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Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Dry Wells
Dry Wells
Icon ruins
Map MarkerDry Wells
Part ofArizona
FactionsCaesar's Legion (formerly)
Twisted Hairs (formerly)
Cell NameNVDLC04NukeLegion01
ref idxx00ab7b
Gametitle-FNV LR
Gametitle-FNV LR

Dry Wells is a camp laying south along the Colorado River from Cottonwood Cove in Arizona. It is currently occupied by Caesar's Legion.

It will only be accessible to the player after completing the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road by aiming nuclear weapons at Legion territory.


Once a camp of the Twisted Hairs, Dry Wells was taken over when Vulpes Inculta (and Caesar, by proxy) betrayed the Twisted Hairs and assimilated them into Caesar's Legion. Ulysses reluctantly became a legionnaire after this event.[1]


Dry Wells consists of several burned tents scattered about the area, along with numerous ammunition boxes and weapons crates. The area stretches along a road that hugs an irradiated stretch of the river, ending in a massively irradiated, large crater. Attempting to enter the crater will cause the Courier to die instantly. The entire camp is filled with irradiated legionaries and irradiated legion explorers, along with their centurion Gaius Magnus.

Notable loot[]


  • Unlike every other location introduced through add-ons, companions can travel to Dry Wells and the Long 15 with the player. This is due to Dry Wells being in the Mojave, rather than an entirely new area (i.e., Big MT, Zion National Park, etc.)
  • The Legionaries are coded as marked men. However, rather than being actual Divide ghouls, its much more likely that the marked men race was simply reused to portray people suffering from heavy radiation poisoning and direct wounds of a nuclear detonation.
  • Killing any irradiated Legion troops will yield Legion infamy. This makes it difficult to obtain the Armor of the 87th Tribe and remain on good terms with the Legion unless the player completes Lonesome Road before receiving the Mark of Caesar from Vulpes Inculta (or Alerio, should Vulpes be dead) and thus resetting the player's reputation with Caesar's Legion to neutral.
  • Dry Wells is actually not located where it is depicted on the pip-boy. If one uses exploits to somehow get to Dry Wells before completing Lonesome Road, and nuking the legion, they will simply end up in the middle of the Colorado River.


Dry Wells appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.


  1. The Courier: "Dry Wells is destroyed - that was your birthplace?"
    Ulysses: "No, opposite of that. It's where my tribe was taken. Where another history was put to the blade, lesson taught. It is where we realized Vulpes did not approach us as equals. Where we realized the wolf had come, and we watched our history die. Now it belongs to Legion... and all the death there now belongs to them as well. Not revenge... just the way of things when you own them."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)