A powerfully built black man, Sheriff Marion earned the respect of the people of Redding through his honesty and impartial approach to justice. He is a typical frontiersman, enforcing law and order with a deft hand and plenty of common sense. Of course, his ability to enforce the law has taken a setback lately, as a gecko decided to gnaw through his kneecap when he took a nap waiting for a caravan outside Redding. Waiting for his leg to heal properly, Sheriff Marion is looking for a deputy to help him.
He has friends in the New California Republic, especially the NCR Rangers. He firmly believes that the Republic is the best choice for Redding's future, as while New Reno is trying to enslave miners via Jet and Vault City seeks to use the city as a labor camp with second class citizens, the Republic wants Redding as a partner.
Kill Frog Morton.: A simple job: Deliver frontier justice to a gang of criminals.
Other interactions[]
The player can choose the corny "Kick ass and chew bubblegum" line (from They Live), to which the sheriff will respond by a modified quote from Wyatt Earp ("You gonna do somethin'? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed?", Tombstone). Calling the sheriff to draw will cause him to attack.