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Eliza journals
Fo4 note
Editor IDDLC03POI04_ElizaJournal01
Base IDxx04e97e (1)
xx04e97f (2)
xx04e980 (3)
xx04e981 (4)
xx04e982 (5)
xx04e983 (6)
xx04fae8 (7)

Eliza journals are a series of journal entries by Eliza Gibbons in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


All notes are on Greater Cranberry Island;

  • Eliza Journal 1; on the bottom shelf of metal shelves on the second story of a warehouse? in Cranberry Island docks.
  • Eliza Journal 2; on a nearly buried table in an warehouse at the Cranberry Island docks.
  • Eliza Journal 3; located on the bottom shelf next to a med kit, on the second floor of a building on Cranberry Island docks.
  • Eliza Journal 4; on the bed in a ruined house southwest of the Cranberry Island docks.
  • Eliza Journal 5; on the table in a ruined home – the one that is half in the sea – southwest of the Cranberry Island docks.
  • Eliza Journal 6; on a shelf next to a medkit in a Cranberry Island docks barn.
  • Eliza Journal 7; at the end of the platform surrounding a tree, southwest of Cranberry Island Bog.


Eliza Journal 1[]


February 15th, 2077
Grandpa Pat was yelling in his sleep tonight. He's done it before, but this time it was so loud it woke me up. I saw Mom head over to make sure he's okay. Glad she remembered her coat, it looks like it's freezing out there. I heard her talking to dad the other day about Grandpa moving in with us soon. I don't think I want him to.

Eliza Journal 2[]


March 2nd, 2077
Nathan was out by the output pipes again, over by Grandpa's. I was going to tell Mom but he saw me looking out at him when he came back to the house and told me to go back to bed. He always looks angry now. If I tell her about it he will only bully me more.

Eliza Journal 3[]


March 19th, 2077
Dad and Steven were yelling at each other when they came home from morning chores. I do not know why but I did hear Dad tell him that if he doesn't keep the pumps running "It'll mean more than just the pipes shuting down!" I wish Steven would just do his chores. I hate it when they fight.

Eliza Journal 4[]


May 21st, 2077
I got home from stacking boxes at the dock and saw that Grandpa was sitting out on the porch yelling at the sky... saying things like, "They're gonna take our farm!", "We gotta stop them from tempering with our Reels and Generators. The harvest is comin' up!" We knew something was wrong after grandma died when he started accusing Nathan of messing with the machines around the farm. But now he just complains about the government trying to shut us down.

Eliza Journal 5[]


July 23th, 2077
I wish Grandma was still around. Our family didn't argue as much and Grandpa... well. I miss her too.

Eliza Journal 6[]


August 8th, 2077
We heard Grandpa talking about those "Damned Government Goons" again. Dad tried to calm him down by telling him "The whole farm's insured. Remember? We wrote up the papers last month when we went in to finalize your Will." I asked Nathan what it meant for the farm to be 'insured' and he said I shouldn't worry about it, it just means we're safe, and that I should be more excited about what's in Grandpa's Will. I don't know what any of them are talking about...

Eliza Journal 7[]


October 22nd, 2077
We're just about to head to the mainland for a Halloween party! It's at Hayley's house in Bar Harbor. Everyone's going to be there! June, Elli, Emmi, Jade...and maybe even Gregory!
Nathan was supposed to take me but no one knows where he's at. He's been gone a lot lately... Mom's going to take me, I think. I can't wait to write in my journal tomorrow about what happened at the party!

