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Duty or Dishonor
Duty or Dishonor
Quest data
LocationBoston Airport
Given ByLancer-Captain Kells
RewardExperience points
Exemplar's T-60c torso
Bottle cap (0-200)
Editor IDBoSM02
Base ID0004402c
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leads to:

Duty or Dishonor is a quest that can be obtained within the Commonwealth, in Fallout 4.


Supplies are being stolen from the Brotherhood of Steel war effort, and Lancer-Captain Kells is on the war path. But is this case really so black and white?


  1. Lancer-Captain Kells will wish to speak with the Sole Survivor, and will reveal that down at the airport, food is being consistently stolen from an unknown party. Kells placed the Sole Survivor on the task as the head investigator, and as such, they will need to travel to the airport and officially launch their investigation into the food disappearances.
  2. The Sole Survivor will first need to report to Knight-Sergeant Gavil, in which he will spare both Lucia and Clarke for questioning.
  3. While Clarke will not have much to say at this time, Lucia can be convinced to open up about her friend, in which she will mention that Clarke has been acting strangely since the BoS came in and wiped the airport clean of feral ghoul life, and that he regularly sneaks off during his breaks.
  4. Alternatively, the Sole Survivor may break into Lucia's and Clarke's lockers aboard the Prydwen (their beds are on the main deck, above the infirmary), in which suspicion points towards Clarke.
  5. Using this intel, the Sole Survivor will need to stealthily follow Clarke as he goes on one of his breaks, where they will be seen entering the ruins of the airport.
  6. Attempting to follow Clarke further, the underground ruins are seen to still be infested by feral ghouls, and an optional objective will be given to clear them out entirely.
  7. As the ghouls are either fought through or sneaked past, Clarke will eventually be found on the lowest level, overseeing the generator room, which is full of feral ghouls, and have been sealed inside by a mag-door.

Dealing with Clarke[]

Once Clarke has been caught up with, he will reveal his empathetic nature towards the feral ghouls, not wishing any further harm upon them. It is further revealed that he is in fact the one stealing food from the BoS supply crates, as he has been feeding the ghouls in order to keep them from attacking the outpost above, which would lead to their destruction. At this point, the Sole Survivor may deal with the situation in a myriad of ways:

  1. The Sole Survivor may agree to lie for Clarke, in which he will remain working at the airport should they remain alive.
  2. Refuse to lie for Clarke, in which he will be imprisoned as a traitor of the BoS. He will be imprisoned at the Cambridge police station, where the option to set him free is available should the Sole Survivor side with The Railroad during the quest: Precipice of War.
  3. Clarke can be convinced to go into exile, in which he can later be found again in a random encounter out in the wastes.
  4. The Sole Survivor may complete their optional objective in killing every feral ghoul, which will require unlocking the nearby mag-door, and killing the ghouls within. Regardless of dialogue choice, even if the Sole Survivor convinces Clarke that the feral ghouls needed to be dealt with, their deaths will cause Clarke to become permanently hostile, requiring his death. However, the optional objective can be completed with your companions or by activating the protectrons down stairs as long as you do not attack them.
  5. Report back to Kells, where the Sole Survivor will be rewarded depending on whether or not Clarke turns himself in. Should Clarke be convinced to turn himself in, the Sole Survivor will be rewarded with a unique piece of t-60 power armor, along with the initial caps reward.

Quest stages[]

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Speak to Knight-Sergeant Gavil Captain Kells ordered me to investigate some missing supplies at the airport. I should report to Knight Sergeant Gavil for more information. Question Initiate Clarke Question Knight Lucia I should begin my investigation into the missing supplies by questioning the soldiers who work in the supply depot. Shadow Initiate Clarke While investigating the missing supplies, I learned that Initiate Clark has been behaving suspiciously. I should follow him and see if his actions are somehow related to the thefts. Find Initiate Clarke While investigating the missing supplies, I followed Initiate Clarke into the ruins beneath the airport terminal. What could he be doing down here? Optional: Exterminate the Ghouls While investigating the missing supplies, I followed Initiate Clarke into the ruins beneath the airport terminal. I need to confront him and demand some answers. Confront Initiate Clarke Report to Captain Kells Initiate Clarke was stealing rations to feed the ghouls in the airport ruins. I convinced him that he needed to turn himself in. Initiate Clarke was stealing rations to feed a den of feral ghouls in the ruins beneath the airport.

Fallout 4 quests