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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Early Dawn Elementary
Fo3 Early Dawn Elementary
Icon unmarked
Early Dawn Elementary loc
Map MarkerNone (nearest: GNR building plaza)
Part ofChevy Chase
QuestsFollowing in His Footsteps
Galaxy News Radio
Cell NameChevyChaseSchool
ref id0001cbf9

Early Dawn elementary school was a pre-War elementary school located in Washington, D.C., notably next to the GNR building plaza.



On October 23, 2077, half of the school's student body, along with several teachers including Carrie Delaney, Mr. Cob, Claudia and Mr. Pollack, went on a field trip to the Little Lamplight caverns. In Carrie Delaney's holotape message, the player learns they chose a good time to visit the caverns, because the bombs started falling soon after. Some of the kids in the school were the original founders of the settlement Little Lamplight.

After the War[]

Much of the building has collapsed and decayed in the two centuries after the war, and by 2277, it's little more than a burnt-out structure littered with super mutants. Otherwise, inside there are rotting school desks, educational aids lying about, and one Nuka-Cola vending machine. However, its strategic location (one of the primary access points to Galaxy News Radio) resulted in it becoming a strongpoint in the Chevy Chase area.


It is just north of the GNR building plaza in Chevy Chase. The remaining part of the school consists of a single hallway with classroom branching off in regular intervals. Super mutants have taken up positions in the school and are all over the place. The school exits to the GNR building plaza.


  • There is a poster close to the exit depicting Bert from the cold war Duck and Cover video. Like many schools in the real 1950's, this elementary school probably had many similar propaganda videos about protecting themselves when nuclear warfare occurred.


Early Dawn Elementary appears only in Fallout 3.

