is an addict? He's totally strung out. It's going to kill him one of these days. DialogueRi_RCTopicPaulieAd_00095A92_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Yep, not like I'm going anywhere. DLC05Post_GOODBYE_0000AB68_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. We'll be here if you need us. DLC05Post_GOODBYE_0000AB69_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Be careful down there. DLC05Post_GOODBYE_0000AB6A_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. They know we're coming, so be careful. DLC05MZ3_GOODBYE_0000A72B_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. We might actually make it... DLC05MZ3_GOODBYE_0000A72C_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. I hope we can find that Death Ray before they use it again. DLC05MZ3_GOODBYE_0000A72D_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. First aliens, now Death Rays. This is like a crazy TV show. DLC05MZ3_GOODBYE_0000A72E_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Just hurry up and find us a way off of this ship before we all end up frozen again. DLC05MZ2_GOODBYE_00003984_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Sure, just watch my back and I'll watch yours. DLC05MZ2_GOODBYE_0000A62C_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Okay. Tell me if you need medical assistance. DLC05MZ2_GOODBYE_0000A62D_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Sure, sure. Don't worry. Don't worry... DLC05Conversations_GOODBYE_00005425_1 Veiled uncertainty.
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Yeah, uh... well, glad we talked. I know I feel better... ummm... ok... DLC05Conversations_GOODBYE_00005426_1 nervous meek, trail off at the end
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. It's okay, Somah. It's my problem... I'll deal with it. DLC05Conversations_GOODBYE_00005427_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Hey, I thought you should know... Someone must've hit a button during the fight just now. DLC05Post_GREETING_0000A988_1
Topic GREETING GREETING If I understood the display correctly, I think we sort of launched a homing beacon of some kind down to the surface. Landed just outside DC. DLC05Post_GREETING_0000A988_2
Topic GREETING GREETING I wouldn't mention it, except that I think... Like I said, I'm not sure... I think it's a way to get back to earth. DLC05Post_GREETING_0000A988_3
Topic GREETING GREETING Seems like there's a teleporter in the Captain's quarters... I mean, I guess they're your quarters now. DLC05Post_GREETING_0000A988_4
Topic GREETING GREETING So I guess you can go home if you want. Don't worry, I'll stick around up here and keep an eye on things. DLC05Post_GREETING_0000A988_5
Topic GREETING GREETING We did it! We really did it! DLC05Post_GREETING_0000A987_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Oh man, I can't believe it! I never thought we'd make it! DLC05Post_GREETING_0000A987_2
Topic GREETING GREETING You're the best. The absolute best. I'd be dead without you, or worse. Thank you so much. DLC05Post_GREETING_0000A987_3
Topic GREETING GREETING Need something? DLC05Post_GREETING_0000A986_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Always good to see you. DLC05Post_GREETING_0000ABA5_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I see you're still in one piece. DLC05Post_GREETING_0000ABA6_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Holy shit, did you see that? What was that thing? Some crazy alien Death Ray? DLC05MZ3_GREETING_000076C7_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Oh, great. Another dark and scary part of the ship. DLC05MZ3_GREETING_00007E21_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Well at least it's someplace different, right? DLC05MZ3_GREETING_00007E21_2
Topic GREETING GREETING You're going through that next teleporter first, right? DLC05MZ3_GREETING_0000A73E_1
Topic GREETING GREETING So we're going to follow you through that next one, huh? Okay. I'll... I'll go through last. DLC05MZ3_GREETING_0000A73F_1
Topic GREETING GREETING This is crazy, right? It's not just me? We're actually trying to escape from a spaceship? Crazy... DLC05MZ3_GREETING_00007E3F_1
Topic GREETING GREETING You know the odds of getting out of this alive are pretty small, right? I'm just saying. DLC05MZ3_GREETING_00007E40_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Just between you and me, I'm surprised at how well I'm coping. I mean, I think I'm coping. Unless I've just lost my mind already... DLC05MZ3_GREETING_00007E41_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Aliens... who'd have believed it? This is nuts. DLC05MZ3_GREETING_00007E42_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Wait, wait. I have no idea how I'm going to be of any help in this part of the ship, so I'm going to stay behind in the Engine Core. DLC05MZ2_GREETING_0000397C_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Now that all three generators are destroyed, you're going to have to take a walk outside. I just hope that old spacesuit is still sealed properly. DLC05MZ2_GREETING_00008ABF_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Hurry up taking out the last generator if you can. I don't feel comfortable staying near that giant engine core for much longer. DLC05MZ2_GREETING_00008AC0_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Hey, you're doing great... only two more generators and we can move on. Just hang in there, I know this is rough. DLC05MZ2_GREETING_00008AC1_1
Topic GREETING GREETING What's... what's going on? Who are all these people? DLC05MZ2_GREETING_00005EFF_1
Topic GREETING GREETING What's on your mind? DLC05MZ2_GREETING_0000397D_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Oh hey. What's up? DLC05MZ2_GREETING_0000A628_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Hey there... what did you need? DLC05MZ2_GREETING_0000A629_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Hey, good to see you again. DLC05Post_HELLO_0000AB54_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO I don't even want to know what it's like down there. DLC05Post_HELLO_0000AB55_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Welcome aboard. DLC05Post_HELLO_0000AB56_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Anything I can help with? DLC05Post_HELLO_0000AB57_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Are we there yet? DLC05MZ3_HELLO_0000A723_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO At least I'm still in one piece... DLC05MZ3_HELLO_0000A724_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO All right, get that suit on and get outside. The sooner we get out of here the better! DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00008ACE_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Only one more of those damn generators to go and we can get the hell out of here. DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00008ACF_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO One down! Way to go! DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00008AD0_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Huh... wha? Where am I? DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00005605_1 in a daze
Conversation HELLO HELLO I don't know about you, but I'd like to find that generator and get back to the engine core. DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00005606_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Freezing people then bringing them back to life. Amazing. DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00008AD1_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO These aliens... why are they experimenting on us? What do they want to do to us? DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00008AD2_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO If we would have had access to this kind of medical technology back on earth, so many people wouldn't have died in the war. DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00008AD3_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Oh... hi. DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00008AD4_1 in a daze
Conversation HELLO HELLO This place... it's giving me the creeps. DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00005607_1 in a daze
Conversation HELLO HELLO Gah! Don't sneak up on me like that. DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00005608_1 startled
Conversation HELLO HELLO I hope we get out of here soon. I don't know how much more of this I can take. DLC05MZ2_HELLO_00005609_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Hey there, little one. So, are your parents anywhere aboard this ship? DLC05Conversations_HELLO_00005412_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Hey Somah, can you tell me how it all ends up? You know, what happens down there? DLC05Conversations_HELLO_00005413_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Hey there, ummm... I don't mean to bother you and all... ummm... DLC05Conversations_HELLO_00005414_1 meek, nervous
Combat Hit Hit Agh, my head! DLC05Conversations_Hit_00007C00_1
Combat Hit Hit Arm's hit! DLC05Conversations_Hit_00007C01_1
Combat Hit Hit Leg's hit! DLC05Conversations_Hit_00007C02_1
Combat Hit Hit Agghhh! DLC05Conversations_Hit_00007C03_1
Combat Hit Hit Ugh! DLC05Conversations_Hit_00007C04_1
Combat Hit Hit I'm hit! DLC05Conversations_Hit_00007C05_1
Combat Pickpocket Pickpocket Hey! Keep your hands to yourself! DLC05Conve_Pickpocket_00007C0E_1
Combat Pickpocket Pickpocket Uhhh? What are you doing? DLC05Conve_Pickpocket_00007C0F_1