The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki

This page presents the content of the terminals within Diamond City as is in game.

Doc Crocker's Terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is on the desk in Doctor Crocker's house. It is locked Novice.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Have a Perfect Day, Doctor Crocker!

Patient: Ann Codman[]


Beautiful Ann Codman. Well, I suppose I should say the former beautiful Ann Codman. There's only so much we can do to reverse the ravages of time, even with the miracle of Facial Reconstruction. Still, a steady customer is the best customer.

List of procedures done: Lip adjustment, Eye tuck, Nose straighten, Age mark removal (several), Lift work (various, who's counting?).

Patient: Geneva[]


Such a perfect specimen. I almost hated to work on her. Like damaging a fine portrait. Note: The smell of her hair is divine. She must use something for it. Solomon crafting soap products in addition to chems these days? I must ask him.

List of procedures done: Birth mark removal, against my protestations.

Patient: Ellie Perkins[]


The detective's secretary. Came for a consultation. Will have to follow up with her, perhaps over drinks.

Patient: Abbot[]


Now this one was a surprise. Old Abbot. Now there is a man of few words.

List of procedures done: Nasty scar across the abdomen. Rebuffed any attempts to question where it was from. Easy enough to remove for a man of my talents, however.

Scara's Terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is on the metal shelving in the corner of the first floor of the Science! Center. It is locked Master and can be unlocked with Scara's terminal key.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Professor Scara's Eyes Only

Entry 0023[]


Entry 0023

Spent the better part of the day trying to fix that aggravating noodle robot, but I can't figure out how to replace the Japanese language subroutines. Whoever wired that pile of junk did quite a shoddy job. I've already wasted three mnemonic attenuators trying to create a bypass, so I'll have to scrounge for more. At least that will lead me as far from Duff's incessant prattle as possible.

Entry 0027[]


Entry 0027

Duff continues to try my patience. For the umpteenth time, she left one of her "experiments" on top of my lab bench allowing its contents to ooze all over everything I was working on. I swear, she has it in for me. If her laboratory hadn't contained all of the gear I need for my projects, I never would have agreed to stay in the first place.

Entry 0035[]

Note: This entry is only available after xxxxx.


Entry 0035

Everyone's talking about the giant Brotherhood of Steel airship that arrived in the Commonwealth. I'm not certain why they're here, but I'm sure it has something to do with the Institute. It would be a treat to have a crack at the Brotherhood's robotics technology. Instead, I have to relegate myself to this sorry excuse for a laboratory.

Vadim and Yefim's Terminal[]

Note: This wall terminal is on the southern wall of Vadim and Yefim's room in the Dugout Inn. It is locked Novice.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
The Dugout Inn(box)

To Vadim: Please Clean Up[]



Please at least do your part of the cleaning and keep the bar tidy. Scarlett already cleans half the rooms, the tables, and the patio. I do the rest. May I remind you that I am not Mother, yes?


To Vadim: Please Lower Voice at Night[]



We are running a hotel, yes? People pay to sleep here? Is closing the bar at the same time every night not possible? Sometimes guests still hear you laughing with bar customers well into the early morning. You are anything but quiet.

At least keep it down if you insist on serving drinks at all hours.


To Vadim: Please Pay Your Bills[]



I do not mind paying bills for our business, but I am not your accountant. Every time you go shopping, you tell merchant to bill the Dugout. Then, I have to pay them off or we both lose everything. We are in this together, yes? Then why am I the only one who keeps personal finance from professional finance?





I try to talk, you brush me off. You say put what I want on the terminal and you will get to it. But then you never read what I write! Can you not understand how maddening that is? You will not even be reading this, will you? Father was right. "Heavy is the back that carries two loads."


Mayor McDonough's Terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is on the desk in Mayor McDonough's office. It is locked Novice.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Welcome Back, Mayor McDonough.


City Council Meetings[]


Note to Geneva: Clear my schedule of any Council meetings for the foreseeable future. See this note from the last session:

"The City Council Meetings are suspended for the meantime until there is an emergency. The Council expresses full confidence in the Mayor's ability to handle all city business."

Piper: Publick Occurrences Reporter[]



If she continues to press on this Institute crusade of hers, there will be consequences. We need some way to curtail the paper's popularity with the people. That poison she's selling is turning everyone against each other, and I won't have it.



Note to Geneva: Please be sure to send any couriers from Mister Ayo into my office as soon as they arrive. Also, our usual need for discretion in city affairs goes double for this matter.

Notes on City Business[]

Water Purifier[]


Security has petitioned me again about gaining control of the Water Purifier. They don't believe Sheng Kawolski is up to the task. Nonsense, I say! The boy may be young, but free enterprise is an important part of our Diamond City way of life, and I won't have him interferred with.

Yes, his concern for safety regulation is a bit... lapsed. But that can be dealt with in the usual ways.

Security Office[]


Crime across the city is manageable. Need to remind all new Security Officers to delay any investigations into kidnappings. We don't need to rouse further hysteria into the ridiculous notion that Synths are replacing our citizenry. Why, there could be a panic at a critical moment. What if Super Mutants attacked, and people were more concerned about "Who is a Synth" than protecting our city? No. This kind of talk needs to be suppressed as the sedition it really is.

Power Noodles Stand[]


Note to Geneva: Please respond to any petitioners about "fixing" Takahashi with this prepared statement.

"Takahashi is a Diamond City cultural institution, and the Mayor's Office will not be responding to any notion that he is in need of repairs. While we understand that not everyone understands him as well as a born-and-bred Diamond City resident, we cannot allow such an iconic figure of our great city to be altered in any way."

The Wall[]


Note to Geneva: My current draft of the speech. This should settle things in the minds of the people. I'm sure of it.

"Diamond City has stood united for over 150 years. And what keeps us united are two things. First, is the great green guardian behind me. The Wall. Our protector and our savior from the filth of the outside. And second, is our faith and trust in each other. The faith and trust that has given us prosperity, security, and education for every citizen.

And while the paper might point their fingers at synths and other ghost stories to drive us apart, we will not betray this sacred trust. Now I want everyone to hear these next words very carefully.

I. Am not. A Synth. I am the same flesh and blood boy who grew on these streets. Who was born in a shack just down the waterfront to Martha and Patrick McDonough. And I will not abandon my city due to the heinous allegations of the press.

God bless this city. God bless the Wall!"

House Foreclosure[]


Note to Geneva: I have been informed that the man living in the mostly abandoned West Stands has left Diamond City, and will not be returning. Please go through the usual foreclosure procedures, then put a copy of his house keys in the safe."

The following section is transcluded from Safe terminal (Fallout 4). To modify, please edit the source page.

> Safe Control[]

Note: This is the default header for the safe program.


Safe Lock Mechanism Status: Locked


> Accessing Safe Functions...

Note: This is the header once the safe is unlocked.


Safe Lock Mechanism Status: Unlocked


> Accessing Safe Functions...

Disengage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Disable..


> Accessing Safe Functions...

Engage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Enable...


> Accessing Safe Functions...

Myrna's Terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is on the desk in Myrna's house. It is locked Novice.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Synths Are Out There!

Suspected Synths[]


Mayor McDonough (was in the paper)
Ellie Perkins (obviously)
Geneva (always orders the same thing)
Arturo Rodriguez (too nice)
Abbot (too mean)
Piper (writing articles to deflect suspicion?)
Danny Sullivan (infiltrating the Security team?)
Solomon (pretends to be high all the time, I know his tricks)
Moe Cronin (only a Synth loves baseball)

Plans: Anti-Synth Movement[]


There needs to be a real movement against Synths in this city. Security is useless. No matter how many reports I file, no one ever gets arrested. Don't they know all Synths are right-handed, and always eat promptly at Noon? That's HARD evidence, and I kept very, very strict records of everyone's activities in the market.

I'm going to start hosting meetings. Just a few trusted people. We'll take back control of this city from the Synths. I'll need to screen everyone before I ask them. No matter how long it takes, I have to be sure. Anyone could be a Synth. Anyone.

Percy Maintenance Schedule[]


This is your reminder, Myrna, that Percy is due for maintenance soon. He's the only one I can really trust. A machine that KNOWS he's a machine. Why couldn't they have stopped there, huh? What's the point in making a robot that thinks it's human? Synths ARE NOT human.

Piper's Terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is on the desk in Publick Occurrences.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Publick Occurrences: Your Eyes on the Truth.

Article: The Synthetic Truth[]


Noodles. We all eat them. We all love them. And Diamond City's Power Noodles has supplied this sustenance for the past fifteen years. From the stilted mechanical cadence of Takahashi's programmed Japanese, to the fragrant steam that wafts from each bowl, to the scalding tang of each delicious mouthful - the ordering and eating of noodles is but one of many shared human experiences. Or is it?

I was struck by this very question as I sat at the counter of Power Noodles last Wednesday night, just after 5:00 pm, enjoying a dinner I had so many times before. That's when I noticed our very own Mayor McDonough sidle up to a stool, and engage in the very same ritual. Right hand extending. Mouth opening. Teeth chewing. Yes, eating noodles. The shared experience of almost every Diamond City resident.

So it must have also seemed to the residents of Diamond City nearly sixty years ago, on an uncharacteristically warm May evening in 2229, as they sat around this very same counter. But that was before the days of Takahashi and his noodles, when the bar served not noodles, but ice cold Nuka Colas, frothy beers, and stiff shots of whiskey. The barman's name was Henry, and that night, he facilitated the shared human experiences of drinking, smoking, talking and laughing. That is, until tragedy struck.

There aren't many among us who are even old enough to remember that evening - although some of the city's Ghoul residents certainly could have, had they not been forcibly removed, thanks to Mayor McDonough's anti-Ghoul decree of 2282. But there is one person among us who does remember, distinctly, the events of that evening: respected matriarch Eustace Hawthorne, who recounted her story in a Publick Occurrences exclusive interview.

"Oh, I was there all right. Sitting right at the bar, sure as you're sitting in front of me now. Twenty-two years old or so, and just looking to have a good time. I was safe behind the Wall -- we all were -- so what was the harm? And let me tell you, that Mr. Carter made it easy. He came into town earlier that day, said he was from out west somewhere. It didn't really matter. What did matter was his smile, and his laugh, and the way he'd make everyone feel at ease. That night, at the bar, we all just sort of crowded around him. Everyone wanted to exchange a word, or hear about the state of the Commonwealth. And Mr. Carter, he was all too happy to oblige. It was just so wonderful. Until it wasn't."

Eustace continued her account of that evening, and the moment when things turned sinister, and the truth about Mr. Carter was revealed.

"We'd been drinking, and carrying on, must have been three hours. Mr. Carter had four or five drinks in that time. He seemed a bit drunk, I guess, like the rest of us. Then something just sort of happened. He was smiling, but the smile sort of went from his face, all in an instant. And then his cheek started twitching, kind of funny. And I remember watching him, clear as if it happened just yesterday. He reached inside his coat, took out a revolver, and then 'Blam!' -- He shot Henry, the barman, right in the head. Didn't hesitate, didn't show any emotion -- Mr. Carter killed Henry as casually as if he were paying him for a drink. But his cheek never did stop twitching. Let me tell you, all Hell broke loose after that."

What Eustace is describing is, of course, is the infamous event known as the "Broken Mask," when the people of the Commonwealth learned for the first time that the Institute, the shadowy scientific organization responsible for the creation of combat androids, had actually succeeded in creating a model of android so advanced, it could effortlessly infiltrate human society. Unbeknownst to the people of Diamond City, the Institute had somehow evolved their androids into true synthetic humanoids. Synths.

"After he shot Henry, that Mr. Carter shot three or four other people, too. Like I said, all Hell broke loose. The guards came running, they opened fire, and Mr. Carter he kept shooting, and throwing people around left and right. Finally, those guards put him down. Seemed like they had killed a man who had flipped his lid. Gone crazy. And he lay there like a dead crazy man, sure enough. God, it was horrible. But then we saw the plastic and the metal -- this was one of them early synths, you see -- and we realized it wasn't a man at all. It was then we all knew. The Institute wasn't just 'out there.' The Institute was everywhere now. Among us."

It was never determined precisely why the synth known as Mr. Carter went on his killing spree. Some suggested he had somehow been remotely controlled by the Institute, who wanted to test his combat effectiveness. Still others felt he had simply malfunctioned (a hypothesis supported by the twitching cheek), and was never meant to kill anyone. But at that time, the "why" hardly seemed important. What mattered was that the humans of the Commonwealth had been truly infiltrated by an organization whose intentions and motives were, and still are, a complete mystery.

Which brings us to noodles. Specifically, the noodles consumed by Mayor McDonough last Wednesday night, in the same spot that Mr. Carter the synth went haywire, and mercilessly killed several people -- after spending hours sharing an experience the people of Diamond City assumed was reserved for members of the human race. They were wrong.

Are we?

Article: Moving Forward[]

Note: This article is available once xxxxx.


There is no disputing it now. Former Mayor McDonough was a Synth; an agent in the pocket of the Institute, who used his power and influence to do untold damage to Diamond City and the lives within it. Abandoned by his masters, there's no telling how many more people he would have hurt or killed had he not been stopped.

We have the truth, bitter as it is. We cannot predict how long it will take us to unravel all of McDonough's lies, to even begin to repair years of carefully orchestrated sabotage. Is the Wall truly secure? Will we ever know the fates of Diamond City's missing? Will the position of Mayor ever be entrusted to someone else?

Everyone in Diamond City, whether they would acknowledge it or not, lived in fear of the Institute striking at them. Now they have. The city is still standing. Our daily routines keep grinding away. We still work, and eat, and sleep, and hope for a better tomorrow.

Are you still afraid, Diamond City?

Article: View from the Vault, Part 1[]

Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Whenever I take a walk through Diamond City, there are so many things people tell me to be grateful for. Purified water, working lights, electricity, security. True, what we have would have been unthinkable even a few decades ago. But it's easy to forget that, even after all the progress we have made, we are still living in the shadow of the world that was. A world before the threat of radiation. Before the Super Mutant and the Feral Ghoul and the Synth.

So, as fortune often has it, I crossed paths with <Alias=Player>. Vault Dweller. A person who is experiencing the Commonwealth for the first time. What would <Alias.PronounPos=Player> fresh set of eyes say about how far we've come? Is Diamond City the "Great, Green Jewel" we have always claimed it to be?

Before we begin to answer that question, we have to know who <Alias=Player> is. Where <Alias.Pronoun=Player> comes from. To my surprise, <Alias.Pronoun=Player> did not have much to say about <Alias.PronounPos=Player> life in the Vault at all. Because <Alias.Pronoun=Player> spent all that time staring at a piece of frozen glass. Every day. For over two centuries. That's right, <alias=player> isn't just a Vault Dweller, <Alias.Pronoun=Player>'s an original Vault Dweller. <Alias.Pronoun=Player> spent <Alias.PronounPos=Player> entire time on the inside cryogenically suspended.

Continued in Part 2.

Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Whenever I take a walk through Diamond City, there are so many things people tell me to be grateful for. Purified water, working lights, electricity, security. True, what we have would have been unthinkable even a few decades ago. But it's easy to forget that, even after all the progress we have made, we are still living in the shadow of the world that was. A world before the threat of radiation. Before the Super Mutant and the Feral Ghoul and the Synth.

So, as fortune often has it, I crossed paths with <Alias=Player>. Vault Dweller. A person who is experiencing the Commonwealth for the first time. What would <Alias.PronounPos=Player> fresh set of eyes say about how far we've come? Is Diamond City the "Great, Green Jewel" we have always claimed it to be?

Before we begin to answer that question, we have to know who <Alias=Player> is. Where <Alias.Pronoun=Player> comes from. In speaking to <Alias.PronounObj=Player>, <Alias.Pronoun=Player> stressed that <Alias.PronounPos=Player> time inside the Vault was normal. But what is normal for a Vault? This reporter knows that life behind the sealed gear doors of a Vault-Tec facility is supposed to be a bastion of the old world. A preservation of life before the bombs.

Continued in Part 2.

Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Whenever I take a walk through Diamond City, there are so many things people tell me to be grateful for. Purified water, working lights, electricity, security. True, what we have would have been unthinkable even a few decades ago. But it's easy to forget that, even after all the progress we have made, we are still living in the shadow of the world that was. A world before the threat of radiation. Before the Super Mutant and the Feral Ghoul and the Synth.

So, as fortune often has it, I crossed paths with <Alias=Player>. Vault Dweller. A person who is experiencing the Commonwealth for the first time. What would <Alias.PronounPos=Player> fresh set of eyes say about how far we've come? Is Diamond City the "Great, Green Jewel" we have always claimed it to be?

Before we begin to answer that question, we have to know who <Alias=Player> is. Where <Alias.Pronoun=Player> comes from. <Alias.Pronoun=Player> began our interview joking about <Alias.PronounPos=Player> time in the Vault. "It was just me and a thousand guinea pigs. They turned... carnivorous." Of course, this reporter knows that life behind the sealed gear doors of a Vault-Tec facility is actually supposed to be a bastion of the old world. A preservation of life before the bombs.

Continued in Part 2.

Article: View from the Vault, Part 2[]

Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Continued from Part 1.

So what does <Alias=Player> have to say about seeing Diamond City for the first time?

"Honestly, seeing everyone surviving out here? Rebuilding the world? It gives me hope."

Hope. When was the last time someone in our city talked about hope who wasn't some politician fishing for points in the next election, making empty promises at the Wall? But our outsider hasn't let the cynicism of our strange world get the better of <Alias.PronounObj=Player>.

This is all the more remarkable because of the reason <Alias.Pronoun=Player> came to the Commonwealth. You see, <Alias=Player> has a son. Shaun. And even though they were in the relative safety of a Vault, someone broke in, and took Shaun from his parent, and that parent is now risking everything -- wandering through this strange and unfriendly world of ours -- in order to save Shaun from his kidnappers.

We all know the rumors and whispers that surround every missing person in Diamond City. The guilty looks we pass to mourning family members as we "thank the Wall that, this time, it wasn't us." You can end up dead in the Commonwealth for a million reasons. Why spend our time worrying about kidnappings?

Why, indeed.

Continued in Part 3.

Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Continued from Part 1.

So what does <Alias=Player> have to say about seeing Diamond City for the first time?

"You're all living in rusty shacks, killing each other, and my god, the smell..."

Painful words. So much of civilization was lost when the bombs fell, and we have rebuilt without the comfort and security of the old Vaults. However arrogant and privileged <Alias=Player>'s statement seems, we have to remember where <Alias.Pronoun=Player> came from, and what we must look like to <Alias.PronounObj=Player>.

Perhaps all this anger is really just to cover up what <Alias.Pronoun=Player>'s lost. You see, <Alias=Player> has a son. Shaun. And even though they were in the relative safety of a Vault, someone broke in, and took Shaun from his parent, and that parent is now risking everything -- wandering through this strange and unfriendly world of ours -- in order to save Shaun from his kidnappers.

We all know the rumors and whispers that surround every missing person in Diamond City. The guilty looks we pass to mourning family members as we "thank the Wall that, this time, it wasn't us." You can end up dead in the Commonwealth for a million reasons. Why spend our time worrying about kidnappings?

Why, indeed.

Continued in Part 3.

Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Continued from Part 1.

So what does <Alias=Player> have to say about seeing Diamond City for the first time?

"I've been having too much fun blowing things up to think about it."

It's important to note that <Alias=Player> was not actually blowing things up at the time, and that perhaps <Alias.Pronoun=Player> was referencing the violence that is all too common when you're travelling outside the Wall to the more dangerous parts of the Commonwealth. How curious, though, that <Alias.PronounPos=Player> first reaction to the horrors and tragedies out there would be humor?

You see, <Alias=Player> has a son. Shaun. And even though they were in the relative safety of a Vault, someone broke in, and took Shaun from his parent, and that parent is now risking everything -- wandering through this strange and unfriendly world of ours -- in order to save Shaun from his kidnappers.

We all know the rumors and whispers that surround every missing person in Diamond City. The guilty looks we pass to mourning family members as we "thank the Wall that, this time, it wasn't us." You can end up dead in the Commonwealth for a million reasons. Why spend our time worrying about kidnappings?

Why, indeed.

Continued in Part 3.

Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Continued from Part 1.

So what does <Alias=Player> have to say about seeing Diamond City for the first time?

"Can you even compare the two? The world out here? It's not even close to the one I left."

While we like to think of our city as a shining jewel, it's worth remembering that not everyone comes here by choice. Sometimes people are forced from the comforts of their homes, and as the largest settlement in the Commonwealth, this is where they end up. Most are just looking for refuge, but sometimes they come here desperately looking for something. Or someone.

You see, <Alias=Player> has a son. Shaun. And even though they were in the relative safety of a Vault, someone broke in, and took Shaun from his parent, and that parent is now risking everything -- wandering through this strange and unfriendly world of ours -- in order to save Shaun from his kidnappers.

We all know the rumors and whispers that surround every missing person in Diamond City. The guilty looks we pass to mourning family members as we "thank the Wall that, this time, it wasn't us." You can end up dead in the Commonwealth for a million reasons. Why spend our time worrying about kidnappings?

Why, indeed.

Continued in Part 3.

Article: View from the Vault, Part 3[]

Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Continued from Part 2.

It's easy for us to be cynical about the missing. We have spent so long knowing the Institute is out there, but knowing so little about them. They are not the only ones responsible for kidnappings, but the fact that they sometimes are, and the fact that we have been so powerless to stop them when they do, causes us to treat all victims of kidnappings as if they are a lost cause.

But the people left behind, those loved ones, friends, and neighbors who may never see the faces of those taken from them again, they do not have the luxury of being able to just look away. They have to carry that lost with them, even if everyone else tells them to move on and forget.

I asked <alias=Player> to make a statement to Diamond City. To give us an outsider's perspective on what it means to lose a loved one, and how <Alias.Pronoun=Player> feels. Maybe, in some way, it's how we all should feel. Maybe we've forgotten what the right, human response to these tragedies are.

"No matter how much you want to give up, don't." <Alias.PronounCap=Player> said. "You have to have hope. That you'll see them again. Or at least, that you'll know the truth."


Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Continued from Part 2.

It's easy for us to be cynical about the missing. We have spent so long knowing the Institute is out there, but knowing so little about them. They are not the only ones responsible for kidnappings, but the fact that they sometimes are, and the fact that we have been so powerless to stop them when they do, causes us to treat all victims of kidnappings as if they are a lost cause.

But the people left behind, those loved ones, friends, and neighbors who may never see the faces of those taken from them again, they do not have the luxury of being able to just look away. They have to carry that lost with them, even if everyone else tells them to move on and forget.

I asked <alias=Player> to make a statement to Diamond City. To give us an outsider's perspective on what it means to lose a loved one, and how he feels. Maybe, in some way, it's how we all should feel. Maybe we've forgotten what the right, human response to these tragedies are.

"Find who's responsible, and make them pay." <Alias.PronounCap=Player> said. "Simple as that."


Note: This variant of the article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


Continued from Part 2.

It's easy for us to be cynical about the missing. We have spent so long knowing the Institute is out there, but knowing so little about them. They are not the only ones responsible for kidnappings, but the fact that they sometimes are, and the fact that we have been so powerless to stop them when they do, causes us to treat all victims of kidnappings as if they are a lost cause.

But the people left behind, those loved ones, friends, and neighbors who may never see the faces of those taken from them again, they do not have the luxury of being able to just look away. They have to carry that lost with them, even if everyone else tells them to move on and forget.

I asked <alias=Player> to make a statement to Diamond City. To give us an outsider's perspective on what it means to lose a loved one, and how he feels. Maybe, in some way, it's how we all should feel. Maybe we've forgotten what the right, human response to these tragedies are.

"You can only take it one day at a time." <Alias.PronounCap=Player> said. "Just keep going. That's all anyone can do."


Article: Fear The Future?[]

Note: This article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


We've all succumbed to it, at one point or another. No matter how brave, or how strong we actually are, the people of the Commonwealth have known fear.

Ever since the "Broken Mask" incident of 2229, right here in Diamond City, when the first human-looking synth infiltrated and attacked a group of innocent settlers, we have lain awake in bed at night, terrified of the Institute and everything it represents.

Long have we dreaded the possibilities: Will someone I know be taken, snatched in the night for who knows what reason? Will one of my loved ones suddenly turn on me, because they are, in fact, a synth replacement? Or will the boogeyman finally step out of the closet and devour all who stand in its way?

We, the people of the Commonwealth, remember the past. We live in terror in the present. But must we also fear the future?

In an almost unthinkable series of recent events, the Institute has destroyed anyone in the Commonwealth who could conceivably stop them, including longterm player the Railroad, as well as the newly arrived Brotherhood of Steel. What's more, the shadowy, sinister organization has completed work on an advanced nuclear reactor that will provide them with nearly unlimited power for the foreseeable future. This surely means greater underground expansion, as well increased range of their teleporter technology (which, until recently, had been a closely-guarded Institute secret).

So what exactly does this mean for the Commonwealth, going forward?

"Nothing good" seems to be the consensus. In fact, most people assume the worst.

But isn't it possible these fears are unfounded? The Railroad may have opposed the Institute, but they also defended all synths - even those who would potentially infiltrate human society. And the Brotherhood's mighty airship may now lie a smoldering wreck - but was the neo-knightly order really interested in the Commonwealth's best interests anyway?

But perhaps the most compelling reason not to give up hope just yet is the fact that, if my sources are correct - and I know they are - the Institute is now under the direct influence of someone many of us have already met - the Wanderer. That lonely figure who came into our settlement searching for a missing child, and clearly found something else entirely. And maybe, just maybe, the Institute is all the better for it.

So be wary as we go into a new tomorrow, my friends. But stay strong. And always, always remember that humanity lives and dies on the surface. Humanity IS the Commonwealth. And maybe, just maybe, the Institute can be a part of that now.

Article: The Boogeyman Banished?[]

Note: This article is available if the Sole Survivor xxxxx.


We've all succumbed to it, at one point or another. No matter how brave, or how strong we actually are, the people of the Commonwealth have known fear.

Ever since the "Broken Mask" incident of 2229, right here in Diamond City, when the first human-looking synth infiltrated and attacked a group of innocent settlers, we have lain awake in bed at night, terrified of the Institute and everything it represents.

Long have we dreaded the possibilities: Will someone I know be taken, snatched in the night for who knows what reason? Will one of my loved ones suddenly turn on me, because they are, in fact, a synth replacement? Or will the boogeyman finally step out of the closet and devour all who stand in its way?

We, the people of the Commonwealth, remember the past. We lived in terror in the present. But with the catastrophic explosion at the C.I.T. ruins quite obviously signaling the destruction of the Institute (which this reporter learned was actually located deep underground), the question on everyone's minds now is: has the boogeyman really been banished?

It would certainly seem that way.

As long as there's been an Institute, there have been those opposed to the shadowy, sinister organization. While most ordinary folk wouldn't dream of defying their merciless masters, the Railroad has waged a secret war against them for over thirty years. And the Brotherhood of Steel's arrival in the Commonwealth signaled the most overt opposition the Institute has ever faced. All empires must eventually fall. That said, perhaps it was never a matter of "if" but rather "when."

So what exactly does this mean for the Commonwealth, going forward?

That, dear readers, is the question. For the boogeyman may indeed have been banished, but isn't it possible other monsters may step out of the closet to terrorize us in the night? There are other players in the Commonwealth. None had been as strong as the Institute - but that's sure to change. Will they work with the Commonwealth, or against it? Are they for the people, or against us?

This reporter hold onto hope, for one very specific reason. If my sources are correct - and I know they are - the Institute's destruction was actually orchestrated by someone many of us have already met - the Wanderer. it would seem that lonely figure who came into our settlement searching for a missing child actually found the monster that had taken so many children. And killed it.

So be wary as we go into a new tomorrow, my friends. But stay strong. And always, always remember that humanity lives and dies on the surface. Humanity IS the Commonwealth. And maybe, just maybe, with the Institute finally gone, we can have the future we all deserve.


READER COMPLAINT - Honor the Wall![]


Publick Occurrences Complaints Log

DATE - 2/15
"In your most recent edition, your paper failed to acknowledge in any way the contribution of the mighty Wall in the defense of our town against last month's Super Mutant attacks. I find this extremely offensive and will not be purchasing another copy until such disrespect is publicly corrected."

PUBLISHED RESPONSE: "We honor the efforts of all those involved in the defense of our great city, from our valiant guards to the mighty Wall."

PERSONAL RESPONSE: Dear whack job. Two members of Diamond City Security died defending this town. Where was your hunk of plywood for them?



Publick Occurrences Complaints Log

DATE - 4/14
"I find choice of topics sad. How about happy story? Maybe something about nice bar?"

PUBLISHED RESPONSE: "Thank you for your feedback. Our stories are selected for relevance and importance to the Diamond City populace."

PERSONAL RESPONSE: Vadim, no story about your bar is going to end happily.



Publick Occurrences Complaints Log

DATE - 10/01
"Your paper is just trying to drum up fears about synths to increase sales. You should be ashamed of yourself."

PUBLISHED RESPONSE: "Thank you for your concern. Our paper makes significant efforts to ensure all our stories are accurate and free from editorializing."

PERSONAL RESPONSE: Thank you for your concern. I hope you get snatched.

Publick Perspectives Archive[]



Dear Publick,
I am torn between two loves. On one hand, I have my profession. Every moment I spend with the young up-and-comers for whom I work brings such joy. On the other hand, I have my co-worker. Wise, patient, debonair. Many suggest that I am not lively enough for him, but I can picture life with no other. I long to confess my feelings for him, but my life is my work. Trying to add a relationship, it would simply short-change everyone. I must choose, Publick. But who?

 - Pair-Amores

Dear Pair,
Love is rare. Two? Doubly so. Make it work, Pair. You work in the same building for shuck's sake.

Teen Troubles[]


Dear Publick,
Me and my little girl have been on our own for a long time now. She's the most important thing in my life, but lately it seems like she's not as interested in hanging out with her papa. I understand she's got to grow up someday, but I'm not ready to let her go. What do I do to make sure I don't lose my little girl?

 - Teen Troubles

Dear Troubles,
Your girl's becoming her own person. Let her make decisions, screw up. Maybe throw some extra caps her way so she can take her friends out for noodles more often. Then, when she's ready, she'll come to you.

Desperate in Diamond City[]


Dear Publick,
I've been living in Diamond City for years now, but have never been able to land a girlfriend. I wear nice clothes and give them free drinks, but they just seem to think I'm some sort of creep. My boss says I've got a face only a mother could love, and I think he's right. I feel like I'm out of options, Publick. Should I take the plunge and change my face?

 - Desperate in Diamond City

Dear Desperate,
Ever tried talking to these girls? You should give it a go. No more trying to buy your way to affection. You need to earn it.

Sleep-Walking the Beat[]


Dear Publick,
I got this job. It pays the bills, but lately, it's making it so I can't sleep at night. Things have been so tense. I'm getting worried that if something doesn't change, I might slip-up and get myself or someone else hurt. Any advice, Publick?

 - Sleep-Walking the Beat

Dear Beat,
Sounds like you need to relax more. I know after a hard day solving other people's problems, I like to grab a Nuka-Cola, pull out a stack of comics, and read till I pass out. Give it a try.

Alone in the Upper Stands[]


Dear Publick,
I could use a friend. Everyone in this town is either jealous of me or afraid of me because of how I look and who I work for. I'm not willing to compromise who I am just so people will like me more, but it just gets so lonely. But you seem like a smart gal, Publick. Any chance you want to grab a drink sometime?

 - Alone in the Upper Stands

Dear Alone,
Going to have to take a raincheck on that drink, but your instincts are good. New friends crop up in the most unlikely places. You just need to search them out.

Polly's Terminal[]

Note: This wall terminal is on the east wall of Polly's house. It is locked Novice.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Poem: The Carcass[]


I cry when they deliver the carcass.
There was life there once.
Proud and majestic.
The Brahmin does not hate us.
But we kill it.
We eat it.
We survive because it dies.
So I cry.
I cry when they deliver the carcass.
Because someone has to say goodbye.

Poem: There Is No Sky[]


There is no sky.
When I wake up.
Rusted steel is what I see.
The smell of blood.
I know the day is starting.
But I don't see the Sun.

Poem: I Dance in the Dark[]


I dance in the dark.
No one can see me.
Not even myself.
Just me and my body.
Floating free in the air.
Sometimes it's joyous.
Sometimes... chair.
Oh chair.
I really sould have moved you.
Over there.
