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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Dove Delta
Dove Delta
Icon landmark
Dove Delta loc
World map: Point Lookout
Map MarkerDove Delta
ref idxx000000
Gametitle-FO3 PL
Gametitle-FO3 PL

Dove Delta is a series of small sand bars in southwestern Point Lookout.


Dove Delta contains a number of small sand islands surrounded by water. The islands have a number of "loose dirt mounds", which can be dug up with the use of a shovel by using the action button. The islands are generally inhabited by swampfolk.

A holotape, titled "For Ozwaldo," is lying on an island with a single tree directly southwest of the small dock, just beyond the outstretched right hand of a skeleton (presumably Ozwaldo) along with his shovel. The note explains where to dig - "on the island with a single tree." There are actually two such islands: the one on which the note is found (albeit the bush could have been included in the count) and another directly south of it. On the southern of these islands lies the treasure.

Notable loot[]


  • Be aware when fast traveling to this area; directly opposite the island the player spawns on, there is a bruiser that will see the player if he moves.
  • Due to the open nature of the location, fast-traveling is not recommended for lower level players, as the swampfolk can be quite difficult to manage.


Dove Delta only appears in the Fallout 3 add-on, Point Lookout.


  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Sometimes, the player can't dig into the mounds with the shovel. (Needs confirmation on other platforms)
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Sometimes, when trying to dig while jumping or running, the player will fall as if knocked down. You will however stand up when the digging is complete.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 If you are digging and get attacked, your character may freeze, and you will be unable to move or fight at all. (After about 5–10 seconds, you are able get up and fight back)