The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
FO02 NPC Duppo
Biography and appearance
RaceHuman dwarf
AffiliationNew California Republic
RoleHead of the Stockmen's Association[1]
LocationShady Sands, Downtown, Stockmen's Association Headquarters
Dialogue FileScduppo.msg
QuestsComplete brahmin drive.
SPECIALStrength: 4
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Derived StatsHit points: 65
Armor class: 6
Action points: 8
Carry weight: 125
Unarmed damage: 0
Melee damage: 1
Sequence: 10
Healing rate: 1
Experience points: 100
Normal DT/DR: 0/0%
Laser DT/DR: 0/0%
Fire DT/DR: 0/0%
Plasma DT/DR: 0/0%
Electrical DT/DR: 0/0%
EMP DT/DR: 0/500%
Explode DT/DR: 0/0%
Tag SkillsSmall Guns: 70%
Unarmed: 75%
Melee Weapons: 80%
Barter: 120%
Proto id00000150 (Shop Owner)

Well, then there's no work for you here. Countryside's a rough place. No place for weaklings, stranger.

The diminutive Duppo is one of the more important NCR residents in Fallout 2.


Apart from running the biggest shop downtown, he is also the head of the Stockmen's Association. He is a stocky fellow with a constantly flushed face and shock of thin blond hair and walks with a slight limp, a friendly demeanor[1] and an offer for those willing to work hard in brahmin driving business. Additionally, he has an illegal side venture, a casino organized in the back of his shop, right under the nose of the NCR police force (across the street from the station).

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character is a merchant. Sells: guns and general supplies
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


  • Complete brahmin drive.: The player must have completed at least one caravan escort in order to gain access to the casino. After doing so, they should ask if there are any faster ways of earning money there. Duppo will give the password to the door in return.


Icon armored vault suit
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


Duppo appears only in Fallout 2


  1. 1.0 1.1 Dupo: "{100}{}{You see a red-faced, friendly looking man.}"
    "{101}{}{It's Duppo. He runs the Stockmen's Association.}"
    "{102}{}{He's a stocky fellow and with constantly flushed face and shock of thin blond hair. He walks with a slight limp.}"