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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Dino Dee-lite motel room
Dino Dee-Lite Hotel Room
Icon section
Novac loc
Part ofDino Dee-lite Motel, Novac
Cell NameNovacPlayersRoom
NovacMotelRoomQueen1 (Bruce Isaac's room)
NovacMotelRoomTwin1 (Daisy Whitman's room)
ref id000b8a7d
000cd3e5 (Bruce Isaac's room)
000cd3e0 (Daisy Whitman's room)
TerminalsTerminal (Manny Vargas's room)
DDL motel room loc map

The Dino Dee-lite motel room in Novac is an ownable motel room in Novac's Dino Dee-lite Motel. It can be either purchased for 100 caps, or obtained for free with a reputation of Accepted in Novac. The motel room is sold by Jeannie May Crawford. If she dies after completing the quest One For My Baby, Cliff Briscoe will offer it to you instead; he can be found at the Dino Bite gift shop during the day, or in the bungalow nearest to his shop at night.


Player room[]

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The motel room's entrance is located on the left end of the upper level of the Dino Dee-lite Motel.


A typical motel room with the basics: a bed, sofa, table and chairs, television and bedside radio. There is also an assortment of containers, including a suitcase, wooden desk, safe, cabinet and vault dressers (one of each), refrigerator, wardrobe, and footlocker. In the bathroom is a first aid box, garbage can, bathtub, toilet and sink.


  • There are numerous containers in the room, all of which are safe to store items in.
  • The bathroom's water supply is irradiated, healing a base of 5 HP for 5 rads.
  • There are also two empty footlockers under the floor of the room, one between the bed and the door to Novac, and one next to the bathroom door. You can see (and use them) only with the tcl console command.
  • The radio plays only static. The G.E.C.K. editor indicates that this is because it is tuned to "RepconRadioStation", which is the special-purpose Launch Music Station that is active only at the end of the quest Come Fly With Me at the REPCONN test site.


The Dino Dee-lite motel room appears in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Sometimes certain weapons can disappear from the footlocker in front of the bed and/or the refrigerator. It is unknown which weapons will do this, but one weapon has been noted to disappear the most is All-American.