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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Elijah's Holomessage
Icon holotape
Editor IDNVDLC01ElijahHolomessage
Base IDxx0119dc
Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

Elijah's Holomessage is a holodisk in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money. It can be found on the terminal in the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker after completing the add-on.


If you take the message to Veronica Santangelo it will trigger unique dialogue. First talk to her about herself ("Tell me about yourself.") and ask about Father Elijah. Ask her where he is now and then ask her about a note. After that, close dialogue and open up dialogue again and a new dialogue option will appear. After talking to Veronica about this, Veronica gets the Elijah's Last Words perk, giving her a 150% increase of attack speed and a 25% chance to knock down enemies. If the Courier instead, chooses to have Veronica open it and but not watch it and return it back to the Courier, he/she will gain the Elijah's Ramblings perk which increases all melee critical hit damage by 150%


This holodisk is added to the Courier's Pip-Boy 3000 after accessing the Download Holomessage command on Father Elijah's terminal. Located on the cornered desk in the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker.



This Holomessage is locked. A label on the front reads, "For Veronica." A strange sensor mounted on the back seems to be tied to the locking mechanism.


  • Like the Marked cards, this holotape has no ingame physics so it cannot be moved by any ingame objects, except for taking it. This means whenever you drop it, it doesn't move, it stays in the place where you dropped it.