The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Mankind-Redefined Quest FO4
TypeGoverning council
Father (—2287)
Sole Survivor (2287—) (optional)
Dissolved2287 (optional)
Notable MembersFather (Director)
Madison Li/Evan Watson (Advanced Systems)
Allie Filmore (Facilities)
Clayton Holdren (BioScience)
Evan Watson (Robotics)
Justin Ayo (SRB)
Sole Survivor (potential Director)
HeadquartersThe Institute
Relations and associations
ParentThe Institute

The Directorate is a sub-faction within the Institute consisting of all the division heads. Led by a Director, the Directorate serves as the governing body of the Institute.


The Institute allows humans to live in a clean, safe, comfortable environment, free from the strife and environmental hazards present on the surface.[1] Over the decades of isolation and development, the Institute has developed a very effective system that maximizes efficiency and promotes individual development and research. The leadership over the Institute is in the hands of the Directorate, made up of the individual heads of each division, and one specially-appointed Director.[2] The divisions of the Institute are fairly autonomous, perfectly capable of functioning without intervention. Where those divisions interact, however, problems can arise. As such, the Director is appointed to set policy, resolve disputes, and otherwise act as an intermediary.[3]


As stated above, the Directorate consists of five members: One Director and heads of each of the five divisions:

Interactions with the player character[]

  • The Directorate plays a crucial role in the Institute quest line. The player, as a prospective Director, participates in the meeting after the Battle of Bunker Hill and implements the Directorate's designs for defeating the major challenges on the surface.


The Institute Directorate appears in Fallout 4.


  1. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The Institute allows humans to live in a clean, safe, comfortable environment, free from the strife and environmental hazards that have rendered the surface nearly uninhabitable."
  2. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The Institute is ruled by a Directorate, made up of the individual heads of each division, and one specially-appointed Director."
  3. The Sole Survivor: "What would it mean to be in charge?"
    Shaun: "Most divisions of the Institute are fairly autonomous, perfectly capable of functioning without intervention. Where those divisions interact, however, problems can arise. You'd lead the Directorate in setting policy, resolving disputes, and the like. There's no question that some of the Directorate, and the Institute at large, will need reassurances about your appointment. That's why I'd like you to take charge of this latest operation. Doctor Filmore can fill you in on the details. There are hard decisions ahead. For all of us, but for you especially. I know that you'll do the right thing."
    (Shaun's dialogue)